Gyee Wiki

Sig - A blacksmith on Never Isle.

He was once saved by Eddie. He is passionate about working out and accomplished in craftsmanship.

Humble Never Isle Master Blacksmith; Living a simple life and dream.


The humble, gullible Sig is a fabulous artisan. He ran a famous, busy blacksmith shop that he owned with his father until the man passed away. When forging metals, he would channel the flux into whatever he was working on and thus enhanced it. Because of that, many people saw his 'Yellow Eyes'.

When the White Capes heard about it, they came to take Sig away. Eddie helped him escape, the White Capes burned the business he and his father worked so hard to build.

But soon Sig opened a new shop on Never Isle. He treats Eddie and pals like family and makes powerful weapons for them.

Forming a Pact[]

Sig's rarity: R

Max Epiphany without Illumination: Level 4

The player can form a pact with Sig by the following methods:

  • Starter Summon
    • Sig is available by default within the starter summon pool
  • Collect 20 Sig Image Shards by purchasing or finding them at:
    • Mike's Shop



Sig skill1

Strike Iron
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Flux: Fire
Type: Melee
Skill Description
Sig uses the hammer to strike 1 enemy, dealing P.DMG equal to P.DEF *[Skill Level].

Skill Level

  1. 155%
  2. 185%
  3. 215%
  4. 245%
  5. 275%
Requires 50 Gyee Insight to unlock
  • Hammer of Rage
    • Increases the damage of Strike Iron based on current Rage, up to 60%.


Sig skill2

Cost: 15 Rage
Cool Down: 2 Rounds
Flux: Fire
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Sig firmly challenge the enemies in sight, dealing P.DMG equal to P.DEF *[Skill Level] to 4 enemies. Inflicts [Taunt] on the main target and has a medium chance to inflict [Taunt] on other targets.
  • [Taunt]: Controlling state of [Taunt]. While the effect is active, the character goes out of control and launches normal attack against the caster automatically when it acts. Lasts for 2 rounds. Cannot be stacked up. Can be purified.

Skill Level

  1. 127%
  2. 154%
  3. 181%
  4. 208%
  5. 235%
Requires 150 Gyee Insight each to unlock
  • High Spirit
    • Challenge inflicts [Provoked] to the main target.
      • [Provoked]: Specail buff. Reduces holder's single-targeted damage dealt to the caster by 60%. Lasts for 2 rounds. Cannot be stacked up. Cannot be purified.
  • Enduring Confront
    • After casting Challenge, grants self [Enduring Confront].
      • [Enduring Confront]: Buff of [Blessings]. While the effect is active, reduces self damage taken by 45%. Lasts for 2 rounds. Cannot be stacked up. Can be dispelled.


Sig skill3

Craft Arms
Cost: 45 Rage
Cool Down: None
Flux: Fire
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Sig crafts weapons and enhances his shield for his allies and himself, inflicting [Razor] and [Hard Armor] on 1 ally, and granting self [Hard Armor]. The skill consumes all Rage, and recovers allies energy (Mana, Rage, Focus) equal to Sig's Rage consumption *60%.
  • [Razor]: Buff of [Blessings]. While the effect is active, increases P.ATK and M.ATK by 20%, increases damage dealt by 15%. Lasts for 3 rounds. Reset the lasting time upon re-granting. Cannot be dispelled.
  • [Hard Armor]: Buff of [Blessings]. While the effect is active, absorbs damage equal to P.DEF *[Skill Level] + M.DEF *[Skill Level]. Lasts for 2 rounds. Cannot be stacked up. Cannot be dispelled.

Skill Level

  1. 84%, 99%
  2. 93%, 108%
  3. 102%, 102%
  4. 111%, 126%
  5. 120%, 135%
Requires 300 Gyee Insight each to unlock
  • Flux Adhesion
    • After casting Craft Arms, grants self [Refined].
      • [Refined]: Buff of [God]. While the effect is active, immune to controlling and debuff effects. Lasts for 1 round. Cannot be stacked up. Cannot be dispelled.
  • Stand Forever
    • After casting Craft Arms, grants self [Vitality].
      • [Vitality]: Buff of [Light]. While the effect is active, increases self max HP by 10%. Lasts until battle ends. Up to 5 stacks. Cannot be dispelled.
  • Permanent Company
    • Sig protects the allies affected by [Razor] for 2 rounds.


Sig skill4

Rage of Blacksmith
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
When battle begins, grants self [Passion Furnace] and [Do Not Disturb].
  • [Passion Furnace]: Special Buff. While the effect is active, Sig is immune to the controlling states of [Frozen] and [Taunt], reduces self damage taken by 35%, and additonally reduces self ranged damage taken by 15%. Lasts until battle ends. Cannot be stacked up. Cannot be dispelled.
  • [Do Not Disturb]: Special buff. Triggers Counterattack when hit by melee single-targeted skill, dealing P.DMG equal to (P.DEF+M.DEF) *(175.00% + Mastery Bonus).


Basic Engraving[]

  • Persistence Engraving (Reduce critical P.DMG by 1.38% per Engraving level)
    • Each engraving level requires I.N. Flux - Fire x120 and Gold x25,000

Imprint Skill[]

The following Imprint Skill can be equipped on other Gyees and Avatars once unlocked.


Counterattack Teaching
Skill Type: Passive
Class Allowed: DPS
Banned: Sig
Stage 1
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 2
Increases self's DMG Dealt by 3%, if the wearer is a [Fire] Flux Avatar or Gyee, additionally increases the damage by 7%.
Stage 2
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 4
Reduces self's DMG taken from avatars or Gyees by 8%, and additionally reduces self's DMG taken from [Metal] flux avatars or Gyees by 16%.
Stage 3
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 6
When battle begins, gains 6 stacks of [Retaliation Blade]; Before self's action at round 11, gets 4 stacks of [Retaliation Blade].
  • [Retaliation Blade], lasts 8 rounds, cannot be dispelled, removed upon defeat, and can stack up to 6 times.
    • When taking ranged single-target damage, each stack reduces self damage taken by 15%; after that, removes 1 stack of [Retaliation Blade]
    • When attacked by a melee single-targeted attack, deals True Damage to the attacker equal to 300% of attack, after that, removes 1 stack of [Retaliation Blade].
Purchase in Inner Nexus > Dream Dreads for Dream Medal x1280
Each stack of Retaliation Blade reduces self melee single-targeted attack damage taken by 8%.

Hyper Imprint Skill[]

Purchase Sig's Hyper Skin to unlock. The following Imprint Skill can be equipped on other Gyees and Avatars once unlocked.

Cp skill 023

Roaring Fire
Skill Type: Passive
Class Allowed: Tank
Banned: No restrictions
Stage 1
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 2
If the wearer is of [Fire] Flux, increases damage dealt by 25%.
Stage 2
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 4
Reflects 20% of any damage, and inflicts [Scorch] to the attacker. If Sig equips this, immune to cannot-be-revivied effects before converting into the Hyper state; if others equip it, immune to cannot-be-revivied effects.
  • [Scorch]. lasts for 2 rounds. Reset the lasting time upon re-inflicting. Can be purified.
    • Takes True Damage equal to P.DEF *100% before acts.
Stage 3
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 6
If Sig equips this, converts into [Hyper Lava] state upon defeating, and gets Hyper skills (the original skills become invalid though still displayed). When defeated in the Hyper state, cannot be revived. If Sig is the only one alive in the team, cannot trigger the Hyper state.
  • [Hyper Lava], lasts until battle ends. Cannot be stacked up. Cannot be dispelled.
    • Immune to buffs of [Invincibility] and [God], and controlling states.
    • Reduces damage taken by 55%.
    • Increases max HP by 150%.
    • Guards allies with [Tempered and Refined].
    • After casting Lava Armor, grants self and target shield and HP equal to self's P.DEF *150% + M.DEF *165%.
    • Loses 30% HP after self acts.


Date Choices[]

Dates will give either 500, 700, or 900 intimacy points depending on the choice selected.

  • A Dilemma - Sig is puzzled by a philosophical question: if a piece of indestructible iron cannot be melted by fire, is it still a great piece of iron?
    • Cue: Is a steel that cannot be forged by any flame a good piece of steel?'
      • No.
        500 Intimacy
      • Yes.
        900 Intimacy
      • Explain the science behind it.
        700 Intimacy
  • Engineering - Master Sig wants to learn mechanical engineering to add another trick to his already impressive skill set. But who is qualified to teach him?
    • Cue: I'll go with whoever you pick.
      • Billy
        900 Intimacy
      • Turing
        700 Intimacy
      • Queerix
        500 Intimacy
  • Ice Cream - To Sig, maybe not. But why?
    • Cue: Are you saying it's not the taste of the ice cream but...
      • You might get the runs.
        700 Intimacy
      • It might make you fat.
        500 Intimacy
      • It's too cold for you.
        900 Intimacy
  • Hard Choice - It's really a headache to pick something!
    • Optimal route:
      • It's decided!
      • Don't choose any of them!
      • Hire an apprentice!
        900 Intimacy

Intimacy Blocks[]

To reach Intimacy levels 7 and 11, Sig needs mementos (found in Darkflux Raid), reiki (found in Extreme Fight or Arcana Tracker), and the following block item:

  • Intimacy Level 7
    • S-Status of Garuda
      • Luxium Guard Garuda's statue.
        Used to break through Sig's Intimacy Block. Obtained in Extreme Fight.
  • Intimacy Level 11
    • Ancestral Hammer
      • Ancestral forging hammer of Sig's family. It seems to be made with meteoritic iron.
        Used to break through Sig's Intimacy Block. Obtained in Extreme Fight.

Basic Drink Preferences[]

Dark Green 25% bonus

Mingle No bonus

Sunlight 50% bonus

Rock Spirit 50% bonus

Note: All blended drinks have a base preference bonus of 25% that can be modified by the drink's attributes.

Gift Preferences[]

50% bonus

Love DonutYogurt PuddingAcademy UniformLace DressStuffed ToyDestiny CardsTallow SoapJoanna's Autograph

20% bonus

Love EggCocky SausageDaddy's Beef JerkyHeather TeaDistant WaterBromance CoffeeRed High HeelsWhite SocksTraining TightsCoverallWater GunVensa LubricantPriapus's StatueKJ Shoes

No bonus

Crunchy CucumberCucumber LollipopCoriander Ice CreamRainbow CandyCuttie VanillaIced CokeNever Isle Ice TeaHot MilkLovely Bear SetTwo-headed DragonMini DollPatterned StringMusic BoxSK-III EssenceDragonshard Ring


Unlock views by leveling the intimacy of other gyees.

  • Choji: Sig made my frying pan. He's good!
    Choji's Intimacy reaches Lv.2 to unlock
  • Turing: Mr. Sig has a deep understanding of Metal Materials and their applications. I'm dwarved.
    Turing's Intimacy reaches Lv.4 to unlock
  • Musso: I'll pay whoever can find this guy.
    Musso's Intimacy reaches Lv.6 to unlock
  • Lan: Sharp Edge of a Sword Comes out from Grinding, and Plum Blossom's Fragrance Comes from the Bitter Cold.
    Lan's Intimacy reaches Lv.8 to unlock
  • A White Cape Soldier: I advised Captain Brian to leave his workshop be instead of burning it down, if he wanted Sig. He wouldn't listen. And Sig got away.
  • Ticket Sales Kevin: What a pity that Uncle Sig won't be able to join Rupor Show...
  • Sig's Neighbor: Clinks and clanks. The noise, it's killing me...


Consolation Letter[]

Yo, man. I'm not good at writing so forgive my words.

I fell you are kinda cool man. I like ya. Heehee.

So, long time no see, what're ya doing these days? Go find me and I'm gonna make you some awesome gear!

You ain't need no gear? No problem! I'm gonna treat you with something warm and sweet!

Bath Drama[]

  • It's too... hot... I'm dizzy...
  • My hammer! Who took my hammer?
  • Something's touching me underwater...

Fave Hottie Slogan[]

(The steel hammer repeatedly slams down on the dark red iron block, while sweat trickles down Sig's strong body, dripping on the anvil) Choji asked us to do this during the vote. Pretty good, right?

Intimacy Breakthrough[]

This section contains spoilers for Intimacy Breakthrough scenes.

-Intimacy Level 4
Sig: Name's Sig.
Sig: I'm the Never Isle blacksmith.
Sig: If you got some hardware that needs work, come find me. My quality speaks for itself.

-Intimacy Level 5
Sig: Thank you for giving this hard old man a present.
Sig: But I can't use it.
Sig: You wasted your money.

-Intimacy Level 6
Sig: That wine we had last time. How'd you make it?
Sig: Can you show me?
Sig: Can't stop thinking about its taste.
Sig: Nothing else tastes as good.

-Intimacy Level 7
Street Rascal: Hey Sig, I've heard that aside from making equipment, you can also make iron sculptures.
Sig: Heh heh. Yes, I know how to do that.
Sig: What would you like me to engrave? A relief sculpture? A round sculpture? Or an open sculpture?
Street Rascal: I don't know what those are.
Sig: A relief sculpture is a design cut out of a piece of iron.
Sig: A round sculpture is a solid iron sculpture.
Sig: And an open sculpture is very difficult. It is a fretwork piece of iron. It's hard to make and very expensive.
Street Rascal: Then I'll take an open sculpture!
Sig: All right. What would you like the sculpture to be?
Street Rascal: Have you heard of the ancient protector, Garuda? How about that? Can you make that sculpture?
Sig: Protector? Garuda?
Sig: What's that? I've never seen it...
Sig: Tell me about it. What is it? What does it look like? I'll find a way to make it for you!
Street Rascal: If you don't know, forget it.
Street Rascal: Anyway, I'm bored and just came by to tease you. Why do you take everything so seriously?
Sig: Oh, I get it. You're looking down on me! You think I can't make that sculpture!
Street Rascal: I was just deliberately being hard on you. You couldn't tell? What an idiot!
Street Rascal: I'm not going to waste my time talking to an idiot. I'm outta here.
Player: Master Sig, there's no need to argue with people like that. Just ignore them.
Sig: What's wrong with that guy? Looking down on me. He thinks I can't make that sculpture!
Sig: I'm gonna make it. That'll show him!
Sig: Do you know anything about that protector?
Player: Yeah. I have a protector's sculpture. I'll show it to you.
Sig: All right! I really want to see it. How hard could it be?
Scene transition
Sig: Uh oh. This is a crane...
Player: The crane's feathers would be difficult to make, to say nothing of the openwork...
Sig: This won't be easy. This really won't be easy!
Player: That's why I said that guy's just messing with you.
Sig: What are you getting at? Don't tell me you don't think I can make it, too?
Player: Why would I think that?
Player: I think you could make it, there's just no need to!
Player: Master Sig, he's messing with you. Even if you made it, he wouldn't pay you for it!
Sig: I don't care if he's messing with me or not. If he's messing with me, or if he isn't messing with me...
Sig: It's all the same! He thinks I can't make it!
Sig: My dad always said, if someone looks down on you, show them who you are!
Sig: I'm going to make a sculpture of this crane!
Player: Haha, Master Sig. Your father was right. I'm with you!
Player: Craftsmen have to be tough!
Player: Artists are always pushing themselves to break through challenges. You cannot be afraid!
Sig: Heh heh. That's right. I'm not afraid!
Player: I'll help you find some materials and reference books. You'll be able to make the sculpture for sure!
Sig: Great! You're a true friend!

-Intimacy Level 8
Sig: It's been a while since I've seen you.
Sig: When you get some time, come to the shop for a chat.
Sig: I get antsy if I go too long without talking.

-Intimacy Level 9
Sig: You're too nice to me. I don't know how to repay you.
Sig: Smithing is all I know.
Sig: In a couple of days I'll make a weapon for you.

-Intimacy Level 10
Sig: The last few days I've been in my hometown, Crossport.
Sig: I got you some of my hometown wine.
Sig: My hometown's a small place, so I don't know if you'll like it.
Sig: Back then, I couldn't work without drinking wine first.
Sig: Come try some when you get a minute.
Sig: If you like it, I'll give it to you.

-Intimacy Level 11
Player: Master Sig, you just opened your shop again? It's been almost a month...
Player: You weren't working on that iron crane open sculpture the whole time, were you?
Sig: Yes. As father said, if you work hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle. As long as you're willing to put in the work, you can accomplish anything!
Sig: Aside from eat and sleep, all I've done is work on it!
Player: Incredible. So is it done now?
Sig: I made it several times and scrapped it. I used the ones I threw out to make a mold...
Sig: Now, the mold is perfect!
Player: Then the question is...
Sig: The sculpture doesn't have enough hardness or mass.
Player: A work of art like a sculpture needs to have hardness and mass?
Sig: Of course!
Sig: Iron's advantage is its hardness. If it can't take some hits, then break it! That's the signboard my ancestors put up.
Sig: So even though it's a work of art, after it's made I still need to hit it repeatedly with a hammer to make it harder and stronger...
Sig: But this hammer is too big. If I use this hammer to do the detailed work...
Sig: Then the iron crane's hardness will be uneven and it will break easily.
Player: Then do you have a smaller hammer?
Sig: I have some smaller hammers, but they're all mediocre. They're not as easy to use as this large hammer...
Sig: Father had a fine small hammer passed down from our ancestors...but it's back at home in Crossport.
Sig: I was wondering, you're such a talented guy, could you sneak into the city and get into my father's sealed up blacksmith shop...
Sig: and get it for me?
Sig: Even though Father always said not to trouble others...
Sig: You're my friend. You're not just some stranger!
Player: I should be able to sneak into the city by taking the Order of Equality's airship to Harveston.
Player: Rest easy. I'll return with good news!
Scene transition
Player: Master Sig, take a look. Is this the one?
Sig: Oh, yeah! Wow!
Sig: That's it! That's it! That's the hammer!
Sig: You're right back where you belong, little hammer!
Player: Does this little hammer have a name, Master Sig?
Sig: Little Hammer' is its name!
Player: Doesn't seem like a lot of thought was put into that name...
Sig: Haha, my ancestors were all smiths. We don't read books, so we aren't good at coming up with names!
Sig: This little hammer was made from a meteorite by my grandfather's grandfather...
Sig: My grandfather's grandfather gave it to my grandfather's father, and my grandfather's father gave it to my grandfather...
Sig: My grandfather gave it to my father, and my father gave it to me...
Sig: Man, if I lost this hammer, I don't know how I'd ever look them in the eye...
Sig: This is all thanks to you. You're my savior!
Player: Before I found the hammer, you said I was your friend, and not a stranger!
Sig: Haha, you are a friend. And my savior!
Sig: In the future, if you ever want some equipment, or maybe a sculpture, come find me!
Sig: No matter how hard it is or how rare the materials are, I will make it for you!
Player: Don't worry about that, Master Sig. I'll come straight to you!
Player: I wouldn't trust anyone else!

-Intimacy Level 12
Sig: I've been on Never Isle for a long time now.
Sig: You're my favorite person to spend time with.
Sig: Don't know why.
Sig: I feel good around you.
Sig: I put the teddy bear you gave me on my workbench.
Sig: Don't know why, but it gives me the energy to work.
Sig: It's very strange. I never really liked bears before.

-Intimacy Level 13
Sig: I made you some armor.
Sig: This is the best armor I've ever made.
Sig: Put it on when you go out and I'll rest easy.
Sig: I'm just a brute. I'm not cultured, and I don't speak good.
Sig: When I was little, I helped my papa smith.
Sig: Smithing became my only talent.
Sig: Didn't really go to school when I was little, either.
Sig: Don't have any big dreams.
Sig: Just want to smith so I can make money to eat.
Sig: You all are cultured and are smart. I know.
Sig: But you also fight and kill bad guys every day.
Sig: If something bad happens to you...
Sig: It would feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest.
Sig: Living is better than anything else.
Sig: I may not make a lot of money, but my life is sensible.
Sig: I know I can't convince you.
Sig: Just hope you will at least be more careful.


This section contains spoilers for Date scenes.

A Dilemma

Sig: I have a question for you that's been bugging me...
Player: Yes.
Scene transition
Sig: There was teacher from the Academy here the other day who asked a hard question.
Sig: I was never a smart guy, and I've been wracking my brain for days for an answer.
Sig: So I thought I'd come and ask you since you're much more intelligent.
Player: What was the question?
Sig: That teacher asked:
Sig: Is a steel that cannot be forged by any flame a good piece of steel?'

-No. - 500 Intimacy
Sig: That's what I thought, originally.
Sig: It's useless if it can't be melted down or shaped!
Sig: But then on second thought...
Sig: A less hard and forgeable steel would be called great.
Sig: So how could we call a steel harder and better than that bad?
Player: That's probably a case of too much of a good thing.
Sig: Too much of a good thing?
Sig: I get it, it's when something's too good that it's not good anymore!
Player: Yeah, kind of like that.
Sig: You are smart!
Sig: Too much of a good thing'... Gotta remember that.

-Yes. - 900 Intimacy
Sig: Why?
Sig: What use does it have if it cannot be forged?
Player: This is where the issue comes in.
Player: How good a steel is cannot be judged by how suitable it is for making something out of.
Player: It is great steel, probably even the ultimate.
Player: But it's not good material for making anything.
Player: Just like a Skytree isn't good for making furniture, despite its size.
Sig: Ah, got it!
Sig: It's good steel, but not good material!
Sig: Since his question was whether it's good steel...
Sig: That means it is, right?
Player: Yes!
Sig: All right! Thanks!
Sig: Finally, problem solved! You're the best!

-Explain the science behind it. - 700 Intimacy
Player: Any solid object can be smelted and refined. Steel is not amorphous and has a certain melting point.
Sig: Amorphous? Melting point? What's that?
Player: Amorphous means without a clear structure.
Player: Melting point is the temperature at which something melts.
Player: So there's no steel that cannot be melted, it's just an issue of temperature!
Player: Which means his question is actually moot.
Sig: Oh, I see!
Sig: Pop said the exact same thing, that there was no steel that couldn't melt!
Sig: Thanks so much. Now I don't have to ponder it anymore!


Sig: I came to see you for a specific issue.
Player: Yes.
Scene transition
Sig: Lately, I got the idea to learn how to build machines!
Player: Build machines?
Sig: Yeah, I feel I could handle the metalworking part of it!
Sig: But I need an instructor.
Player: You can try it.
Player: Who do you have in mind for a mentor?
Sig: Well, that's the problem and why I came to you!
Sig: Who do you think is the best teacher for me?
Sig: I'll go with whoever you pick.

-Billy - 900 Intimacy
Sig: Billy is a good choice. I saw his work before!
Sig: He's as unkempt as I am, but as skilled, too!
Sig: And he's very outgoing and friendly like me!
Player: Cool. I'll let him know so he can start teaching you.
Sig: Awesome, thanks!
Sig: I gotta go home and get the tuition fee ready!
Sig: I can't let him teach me for free!

-Turing - 700 Intimacy
Sig: Master Turing?
Sig: He's at the top of the ladder, but will he teach someone as dumb as me?
Sig: Also, I don't want to waste his precious time if it doesn't work out.
Sig: I'd feel bad about it.
Player: No problem, he's a good friend of mine. I'll put in a good word for you.
Player: I guarantee you'll learn!
Sig: Wow, that's great!
Sig: Thank you, and please thank Master Turing for me, too!
Sig: I gotta go home and get the tuition fee ready!

-Queerix - 500 Intimacy
Sig: Queerix? No no no!
Sig: Yes, his carrot blaster is powerful,
Sig: but he said he could only fix things, not build them!
Sig: I asked and he said he couldn't teach me anything!
Sig: But since you mentioned him, there's gotta be a reason.
Sig: I'll go try him again.

Ice Cream

Sig: Oh, I'm so full! Hey, wanna hang out and do something?
Player: Yes.
Scene transition
Player: Dessert is good after a meal! How about ice cream?
Sig: I tried it before...
Sig: I can't, it's not for me!
Player: Are you saying it's not the taste of the ice cream but...

-You might get the runs. - 700 Intimacy
Sig: Now that you mention it...
Sig: I did get the runs after eating ice cream last time!
Sig: So ice cream was the culprit!
Sig: I know it now!
Sig: I won't eat ice cream ever again!
Sig: Thanks for the reminder!
Player: It's all good. If you got tummy problems, get a prescription from Mercy.
Player: Treat the problems and you won't get the runs!
Sig: Got it, I'll go see her now.

-It might make you fat. - 500 Intimacy
Sig: Not that...
Sig: Food will put pound on you.
Sig: Eating will make you gain weight, no matter what it is!
Player: True, but ice cream is high in calories so you get fat easier.
Sig: What?
Sig: It's cold and slushy, how come it has high calories?
Player: Becasue it has cream and cream make you fat.
Sig: Oh!

-It's too cold for you. - 900 Intimacy
Sig: Yeah, it's freezing cold!
Sig: I'm glad you understand it.
Sig: Everytime I finish it, my throat is frozen stiff.
Sig: Then my inside from chest to tummy feel like ice!
Sig: I hate how it made me shiver!
Sig: I only bought it because the two kids next to me had it and said it was great!
Player: Was it the 'Polar Glacier' ice cream?
Sig: Yeah, that sounds right!
Sig: That was my first--and last--time eating ice cream!
Sig: I forgot who said it, but no matter how tough you are on the outside, you're still soft inside.
Sig: Sure, I'm not that tough on the outside, but how can my inside be so squishy?
Player: Well, that brand is the coldest ice cream around!
Player: Try something less cold next time and you won't feel it!
Sig: Try again?
Sig: Can we heat it up first?
Player: Heat it up and it becomes shake...
Sig: Shake is good, I love warm shakes!
Sig: I feel all fuzzy and warm inside after drinking it!
Player: Fine, my treat to shakes next time.
Sig: Cool, thanks!

Hard Choice

Sig: We got a problem. Can you help?
Player: Okay!
Scene transition
Player: It seemed pretty urgent when you called me over. Have you run into trouble?
Sig: *sighs*...
Sig: Just a little while ago.
Sig: Never Isle's Defense Force, Order of Equality, and Oathblades all came to find me.
Sig: They said they want me to make weapons for them.
Sig: They were all offering to pay me lots of money.
Player: Isn't that a good thing?
Player: You'll make a ton of money. When you get rich, I hope you won't forget about me!
Sig: Ay, I don't want to think about stuff like that.
Sig: I'm just a normal blacksmith. I just need enough money to get by.
Player: Then what's the problem?
Sig: In my stupidity, I forgot my proper place!
Sig: The Defense Force, Order of Equality, and Oathblades all want me to make them weapons and equipment.
Sig: So much work in so little time. I couldn't finish all that work by myself in a year!
Player: Then what was your reply?
Sig: I told them the truth. I said I can't make that many weapons all by myself.
Sig: I turned them all down.
Player: Sounds like you made the right choice. Why do you still look so miserable?
Sig: They didn't give me any trouble about turning them down.
Sig: But then the thing I'm worried about happened.
Sig: Now the Defense Force, Order of Equality, and Oathblades have all invited me to be their 'Chief Equipment Master'.
Sig: I don't even know what a Chief Equipment Master does.
Sig: It seems like someone who makes equipment specifically for them?
Player: This is a good thing, Sig.
Sig: Choji also told me this was a good thing. I just think it's strange.
Sig: If I choose one of them, I'm going to offend the others, right?
Sig: I'm just a normal person. I don't want to offend anybody.
Player: Don't worry about that. The Defense Force, Oathblades, and Order of Equality are all orthodox organizations.
Player: Even if you turn them down, they're not going to give you any trouble over it.
Player: You choose your own path forward. They have no say in it.
Sig: R... really?
Sig: Then give me some advice.
Player: No problem. First, tell me their terms.
Player: Whoever's going to give you the most is the one you should go with.
Player: (Where should we start...)
Choices start
-Choice A: What were the Defense Force's terms?
Sig: The Defense Force promised to refurbish my blacksmith shop.
Sig: And they promised to provide me with raw materials.
Sig: And every piece of equipment is extra money.
Sig: And they're going to pay me a consultant's fee every month.
Sig: I've also got a good relationship with some of the fellows on the Defense Force.
Sig: In short, it seems like a pretty good deal.
Sig: But...
Player: What's wrong? What's the downside of working for the Defense Force?
Sig: But...
Player: Friend, you can tell me anything.
Player: I can give you advice.
Sig: The leader of the Defense Force. That lady.
Sig: I don't think I can get along with her...
Player: Mira?
Sig: Y... yes.
Player: Did Mira do something to you?
Sig: What are you talking about?
Sig: What could a girl like that do to a guy like me?
Sig: Promise not to laugh if I tell you.
Player: Don't worry. I respect you too much, I wouldn't do that.
Sig: I'm a little... I'm a little afraid of her. There, I said it. Don't laugh at me.
Player: !
Player: Lots of people are afraid of Mira! I'm afraid of Mira!
Sig: She treats me well enough.
Sig: She's polite, she greets me when she sees me.
Sig: But she seems hard to get along with.
Sig: I'm uncultured. I don't know how to describe it.
Sig: It's just... At the Defense Force, we need to work together.
Sig: We work together, and she's cold as ice.
Sig: Not even a hint of a smile.
Sig: And I keep wondering what I did wrong?
Sig: Did I do something to make her unhappy?
Player: When you run into this kind of situation, just ask her directly.
Sig: I can't do that.
Sig: I'm not very good with talking. What if I say something wrong?
Sig: If I offend her again, I'll feel even worse.
Sig: I can't work in this kind of atmosphere.
Sig: The quality of my blacksmithing won't be as good as it used to be.
Sig: If I'm going to do the work, I should do it well, right?
Player: That's right. Then...
Go back to Choices start

-Choice B: What were the Order of Equality's terms?
Sig: The Order of Equality will pay you the most.
Sig: I don't care about how much money I make, so long as I can eat.
Sig: The Order of Equality also said they wanted to move me to their headquarters.
Sig: They'll give me a place to live and a new workshop.
Sig: They'll also give me all new stuff, and I won't need to spend a dime.
Sig: They also said I earn extra for every weapon I make.
Sig: And every month they'll give me a salary.
Player: The Order of Equality sure has a lot of money to throw around.
Sig: I know lots of people there, too.
Sig: Eddie was the one who saved me way back. He's been kind to me.
Player: The Order of Equality seems perfect then.
Sig: Yes. The Order of Equality is very nice.
Sig: Their terms are good, the environment's good, and everyone's friendly.
Sig: Eddie and I are close. Eddie saved my life once.
Player: Everything you've said sounds great. So why the long face?
Sig: *sighs*...
Player: Is there something you want to tell me?
Sig: The Order of Equality is very nice.
Sig: But my heart feels empty working there.
Sig: My mouth is clumsy. I'm uncultured. I don't know how to describe it.
Sig: I just feel strange there. Uncomfortable.
Sig: And I don't know why.
Player: Mm. Then...
Go back to Choices start

-Choice C: What were the Oathblades' terms?
Sig: The Oathblades pay a lot.
Sig: They also said they're preparing new tools and a new workshop for me.
Sig: Because they often leave Never Isle to fight.
Sig: They use lots of equipment and have lots of people.
Sig: They also want me to be their 'Forging Consultant.'
Sig: They want me to teach their blacksmiths how to work.
Sig: But can someone at my skill level teach others?
Player: What are you talking about, Sig?
Player: You're the best blacksmith on Never Isle.
Player: No one else even comes close!
Sig: You don't need to exaggerate like that.
Sig: I know exactly where I stand.
Sig: Though my blades are extremely sharp.
Sig: And my armor is very durable.
Sig: That I can guarantee.
Sig: But I can't teach others.
Player: Have a little faith in yourself.
Sig: This isn't a matter of whether I have faith in myself or not.
Sig: I'm not cultured. I don't know how to talk good.
Sig: I'm not even all the way literate. There's no way I can teach people.
Sig: I'm not going to waste people's time.
Player: Then you're not going to teach class, just focus on smithing?
Sig: It would be great if I didn't have to teach.
Sig: It's just that there's going to be a lot of work.
Sig: I don't think I'll have enough time to chat with you and Choji.
Sig: I really want to work for the Oathblades.
Sig: After all, they're always going around fighting.
Sig: A good armor and weapon is a soldier's life.
Sig: I'm happy to do my part to help.
Sig: Truth be told...
Sig: If I do go... I don't know why, but...
Sig: It would feel really strange.
Player: Alright.
Player: It's so hard to make a decision.
Go back to Choices start

-Choice D: It's decided!
Go to Part 2

-Part 2
Player: I know what you should do.

-Choice A: Don't choose any of them!
Player: You belong here. Running a blacksmith shop is good enough.
Player: Whether it's the Defense Force or the Order of Equality, Never Isle isn't the right place for you.
Player: Haven't you felt all along that it would feel weird to go work for them?
Player: I know the reason why.
Player: Because if you went to work for them, you would naturally lose your old customers.
Player: You would leave your environment, and you would leave your friends.
Player: Same reason why Eddie kidnapped you from Crossport.
Player: Also, Sig, you're happy being a blacksmith.
Player: If you really went and worked as a 'Chief Equipment Master' for them...
Player: Smithing just wouldn't feel the same, would it?
Sig: Yeah, that's exactly how I feel. Cultured guys like you sure do know how to put things into words.
Sig: I just work to support my family. I don't work to get rich.
Sig: If someone likes my craftsmanship,
Sig: and they treat me with respect, I'll work for them.
Sig: I don't care how much they pay me.
Sig: All these years I've been a blacksmith, if I've got work to do, I work.
Sig: If I don't have work to do and I want to rest, I'll rest. If I've got something else I want to do, I'll do that.
Sig: If I really go work at a place like that, doing blacksmithing for someone else...
Sig: I'm afraid I wouldn't enjoy blacksmithing anymore.
Sig: Heh heh. I'm used to this place.
Sig: And I'm used to my way of doing things. I don't want to change.
Sig: I'm going to turn them all down and keep working for myself!
Sig: Ah, that's no good.
Player: Why not? What are you worried about now?
Sig: If they come find me again, what should I do?
Sig: I can't make that many weapons.

-Choice A.1: Hire an apprentice! - 900 Intimacy
Player: Then hire an apprentice to help you.
Sig: Hire an apprentice? I don't know if I'd be able to hire one.
Player: You don't know if you'd be able to hire one?
Player: Sig, there're probably tons of people who'd want to be an apprentice at your shop.
Player: But some people's intentions aren't so pure, so you need to be careful.
Sig: Ah? Someone might want to hurt me?
Player: No, no. That's not what I mean.
Player: I just mean that some people might not be coming to study smithing. They might be trying to find a boyfriend.
Sig: You mean someone might take a liking to an old fart like me?
Sig: Smithing is really physical work. You get tired and dirty. Not a good fit for girls.
Player: No, I mean boys...
Player: When you're interviewing apprentices, let me check them out first.
Sig: All right. When the time comes, I'll find you.
Sig: Thank you for your help today. You really helped me a lot.
Player: No worries. In the future I'll need you to help me make some weapons, anyway.
Scene ends

-Choice A.2: Hold a training class! - 700 Intimacy
Sig: Training class?
Player: Yes!
Player: Just help train some blacksmiths for all three of the organizations.
Sig: But I don't know how to teach.
Player: You don't even need to talk.
Player: Just have them send some of their own blacksmiths.
Player: They can watch you while you work.
Sig: But I've never let someone watch me while I work before.
Sig: I'd feel uncomfortable.
Sig: Anyway, when I'm working, I don't even notice when I'm about to pass out.
Sig: I think I'd forget there were people watching me.
Player: You want to be careful about passing out...
Sig: You've been a big help.
Sig: Someday, I'll make a weapon for you. Quality guaranteed!
Player: There's no need for that. Seeing you happy is enough. I think you'll be pretty busy, anyway.
Scene ends

-Choice B: Go with the Defense Force. - 200 Intimacy
Sig: Eh? Go with the Defense Force?
Player: If you go with the Defense Force, you can still work in your own shop.
Player: You're already familiar with the surroundings.
Sig: But...
Player: You don't have to worry about Mira.
Player: She's a good person. Work with her for a couple of days and you'll understand.
Player: Also, she's only strict with her subordinates.
Player: She wouldn't bother you.
Sig: All right. I'll give it a try.
Sig: Ay... It just feels strange, that's all.
Scene ends

-Choice C: Go with the Order of Equality. - 500 Intimacy
Sig: Go with the Order of Equality?
Player: When you compare all three organizations' terms, the Order of Equality comes out on top.
Player: It's a good location, they'll pay you a lot, and you're already close with Eddie.
Player: Trust me, the Order of Equality suits you.
Sig: All right. Then I'll pay a visit to some of my old customers.
Sig: It doesn't feel right leaving my old customers.
Scene ends

-Choice D: Go with the Oathblades. - 500 Intimacy
Sig: Ah? Go with the Oathblades?
Player: You would be doing your part to help out other Gyees.
Player: You'd also be doing your part to destroy the Shadow and save Luxium.
Sig: I'm just a blacksmith. I don't think about such things.
Sig: But I'd be happy to help other Gyees.
Sig: I'll pay a visit to some of my old customers.
Sig: It doesn't feel right leaving my old customers.
Scene ends


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Choji rushes to Never Isle flurriedly, delivering a message to Sig that he's wanted by a killer. What is going on here?

-Part 1
Scene - Never Isle Forge
Choji: S... Sig!
Sig: What are you doing here?
Sig: What's the rush? You're out of breath!
Choji: There's... assassins! They're asking all around about you!
Sig: Huh?
Player: Eh?
Choice - Don't tell me they were sent by the White Capes?
Sig: My family's blacksmith shop in Crossport was destroyed by the White Capes!
Sig: A lifetime of my pop's blood, sweat, and tears... gone, just like that!
Sig: Humph. They're trying to cut us down!
Sig: But we're going to hammer them flat!
Choji: It's not the White Capes!
Choji: It's one man! One extremely bad man!
Choice - Do you have any enemies, Sig?
Sig: ...
Sig: Aside from eatting and sleeping, all I do is hammer away...
Sig: When could I have made an enemy?
Choji: Come on, think!
Choji: Have you ever offended anyone that could be considered--bad? Evil? Someone with anger issues?
Choice - How large is the bounty on Sig's head?
Sig: ...
Sig: I'm not too bright, and not worth much...
Sig: Who's trying to wreck my business?
Player: ...
Choji: Come on, think!
Choji: Have you ever offended anyone that could be considered--bad? Evil? Someone with anger issues?
Conversation continues after choices
Player: Someone bad? But who...
Player: I'm going to need more information to go on, Choji!
Choji: Oh, oh!
Choji: Yesterday, Mike wanted to eat my tofu.
Choji: So I went to the market to buy some beans.
Choji: I saw a red-haired man with scars all over his face. He looked really angry and was asking around about you, Sig!
Choji: I went after him, but he was already gone...
Choji: It had me worried, so I asked around about who he was.
Choji: Someone told me he's an assassin!
Choji: No wonder he was carrying so many shiny blades on his back!
Player: Scars all over his face... Red hair... Shiny blades...
Sig: I know who it is!
Choji: Well, you sure realized who it was pretty quickly!
Choji: You have an enemy and you've been keeping me in the dark about it!
Sig: It's an old customer of my blacksmith shop, not an enemy!
Sig: He's come to get a blade made, not to kill me!
Player: ...
Sig: That was around the time Eddie knocked me out and brought me to Never Isle.
Sig: So when I left, I didn't have any time to notify my old customers.
Sig: I feel really bad about it.
Player: What kind of blade does he want?
Sig: He's got really high standards...
Sig: He likes blades that are smooth to the touch, like silk.
Sig: And shiny like mirrors.
Sig: The kind of blade that you need to be careful when touching, or you'll draw your own blood.
Choice - How do you make a blade like that? - 11 Intimacy
Sig: Heh heh, I didn't know you had an interest in this kind of stuff!
Sig: To make a blade like that...
Sig: First you need to strike the cold steel until it starts to shine.
Sig: Use your brute strength to level off the rough parts on the metal.
Sig: This process requires lots of strength.
Sig: A blade's brightness requires a little bit of polishing. It's also a very delicate process.
Sig: Finally, a little bit of Flux needs to be put into the tip of the blade to increase strength and toughness!
Sig: Heh heh. There ain't another blacksmith around that can match my strength and technique.
Choji: But of course! Sig's the best there is, of that much I'm sure!
Choice - Why does he want a blade like that?
Choji: He's already got a ton of blades like that on his back!
Choji: So why is he trying to find you to make more?
Sig: I don't know why he wants so many blades that look the same.
Sig: This customer doesn't talk much.
Sig: He always tells me to make the blades exactly the same.
Sig: My pop once said, as a blacksmith, the more questions one asks, the shorter their life will be.
Sig: If the customer doesn't want to talk, then I won't ask.
Sig: Actually, even though this customer used to come to me all the time, I don't even know his name!
Player: ...
Choice - How much do you charge him for a blade like that? - 5 Intimacy
Sig: Ay, you've stumped me.
Sig: I don't set fixed prices.
Sig: I actually don't care how much money he pays me.
Sig: When it comes to money, as long as I can scrape by, I'm okay.
Player: Then what if he doesn't give you money?
Sig: I don't mean to boast, but if someone brings me work, I'll be happy to do it no matter what!
Player: You're too easy to take advantage of!
Player: Has this customer ever praised your work?
Sig: I don't think so.
Sig: He takes an assassination contract, and pays me in advance for a blade.
Sig: Every time, he just coldly hands over the money.
Sig: He hasn't praised my work even once.
Player: Well his actions seem to speak for themselves. He only ever comes to you for blades.
Sig: Heh heh. I wonder what the deal is!
Conversation continues after choices
Choji: Well I totally misread the situation!
Choji: As long as someone isn't trying to kill you, Sig, I can relax.
Sig: Don't worry. My pop told me that I'm not very smart, so I best live a simple life to live a long one!
Player: Why do you care so much about Sig?
Choji: Sig and I come from the same hometown. We both left Crossport to make our way in the world!
Choji: He's been very nice to me!
Choji: Later, I decided to travel the world with Mike!
Choji: We hit the seas to find some lobsters to roast!
Choji: Before we left, Sig gave me a pot!
Choji: This pot is very durable. It could be used to cook food or clobber a fool!
Choji: Sig had also engraved a fish at the bottom of the pot.
Choji: Sig said that the first dish of mine he ever ate was fish stew.
Choji: He said that his pop once told him that one shouldn't forget their roots.
Choji: Sig told me that no matter where I go, I shouldn't ever forget that I once came from a small pond.
Sig: Heh, I was afraid Choji would forget me!
Choji: I was very moved! Almost couldn't leave after...
Sig: Heh heh, but you ended up leaving with Mike anyway, didn't you?
Choji: Ah, I've been out for too long already!
Choji: If I don't get back and make some food, Mike will pass out from starvation!
Choji: I'm taking off!
Player: ...
Sig: Heh heh, see ya!
Choice - Your Pop's said a lot of things that have had an impact on you. - 15 Intimacy
Sig: Haha!
Sig: I learned the ways of being a smith from my pop.
Sig: He's also the one I got my principles from.
Sig: Though, he did leave me with a bunch of principles that I couldn't understand.
Sig: Pop used to say:
Sig: Life is a game of chess.
Sig: But I can't play chess.
Sig: Striking Iron is all I can do.
Sig: I don't know what he was talking about...
Sig: Heh heh. It's not big deal if you don't understand.
Sig: In life, simplicity is good. Simplicity is best!
Player: ...
Scene ends
Choice - You're incredible. You were able to engrave a fish on iron? - 11 Intimacy
Sig: Haha!
Sig: Craftsmanship is not a problem!
Sig: I can help you make whatever you like!
Sig: Speaking of engraving, I suddenly remembered...
Sig: I engraved a little cherry blossom on Master Lan's sword scabbard.
Sig: And Master Lan sent me a jug of wine.
Sig: Wanna come back to my place for share in some warmth...?
Player: ...
Scene ends



Default Skin

Front/Default Back
Sig Front Default
Sig Back
Right Left
Sig Right
Sig Left

Epiphany Skin
Reach Epiphany Level 4 to unlock

Front/Default Back
SigEphi Front Default
SigEphi Back
Right Left
SigEphi Right
SigEphi Left

Summer Skin
Unlock with Skin Coupon x198

Front/Default Back
SigSum Front Default
SigSum Back
Right Left
SigSum Right
SigSum Left

Pride Skin
Unlock with Sig's Pride Skin Coupon x100

Front/Default Back
SigPride Front Default
SigPride Back
Right Left
SigPride Right
SigPride Left

Hyper Skin
Unlock with Sig's Hyper Skin Coupon x100

Front/Default Back
SigHyper Default
SigHyper Back
Right Left
SigHyper Right
SigHyper Left

Cool Skin
Unlock with Cool Skin Coupon x100

Front/Default Back
SigC Front Default
SigC Back
Right Left
SigC Right
SigC Left


Sig Normal
Sig Happy
Sig Angry
Sig Sad


Title: Steel Forging
Artist: Mr.Bread
Unlock requirements: Sig's Intimacy reaches Lv.5 to unlock

Title: Summer Time
Artist: Gyee Team
Unlock requirements: Obtain Sig's Summer Skin to unlock

Title: R. Revelry
Artist: Gyee Team
Unlock requirements: Obtain Sig's Pride Skin to unlock

Title: Moon Blade
Artist: Brimstone
Unlock requirements: Sig's Epiphany reaches Lv.2 and Intimacy reaches Lv.8 to unlock

Title: Bite It
Artist: タルトル
Unlock requirements: Sig's Epiphany reaches Lv.3 and Intimacy reaches Lv.10 to unlock


Note: Skins will use the audio from the basic skin unless indicated otherwise.

Sig's Basic Skin[]

Sig's Summer Skin[]

