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The most enigmatic branch of the Invisibility school is Spell Break. They can use mysterious spells to reveal the secrets of Flux and expose the enemy's flaws.

Spell Break Shadow Stalker class icon

Spell Break Shadow Stalker class icon


The Spell Break Shadow Stalker is a tertiary Spec that the player can unlock if they have access to the Toxic Blade Shadow Stalker.

The player needs the following resources to unlock the Spell Break Shadow Stalker:

  • Earth Flux Crystal x1,200
  • Heart of Nightmare x250
  • Gold x900,000

He starts with the following skills unlocked:

  • Basic Skill
    • Armor Eclipse
  • Advanced Skill
    • Invisible Whirlwind
  • Ultimate Skill
    • Esoterica - Demon-sealing
  • Mastery
    • Invisibility - Collapse
    • Flux Combo
    • Defense

Leveling the Spell Break Shadow Stalker with Earth Flux crystals will randomly upgrade his existing skills and unlock others.


Basic Skill[]

ShadowStalker Spell Break skill 1

Armor Eclipse
Cost: 25 Focus
Cool Down: None
Flux: Earth
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Shadow Stalker deals P.DMG equal to P.ATK*[Skill Level] to 1 enemy and attaches Armor Corrosion to target. If own HP is greater than 50%, gets 1 extra Concentration.
  • Armor Corrosion: Increases character's damage taken by 15% for 2 rounds and can be purified.

Skill Level

  1. 84%
  2. 89%
  3. 94%
  4. 99%
  5. 105%
Requires 80 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Earth Eater
    • Increases Armor Eclipse's damage by 25%.
  • Dissolve
    • Increases Armor Corrosion's damage by 20%.

Advanced Skills[]

The Spell Break ShadowStalker can equip one of the following advanced skills:

ShadowStalker Spell Break skill 2.1

Invisible Whirlwind
Cost: 70 Focus
Cool Down: 2 Rounds
Flux: Earth
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Shadow Stalker deals P.DMG equal to P.ATK*[Skill Level] to 1 enemy target and gives self Wind Barrier. If target's HP percentage is less than or equal to own, grants 1 extra Concentration to self.
  • Wind Barrier: Reduces the character's M.DMG taken by 15% for 2 rounds and can be dispelled.

Skill Level

  1. 112%
  2. 119%
  3. 126%
  4. 133%
  5. 140%
Requires 240 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Blade Whirlwind
    • Increases Invisible Whirlwind's damage by 20%.
  • Fortified Enchantment
    • Wind Barrier: Reduces the character's M.DMG taken by 20%.
ShadowStalker Spell Break skill 2.2

Energy Siphon
Cost: 70 Focus
Cool Down: 3 Rounds
Flux: Earth
Type: Ranged
Unlocked at Spec Level 10
Skill Description
Shadow Stalker deals P.DMG equal to P.ATK*[Skill Level] to 1 enemy target and grants self Flux Conversion. If Shadow Stalker doesn't have any shield effects when using, he gets 1 extra Concentration.
  • Flux Conversion: Absorbs M.DMG equal to P.ATK*50% (5 times the effect in PVP). This effect lasts 2 rounds and can be dispelled.

Skill Level

  1. 138%
  2. 146%
  3. 155%
  4. 163%
  5. 172%
Requires 240 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Arcane Enhancement
    • Increases Energy Siphon's damage by 20%.
  • Energy Surplus
    • While Flux Conversion is in effect, adds God effect to self.
      • God: Grants immunity to all debuffs, including those that can make the character go out of control for 2 rounds and cannot be dispelled.
ShadowStalker Spell Break skill 2.3

Turbulence Shots
Cost: 70 Focus
Cool Down: 3 Rounds
Flux: Earth
Type: Ranged
Purchase from the Inner Nexus shop for 10,920 points
Skill Description
Shadow Stalker deals P.DMG equal to P.ATK*59% to 4 enemy targets and grants self Turbulence. If main target's HP falls below 90%, grants 1 extra Concentration.
  • Turbulence: Character cannot give self chanting or channeling state. Cannot be added to characters with God effect. Can be removed by God status for 2 rounds and cannot be purified.
Requires 240 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Sealing Wind Bullet
    • Increases Turbulence Shots's damage by 20%. Group damage is changed to shared damage.
  • Shocking Wind Bullet
    • If main target's HP is lower than 50%, inflicts Stun on them.
      • Stun: While the effect is active, character cannot be used for 2 rounds and can be purified.

Ultimate Skills[]

The Spell Break ShadowStalker can equip one of the following ultimate skills:

ShadowStalker Spell Break skill 3.1

Esoterica - Demon-sealing
Cost: 3 Concentration
Cool Down: None
Flux: Earth
Type: Melee
Skill Description
Shadow Stalker deals P.DMG equal to P.ATK*[Skill Level] to 1 enemy target. Increases damage against targets with shield by 20%. This skill will use all current Concentration and increase damage dealt.

Skill Level

  1. 400%
  2. 425%
  3. 450%
  4. 475%
  5. 500%
Requires 480 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Troll Smash
    • Deals 30% damage against targets with shield.
  • Finishing Burst
    • When Esoterica - Demon-sealing costs 5 Concentration, this attack is guaranteed to be a critical strike.
  • Exterminate Evil
    • After using Esoterica - Demon-sealing, if target's HP percentage is less than 30%, this skill deals an extra P.ATK*150% P.DMG.
ShadowStalker Spell Break skill 3.2

Esoterica - Recollection
Cost: 3 Concentration
Cool Down: None
Flux: Earth
Type: Ranged
Unlocked at Spec Level 15
Skill Description
Shadow Stalker deals P.DMG equal to P.ATK*[Skill Level] to 1 enemy target. If target's HP percentage is lower than own, deals P.DMG equal to P.ATK*[Skill Level]. If target's HP percentage is lower than own and its M.ATK is higher, deals P.DMG equal to P.ATK*[Skill Level] plus target's M.ATK*100%. This skill consumes all current Concentration and increases damage dealt.

Skill Level

  1. 230%, 310%, 310%
  2. 244%, 329%, 329%
  3. 259%, 349%, 349%
  4. 273%, 368%, 369%
  5. 288%, 388%, 388%
Requires 480 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Obsession of Exorcism
    • Increases Esoterica - Recollection's damage by 15%.
  • Sword Protection
    • Using Esoterica - Recollection gives all teammates Tactical Protection.
      • Tactical Protection: Reduces character's damage taken by 15% for 2 rounds and can be dispelled.
  • Arcane Determination
    • When Esoterica - Recollection costs5 Concentration, then Esoterica - Recollection is cast again on the 1 enemy with the highest M.ATK.


The Spell Break ShadowStalker always has these skills available or active once they're unlocked:

ShadowStalker Spell Break skill 4

Invisibility - Collapse
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
Increases Shadow Stalker's P.ATK by (21.60% + Mastery Bonus), and reduces M.DMG taken by 20%. When battle begins, Shadow Stalker adds 3 stacks of Spell Collapse to all enemies; Shadow Stalker also adds 2 stacks of Spell Collapse every time he uses a skill.
  • Spell Collapse: Each stack reduces character's M.DMG dealt by 10%. After each action, 1 stack of Spell Collapse is removed. This effect is stackable up to 5 times, lasts until battle ends, and cannot be purified.
Skill Flux Combo

Flux Combo
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
Ignores the target's shield effects, reduces massive HP of all the enemies. The reduction value is related to the team's level and energy.
Skill Defense

Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
While in the defense status, damage received decreases by 10% for 1 round.
Skill Hide

Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Unlocked at Spec Level 18
Skill Description
When you receive a fatal damage, has a chance to enter the [Hide] status.


Basic Engraving[]

  • Agility Engraving (P.ATK +0.60% per Engraving level)
    • Each engraving level requires I.N. Flux - Earth x120 and Gold x25,000

Imprint Skill[]

The following Imprint Skill can be equipped on other Gyees and Avatars once unlocked.

ShadowStalker Spell Break class

Restraint Arcana
Skill Type: Passive
Class Allowed: DPS
Banned: Shadow Stalker - Spell Break
Stage 1
Unlocked at Spec Level 10
Increases self's DMG Dealt by 3%, if the wearer is a [Earth] Flux Avatar or Gyee, additionally increases the damage by 7%.
Stage 2
Unlocked at Spec Level 15
Reduces self's DMG taken from avatars or Gyees by 8%, and additionally reduces self's DMG taken from [Water] flux avatars or Gyees by 16%.
Stage 3
Unlocked at Spec Level 20
When battle starts, adds 8 stacks of Void Spell to all enemies, and gives self Flux Collapse.
  • Void Spell lasts until battle ends. This effect cannot be purified and is stackable up to 8 times.
    • Each stack reduces M.DMG by 3%. After each action, 1 stack of Void Spell is removed.
  • Flux Collapse lasts 5 rounds. Cannot be dispelled or stacked, removed when defeated.
    • Reduces M.DMG taken by 15%.
    • After using normal attack, deducts 45 Rage, 70 Flux, and 3 Concentration from the main target and removes Flux Collapse from self.



Default Skin and Shadow Stalker Avatar's Soul
ShadowStalker full

Stalker Default
Front Back
Stalker Front
Stalker Back
Right Left
Stalker Right
Stalker Left

StalkerSoul Default
Front Back
StalkerSoul Front
StalkerSoul Back
Right Left
StalkerSoul Right
StalkerSoul Left

Divine Envoy
Unlock with Avatar Divine Envoy Skin Ticket x100 (exchange for Shadow Stalker Divine Envoy Skin x100)

StalkerDiv Default
Front Back
StalkerDiv Front
StalkerDiv Back
Right Left
StalkerDiv Right
StalkerDiv Left

Full Dress
Unlock with Shadow Stalker Full Dress Ticket x100

StalkerDress Default
Front Back
StalkerDress Front
StalkerDress Back
Right Left
StalkerDress Right
StalkerDress Left


Stalker Normal
Stalker NormalG

Stalker Surprised
Stalker SurprisedG

Stalker Embarras
Stalker EmbarrasG

Stalker Unlucky
Stalker UnluckyG

Stalker Happy
Stalker HappyG

Stalker Sad
Stalker SadG
