Gyee Wiki

Rehoboam - Head of the 'Nirvanians'.

Reclusive arcana researcher

A cult leader or a revolutionary?


It's a neat and bright lab, on the marble floor is engraved with an array, and an old man is lying in the center and confined himself with a secret method. The assistant arcanist takes out a silver knife to cut open his face before putting in four violet worms, and then leaves the room. Looking at the petri dishes lined up on the table where eyeballs are soaked, and then at the several human skeletons standing beside the wall, he falls into thought.

For decades, he can't remember how many experiments he has done. Transform the human body, create the spirit, fuse the soul, and even bring the dead back to life - all are forbidden tricks. He knows everything and dares to do everything. His followers regard him as their god, but in the eyes of the ordinary people, he is the devil. But he feels that he is just a mortal, walking on the path he has chosen, nothing more.

'Adjust the Flux flow environment to Lv.2 shadow environment.'

Oh, Shadow. Shadow always reminds him of an accident, which changed his life. And a war, which changed the world. All these drove him to choose this path and establish the 'Nirvanians'.

Half an hour later, the Shadow Flux wears off. The door is opened, and a spirit servant covered in blue light takes him out of the room in a wheelchair.

'Mr. Rehoboam, are you okay...'

'Not achieved the desired effect. Organize the data and start the lung experiment tomorrow.'

Before the arcanist responds, Rehoboam and the servant have disappeared into the blue light. In the next moment, he has appeared in the study reading an ancient book. The spirit servant is guarding behind him.

Forming a Pact[]

Rehoboam's rarity: SSR

Max Epiphany without Illumination: Level 6

The player can form a pact with Rehoboam by the following methods:

  • Starter Summon
    • Use 28 Heart Stones to add this Gyee to the Starter Summon pool.
  • Limited Summon
    • You can form a pact with Rehoboam by summoning him on his limited-time banner.



Rehoboam skill1

Thunder Fill
Cost: 10 Mana
Cool Down: None
Flux: Non-elemental
Type: Melee
Skill Description
Caspar uses powerful Taijutsu to attack 1 enemy, dealing M.DMG equal to M.ATK *[Skill Level].

Skill Level

  1. 65%
  2. 70%
  3. 75%
  4. 80%
  5. 85%
Requires 50 Gyee Insight to unlock
  • Skull Crush
    • Thunder Fill's DMG +20%.


Rehoboam skill2

Curse Burst
Cost: 45 Mana
Cool Down: 2 Rounds
Flux: Earth
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Caspar smashes the ground and infuses the power of the forbidden curse into it, dealing M.DMG to all enemies equal to M.ATK *[Skill Level]; also has a big chance of inflicting the [Stun] effect on the main target.
  • [Stun]: While the effect is active, the character goes out of control. Lasts 1 round, can be purified.

Skill Level

  1. 138%
  2. 151%
  3. 164%
  4. 177%
  5. 190%
Requires 150 Gyee Insight each to unlock
  • Curse Charge
    • Curse Burst's DMG +15%.
  • Caspar's Fury
    • If fails to [Stun] the target, then self gains the [Caspar's Fury] effect.
      • [Caspar's Fury]: While the effect is active, skills are guaranteed to crit, and the DMG Dealt will be increased by 30%. Will be removed after casting Spirit Oppression, can be dispelled.


Rehoboam skill3

Spirit Oppression
Cost: 70 Mana
Cool Down: None
Flux: Earth
Type: Melee
Skill Description
Rehoboam enhances Caspar with a Forbidden Arcana. Dynamax Caspar crushes 1 enemy, dealing M.DMG equal to M.ATK *[Skill Level]. This skill will not trigger Block or Guard.

Skill Level

  1. 368%
  2. 411%
  3. 444%
  4. 477%
  5. 510%
Requires 300 Gyee Insight each to unlock
  • Power of Nirvana
    • Spirit Oppression's DMG +10%.
  • Spirit of Taboo
    • Spirit Oppression deals additional M.DMG to the target equal to 100% of the remaining HP of the shield created by Taboo Contract. (Requires to unlock the Mastery skill first)
  • Eternal Contract
    • Spirit Oppression heals self for Taboo Contract's remaining Shield HP *75%, and then obtain the complete Taboo Contract again. (Requires to unlock the Mastery skill first)


Rehoboam skill4

Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
Caspar, a spirit servant born from nirvana, enjoys Rehoboam's powerful arcana bonus, dealing (17.00% + Mastery Bonus) more damage, can't be dispelled.
Protected by Caspar, Rehoboam gains Taboo Contract and Forbidden Trick at the start of the battle. When self carries Taboo Contract, reduces Single-target DMG Taken by 45%, and self's attacks can't be blocked.
  • Taboo Contract: Erects a shield whose HP is equal to Rehoboam's M.ATK *150% (the shield's HP will be greatly increased in the PVP), lasts until the end of the battle; the effect will be removed when Shield HP drops to 0, cannot be dispelled.
  • Forbidden Trick: Blood Lock status. While the effect is active, ignores the Sleep type effects. When self receives fatal damage, gains Death Immunity and removes Forbidden Trick before obtaining Spirit Revival. Lasts until the end of the battle, cannot be dispelled. This effect conflicts with other Blood Lock and Ablaze effects.
  • Spirit Revival: Removes all controls and debuffs before actions. While the effect is active, ignores all controls and debuffs, gains Damage Immunity and can't be healed, can only use the normal attack Thunder Fill. After using Thunder Fill to hit a target that has been defeated and can be revived, devours its soul, making it cannot be revived; recovers 50% HP before gaining Taboo Contract again. Lasts 1 round, can't be dispelled.


Basic Engraving[]

  • Wisdom Engraving (M.ATK +0.48% per Engraving level)
    • Each engraving level requires I.N. Flux - Earth x120 and Gold x25,000

Imprint Skill[]

The following Imprint Skill can be equipped on other Gyees and Avatars once unlocked.


Soul Craft
Skill Type: Passive
Class Allowed: Mage
Banned: Rehoboam
Stage 1
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 2
Increases self's DMG Dealt by 3%, if the wearer is a [Earth] Flux Avatar or Gyee, additionally increases the damage by 7%.
Stage 2
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 4
Reduces self's DMG taken from avatars or Gyees by 8%, and additionally reduces self's DMG taken from [Water] flux avatars or Gyees by 16%.
Stage 3
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 6
At the beginning of PVP battle, grants Soul Control.

At the beginning of PVE battle, grants Soulstice Release for 5 rounds.

  • Soul Control lasts 22 rounds and cannot be purified or stacked, being removed after death immunity triggered.
    • When receiving Fatal Damage, grants Death Immunity and Soulsteal
    • Note: It conflicts with other Blood Lock, Death Immunity buffs.
  • Soulsteal lasts 2 rounds and cannot be purified. Removes after dealing Normal Attack. The character will die upon the effect's removed.
    • Removes all debuffs when receiving the effect
    • Grants immunity to all damage and debuffs
    • Seals all Active Skills. Normal Attack can only target units that are defeated and can be revived (Soulfire)
    • After successfully dealing Normal Attack, restores 50% max HP, granting self Soulstice Release and applying No Revival status on the target.
  • Soulstice Release lasts 3 rounds and cannot be dispelled.
    • Increases self-dealt DMG by 30%.


Date Choices[]

Dates will give either 500, 700, or 900 intimacy points depending on the choice selected.

  • Homesick - Rehoboam misses Azria. Imagine you understand the situation on Never Isle... the two of you chat like old friends.
    • Cue: So I'm curious. From your standpoint, which organization do you like better?
      • They're both indispensable.
        500 Intimacy
      • Oathblades.
        700 Intimacy
      • Order of Equality.
        900 Intimacy
  • New Life - Rehoboam comes across an academic problem. He is stuck in thought and wants to get out of it.
    • Cue: There's no need to go all the way there again. It's a waste of time.
      • It's not just the getting there part. Traveling is a lifestyle.
        900 Intimacy
      • The world's changed a lot.
        700 Intimacy
      • Yeah, it's kind of a waste of time.
        500 Intimacy
  • Caspar's Book - Caspar has his eyes on a few books and wants you to help him choose one.
    • Cue: Master says, I can only get one each time. I can get a new one after I finish.
      • In His Arms'
        500 Intimacy
      • Homemade Meal Guide
        900 Intimacy
      • Shield of Ka: Guardian Knight
        700 Intimacy

Intimacy Blocks[]

To reach Intimacy levels 7 and 11, Rehoboam needs mementos (found in Darkflux Raid), reiki (found in Extreme Fight or Arcana Tracker), and the following block item:

  • Intimacy Level 7
    • S - Air Conditioner
      • Mechanical equipment, which can be used to measure and adjust temperature by releasing heat or cold air through an air machine. The required energy can be supplied by Flux.
        Used to break through Rehoboam's Intimacy. Obtained in Darkflux Raid.
  • Intimacy Level 11
    • Heming Kettle
      • The famous black porcelain tea kettle, a gift given to Ranmaru by his master, it has a black crane pattern inside, and it will emit the sound of cranes when the water inside is boiled. Well made, it can be closed by gently putting the lid on, and even if it's turned upside down, the lid won't fall off.
        Used to break through Rehoboam's Intimacy. Obtained in Rehoboam Trifle.

Basic Drink Preferences[]

Dark Green No bonus

Mingle 50% bonus

Sunlight 25% bonus

Rock Spirit No bonus

Note: All blended drinks have a base preference bonus of 25% that can be modified by the drink's attributes.

Gift Preferences[]

50% bonus

Heather TeaDistant WaterAcademy UniformTwo-headed DragonWater GunDestiny CardsPatterned String

25% bonus

Love DonutCrunchy CucumberLove EggRainbow CandyCuttie VanillaIced CokeNever Isle Ice TeaLovely Bear SetWhite SocksTraining TightsLace DressMini DollStuffed ToyTallow SoapKJ ShoesDragonshard Ring

No bonus

Cucumber LollipopCocky SausageDaddy's Beef JerkyCoriander Ice CreamBromance CoffeeYogurt PuddingHot MilkRed High HeelsCoverallMusic BoxVensa LubricantPriapus's StatueSK-III EssenceJoanna's Autograph


Unlock views by leveling the intimacy of other gyees.

  • Miles: This old man is different from the rumors. I don't think that he is a villain. But it's just my first impression, after all, I'm not familiar with him.
    Miles's Intimacy reaches Lv.2 to unlock
  • Vundo: Sigh! Many scholars can't help researching forbidden tricks. They desire for knowledge, I understand this... However, unlimited use of forbidden tricks must be prohibited! It will definitely bring us disasters!
    Vundo's Intimacy reaches Lv.4 to unlock
  • Morgan: Now, I don't know whether to hate or to thank him. What a ridiculous experiment.
    Morgan's Intimacy reaches Lv.6 to unlock
  • Ranmaru: Once, he had a heart of innocence, but he was gradually distorted by hatred and paranoia. Clay cannot be cast into a steel blade, and iron cannot be cast into a porcelain kettle. You go your way and I'll go mine!
    Ranmaru's Intimacy reaches Lv.8 to unlock
  • Member of the Nirvanians: Sigh! Lord Rehoboam is obsessed with research and has been staying home for many years... In fact, he doesn't know that the Nirvanians now is not what it was 10 years ago...
  • A Historian: He is a very complicated figure, he is both respectable, hateful, and pitiful. I cannot predict how future generations will evaluate his merits and demerits. Personally, I think that he is a hidden illness of Luxium.
  • An Elysiann Citizen: 'Nirvanians'? I haven't heard of them... But I've seen the big guy for a few times. He sometimes comes to buy vegetables from the market.


Consolation Letter[]

When we first met, we talked about the teacher. I didn't know or trust you and Miles well, so I didn't tell you all things. Teacher left Luxium after getting the Wheel of Fate, and all the others present were missing. In the past few years, I've been investigating this issue and found some clues. If you have time, come to my lab, then I will tell you in details.

Bath Drama[]

  • Entertainment... leisure activities... Those are luxuries to me. Wouldn't do to overindulge.
  • I have a student who specializes in herbs. I can introduce you if you're interested in taking herbal baths.
  • Hmm... We should let Caspar try. I think he'll like it.

Fave Hottie Slogan[]

You came to see my strength, too? Seems like you're more interested in Spirit Servants. Most people are afraid of power they don't understand, but you're not. That's good.

Intimacy Breakthrough[]

This section contains spoilers for Intimacy Breakthrough scenes.

-Intimacy Level 4
Rehoboam: Thank you for treating me.
Rehoboam: I like it here, but it's time I head back to do my parasite experiment. I'll see you some other day.
Player: So... the parasite experiment... What exactly is it?
Rehoboam: Oh? You're interested in that?
Player: Yeah, I'm actually curious about...
Player: ...Ah, forget it. It's top secret, right?
Rehoboam: It's not a secret at all.
Rehoboam: It's a study I'm doing.
Rehoboam: The Patathos maggot. The only species found in Luxium that...
Rehoboam: ...That's unaffected by Shadow Flux.
Player: Unaffected by Shadow Flux?
Rehoboam: That's right.
Player: I see. So the Shadow Flux experiment and the parasite experiment you mentioned...
Rehoboam: It means that, first, I put parasites inside of myself, and then inject Shadow Flux...
Rehoboam: This is a way to check the length of parasites' life cycle and its absorption of and resistance towards Shadow Flux.
Player: Parasites... in your body?
Rehoboam: It's the most direct way for me to feel every detail and make decisions accordingly.
Rehoboam: Besides, the feeling of Shadow Flux in my tissue... and dozens of Patathos maggots devouring my flesh... It's a feeling not many get to experience.
Rehoboam: Just imagine how it'd feel... When I'm fully focused on those sensations, learning more and more about the Shadows and the parasites, gaining more knowledge by the minute...
Rehoboam: This sheer sense of control over new, fresh knowledge... I call it 'melting'.
Rehoboam: Like how solid substances melt into liquids, I, too, enter an active, flowing state from my previous stable status.
Rehoboam: Melting' is the perfect word for it.
Rehoboam: The research is going well so far, but...
Rehoboam: Specimens of this particular type of parasite are hard to come by, so the research is progressing slowly.
Rehoboam: We're now searching for ways to manually raise maggots.
Rehoboam: If everything goes smoothly, I might find a way to resist the corruption of Shadow Flux.
Player: Wow, sounds like really meaningful research!
Player: If you succeed, it'll be amazing!
Rehoboam: It's okay even if I don't succeed. Not all studies are done simply to fulfill a certain goal.
Rehoboam: When doing research, you can't have success as the only thing in mind.
Rehoboam: All studies are meaningful, just like how every person has their value.
Rehoboam: Okay, it's time for me to go. See you next time, Player.

-Intimacy Level 5
Player: Are you there, Master Rehoboam?
Player: Is no one here...?
Player: Master Rehoboam...
Rehoboam: I... I... I'm right here! Wait, wait!
Player: ...
Moments later, Caspar opens the door and Rehoboam welcomes you in.
Player: Did... something happen earlier?
Rehoboam: Oh, it's nothing. Forget it.
Rehoboam: And don't call me Master. Titles mean nothing to me.
Rehoboam: No need for the honorific. It's wasting precious time that we could've used to communicate.
Player: Okay. In that case, I'll call you...
Rehoboam: Just Rehoboam will do.
Rehoboam: Being unnecessarily polite is bad for efficiency.
Player: Got it.
Rehoboam: Come with me. I'll show you some restored murals.
Player: Murals?
You follow Rehoboam into the secret room. Caspar pushes him along, explaining the situation to you as he goes.
Rehoboam: My teacher was last spotted in Ashen Island.
Rehoboam: There were once some ruins there, but they've been burned down and now lie at the bottom of the ocean.
Rehoboam: I sent someone to collect the rubble from the ocean floor and restore the old murals.
Rehoboam: Look at this one.
Player: Are they praying to some sort of relic?
Player: It's the Wheel of Fate!
Rehoboam: Correct!
Rehoboam: If I'm guessing correctly, this is a prayer ritual of our ancestors.
Rehoboam: According to our analysis of the rocks, this island was formed 30 thousand years ago.
Rehoboam: We also found under the sea the items they used for their prayer rituals back then.
Rehoboam: Look, it's this kind of hand drum depicted here on the mural.
Rehoboam: According to research, the earliest hand drum could be dated to four thousand years ago.
Rehoboam: As for the newest hand drum we could find, the one with the least wear and tear, it could be no more than a hundred years old.
Rehoboam: Therefore, it's likely that the aborigines still lived on this island around a hundred years ago, and they still held this ancient prayer ritual.
Rehoboam: They continued to use this method to record events related to the Wheel of Fate.
Player: So we can find out the history of the Wheel of Fate by analyzing the murals?
Rehoboam: Too bad, the newer the mural, the worse it's been defaced.
Rehoboam: Whoever destroyed those murals were probably trying to hide something.
Player: Can you find out who did it?
Rehoboam: Shadows!
Rehoboam: I detect Shadow Flux on this defaced mural!
Player: Shadows... again!
Rehoboam: There's... Light Flux too!
Player: Light Flux?
Rehoboam: It belongs to my teacher...
Player: ...
Rehoboam: My teacher's teacher, the Kaism Priest Aaron, and his friend, Ranmaru-senpai, were both present when it happened back then.
Rehoboam: After that, they both disappeared alongside my teacher, never to be seen again.
Rehoboam: If no one's seen them on earth, they're most likely dead.
Rehoboam: ...What happened exactly? I'll get to the bottom of it!
Rehoboam: And I'll avenge them for sure!
Rehoboam: ...
Rehoboam: All right, that's all the info I have. I told you everything.
Rehoboam: I'll tell you if I find anything new.
Rehoboam: And let me know if you find anything too.
Rehoboam: That's all for today. I'll be going back to my research now.

-Intimacy Level 6
Rehoboam: Player, I met someone yesterday.
Player: So... who was it?
Rehoboam: I ran into Ranmaru-senpai. On Ashen Island.
Rehoboam: I tried to visit him at home, but he sent me away.
Rehoboam: I told him I found the new master of the Wheel of Fate.
Rehoboam: Someone Master Az sent from earth... I mean you, of course.
Rehoboam: I thought he'd be surprised. Shocked. Eager to see you.
Rehoboam: But he was unexpectedly calm.
Rehoboam: Therefore, I believe...
Rehoboam: He already knew where to find you.
Rehoboam: Or perhaps you've already met?
Rehoboam: Which is it?
Player: Ah...
Player: Yeah, I've already met Ranmaru-senpai.
Rehoboam: Why didn't you tell me about it?
Player: Ranmaru-senpai told me not to bring him up in front of others.
Player: But since you've already met, there's no need to keep it a secret anymore.
Rehoboam: So that's how it is. Well, Ranmaru-senpai was there when it happened. Surely he knows something about it?
Player: Sounds like it.
Player: He doesn't think it's the right time to tell me yet...
Player: He always goes silent when I ask.
Player: All he's willing to say is that the enemy is far more powerful than I could imagine.
Rehoboam: ...
Rehoboam: Yes...
Rehoboam: My teacher, the priest, Aaron, and Ranmaru-senpai...
Rehoboam: All of them outstanding fighters.
Rehoboam: So... what kind of abominable force was it thirty-eight years ago...
Rehoboam: That rendered even the three skilled fighters helpless?
Rehoboam: ...
Rehoboam: I'll find a way to meet him.
Rehoboam: I'll find out the answer myself sooner or later.
Continue to Trifle

-Intimacy Level 7
Rehoboam: Well, that day after I left, you spoke a lot with Ranmaru-senpai, didn't you?
Rehoboam: And I bet it must have been about me.
Player: Yeah. He told me about what you were like back in Azria.
Rehoboam: So he still remembers...
Rehoboam: I was the one who disappointed him.
Rehoboam: Ranmaru-senpai had never shown me any ill intent.
Rehoboam: Even when he held his sword against my neck, I knew he did it out of the goodness in his heart.
Rehoboam: Heh. If I'm really destined to become an evil overlord one day...
Rehoboam: I'll end my own life before the day comes. That's what I call true integrity.
Rehoboam: So there was really no reason for him to be so worried.
Rehoboam: Caspar has changed. And so have I.
Rehoboam: So there's really nothing to worry about.
Rehoboam: If Ranmaru-senpai tells you anything about my teacher, do let me know.
Player: Too bad Ranmaru-senpai didn't tell me much. Seems like he didn't want to put me in danger.
Rehoboam: I get it. He's that kind of person.
Rehoboam: Always thinking about others.
Rehoboam: Still, it's not like finding my teacher is the only thing on my mind.
Rehoboam: I believe in him. Surely he'll find a way to return in time.
Rehoboam: My priority should be to figure out what I can do for him before he comes back.
Rehoboam: That's why I still dedicate most of my energy to my current research.
Rehoboam: For example, those Patathos maggots.
Rehoboam: We've already achieved sufficient progress in these studies.
Rehoboam: But if we wish to continue further, we'll need lots of materials.
Rehoboam: My current issue is how to raise those maggots on a large scale.
Rehoboam: It's part of what brought me here today, actually. I'm wondering if you have any ideas.
Player: Can you tell me the exact issue that's troubling you?
Rehoboam: The Patathos maggots require a moderate temperature to live. I'll need to build an incubation base in a suitable location.
Rehoboam: It's very time-consuming. And the location will likely be a bit far from my lab.
Rehoboam: The Shadows are approaching. I don't have much time left.
Player: If the temperature is the only issue... How about simply making sure that the temperature in your lab remains the same at all times?
Rehoboam: The building is quite big, though. If I want to maintain the same temperature, day and night...
Rehoboam: It'd be too Flux-consuming. We can't afford that.
Player: All you need is a simple device.
Player: I know a kind of device called the electric thermostat. Just give me a sec, I'll show you.
Rehoboam: Oh?
Rehoboam: Thermostat...? Thanks, then.
Scene transition
Player: Here's how this thermostat works...
Player: It determines the temperature in the room with a thermometer, then sends the feedback to the control system...
Player: Once the control system receives the feedback, it adjusts the temperature according to the settings using the air-conditioner.
Player: If the room temperature is lower than the default setting, the air-conditioner releases hot air. If higher, then it releases cooling air.
Player: That way, the room temperature will always remain the same as the default.
Rehoboam: I didn't know this kind of device existed in the world. What a surprise.
Rehoboam: It operates on the same logic as arcana, though.
Rehoboam: When using arcana to maintain a moderate temperature, Flux is consumed. Surely this device consumes some sort of energy, too?
Player: Yeah. It runs on electricity.
Rehoboam: ...I'm afraid my lab isn't equipped for that.
Player: It's easy to find Flux-to-electricity converters in shops these days anyway.
Player: Master Turing says this kind of machine is at least three times better at controlling the temperature than any of my arcane spells.
Rehoboam: Huh...? Three times better?
Rehoboam: Master Turing... I've heard quite a bit about that young man. He's a student of Vundo's, right?
Player: You know Mr. Vundo too?
Rehoboam: Nah. He wasn't even born when I was exiled from Azria.
Rehoboam: I've heard of him, that's all.
Rehoboam: Crazy how something that's been bothering me for years has been solved so easily by this kid.
Rehoboam: Isn't it such a relief to know that we've got talented people like them on Never Isle?
Player: ...
Rehoboam: What a great device. I'll take it home and use it well.
Player: I'd be glad if it can be of help in your research.
Rehoboam: Of course it'd be of help! It's much more helpful than you think!
Rehoboam: Actually, I used to wonder if I should recruit some students who are tech-savvy.
Rehoboam: But in that case I'd have nothing to teach them, so I'm not qualified to take them in.
Rehoboam: Taking in students like that would simply restrict their growth. I wouldn't want that.
Rehoboam: My teacher used to call mechanical engineering an up-and-coming field back in the years.
Rehoboam: We discussed it once...
Rehoboam: We considered mechanical engineering a system that has lots of scope for research and development, just like arcana.
Rehoboam: Many other fields fulfill such a criteria too.
Rehoboam: For example alchemy, anthroponomy, medicine, also mathematics and astronomy.
Rehoboam: Even some fields that aren't currently being studied...
Rehoboam: I believe these fields, together, can form an all-encompassing network where each subject promotes the progress of another...
Rehoboam: And in the end, they'll totally change the world.
Rehoboam: Too bad humans need rest and can't live forever. I've already reached my limit by devoting everything I have to the study of medicine and arcana.
Player: It's still impressive. We all have our own expertises after all.
Rehoboam: You're right. In fact, when it comes to the study of mechanics, I'm just an ignorant beginner.
Rehoboam: If you have time, do introduce me to Master Turing. I have a lot to learn from him.
Player: Got it!

-Intimacy Level 8
Rehoboam: The maggots are thriving, Player. All thanks to your help.
Rehoboam: Now that we have a thermostat, we've been able to dramatically reduce the consumption of Flux and therefore support the incubation of even more maggots.
Rehoboam: I believe that, soon, my research will yield fruitful results.
Rehoboam: Ah, these are the results of my research. They'll come in helpful to you.
Rehoboam: You can choose one and it's yours. Take it as a sign of my gratitude to you.
Player: How exactly do these work?
Rehoboam: It's a stimulant drug that dramatically raises your reaction and Flux circulation speed.
Rehoboam: When you're dealing with a formidable opponent, every second counts. This drug will lead you to victory.
Rehoboam: However, it's only effective for one hour. And after that, you'll have an extremely painful headache for eight hours straight.
Player: Headache, huh...
Rehoboam: But it can save your life.
Player: What's this? A leech?
Rehoboam: It's no ordinary leech. It's a magic leech.
Rehoboam: It's a mutant creature, extremely dangerous.
Rehoboam: Once it touches your skin, it'll suck out all Flux in your body within half an hour.
Player: ALL Flux?
Rehoboam: Yeah, but there's a limit.
Rehoboam: If the target has a huge abundance of Flux in his body, it might be a bit too much for the leech.
Rehoboam: Take your rival, Martin, for example. One magic leech would be able to suck him only half-dry.
Rehoboam: If a magic leech penetrates his skin and sucks away his Flux, then he'd be no match against you.
Player: ...
Rehoboam: But this is a truly vile creature. If you really want to take one...
Rehoboam: You'll have to promise me first that you will use it on none but a Shadow.
Player: Got it.
Player: Uh... Is this... a puppet?
Rehoboam: It's a mid-level Spirit Servant. My apprentice, Karmen, made it.
Player: ...Karmen?
Rehoboam: Heard you two haven't been getting on.
Rehoboam: But no worries. She wouldn't dare hurt a friend of mine.
Rehoboam: Mid-level Spirit Servants have basic intelligence and language abilities. These skills may be improved upon through memorization and education.
Rehoboam: This type of spirit is often used in battle. They're physically powerful and quick on their feet.
Rehoboam: They make perfect bodyguards.
Rehoboam: Oh, by the way, if you want to change the appearance of the spirit, including its physique and face, just tell Karmen.
Rehoboam: She'll fix it for you.
Player: Can I modify it in any way I want?
Rehoboam: Of course.
Player: Ooh... any way I want, huh...
You reach out and touch the Spirit Servant's muscles. They feel great.
Rehoboam: ...Looks like you're more interested in the Spirit Servant.
Rehoboam: But... looks like its battle capabilities aren't the part that interests you...
Player: Uh, I guess it counts as a type of battle training too...
Rehoboam: Eh, forget it. You young'uns have different priorities.
Rehoboam: Take it.
Player: Thanks!

-Intimacy Level 9
Rehoboam: I have good news for you, Player!
Rehoboam: Our Patathos maggot experiment has come to a satisfying close, all thanks to you.
Rehoboam: We extracted parts of Patathos maggots and came up with a drug effective against the Shadows.
Rehoboam: This drug makes the subject immune from the Shadows' corrupting powers for three days.
Rehoboam: Even those who have already been corrupted by the Shadows can use this drug to keep their condition from worsening.
Player: Wow, that's impressive!
Rehoboam: Heh. The drug's passed multiple tests and hasn't shown any obvious side effects when used on the human body.
Rehoboam: Never Isle has already expressed interest in purchasing my drug. I'll no longer have to worry about lack of funds.
Rehoboam: This way, my students and I will have more resources and a better environment for our research.
Rehoboam: I've made impressive progress in my plans.
Player: ...Plans?
Rehoboam: That's right. Do you know why I established The Nirvanians in the first place?
Rehoboam: Eh, let's start from the Battle of Azria.
Rehoboam: You weren't there in Azria's heyday. You have no idea how beautiful, how grand a city it was...
Rehoboam: And you've never been through the Battle of Azria. You wouldn't know how the glorious city fell from grace overnight...
Rehoboam: You would never know how much it hurt for us who had to watch it happen!
Rehoboam: As I stared at the sea of bloody corpses, at the ruins of Azria...
Rehoboam: I was devastated. But I said not a word, shed not a tear.
Rehoboam: At a moment like this, crying and raging were a mere waste of time.
Rehoboam: What I should be doing was try to save as many lives as possible.
Rehoboam: I might only be able to save a few out of millions, but there was not a minute to waste. Every moment could be the difference between life or death.
Rehoboam: In the end, I managed to save twelve people with the forbidden trick of Nirvana.
Player: ...
Rehoboam: Those I saved told me that the Shadows used forbidden tricks to create troops in Azria, dismantling it from the inside out.
Rehoboam: As for those White Capes outside the city... heh, those fools were simply pawns, nothing more.
Rehoboam: That was when I confirmed the suspicions I had had for years.
Rehoboam: It was the only time I was right while my teacher was wrong.
Rehoboam: The forbidden crafts are dangerous, yes. But they're also the only things that can be used to defend us against other forbidden tricks.
Rehoboam: Back then, all I had was Caspar. He knew nothing about the arcane and couldn't help me much.
Rehoboam: If only I had taken in apprentices. With their help, I'd be able to bring more people back to life!
Rehoboam: That was how I established The Nirvanians.
Rehoboam: The twelve people I revived, plus Caspar and I... we were the first members of The Nirvanians.
Player: I see...
Rehoboam: Yeah. We knew that the Battle of Azria was only the beginning.
Rehoboam: The Shadows won't leave us alone that easily.
Rehoboam: When the next war breaks out, we'll become the deciding factor that leads the troops battling the Shadows to victory.
Rehoboam: We shall wield unimaginably strong arcane powers and use them to destroy the Shadows for good!
Rehoboam: But that's only the first step.
Rehoboam: The second is to build a world led by researchers.
Player: A world led by researchers?
Rehoboam: That's right. Researchers. Including, but not limited to, researchers of the arcana.
Rehoboam: Engineering, medicine, alchemy, philosophy, mathematics, economics, also literature and arts...
Rehoboam: All academic subjects deserve respect, as do their researchers.
Rehoboam: Like I once said, I believe these fields, together, can form an all-encompassing network where each subject promotes the progress of another...
Rehoboam: And in the end, they'll totally change the world.
Rehoboam: The world will become a highly developed place. People will always enjoy the benefits brought by the latest studies.
Rehoboam: The society will place high value on knowledge and respect all scholars.
Rehoboam: There will be no such thing as 'forbidden tricks'. Everyone's free to do whatever research they'd like.
Rehoboam: As for the truly dangerous crafts, there will be laws that restrict their usage, but not related research.
Rehoboam: That's how a world led by researchers would look like.
Rehoboam: That's the world The Nirvanians aims to create.
Rehoboam: As for the first leader of this new world, I already have the perfect person in my mind.
Player: The leader... Shouldn't it be you?
Rehoboam: Ha. How am I qualified?
Rehoboam: I've always had but one person in mind for the future leader of the world.
Rehoboam: My teacher, Master Az!

-Intimacy Level 10
You visit Rehoboam at his lab and notice that not a single student is in sight around the area.
You listen closely and hear someone rummaging around inside.
Player: You there, Rehoboam?
Rehoboam: Y-you're j-just in time!
Rehoboam: H-hurry, h-help me!
Player: What's going on?
You charge into Rehoboam's bedroom to see him lying on his bed, hands clutching at his head, writhing in pain.
Caspar: Master's meds are gone. All gone.
Caspar is mumbling as he runs around, searching for something.
Player: ...How could it be?
Caspar: Come, come help me look for prescriptions.
Rehoboam: The p-prescription for m-my meds...
Caspar: Quiet, Master.
Caspar: Look around and hand me whatever prescription you can find, Player!
Caspar: And hurry!
Player: Got it!
Rehoboam: T-thank you...
You and Caspar nearly tear the messy lab apart searching for the prescriptions.
Player: Prescriptions for oral meds... Urtica... Thyme...
Player: Is this it?
Caspar: Yes. It's really important.
Caspar: Don't stop searching!
Player: Got it!
Rehoboam: Ugh... *cough cough* Thank... *cough* thank you!
Player: No need to speak, Rehoboam. Just get some rest.
Caspar: He's right!
Caspar: Leave everything to us, Master!
Rehoboam: *Coughs*
You and Caspar collect all the prescriptions you can find and bring them to Rehoboam.
Rehoboam pulls out the prescriptions he needs and hands them to you.
Caspar: Help find the ingredients. I will do the mixing.
Player: All right, I'll try.
Rehoboam: T-thanks... *cough cough*
Rehoboam: *Coughing*
You rush to Elysiann and buy all the ingredients listed on the prescriptions with the help of Felix and Mike.
And then you hurry back to Rehoboam's lab.
Caspar: You are fast!
Caspar: Hand it over!
Rehoboam is already unconscious by now. His bedsheets are dyed red by all the blood he coughed up.
Caspar is expressionless as he focuses on mixing the ingredients.
You help Caspar with his mixing from time to time while also keeping tabs on Rehoboam's condition.
Whenever Caspar hands you a bottle of medicine he's finished working on, you feed it to Rehoboam.
Rehoboam finally awakes after a while...
Rehoboam: Urgh...
Rehoboam: Thank you, Player. You saved my life.
Player: ...It's no biggie. But what happened exactly?
Caspar hands you the eleventh and the final bottle of medicine.
Rehoboam drinks it all.
Caspar: Someone wants Master dead!
Player: ...
Rehoboam: That's right. Someone stole all my meds when my students weren't around.
Rehoboam: Even the prescriptions in the archives were gone.
Rehoboam: I have a serious stuttering problem and the meds helped me with it.
Rehoboam: That was why I wasn't able to just tell you what ingredients I needed in such an urgent situation.
Rehoboam: I usually sleep only one and a half hour each day so that I'd have more time to dedicate to my studies.
Rehoboam: My drugs were what kept me mentally and physically sound.
Player: ... What?
Player: How could you survive on so little sleep?
Rehoboam: It's fine.
Rehoboam: These meds come with certain side effects. I get migraines a lot, for example. It gets better once I'm used to it, though.
Rehoboam: Even if the nerves in this section die, it won't affect my memories and IQ.
Rehoboam: However, if I skip the meds, my brain and various other organs, especially the heart, will suffer unspeakable damage.
Rehoboam: If I hadn't taken the meds in time, I'd probably be dead by now.
Player: Who exactly did it?
Player: It must be someone who knows this place well. A student of yours, maybe? Or a good friend?
Rehoboam: A good friend?
Rehoboam: Heh. I have no friends besides you and Caspar.
Player: ...
Caspar: I don't think it is him, Master.
Rehoboam: Don't get your panties in a twist, Caspar. I know it's not him.
Rehoboam: Besides, it was obvious he had no idea about the meds.
Rehoboam: A student of mine must have done it.
Rehoboam: Perhaps they wanted to steal my research materials. Or perhaps they hated me... or were hired by someone who did.
Rehoboam: After all, I have too many enemies in this world.
Player: Any suspects in particular?
Rehoboam: I... I don't want to suspect any of my students.
Rehoboam: They're all good kids to me. A bit silly from my perspective, but still good kids.
Rehoboam: I can't imagine them wanting to harm me.
Rehoboam: I've always treated them well. Whatever subject they'd like to learn, I'd tell them everything I know. I never hold back.
Rehoboam: Perhaps my students are innocent. One of my enemies may have learned about my meds after some investigation.
Player: Do you think that's possible?
Rehoboam: ...
Rehoboam: My teacher once told me I was no good at reading people's intentions...
Rehoboam: My teacher is right most of the time. Perhaps... one of my students really did this unspeakable deed.
Rehoboam: Eh, let's forget about it for now. I need some rest.
Player: You have to find the culprit.
Player: For your future safety, for your grand plans.
Player: And for our future victory against the Shadows.
Rehoboam: ...
Caspar: He is right, Master.
Rehoboam: ...Yeah, you're right!
Rehoboam: There's a war on the horizon. Not the time for kindness.
Rehoboam: Don't worry. I know... I know what to do.

-Intimacy Level 11
Rehoboam: Ah. Have I had one glass too much...?
Rehoboam: I actually quite like drinking. It's just that alcohol slows me down, so I steer clear of it.
Rehoboam: Heh, I wouldn't have come if not for your invitation.
Rehoboam: We've got wine, and I've got you. Drink up. It's okay even if my plans get a tiny bit delayed.
Rehoboam: The last time I drank, it was with my teacher...
Rehoboam: Back then... I was still a highly esteemed scholar and pharmacist in Azria.
Rehoboam: At that time, the nine-leaf had absorbed too much Light Flux and begun to wilt.
Rehoboam: My teacher and I built a large-scale arcane device to absorb and utilize the Flux from the Light Nexus to replace the nine-leaf.
Rehoboam: We worked nonstop day and night, designing, improving, experimenting, researching, and even got the best crystal artisan to craft a sample for us.
Rehoboam: Where there's a will, there's a way. We succeeded in the end.
Rehoboam: The new Flux circulation system supplied the Arcana Academy, Engineering Bureau, the Azria Council, and the Azria City Defense.
Rehoboam: It had never failed even once before the fall of Azria. That's why most saw it as the grandest invention in the history of Azria.
Rehoboam: The day they finished building the new system, my teacher and I took the arcane escalator powered by it to the rooftop of the Arcana Academy...
Rehoboam: We had a bird's-eye view over Azria there. The people down there on the street cheered while we waved...
Rehoboam: I had never felt so proud, so content, in my life.
Rehoboam: I drank with my teacher that night. We all drank together.
Rehoboam: Ah... I'll never forget how my teacher slapped my shoulder and told everyone...
Rehoboam: 'Haha, wouldn't have accomplished all this without my outstanding student right here!'
Rehoboam: ...
Rehoboam: I failed my teacher.
Rehoboam: I'm no longer my teacher's pride and joy. I'm an embarrassment to him now...
Player: No, no way. If he knew of your current achievements, for example the maggot experiment...
Rehoboam: No, no. My achievements don't cancel out my wrongdoings.
Rehoboam: But these aren't what matters the most to me.
Rehoboam: The past is in the past. Dwelling on it is simply a waste of time.
Rehoboam: They're just meaningful experiences to me now.
Rehoboam: They'll become materials I can analyze... materials that can help me see my future path clearly.
Rehoboam: After all, my future path is still shrouded in confusion.
Rehoboam: I remember, back when I was thirty-one, my teacher said to me:
Rehoboam: 'The more you know, the less you realize you know.'
Rehoboam: 'The farther you've walked, the farther you realize you are from your destination.'
Rehoboam: 'Only those who stand on the mountain peak looking down know how small they really are.'
Player: Very wise words. As expected from Master Az.
Rehoboam: I won't ever forget his teachings for sure.
Rehoboam: But those teachings are in fact what confuses me so.
Rehoboam: In the past, when I'm confused...
Rehoboam: I seek more knowledge.
Rehoboam: The more knowledge I gain, the less knowledgeable I feel. So I'd seek even more knowledge.
Rehoboam: The more I walk, the farther I feel I am from my destination. So I walk even faster.
Rehoboam: So instead of resolving what confuses me, I'm simply avoiding it.
Rehoboam: I may have gained knowledge, but I'm in no way wiser.
Rehoboam: What does all knowledge lead to? What do you think, Player?
Player: Hmm... that's a difficult question.
Rehoboam: Then let me tell you a story. You can give me your answer after that.
Rehoboam: Wolf-hunters would coat their blades with blood and freeze them in the winter.
Rehoboam: The wolves, seeking food, find the blades. The stench of blood will trigger their hunger.
Rehoboam: The wolves would lick the blades until their tongues are cut open. By then, the blood they're licking up would be their own, but they won't know.
Rehoboam: And that's how they bleed to death, in the cruelest, most exhilarating way.
Player: ...Why are you telling me this out of nowhere?
Rehoboam: This was the story he told me the final time we met before he left Luxium.
Rehoboam: I... never had time to stop and think about what exactly he wanted to tell me with the story.
Rehoboam: Until that time when I was in trouble and you saved me.
Rehoboam: I found the culprit. He was clever, one of my favorite students.
Rehoboam: His father was in jail for murder. He didn't do it, he was framed.
Rehoboam: My student and his mother finally made enough money to bail him out...
Rehoboam: But before they could, I bought his father as a test subject. He died during the experiment.
Rehoboam: The reason he came to me in the first place was to get close to me so that he could one day avenge his father.
Player: So that was what happened...
Rehoboam: He didn't really do it, though.
Rehoboam: All he needed to do was poison my water or my food and I'd be dead.
Rehoboam: He had countless opportunities to kill me, just like that.
Rehoboam: But he chose to bring me to Ka and let Him judge me.
Rehoboam: And Ka sent you, so I lived.
Rehoboam: He didn't kill me directly - he was a kind one. I, however, was not so kind.
Rehoboam: Before killing him, I told him the story about the bloodthirsty wolf and asked him:
Rehoboam: 'Tell me, child. What do you think this story means?'
Rehoboam: He thought about it and said,
Rehoboam: 'The blood in this story stands for knowledge.'
Rehoboam: 'What about the blade?' I asked.
Rehoboam: He told me that the blood led to the blade... and knowledge led to mystery.
Player: ...So that's the answer? Knowledge leads to mystery?
Rehoboam: When I heard his answer, I made my decision to kill him then and there.
Player: Why?
Rehoboam: Ka is the only one who could reveal mysteries to humans.
Rehoboam: Those who desire to see through mysteries are breaking the rules of Ka.
Rehoboam: So, from my point of view, my student not only wanted to kill me but was also questioning my devotion to Ka.
Rehoboam: Of course, too many others have questioned my devotion to Ka. Barely anyone in the church accepted me as their own.
Rehoboam: But after our chat today, I started thinking that... what I said just now... it might all be just an excuse.
Rehoboam: Now that I'm thinking of it, the true reason I killed the student was... fear.
Rehoboam: Because he was right.
Rehoboam: Every time I became truly knowledgeable in a subject, to the point that I was about to learn all there was to learn and reveal what was behind the mystery...
Rehoboam: I would feel nervous. Panicked, even.
Rehoboam: I'd tremble all over. Even with all the knowledge I've accumulated, I was unable to explain why I felt like that.
Rehoboam: Perhaps it came from the natural reverence we have for our gods.
Player: But aren't your plans... your dreams... to learn all there is to learn?
Rehoboam: Yeah. That's why I'm so confused. Are my dreams destroying me inside out?
Player: ...Ranmaru-senpai wants me to give this to you.
Scene transition
Rehoboam: ...Is this... the Heming Kettle?
Player: I believe Ranmaru-senpai may have the same thing in mind as Master Az.
Rehoboam: Don't you think so too?
Player: I don't know... I can't tell what's right, what's wrong anymore.
Player: Knowledge and studies... they're grand, respectable things, of course. Very helpful in defeating the Shadows.
Player: However, in a world like ours, it's never great to be too extreme.
Player: By the way, Ranmaru-senpai wants me to bring you a message...
Player: 'The craft of Nirvana was in fact invented by the Shadows.'
Rehoboam: No way!
Rehoboam: The Nirvana craft... the Archmage... But...
Rehoboam: Wait... and then he...
Rehoboam: Oh! I see! I see!
Player: ...What's going on?
Player: What's with that sudden reaction?
Rehoboam: Don't mind me. I just came to an epiphany.
Rehoboam: Ranmaru-senpai probably didn't fill you in with the details for a reason.
Rehoboam: I won't say much either, then.
Player: Alright.
Rehoboam: He must have done it with your best interest in mind.
Rehoboam: As for why he gave me this Heming Kettle...
Rehoboam: Ranmaru-senpai first gave me the Heming Kettle when I retired from the Azria military.
Rehoboam: 'You can't forge a steel blade out of clay. Neither can you forge a ceramic cauldron out of steel.'
Rehoboam: That was what he said back then.
Rehoboam: All these years, I've been taking meds to support my current lifestyle, mentally and physically.
Rehoboam: I barely treated myself as a human so that I could achieve inhuman ideals.
Rehoboam: 'If we can't forge a steel blade out of clay, I'll simply transform myself into steel.'
Rehoboam: But, in the end, I'm still human.
Rehoboam: Heh. I was naïve, don't you think?
Rehoboam: I dreamed about Ranmaru-senpai a couple nights ago.
Rehoboam: He was standing next to my teacher. They extended their hands towards me and said...
Rehoboam: 'Return to the path you were meant for. Never forget the dreams you had when you first started out. Be your old self, the version of you that made us so proud back in Azria.'
Rehoboam: The dream made sense, after all. This Heming Kettle was where everything started for me in Azria.
Rehoboam: When Ranmaru-senpai gave me the Heming Kettle, I started walking down the path I was meant for.
Rehoboam: When I was exiled from Azria, I returned the Kettle to him. And then I ended up here...
Rehoboam: Heh. Azria can no longer go back to what it used to be... and, well, neither can I, I suppose.
Player: Hm, calling it that is misleading. Time doesn't flow backwards. Nothing can 'go back to what it used to be'.
Player: I've never been to Azria, of course. And you haven't been to Never Isle.
Player: But in my opinion, the current Never Isle is fundamentally just like the Azria in the past.
Player: The 'Azria' you know is still alive and well.
Rehoboam: Azria... is still alive and well...
Player: All Gyees are working together to build the world Master Az wanted.
Rehoboam: What kind of world would your teacher like to create?
Player: A world where everyone can coexist in peace, I guess.
Player: This might be different from what YOU want.
Player: After all, if researchers become leaders of the world, it's true that technology and arcana will develop speedily...
Player: But the world will become overpowered. A dynamic world like that will be hard to keep stable.
Player: Besides, this arrangement would likely lead to most of the resources being owned by only a small number of people. It'd be unfair for the average civilian.
Rehoboam: Hmm... But what proof do you have that it will definitely end up so?
Player: It's hard to find proof for this kind of thing. It's just my theory.
Player: After all, can you really guarantee that none of your other students will think differently?
Player: Where there are benefits, people gather.
Player: They may be willing to help you create your ideal world... but each of them can still have their own desires and ulterior motives.
Player: In that case...
Rehoboam: In that case... I won't be able to keep them in check. Which means that the world I want to create can be a dangerous one.
Rehoboam: You're right. Too many people in this world have ulterior motives.
Rehoboam: Humans are never easy to predict...
Rehoboam: I get what you mean now.
Rehoboam: ...But I'm exhausted today.
Rehoboam: Let me sleep on it.
Player: Hmm...

-Intimacy Level 12
A few days earlier, you and Rehoboam had a heart-to-heart chat at the Hottie Bar. After that, he returned home with the Heming Kettle...
He studied it all day, often losing track of time...
Until yesterday, when he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and could no longer get out of bed.
You arrive at Rehoboam's lab to see if Caspar needs help taking care of him.
Player: How did you end up so sick all of a sudden?
Rehoboam smiles and gazes silently at the Heming Kettle on the table next to him.
Caspar notices and moves the Heming Kettle away.
Caspar: Master, I will move it somewhere else.
Rehoboam: It's okay, Caspar. Put it back.
Caspar lets it go reluctantly.
Rehoboam: Actually... it's not because of that.
Rehoboam: What really got me so down was... my current physical condition.
Rehoboam: I realized that what really kept me going for so long was not just the meds but also my unwavering belief. Now that something's shaken me up...
Rehoboam: I can no longer tolerate my current life, my current actions...
Player: ...
Rehoboam: ...
Caspar: Do not bring up this subject in front of Master again! Or else you are not welcome here!
Rehoboam: It's okay, Caspar, I'm fine.
Player: All right, we won't talk about it, then. You guys can chat. I'll go clean up your room, eh?
Rehoboam: It's too messy in there. I wouldn't dare ask you to do that!
Player: But we're friends, aren't we? You said so yourself.
Player: No need to be so polite with a friend.
Rehoboam: Heh, thank you, then.
Player: No worries.
You start cleaning Rehoboam's room. It takes quite a while.
Player: Finally tidied up your place. It was a real mess... You've got research manuscripts and materials stacked all over the place.
Rehoboam: Heh, thanks for the hard work.
Player: Don't your students ever help you clean? This whole place is a junkyard except for Caspar's bedroom. Now that room's as orderly as can be.
Rehoboam: Oh, I don't allow them to touch my stuff.
Rehoboam: Still, it's been dozens of years since this hellhole last seemed like a home.
Rehoboam: When my teacher gave me this house, he renovated it and everything...
Rehoboam: And I ended up using it as a lab.
Rehoboam: I perform experiments in all the rooms in the building. Caspar's bedroom is the only place that's off-limits.
Rehoboam: No one's allowed to enter, not me, not my students.
Rehoboam: Caspar's very level-headed and would never mess up his own room himself.
Caspar: Sometimes, I would knock down something by accident.
Caspar: But I pick it up.
Rehoboam: Ha...
Player: Seems like there are a lot of armor sets, weapons and books in his room...
Rehoboam: Yeah. He likes novels especially. Those really cliché knight errant novels.
Player: So you like this kind of novel, Caspar?
Caspar: I cannot read.
Caspar: General Caspar liked it.
Caspar: General Caspar, not Caspar.
Player: ...
Rehoboam: Yes.
Rehoboam: The room is full of the late General Caspar's belongings.
Rehoboam: And the gifts he gave me. I put them there too.
Rehoboam: Caspar and the late General Caspar are actually two different individuals.
Rehoboam: General Caspar used to be my best friend before you came along.
Rehoboam: He died in an ambush by the Shadows. I used Nirvana spells to revive him after that...
Rehoboam: But during the process, he was corrupted by the Shadows and ended up in an even worse state. Ranmaru-senpai had to kill him once again.
Rehoboam: My teacher buried General Caspar himself and held a funeral. I didn't want to dig his corpse out again.
Rehoboam: So after I was exiled from Azria...
Rehoboam: I tried my best to search for General Caspar's soul, but all I found was a wisp.
Rehoboam: I used a Soul Crystal to preserve the wisp I found and used arcane crafts to forge a body. That was how this Caspar was born.
Rehoboam: As it was just a wisp of General Caspar's soul, I couldn't reawaken his memories.
Rehoboam: He still hasn't regained total control over his speech and can't fully express his feelings.
Rehoboam: Caspar actually knows a lot. He just can't put his thoughts in words properly.
Rehoboam: A way to help him speak normally would be to combine his soul with other souls... but I don't want to do that.
Rehoboam: For normal humans, even if their soul is merged with another's, they can still retain their original self.
Rehoboam: But Caspar is but a wisp. His self could easily be devoured by the soul it's merged with.
Rehoboam: By then, he'll be Caspar no longer.
Rehoboam: I left these items in his room in an attempt to trigger his memories, in fact.
Caspar: Master, I am not General Caspar.
Caspar: I am your servant.
Rehoboam: Heh, you're right. You're not the same person.
Rehoboam: But you're my friend too.
Caspar: (Scratches head) Master... is my friend...
Caspar: If Master says we are friends, we are friends.
Caspar: I will go cook now, Master.
Rehoboam: Go.
Rehoboam: Stay and eat with us, Player. Try his cooking.
Rehoboam: For some reason, the General's talent in cooking has been transferred to Caspar, making him an excellent cook.
Player: Okay!

-Intimacy Level 13
Rehoboam has been recovering from his illness these few days. He's not willing to see anyone except you.
And that includes all of his students.
But when you arrive to visit him again, you hear a familiar voice.
Rehoboam: I must be blind to have taken in a student like this!
Gaar: Pal, I'm not done yet. Should I continue?
Rehoboam: There's no need!
Rehoboam: Write down your investigation results in a report. I... I'll read it alone when I'm in a calmer mood.
Gaar: Sure. I already wrote it all down, in fact! Here.
Gaar: Any other ones you need me to investigate?
Rehoboam: Of course.
Rehoboam: But first, I have a question for you.
Rehoboam: You're an agent working for the White Capes. Why did Miles recommend you to me?
Gaar: Ha. Yes, I work for them. What do you think that means, huh?
Gaar: They give me money, and I carry out their orders. It's that simple.
Gaar: Besides, there's no need to be so prejudiced.
Gaar: We're all on the same side here, allies fighting against the Shadows.
Rehoboam: Mm... Here's the list of the people I need you to investigate. Take a look.
Gaar: ...
Gaar: Dude, these are all your students. You want me to investigate all of them?
Gaar: I can't investigate all of them in such a short time.
Rehoboam: Find someone you trust to help, then. Or recommend someone to me.
Gaar: That'd still take a long time.
Gaar: You know, your students are great at keeping secrets.
Gaar: Many of them are in prestigious positions, too.
Gaar: Which means that they're much richer than you.
Gaar: You get what I mean?
Rehoboam: If they pay more than you, you can imagine what will happen next.
Gaar: I won't betray you, though. I have enough money anyway. My reputation is more important.
Gaar: Can't say the same for the others, though.
Gaar: I don't trust the majority of them. I certainly won't recommend them to you.
Gaar: At least tell me which ones to focus on first. Make a priority list or something.
Rehoboam: Just follow the order they're listed in.
Gaar: The order they're listed in? Old chap, Karmen is all the way down the list. You sure it's okay to save her for later?
Rehoboam: That's not your business.
Gaar: Just thought I'd remind you...
Gaar: Don't overreact, friend. I'll do what you ask.
Rehoboam: Please.
When Gaar leaves, he notices you standing outside.
Gaar: We meet again, old friend.
Gaar: You really did something good, hahaha!
Player: Huh?
Gaar: Ya know, maybe Rehoboam should make a cute stuffed animal to keep himself company.
Gaar: Caspar's not that bad, though. Wonder how he's like on the dance floor.
Gaar: Anyway, hit me up when you're looking for some fun. See ya!
Gaar leaves, humming a tune.
Rehoboam: You heard it all, didn't you.
Player: Mmhmm. But why are you investigating all your students all of a sudden?
Player: And ooh, I see that you've finally taken care of your hair.
Rehoboam: Heh. It's time to start anew with a new version of me.
Rehoboam: I've made my decision.
Rehoboam: Besides fighting the Shadows, I won't make any plans regarding anything in the future.
Rehoboam: Once my teacher returns, my organization is all his to lead.
Rehoboam: So I must make sure that the organization is void of those with evil thoughts and indecent conduct.
Rehoboam: I wouldn't want my teacher to have to deal with such hindrances.
Rehoboam: As for what happens after we win the war... What kind of society to build, what relation should we maintain with the humans...
Rehoboam: I'll let my teacher decide.
Rehoboam: What do you think?
Player: Sounds good to me. Ranmaru-senpai would like it too.
Rehoboam: I hope my teacher will be satisfied with all of this when he returns.

-Intimacy Level 14
Rehoboam: Player, Gaar, that guy you saw last time...
Rehoboam: He found some more information on my enemies.
Rehoboam: You're right. There are definitely some who have ulterior motives.
Rehoboam: I've been focused on my research all these years. I never imagined my students would be out there, performing sinful deeds.
Rehoboam: There's even some who want to take over my position.
Rehoboam: I used to think that the others despise us because of fear. And I did perform some ethically questionable experiments before...
Rehoboam: I really didn't expect this. We asked for it, I guess.
Player: So what are your next plans?
Player: Shall I explain?
Rehoboam: Yes.
Rehoboam: You're the one I trust the most now.
Rehoboam: I need to bait some of their members out. Once they strike and I defeat them, the others will be intimidated and no longer dare to act.
Rehoboam: I'm not powerful enough currently to take all of them out at once.
Rehoboam: Besides, with the Shadows as our common enemy, it's better to keep them around.
Rehoboam: With this objective in mind, I have two plans.
Rehoboam: Plan A: I'll no longer take my meds.
Rehoboam: Once that happens, I'll be in excruciating pain and have to spend all my time in bed.
Rehoboam: Without me, Caspar will not be as powerful as he used to be.
Rehoboam: When they hear about it, they'll definitely take the initiative to come kill me.
Player: That's too dangerous!
Rehoboam: Which is why, if I carry out this plan, you'll need to take care of me and stand guard by my side.
Rehoboam: As for whether I'll survive long enough to take the meds again and recover my strength... it all depends on you.
Player: ...
Rehoboam: This plan is more dangerous to you than me.
Rehoboam: I don't like the idea of dragging you into this mess, so I'd prefer Plan B.
Rehoboam: Plan B: I continue taking my meds and doing my research. My students can still enter my lab freely like always.
Rehoboam: But you and Caspar must leave. Can't let them see you guys guarding me.
Player: But... isn't that even more dangerous?
Rehoboam: It doesn't matter. No matter how skilled the opponents are, I'll definitely survive until you guys get back.
Rehoboam: Besides, Caspar has served by my side for years. He rarely ever goes out.
Rehoboam: It's time for him to see the vast world outside.
Rehoboam: I'd like you to take him out. Bring him on a trip. Show him a good time.
Rehoboam: I enhanced the functions of his taste buds. Also his sense of touch and smell.
Rehoboam: He's a person too. He deserves to enjoy good food, appreciate performances and music. He deserves to travel, to see the beautiful locations in Luxium.
Rehoboam: He deserves to live like that Gaar dude. Wear fashionable clothes and live a life of freedom.
Rehoboam: The third Shadow War has begun. No one can be sure if they'll survive till the end.
Rehoboam: Caspar deserves to enjoy life before it ends. That's the only way he could die without regret.
Caspar: I will not leave you, Master!
Caspar: I will stay and protect you!
Rehoboam: Don't worry, Caspar. I'll leave Player a Soul Crystal. If I'm in danger...
Rehoboam: He'll know even if no one's alerted him. He'll bring you back to me in no time.
Rehoboam: So listen to what Player has to say and just follow his orders.
-Choice A - I'll stay and protect you, Rehoboam.
Player: It'd be too risky if neither Caspar nor I am around.
Player: If someone steals your meds again, what would you do?
Player: If you're in that kind of state, even if we rush back right away, it'd still be too late.
Player: I know that you want me to take Caspar on a trip, but let's wait till this whole affair is over first.
Rehoboam: I see, Player. Your advice is always spot-on.
Rehoboam: My life is in your hands.
Player: Rest easy!
Rehoboam starts carrying out his plan, which he named the Purge. He stops taking his drugs and ends up in bed, weak and ill.
You stay around to take care of him.
Meanwhile, without the Flux Rehoboam supplied him with, Caspar weakens day by day.
Two weeks later, on one fateful night, three students with foul intentions attack the lab.
With you and Caspar holding them off, they're unable to hurt Rehoboam.
Rehoboam recovers his powers after he downs his meds and defeats the three students.
He also makes all evidence of their crimes public.
The other Nirvanians members, unnerved by Rehoboam's astounding combat and intelligence-collecting skills, fear for their lives.
Rehoboam, however, lets the rest of them off the hook on the condition that they don't try anything funny.
The Nirvanians starts running smoothly once more.
After the whole fiasco is over, Rehoboam invites you over for a drink.
Rehoboam: You know, Player, I used to consider giving naming The Nirvanians something different.
Rehoboam: I wanted to call it 'Guild of Researchers'.
Player: Why?
Rehoboam: The Nirvana is forbidden trick, after all.
Rehoboam: And the average person would be disdainful when they hear the name 'The Nirvanians'.
Rehoboam: Guild of Researchers', on the other hand... new name, new beginning.
Player: Makes sense. Why didn't you change the name then?
Rehoboam: Because of you, heh.
Player: Me?
Rehoboam: Once upon a time, we used The Nirvanians to refer to those we revived.
Rehoboam: It also stands for the Gyees. A group that went through rebirth, so to speak.
Rehoboam: But now, I myself am one of the Nirvanians. One who was reborn.
Rehoboam: The first person who blessed me with a new life was my teacher, Master Az.
Rehoboam: He taught me so much. Not only book smarts but also street smarts. I shed all my previous self-doubt and became a better person after I met him.
Rehoboam: And the second... it was you, Player.
Rehoboam: You saved my life multiple times and dragged me back to the righteous path when I went astray. Without you, I'd have become the kind of person I despised the most.
Rehoboam: You did what my teacher could not.
Rehoboam: So I consider you, too, as a teacher of mine.
Player: Haha, you flatter me.
Rehoboam: No, you deserve this praise.
Rehoboam: You granted me and The Nirvanians a new life.
Rehoboam: From now on, till when my teacher returns...
Rehoboam: The Nirvanians and I shall answer to your every beck and call.
Rehoboam: And I will be both your friend and follower.
Rehoboam: I'll help you defeat the Shadows and return to earth.

-Choice B - Caspar, follow your Master's orders and come on a trip with me.
Caspar: This is dangerous, Master!
Rehoboam: Be a good boy, Caspar. I'll be okay.
Rehoboam: Don't you trust me?
Rehoboam: Are you rebelling against me now?
Caspar: No, Master.
Rehoboam: Go, then. You deserve an exciting, bright life!
Caspar: Yes, Master.
Rehoboam starts carrying out his plan, which he named the Purge.
He returns to working in the lab while you and Caspar go on a trip.
You bring Caspar on a trip around the world, enjoying foreign cuisine and touring scenic spots.
Player: How was it, Caspar? Isn't the world a big place? Isn't it fun?
Caspar: Yes! So big! So fun!
Caspar: Are you tired, bro?
Player: Bro? Ha, where did you learn that from?
Caspar: In the pub we went to yesterday.
Caspar: There were two guys. They seemed like really good friends.
Caspar: That was what they called each other.
Caspar: I asked them about it. They told me that if two guys were very close, they would call each other 'bro'.
Caspar: Are we not close, bro?
Player: Of course we're close! I'll call you bro too from now on.
Caspar: You must be tired, bro.
Caspar: You mentioned last time that if someone is tired, they should take a hot spring bath.
Caspar: So let's go take a hot spring bath.
Caspar: I will give you a massage, and then you can have a good night's sleep.
Caspar: What do you say, bro?
Player: Sure thing!
You take a hot spring bath with Caspar. Later, you return to the hotel together, and he gives you a message.
At night, Rehoboam's alarm sounds. You and Caspar hop on the airship and rush back to his side.
When you get there, you see the lab surrounded by corpses of mercenaries and mid-and-lower-level spirits.
Rehoboam is in a stand-off with three of his students. All four are heavily injured.
You and Caspar's arrival changes the situation immediately.
You defeat all the assailants. Rehoboam quickly starts healing his own wounds with arcane skills and medicine.
He recovers the next day.
Rehoboam executes the three traitors and makes all evidence of their crimes public.
The other Nirvanians members, unnerved by Rehoboam's astounding combat and intelligence-collecting skills, fear for their lives.
Rehoboam, however, lets the rest of them off the hook on the condition that they don't try anything funny.
The Nirvanians starts running smoothly once more.
Rehoboam's been busy these days, so you leave him alone.
He visits you one day, Caspar in tow.
Player: Hello, Rehoboam! How's everything?
Rehoboam: Not bad at all. Things have calmed down.
Rehoboam: We're actually here to visit because your 'bro' misses you.
Caspar: Bro!
Player: Ha! I miss you too, Bro.
Rehoboam: Looks like he really had a lot of fun with you.
Rehoboam: He's never looked so happy when he's with me.
Rehoboam: How about you take him in?
Player: What?!
Caspar: Master, I...
Rehoboam: Caspar deserves better. He ought to live his own life.
Rehoboam: And no need to be nervous or surprised. You've saved my life many times. I don't doubt for a moment that you'll treat Caspar well.
Caspar: But what about Master?
Rehoboam: No need to worry about me. I have my ways.
Rehoboam: Caspar, you'll be living with your bro from now on. Would you like that?
Caspar: Yes.
Rehoboam: All right. Take good care of him, Player.
Player: Hmm...
Rehoboam: Very well. I'll be off, then.
Rehoboam: Oh, right. The Nirvanians has been renamed to Guild of Researchers.
Rehoboam: My lab is always open to you two. See you, then.
Rehoboam wheels himself off in his arcane-powered wheelchair.
You watch his retreating figure with Caspar by your side.


This section contains spoilers for Date scenes.


Rehoboam: If you're free today, Player...
Rehoboam: Let's go to Elysiann together.
Player: Sure.
Scene transition
Rehoboam: Every year, I find time to visit Elysiann and walk around a bit.
Rehoboam: This city changes in small ways every year.
Rehoboam: An academy for officers was built the year before the last in Elysiann. Many youths from reputable families have enrolled.
Rehoboam: One of my students sent their kid there too.
Rehoboam: Elysiann came up with a city sanitation project last year. The streets are much neater now...
Rehoboam: Even the fishing port no longer reeks as much as it used to.
Rehoboam: The Elysiann Art Museum was built this year. It houses lots of artworks...
Rehoboam: I'm not much of an art appreciator though, so I never went.
Rehoboam: Next year, the election for Elysiann's new Chief Consul will be held.
Rehoboam: This city is ever-changing.
Rehoboam: At times like these, I'm always reminded of Azria.
Rehoboam: As prosperous as Elysiann is, it can never replace the Azria in my heart.
Rehoboam: I've heard that Never Isle was devised and built based on what Azria used to look like...
Rehoboam: Too bad I was never able to visit.
Rehoboam: It's been so many years. It must have changed a lot.
Player: I don't know how much Never Isle has changed. I just got here myself, after all.
Player: But I can take a picture with a photo crystal or a camera to show you.
Player: You'll get to see what it's like, then.
Rehoboam: Sounds perfect. Thanks in advance.
Rehoboam: Talk to me about Never Isle.
Rehoboam: I'm curious.
Player: No problem!
Player: But I don't really know where to start...
Player: What parts about Never Isle would you like to know about?
Rehoboam: Hmm, how it's been developing, I guess.
Rehoboam: I heard that the two organizations, Oathblades and the Order of Equality, have contributed a lot to the development of Never Isle.
Rehoboam: And these two organizations happen to be sworn enemies with completely different beliefs...
Rehoboam: I'm actually more curious about what YOU think.
Rehoboam: You may be an Avatar, but you're no different from a Gyee.
Rehoboam: You aren't old enough to remember the Battle of Azria. A typical new-generation Gyee who grew up in Never Isle.
Rehoboam: So I'm curious. From your standpoint, which organization do you like better?
Rehoboam: The Order of Equality? Or Oathblades?

-They're both indispensable. - 500 Intimacy
Player: I wouldn't say that the Order of Equality and Oathblades are exactly enemies.
Player: I feel like the two organizations complement each other quite well.
Player: Both are essential for the development of Never Isle.
Rehoboam: Hm, okay.
Rehoboam: An unbiased viewpoint. Insightful, too.
Rehoboam: But see, we're just two friends chatting now.
Rehoboam: So I'd like your honest, personal opinion.
Player: It's... hard to choose a side.
Player: Both are appealing to me, I guess.
Rehoboam: Hm. I see.
Rehoboam: Let's go look around in the west side of the city, yeah?
Player: Hmm...

-Oathblades. - 700 Intimacy
Rehoboam: Oh?
Rehoboam: Same here.
Rehoboam: Why do you like this organization?
Player: The Oathblades warriors are zealous and truly valiant.
Rehoboam: Yes, I've heard a lot about the Oathblades too.
Rehoboam: Miles, their Captain, is fierce and dauntless... an admirable figure.
Rehoboam: Commander Markus is forthright, righteous, wise and also highly perceptive.
Rehoboam: He was the general who led the Gyees to victory back then in the Battle of Azria.
Rehoboam: Without him, there'd be no Never Isle.
Rehoboam: But my favorite is Nemesio, Oathblades' second-in-command.
Rehoboam: We were both exiled, so I can't help finding him relatable.
Rehoboam: I trust that, even now, he's still dedicated to the welfare of Gyees and the development of Never Isle.
Rehoboam: Still, I liked him better when he was younger.
Rehoboam: Suave, confident, shone so bright you could barely bring yourself to look him in the face.
Rehoboam: Led his elite squad to win countless battles.
Rehoboam: His squad of only 40 men and 40 horses rode straight into Crossport City and wreaked havoc in the White Capes' headquarters. How bold! How daring!
Rehoboam: ...When I was a kid, I'd often dream of becoming a young hero like him.
Rehoboam: Heh. Too bad it doesn't look like this path is for me.
Player: Didn't know you were the passionate type. You didn't look like it.
Rehoboam: We were all young once, eh?
Rehoboam: What boy doesn't dream of becoming a hero one day?
Rehoboam: Anyway, the past is in the past.
Rehoboam: I'm getting on in years now. My meds are all that's keeping me alive. Not in the state to get all passionate anymore.
Rehoboam: But even now, when I hear about the deeds of the young heroes...
Rehoboam: I'd become inspired to work harder in my research.
Rehoboam: If the youngsters are fighting on the battlefield, sacrificing themselves for the safety of their people...
Rehoboam: Then an old man like me's gotta work hard too. Can't let the young'uns do it all.
Rehoboam: I'd love to meet those heroes, but...
Rehoboam: Commander Markus and Nemesio...
Rehoboam: They see The Nirvanians as an evil organization.
Rehoboam: Eh, forget it. One day I'll show them.
Player: ...That's right! I can do it!

-Order of Equality. - 900 Intimacy
Rehoboam: Hmm...
Rehoboam: Tell me, why do you like the Order of Equality?
Player: First of all, the core ideal of the Order of Equality is to accelerate the development progress of Never Isle...
Player: And the dedication to ensuring a good life quality for everyone...
Rehoboam: Wait, I thought their core ideal was 'humans and Gyees, coexisting in peace'?
Player: Their fundamental goal is the resurrection and development of Gyee culture.
Player: Or maybe it's a means instead of a goal.
Rehoboam: Well said, well said.
Rehoboam: Actually, this is the only line many outsiders remember.
Rehoboam: Perhaps their contradictory beliefs with the Oathblades were what caused the reputation to spread, and it was how things ended up like this.
Player: Yes...
Player: Besides, if you ask someone random to tell you who was the one who did the most for the progress of Never Isle...
Player: Most people would likely choose...
Rehoboam: President Jonas?
Player: Yes.
Player: It's a real rag to riches story. He started from nothing, but now he's got a whole business empire...
Player: He's a hard worker if there ever was one...
Player: Never indulges himself. Doesn't even enjoy any forms of entertainment.
Player: How could he bear to lead a life like that, if not for his people, his beliefs?
Rehoboam: ...I didn't expect that.
Rehoboam: I used to think propaganda and putting on airs were all they were good at.
Rehoboam: I guess those are just methods for progress. Means to an end.
Player: Hmm...
Player: President Jonas really leads a hard life. Heard he plans to retire after the final battle with the Shadows.
Player: And then he's gonna build a Museum of Azria to better preserve Gyee relics and Azria's culture.
Rehoboam: ...I have some.
Rehoboam: The Nirvanians have collected a lot of Azrian relics and stored them in a warehouse.
Rehoboam: I'm the only one with the key to the place. It's still intact.
Rehoboam: Tell him for me...
Rehoboam: Once we win the war, The Nirvanians will donate all Azrian relics we've collected to the museum.
Player: ...
Player: No problem. Leave it to me!
Rehoboam: Thank you very much.
Rehoboam: My opinion on the Order of Equality really changed a lot after what you told me.
Rehoboam: Oh, it's all my personal opinion, though.
Rehoboam: The reason I wanted to know which you like better was that...
Rehoboam: I don't feel like I'm qualified to form an educated opinion.
Rehoboam: I could only speak of my own personal opinion as an average Gyee.
Rehoboam: After all, when it comes to the contributions made for our people...

New Life

Rehoboam: Player, I've been feeling a bit stuck in my research.
Rehoboam: I've been going through materials day and night, but I'm nowhere near the breakthrough I wanted.
Rehoboam: If you have time, come over for a chat. We won't talk about my research of course...
Rehoboam: It might be helpful to see things from a different perspective.
Player: Coming.
Scene transition
Rehoboam: Sorry to summon you all of a sudden.
Rehoboam: It's just that, if there's no one to chat with me about something that's not my research, I'd often just...
Rehoboam: ...Go back to thinking about my research.
Rehoboam: But when I'm with you or my students, I never know what to talk about.
Player: Ha, your head is full of your research after all!
Player: If you were the one to choose the topic, we'd never stop talking about your research.
Rehoboam: You're right, that's true.
Rehoboam: My students have no idea what to do about it either.
Rehoboam: They were the ones who suggested I ask you over.
Player: Let's talk about something fun, then. Like...
Player: ...Your interests?
Player: What do you do as a hobby?
Rehoboam: Hobby... I...
Rehoboam: I like doing research.
Player: Well...
Rehoboam: There's nothing much besides that.
Rehoboam: Oh, right, I also like listening to exciting stories.
Rehoboam: Especially if they're about military troops. Oathblades, for example. Or the Shadowhunters.
Player: I've got some.
Rehoboam: But I've probably already heard all the tales you know about them.
Player: Too bad for me, then.
Rehoboam: Sorry...
Rehoboam: Oh, a student of mine recommended me something else.
Rehoboam: He suggested that I go outside.
Rehoboam: He said I should go outdoors, walk around, look at some new sights...
Rehoboam: It'd bring me inspiration for my future research, too.
Player: That's a good idea indeed.
Rehoboam: Yeah. My teacher and Ranmaru both talked to me about it.
Rehoboam: So I already traveled around in Luxium in my spare time when I was young.
Rehoboam: I just want to rewire my brain a bit so that I won't feel so stuck.
Rehoboam: There's no need to go all the way there again. It's a waste of time.
Rehoboam: And what do you think?

-It's not just the getting there part. Traveling is a lifestyle. - 900 Intimacy
Rehoboam: Oh?
Player: Just going to a place, just existing there a bit before leaving... it doesn't count as traveling.
Player: If that's all you do during a trip, you might as well just look at pictures. There's no difference.
Player: Traveling means going to a new place, a new environment...
Player: And experiencing a whole new life there.
Player: You meet locals there, eat with them, chat with them, and...
Player: Learn what their daily lives are like over there.
Player: That's how you get rid of your current mindset.
Player: See, if you keep repeating the same life every day...
Player: What difference is there between you and a machine?
Rehoboam: ...True.
Rehoboam: A new life...
Rehoboam: But my legs no longer work. And I'm an old man...
Rehoboam: How do I travel around like those young people? And how do I blend in with them?
Player: I can come with you.
Player: I've been to a lot of places and made lots of friends. They'll be happy to show you around.
Player: Who doesn't like to have fun, right?
Player: You might have been doing research for too many years...
Player: So you never learned what it was like to have fun. No wonder you don't know your own preferences.
Rehoboam: Yeah. I've done research on the human body before. When stimulated in certain ways, we all feel happiness.
Rehoboam: No exceptions.
Rehoboam: As for the usual entertainment forms in the world, I do know about them... I'm just not interested.
Player: Take a hot spring bath? Go to a sauna?
Rehoboam: Exhaustion is already part of my life. No need to waste time on rejuvenating myself.
Rehoboam: Besides, I can use drugs to get my spirits back up if I really need to.
Player: Uh, in that case, what about...
Player: The Rupor Show? Have you heard of that?
Rehoboam: It's a kind of performance.
Player: So even you've heard of it!
Player: Want to come with us? You'll feel all invigorated by the youthful energy there for sure.
Rehoboam: ...So young people love that performance?
Rehoboam: Well, I'll give it a try then.
Rehoboam: The older I get, the less energetic I am. I feel sluggish these days.
Rehoboam: I suppose it's time to go out and hang out a bit with youngsters.
Rehoboam: I'll leave it to you, then.
Player: No Problem!

-The world's changed a lot. - 700 Intimacy
Player: The world is always changing. The world then is very different from the world now.
Rehoboam: Ah, that's true.
Rehoboam: Elysiann, too, is ever-changing.
Rehoboam: It must be the same for all places over the world.
Player: Besides, if you simply stare at something from a distance...
Player: You wouldn't know how it's changed with time.
Player: It's not just that the world looks different...
Player: People's lifestyles, entertainment choices... They never stop changing.
Player: A researcher's duty is, after all, to change the world and guide the people with their research.
Player: If you don't know how the world has changed, nor how the world is like now... how would you be able to change your own lifestyle?
Rehoboam: ...You're right.
Rehoboam: Thanks for the advice.
Rehoboam: It's hard to achieve breakthroughs in a lot of meaningful studies, not because of any academic reasons...
Rehoboam: But because the people doing the research simply never tackled the subject from a different angle.
Rehoboam: This applies to the problem I'm currently facing, too.
Rehoboam: I guess it's indeed time I go outside and look around.
Rehoboam: Seeing how the world has changed would likely inspire me.
Rehoboam: Thanks.

-Yeah, it's kind of a waste of time. - 500 Intimacy
Rehoboam: If that's what you think...
Rehoboam: I'll continue with my research, then.
Rehoboam: As long as I'm devoted and persevere...
Rehoboam: Even if I deviate from the right path, I would still be able to find my way back.
Rehoboam: One day, I'll achieve the breakthrough I want.
Rehoboam: It might take me a bit longer to get there, but it's better than not getting there at all.
Player: Yep. I'll be cheering you on.
Rehoboam: Thanks.

Caspar's Book

Caspar: Player.
Caspar: Come, help me.
Player: Coming.
Scene transition
Player: Caspar? You asked for me? Why are you in a bookstore?
Player: Did something happen to Rehoboam?
Caspar: No. Master is doing research.
Caspar: Will you buy the book for me?
Player: ...Buy a book?
Player: Did Rehoboam ask you to buy a book for him and...
Caspar: No. The book is for me.
Caspar: I cannot read.
Caspar: But I can ask someone else to read it to me.
Caspar: All the books I have, I finished.
Caspar: I am looking for a new book, but I have no clue which to get.
Caspar: See these three? They look like they will be a good read.
Caspar: Which should I get?
Player: Hmm...
Player: 'In His Arms'?
You can't help chuckling when you see the buff dudes cuddling on the book cover.
Player: So that's your kind of thing, Caspar?
Caspar: Yes.
Caspar: I love working out.
Caspar: But, judging from the illustrations, this specific kind of working out requires two people.
Player: Uh, are you using this as a guide for bodybuilding?
Player: It's actually a... well... erotic novel.
Caspar: Erotic novel? What is that?
Caspar: Anyway, do you like it? If you do, I will take it.
Player: Let me check out some other books.
Player: 'Homemade Meal Guide'...
Player: It's a cookbook.
Caspar: Great. I can cook for Master.
Caspar: Master says, I am a good cook.
Player: So you can cook too?
Caspar: Yes.
Player: The third book... 'Shield of Ka: Guardian Knight'...
Player: It's an installment in the 'Shield of Ka' biographical novel series.
Player: They're about the order of knights serving the Kaism during the second War of Shadows.
Player: This particular book is about Crete, the guardian knight.
Caspar: Good. Very good. Sounds like it will be a great read.
Player: How about you buy all three?
Caspar: No way!
Caspar: Master says, I can only get one each time. I can get a new one after I finish.
Caspar: Be good. Choose one.
Player: All right, then...

-'In His Arms' - 500 Intimacy
Caspar: Oh... you like this one?
Player: I... uh, I...
Player: I have a feeling you'll like it.
Player: Give it a try.
Caspar: Sure. Even though it doesn't feel quite right.
Caspar: But I trust you.
Caspar: Will you read it for me?
Caspar: I cannot read.
Caspar: Read it for me. I will fulfill a request for you.
Caspar: Is that okay?
Player: No problem!
Caspar: All right.

-Homemade Meal Guide - 900 Intimacy
Caspar: You... chose this one?
Caspar: Why?
Player: I'd like to try your cooking too.
Player: Besides, I can read the content from this book out loud to you while cooking at the same time.
Player: We can cook together!
Caspar: No problem.
Caspar: Cook together...
Caspar: Master would be really happy.

-Shield of Ka: Guardian Knight - 700 Intimacy
Caspar: Okay, I'll take this one.
Caspar: I like reading stories.
Player: I knew you'd like this novel.
Caspar: He is called Crete.
Caspar: I will become a guardian too, like Crete.
Caspar: That is why I like reading books like this.
Caspar: But I cannot read.
Caspar: Will you read it for me?
Caspar: Read it for me. I will fulfill a request for you.
Caspar: Is that okay?
Player: No problem!
Caspar: All right.


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Azria Stories

In order to find the whereabouts of Az, Rehoboam invited Ranmaru to have a talk. After being repeatedly rejected...

-Part 1
Scene - Hottie Bar
Player: So Ranmaru-senpai is still unwilling to see you?
Rehoboam: Yeah. He thinks I've let my teacher down and embarrassed him.
Rehoboam: After all, Ranmaru-senpai is a highly righteous person. I've definitely chosen a sinful path in his eyes.
Rehoboam: But I have one final trump card.
Rehoboam: I wanted to show it to him when we meet, but...
Player: ...What is it?
Rehoboam: A cauldron for drinking tea. It's called Heming Kettle.
Rehoboam: Ranmaru-senpai's master gave it to him when he graduated. He treasures it more than anything in the world.
Rehoboam: He lost the Heming Kettle during the Battle of Azria. It was shattered in the process.
Rehoboam: I sent someone to find the cauldron shards and restore it to its original state.
Rehoboam: This Heming Kettle is my final trump card.
Rehoboam: But I don't think I should use this trump card myself if I want to meet Ranmaru-senpai.
Rehoboam: So that's why I came to you. You're the only person both Ranmaru-senpai and I trust.
Rehoboam: I hope you can bring him the cauldron and discuss some collaborative plans, then just casually name-drop me in the conversation.
Rehoboam: Will you help me?
Choice 1.1 - Of course. I'm glad you both trust me. - 8 Intimacy
Rehoboam: Hmm. Thank you.
Rehoboam: But it's not just about trusting and helping each other.
Rehoboam: What I'm hoping to arrange with Ranmaru-senpai is a way to share information so that we can find our teacher sooner.
Rehoboam: And you'll be able to return to earth too that way.
Rehoboam: So we're all after the same goal.
Player: Got it.
Rehoboam: All right. No time to waste. Let's go.
Go to Part 2
Choice 1.2 - Of course. I want to find Master Az as much as you do. - 11 Intimacy
Rehoboam: Exactly.
Rehoboam: What I'm hoping to arrange with Ranmaru-senpai is a way to share information so that we can find our teacher sooner.
Rehoboam: And you'll be able to return to earth too that way.
Rehoboam: So we're all after the same goal.
Rehoboam: I'm glad you can see that.
Rehoboam: Let's go, then. We'll work hard together.
Player: Yes.
Go to Part 2
Choice 1.3 - This doesn't sound like a good idea. - 5 Intimacy
Rehoboam: Oh? What do you mean?
Player: Judging from his attitude, Ranmaru-senpai doesn't seem to want me meddling in this affair.
Player: And he's not willing to tell me what happened in the past, at least not now.
Player: So it'd be the same even if I'm the one who knocks on his door.
Player: You should find someone more suitable for the role.
Rehoboam: Oh, really?
Rehoboam: Anyway, if you say so, I won't force you, then.
Rehoboam: Looks like it's time to talk to Seren again.
Rehoboam: Just wait. I'll let you know when it's done.
Scene ends

-Part 2
Scene - Ranmaru's island hut
Player: Ranmaru-senpai!
Ranmaru: Oh? It's Player.
Ranmaru: Give me a sec.
Ranmaru walks out his front door
Ranmaru: It's been a while. How have you been?
Player: You too.
Ranmaru: ...
Ranmaru: Are you holding... a cauldron?
Player: Yeah. It's your Heming Kettle.
Ranmaru: Whoa... it really is the Heming Kettle.
Ranmaru: May I look at it closely, friend?
You hand the Kettle to Ranmaru.
Ranmaru: Whoa, whoa, it really is the Heming Kettle.
Ranmaru: The crane drawing inside it... It's just like I remembered it.
Ranmaru: Thank you... thank you... I never imagined I'd see it again in my life...
Ranmaru: ...
Ranmaru: No... this Heming Kettle was actually repaired using arcana.
Ranmaru: Ah, I see.
Player: ...
Ranmaru: Tell me, who repaired this shattered cauldron?
Ranmaru: Who asked you to bring it to me?
Rehoboam: It's me, Ranmaru-senpai.
Ranmaru: ...
Rehoboam reveals himself along with Caspar
Rehoboam: A student found this cauldron in the ruins of Azria, repaired it and kept it safe.
Rehoboam: Finally... it's returned to its rightful owner.
Ranmaru: ...Player, my friend.
Ranmaru: Don't you know who this Rehoboam is?
Choice 1.1 - He's an apprentice of Master Az's.
Ranmaru: If Master Az knew what he's like now, he'd never had taken him in as apprentice!
Rehoboam: You're right, senpai.
Ranmaru: Friend, this person you're helping is the leader of The Nirvanians.
Ranmaru: It's an evil organization. A cult. You realize that?
Player: The Nirvanians may be a cult, but Rehoboam himself isn't all that bad.
Ranmaru: ...You insist, huh?
Ranmaru: In that case, Rehoboam...
Choice 1.2 - He's the leader of The Nirvanians. - 5 Intimacy
Ranmaru: It's an evil organization. A cult. You realize that?
Player: The Nirvanians may be a cult, but Rehoboam himself isn't all that bad.
Ranmaru: ...You insist, huh?
Ranmaru: In that case, Rehoboam...
Choice 1.3 - He's someone who can help you find Master Az. - 11 Intimacy
Ranmaru: You think I'll aid and abet that sinful organization just because of that?
Player: I wouldn't call it 'aid and abet'.
Player: Only by willingly committing crimes alongside a wrongdoer could you be called 'aiding and abetting'.
Player: Searching for Master Az, on the other hand, isn't anything evil.
Ranmaru: ...
Ranmaru: You may be right, friend.
Ranmaru: In that case, Rehoboam...
Conversation continues after choices
Ranmaru: I'll talk to you.
Rehoboam: ...
Rehoboam smiles
Ranmaru: But my doors will never be open to you.
Ranmaru: Say whatever you want here.
Rehoboam: Okay.
Rehoboam: I'll be direct, then.
Rehoboam: I came today to request to work together with you and Player, sharing what information and resources we have...
Rehoboam: I have but one goal, to find out what happened back then and find my teacher.
Rehoboam: I've been restoring the ruined murals back on Ashen Island. I'm already halfway done.
Rehoboam: I also analyzed the remaining Shadow Flux on Ashen Island and found some clues.
Rehoboam: During our collaboration, I'll make public all clues I've found.
Rehoboam: During this period, all Nirvanians members will follow your every order.
Rehoboam: And back then, I named my conditions for that. Just one simple request... that you, Ranmaru-senpai, will always treat me with honesty.
Ranmaru: I've seen every one of the murals before they were destroyed.
Ranmaru: I was there, too, during the battle with the Shadows.
Ranmaru: I already have all the information you have.
Ranmaru: I'm not interested.
Ranmaru: As for The Nirvanians...
Ranmaru: It's an evil cult whose powers I don't need.
Caspar: The Nirvanians... is not an evil cult!
Ranmaru: Is this a human you've brainwashed and added alterations to?
Rehoboam: No, he's not...
Ranmaru: I'll believe you, then. But even if he's not...
Ranmaru: Haven't you brainwashed other humans and altered their bodies?
Ranmaru: Took apart their limbs, killed innocents, crushed their souls... You've committed all these crimes, haven't you?
Caspar: ...
Rehoboam: In order to do great things, sacrifices are needed.
Ranmaru: But who are you to decide who shall be sacrificed?
Ranmaru: What difference is there between you and the Shadows, then?
Caspar: Don't you dare speak of my master like that!
Caspar: I will-
Rehoboam: Stop, Caspar.
Ranmaru: (Softly, in awe) ...Caspar?
Rehoboam: Be respectful towards Ranmaru-senpai.
Caspar: Yes, Master.
Rehoboam: Please, Ranmaru-senpai, I don't think this is an affair that can be settled on so quickly.
Rehoboam: Besides, it has nothing to do with us working together.
Rehoboam: I'll explain in detail and apologize properly later. Would that be okay?
Ranmaru: If I don't get an explanation, I'll continue to view you as a criminal.
Ranmaru: And how do you expect me to trust a criminal?
Ranmaru: You want to work together, right? In order to do that, we need to trust each other.
Ranmaru: If I still don't trust you, what's the point of a collaboration?
Ranmaru: If you don't have anything else to say, please take your leave.
Choice 2.1 - (Say nothing)
Rehoboam: Ranmaru-senpai, there's a lot I can do...
Choice 2.2 - Ranmaru-senpai, what does he have to gain by lying to you? - 11 Intimacy
Ranmaru: ...You trust him this much?
Player: It doesn't matter if I trust him or not.
Player: But you and I both believe that he genuinely wishes to find Master Az.
Player: You're both working towards the same goal.
Player: You aren't in possession of any treasures he'd want to steal, nor do you have anything issues with each other in private.
Player: I trust that he won't hurt you.
Rehoboam: Thanks a lot, Player.
Ranmaru: I'm not worried that he'll hurt me. Even if he does, I won't care.
Conversation continues after choices
Ranmaru: Let me ask you, Rehoboam.
Ranmaru: If we have to kill some innocents in order to get Master Az back...
Ranmaru: For example, if ten random civilians have to be sacrificed.
Ranmaru: What will you do?
Rehoboam: ...
Rehoboam: I...
Rehoboam: I will kill them.
Player: That's a difficult choice. But see, Ranmaru-senpai, he hesitated before he answered, which means that-
Ranmaru: No. He simply hesitated because he didn't know if he should say his answer out loud.
Ranmaru: He was never hesitant over the answer itself. He already had a clear answer in his head.
Rehoboam: ...Yes.
Ranmaru: We walk on different paths in life. There's no way we can work together.
Ranmaru: Just go.
Rehoboam: Ranmaru-senpai, as I've already said, there's a lot I can do.
Rehoboam: I have ways to cure your narcolepsy.
Ranmaru: ...
Rehoboam: You missed a lot in life because of your disorder, right?
Ranmaru: ...As I've already said, we walk on different paths in life. There's no way we can work together.
Ranmaru: Leave.
Ranmaru: If my words have no effect, I have no choice but to let my sword speak for me.
Caspar: Don't be impudent towards my master!
Rehoboam: Caspar, it's fine. Ranmaru-senpai won't hurt me.
Caspar: But Master...
Rehoboam: Caspar, respect Ranmaru-senpai, please.
Rehoboam: I've always respected Ranmaru-senpai ever since I joined the military and he'd been my personal coach.
Rehoboam: Apologize to him now.
Caspar: I am sorry, Ranmaru-senpai...
Ranmaru: No need to apologize. You were simply protecting your master like you were supposed to.
Rehoboam: Ranmaru-senpai, remember back when I was exiled from Azria and you and Master Az came to see me?
Rehoboam: Heh. You even pressed your sword against my neck and threatened to take my life.
Rehoboam: Master convinced you to put your sword away and simply cut all ties with me.
Ranmaru: ...What are you getting at?
Rehoboam: You knew that Master wouldn't sit and watch you kill me.
Rehoboam: Both Master and I knew...
Rehoboam: That you resorted to violence only to keep me from walking down this path.
Ranmaru: Yet you've walked down this path anyway... ascended to the peak of evil, already. What's the point of saying all this now?
Rehoboam: Ranmaru-senpai, I know you're one with proper manners. And you, too, want to find Master Az.
Rehoboam: You simply don't want me to be part of your plans.
Rehoboam: You have your reasons.
Rehoboam: I understand. If you've made your decision, no one can convince you to think otherwise.
Ranmaru: You understand, huh? There's no point in saying more, then. Please leave.
Rehoboam: Heh. I, too, am just like you.
Ranmaru: ...
Rehoboam: I'll continue searching for Master. And I'll never stop trying to prove to you that I'm trustworthy and can be of use.
Rehoboam: I'll take my leave now. May everything go smoothly for you, senpai.
Rehoboam teleports away
Ranmaru: That child's as stubborn as I remembered.
Player: ...Huh?
Ranmaru: You two seem to be on good terms. I'm surprised.
Ranmaru: After all, those bigoted, twisted people who choose the corrupt path in life are rarely appealing to most.
Player: Oh. But... he doesn't seem that bad to me underneath it all.
Ranmaru: Yeah. He used to be a good person.
Ranmaru: In the past, I'd even call him innocent.
Ranmaru: I've always rather liked that kid.
Ranmaru: But the more I think about it, the more guilty I feel... for not guiding him onto the righteous path back then.
Ranmaru: The reason I declined...
Ranmaru: Was not that I despised him, nor distrusted him. And it wasn't that I considered him useless.
Ranmaru: It was because he might resort to even more drastic measures if he learned about certain things.
Player: N-no way...
Player: Is it really that serious?
Ranmaru: Pal, have you heard of... Caspar?
Player: Caspar? Isn't he Rehoboam's Spirit Servant?
Ranmaru: Caspar used to be an outstanding general in Azria.
Player: ...
Ranmaru: When Rehoboam was twenty-six, he joined the Azria military as a battlefield mage.
Scene - The past, Azria city gate
Ranmaru: (In that year, Caspar was thirty. He was commander of the second legion of Azria.)
A formation of soldiers stands in front of their commander
A young mage runs up to the formation
Soldier A: Haha! The stuttering mage is late again.
Young Rehoboam: S-s-sorry...
Soldier B: S-s-s-sorry? Aw, I wonder how you even cast your spells on the battlefield.
Soldier B: Hahaha!
Young Rehoboam: D-don't laugh at m-me...
Soldier C: We aren't laughing at y-you! We're just imitating!
Soldier A: Ha, if you don't like that, then we're truly s-s-sorry!
Caspar: Quiet, all of you.
Caspar: Mage Rehoboam, why are you late?
Young Rehoboam: I-I-I was r-reading a b-book and f-forgot the time...
Caspar: Okay. I see.
Caspar: Everyone back to your posts. We're setting off.
Young Rehoboam: Yes, S-sir!
Soldier A: (Mutters) He always punishes us when we're late. Why did the stutterer get let off the hook easy?
Soldier B: (Mutters) He's a student of Master Az's. What about you, huh?
Soldier A: (Mutters) Tch, him? Really?
Soldier A: (Mutters) He's a disgrace to Master Az.
Young Rehoboam: (Balls fist) ...
Ranmaru: (Rehoboam was clumsy and had a serious stuttering problem. He'd often fumble over his spells during a battle.)
Ranmaru: (He usually kept to himself and rarely interacted with the others.)
Ranmaru: (The soldiers all mocked him. Caspar, the commander, was the only one who not only tolerated but also encouraged him.)
Ranmaru: (That was how Caspar and I got to know Rehoboam.)
Ranmaru: (Back then, Master Az had asked me to train Rehoboam in combat skills.)
Ranmaru: (He worked hard, but his combat skills improved only minimally.)
Scene - The past, Azria training grounds
Young Rehoboam stands in front of Ranmaru
Ranmaru: (I realized that he simply wasn't a fighter.)
Instead of training Young Rehoboam in kendo, they have a discussion instead
Ranmaru: (A year later, I gifted him the Heming Kettle.)
Ranmaru: (When my master gave me the cauldron, he said to me:)
Ranmaru: ('This is a black ceramic cauldron. Originally, it was clay.')
Ranmaru: ('Like clay, you can't decide how you were born, but you can decide what you become.')
Ranmaru: (I was glad to see that Rehoboam understood this concept sooner than I did.)
Ranmaru: (However, there was one thing he didn't understand...)
Ranmaru: ('You can't forge a steel blade out of clay. Neither can you forge a ceramic cauldron out of steel.')
Ranmaru: (Hard work won't always get you the results you want.)
Ranmaru: (It's time he takes the path carved out for him.)
Scene - The past, Azria City
Young Rehoboam talks to Caspar
Ranmaru: (He bade Caspar farewell after leaving the military.)
Ranmaru: (The two became best friends during that year.)
Ranmaru: (Rehoboam was a man of few friends, and Caspar was the most important one of them all.)
Ranmaru: (After that, Caspar became a highly reputed general in Azria.)
Ranmaru: (He led his troops on countless expeditions and won countless battles.)
Ranmaru: (Meanwhile, Rehoboam became a skilled pharmacist and scholar of the arcana.)
Ranmaru: (He developed and improved over twenty types of medicine, becoming a benchmark in the medical field.)
Ranmaru: (He also was the one who came up with the improved nine-leaf, the Flux circulation system used in Azria. And he wrote several papers that pretty much blew everyone's minds in the academic circle.)
Ranmaru: (The two remained friends for almost twenty years.)
Scene - The past, Azria city gates
An older Rehoboam stands in front of Caspar and his troops
Ranmaru: (Year 1073 of the New Era, the Azria forces found the secret stronghold of the Shadows and sent Caspar and his troops to launch a sneak attack.)
Ranmaru: (Rehoboam, then forty-five, saw them off at the city gate.)
Ranmaru: (That was the last time the two saw each other, at least when they were both alive.)
Player: (You...)
Scene - The past, Azria city
The bodies of Caspar and his men are arranged on the ground
Ranmaru: (Caspar was ambushed by the Shadows and died out there in the wilderness.)
Ranmaru: (His men, too, were massacred.)
Rehoboam walks over to Caspar's body
Ranmaru: (Rehoboam had a hard time accepting this news.)
Ranmaru: (So he resorted to Nirvana spells.)
Player: (Nirvana spells?)
Ranmaru: (Nirvana is a forbidden trick that brings the dead back to life.)
Ranmaru: (Not even Master Az knows where Rehoboam learned that.)
Ranmaru: (He drew a magic array following the instructions on an ancient manuscript...)
Ranmaru: (The array sucked away all his Flux. He fainted right after that.)
Ranmaru: (And then the array attracted the souls of the fallen soldiers...)
Ranmaru: (But...)
Rehoboam falls to the ground
Caspar gets up like a zombie, emanating dark flames
Ranmaru: (Along with them came Shadow Flux.)
Caspar's fallen soldiers also get up, emanating dark flames
Player: (...)
Scene - The present, Ranmaru's hut
Player: Then what happened?
Ranmaru: The soldiers who once sacrificed themselves for Azria, now bare shells possessed by Shadows...
Ranmaru: They wreaked havoc in the city.
Ranmaru: Killed three innocents and wounded twelve.
Ranmaru: Rehoboam, too, was wounded heavily and lost all mobility in both legs.
Player: ...
Ranmaru: When I learned what was going on, I rushed there and killed those warriors once again to prevent an even bigger tragedy.
Ranmaru: Master Az really didn't want to do it, but the laws were the laws, so he still chose to exile Rehoboam from Azria.
Ranmaru: And collected and burned all the books and manuscripts he penned regarding forbidden tricks.
Ranmaru: We arranged a place for him to stay nearby Elysiann in hopes that he could recuperate and perhaps change from his old ways.
Ranmaru: But when we next visited him, the building had already been renovated into a lab.
Ranmaru: Or should I call it... a lab for the forbidden tricks?
Ranmaru: The house was a mess, reeking of all sorts of pungent smells.
Ranmaru: Scattered all over the place was manuscripts, arcane materials, groceries, junk... I could barely bring myself to look at it.
Ranmaru: There were even human organs and limbs lying around.
Player: ...
Ranmaru: I was fuming when I saw all that.
Ranmaru: He did explain that the organs and limbs were from death row prisoners whom he bought...
Ranmaru: And I knew he'd never lie.
Ranmaru: But I still couldn't control my rage.
Ranmaru: I liked the kid so much. Had high hopes for him. It made me all the more upset.
Ranmaru: As much as I hated to, I resorted to threatening him in hopes that he'd return to the right path.
Ranmaru: But even as my blade sliced his neck open, even as the blood dribbled down... his gaze showed no fear.
Ranmaru: So I thought, well...
Ranmaru: He was so dedicated to his cause that he'd sacrifice other people. So why'd the prospect of dying unnerve him?
Ranmaru: I don't know how many human bodies he used in his experiments, but it was obvious that he succeeded in the end...
Ranmaru: His experiments worked out, and he managed to revive Caspar.
Ranmaru: This Caspar is a completely different person, probably due to his soul being fragmented.
Ranmaru: But we have to admit that this Caspar we see is as a real and powerful as it can get. The experiment was successful.
Ranmaru looks out towards the distance
Ranmaru: ...A long time ago, back when he was still in Azria, Master Az once said to me:
Ranmaru: 'Rehoboam is actually a lot like you. He's pure, has very few desires. Once he's dedicated to something, he won't ever change his tune.'
Ranmaru: 'But that means that if he goes astray, even for just a tiny bit, he will only deviate further from his original path.'
Ranmaru: 'Also, the more powerful the person, the more devastating the disaster he'll bring.'
Ranmaru: Besides, Rehoboam is one to cherish each of his relationships to the extreme.
Ranmaru: Caspar, whom he had revived, was killed by me back then. He was in great pain, but he never blamed me.
Ranmaru: Because he owed me a favor, after all.
Ranmaru: He and Caspar weren't on the best of terms after they were in their thirties, but he was still willing to do all this for Caspar.
Ranmaru: Because they were once best friends.
Ranmaru: As for Master Az, he taught him so much, knowledge-wise and skill-wise. Even his life philosophy. He did everything he could for him...
Ranmaru: He's truly stubborn and values his relationship with his teacher more than anything.
Ranmaru: I can't imagine what kind of drastic measures he'll take in order to ensure that Master Az returns...
Ranmaru: Will he sacrifice himself? Will he sacrifice countless innocent civilians?
Ranmaru: Will he resort to crazy forbidden tricks that none of us even know about...?
Ranmaru: Just think about this gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Ranmaru: All I could do was to try and keep him from meddling in this whole affair.
Ranmaru: But too bad... I don't think I'd be able to guide him back to the right path now.
-Choice 3.1 - We might succeed if we work together.
Ranmaru: Oh?
Ranmaru: My intuition tells me something...
Ranmaru: I know we can do it as long as we have you on our side.
Player: Why do you think so?
Ranmaru: You resemble Master Az in a way.
Player: Ha. Perhaps it's because I'm in avatar form right now. After all, Master Az created it with the Wheel of Fate...
Player: So that's why I kind of resemble him.
Ranmaru: Nope. You don't look the least alike.
Ranmaru: But your aura is just like him. There's a certain elegance...
Player: Ha, you flatter me, senpai. I'm not much of a leader.
Ranmaru: Neither is he.
Ranmaru: When we first met, he was just an ordinary young man.
Ranmaru: No matter the status of the person he's talking to...
Ranmaru: He'd speak in a humble, calm manner.
Ranmaru: Friendly, but not in an ass-kissing way. Calm, but not cold.
Ranmaru: He radiated confidence wherever he went.
Ranmaru: A sort of easy confidence that wasn't the least bit arrogant.
Ranmaru: And, you know, you radiate that kind of confidence too.
Player: ...
Ranmaru: That perhaps this trait is what made you both so charismatic.
Ranmaru: You can become friends with all sorts of people easily.
Ranmaru: No matter who it is, you see their most charming and bright sides.
Ranmaru: Everyone finds you pleasant to interact with.
Ranmaru: Now, Rehoboam and I... we could never do that.
Ranmaru: If we can reawaken his memories concerning Master Az so that he'd remember Master's teachings...
Ranmaru: And stimulate and advise him at the right moment...
Ranmaru: We might really be able to guide him back on the right path. There's still hope.
Player: Yes.
Player: And you can probably tell too, senpai...

-Choice 3.2 - He might already be walking on the right path.
Ranmaru: Why do you say so, my friend?
Player: As far as I know, a lot of Rehoboam's research is done for the sake of Luxium's development.
Player: He's studying a species of maggots these days. It's the only living being in Luxium that doesn't get corrupted by the Shadows.
Player: If he's successful, the results will be very helpful in our battle against the Shadows.
Player: Besides, power itself isn't inherently evil. The forbidden tricks, too. It all depends on how we use it.
Ranmaru: True. Most of his research is done for the good of the people.
Ranmaru: Therefore, it's hard to determine if he's a good person or bad.
Ranmaru: All we can say is that he's saved more lives than he's taken away.
Ranmaru: But who can say for sure if he won't cause more disasters in the future with the forbidden tricks?
Ranmaru: Besides, if more and more people in the world master the forbidden tricks...
Ranmaru: Just imagine what kind of world it'll become.
Ranmaru: Can you guarantee that everyone will use the Forbidden Tricks in righteous ways?
Ranmaru: What if those corrupt ones who were too powerless to make much mischief master the forbidden tricks? What do you think they'll do?
Player: ...
Player: You're right, Ranmaru-senpai. I didn't consider that.
Ranmaru: It is fine.
Ranmaru: You know him better than I thought.
Ranmaru: He seems to have the same ideas as you.
Player: ...Oh. In that case, we might be able to convince him!
Ranmaru: Oh? Tell me more.

-Choice 3.3 - Perhaps Master Az is the only one who can convince him.
Ranmaru: That's true...
Ranmaru: My intuition tells me something...
Ranmaru: I know we can do it as long as we have you on our side.
Player: Why do you think so?
Ranmaru: You resemble Master Az in a way.
Player: Ha. Perhaps it's because I'm in avatar form right now. After all, Master Az created it with the Wheel of Fate...
Player: So that's why I kind of resemble him.
Ranmaru: Nope. You don't look the least alike.
Ranmaru: But your aura is just like him. There's a certain elegance...
Player: Ha, you flatter me, senpai. I'm not much of a leader.
Ranmaru: Neither is he.
Ranmaru: When we first met, he was just an ordinary young man.
Ranmaru: No matter the status of the person he's talking to...
Ranmaru: He'd speak in a humble, calm manner.
Ranmaru: Friendly, but not in an ass-kissing way. Calm, but not cold.
Ranmaru: He radiated confidence wherever he went.
Ranmaru: A sort of easy confidence that wasn't the least bit arrogant.
Ranmaru: And, you know, you radiate that kind of confidence too.
Player: ...
Ranmaru: That perhaps this trait is what made you both so charismatic.
Ranmaru: You can become friends with all sorts of people easily.
Ranmaru: No matter who it is, you see their most charming and bright sides.
Ranmaru: Everyone finds you pleasant to interact with.
Ranmaru: Now, Rehoboam and I... we could never do that.
Ranmaru: If we can reawaken his memories concerning Master Az so that he'd remember Master's teachings...
Ranmaru: And stimulate and advise him at the right moment...
Ranmaru: We might really be able to guide him back on the right path. There's still hope.
Player: Yes.
Player: And you can probably tell too, senpai...
Conversation continues after choices
Player: He may be stubborn, but he's still willing to listen and communicate.
Player: He's just obsessed with certain concepts and ideas.
Ranmaru: That's right.
Ranmaru: Please take this, friend.
Player: Ranmaru-senpai, this is the... Heming Kettle!
Player: That's too valuable a gift!
Ranmaru: It's a favor I need to ask of you, friend.
Ranmaru: You and Rehoboam will still meet a lot in the future.
Ranmaru: I hope you can find the perfect chance to give him this Heming Kettle.
Ranmaru: After he was exiled from Azria and returned the Heming Kettle to me, he went astray.
Ranmaru: If this Kettle is returned to him, he'd surely know what I mean by it.
Ranmaru: Perhaps he'll remember the ideals he used to have when he first became a pupil of arcana.
Player: I see what you mean. Got it, I'll do my best!
Ranmaru: Thank you so much!
Ranmaru: And when you hand him the Heming Kettle, when he seems willing to listen to your input, you should tell him:
Ranmaru: 'The craft of Nirvana was in fact invented by the Shadows.'
Player: Huh? The craft of Nirvana was invented by the Shadows?
Ranmaru: Not really, but they did improve upon this forbidden trick and implement it in various ways.
Ranmaru: I, too, was revived by the Shadows with a Nirvana spell.
Player: ...
Ranmaru: Grey Serpent, the Shadow Bishop, was the one who did it.
Ranmaru: He revived me with a Nirvana spell and then attempted to corrupt me.
Ranmaru: Luckily I was able to break out of their mind control with sheer willpower, snap my chains and fight my way out.
Player: I see... But wait, I'm confused.
Player: If the Shadows didn't invent the craft of Nirvana, then why...
Ranmaru: Just go through some ancient manuscripts and you'll find the inventor.
Ranmaru: But... promise me, don't look it up.
Player: ...
Ranmaru: It's for your own safety...
Ranmaru: I know you're curious, but just don't. Trust me.
Ranmaru: All you have to do is tell Rehoboam what I just said to you.
Player: Got it, senpai.
Player: 'The craft of Nirvana was in fact invented by the Shadows.' Right?
Ranmaru: Correct.
Ranmaru: I'll leave it to you, then.
Ranmaru bows to Player
Player: No need to be so polite, senpai!
Player: I've learned so much about Rehoboam's past today. I feel like I understand him better now... and also gained more respect for him.
Player: Even if you hadn't asked me, I'd still be happy to help.
Player: But... does this mean that I can come to you in the future if Rehoboam and I are in trouble?
Ranmaru: Of course. My doors are always open for you.
Player: ...
Player smiles



Default Skin

Front/Default Back
Rehoboam Front Default
Rehoboam Back
Right Left
Rehoboam Right
Rehoboam Left

Epiphany Skin
Reach Epiphany Level 4 to unlock

Front/Default Back
RehoboamEphi Front Default
RehoboamEphi Back
Right Left
RehoboamEphi Right
RehoboamEphi Left

Cool Skin
Unlock with Cool Skin Coupon x100

Front/Default Back
RehoboamC Front Default
RehoboamC Back
Right Left
RehoboamC Right
RehoboamC Left


Rehoboam Normal
Rehoboam Surprised
Rehoboam Happy
Rehoboam Angry
Rehoboam Shy
Rehoboam Sad
Rehoboam Sorrowful
Rehoboam Arrogant
Caspar Funny
Caspar Serious


Title: Warm Breakfast
Artist: 水樹凱
Unlock requirements: Rehoboam's Intimacy reaches Lv.7 to unlock


Note: Skins will use the audio from the basic skin unless indicated otherwise.

Rehoboam's Basic Skin[]

