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Oki - A Full Service masseur from Morning Wood.

Specialized in Balinese massage, likes to be alone.

The mysterious masseur. His daggers show the rage hidden under his poker face.


Folks at the Arcana Academy was trying to manipulate the disturbance in Flux and send Rald and Kovid back to Morningwood, where they came from. The rite somehow went wrong, and brought in new visitors instead. Oki is one of them.

Oki used to be a masseur at Full Service Spa (Morningwood). Unlike his colleagues, Oki seldom serves customers. Instead, he and his twin brother Okan are dedicated to serving the Master, the mysterious owner of the massage parlor. One day while performing his service, Oki was blinded by a sudden burst of light out of nowhere. He found himself in a whole new world when the confusion passed.

Now in Luxium, Oki became a masseur at Full Service Spa (Never Isle) as a matter of course. With an athletic body build and a cold façade, he's an instant hit for a while. But soon local customers found out he's kind of introvert, and the 'cold façade' is in fact a poker face. That damaged his reviews somewhat. Don't worry though. Mediocre reviews do not necessarily mean he's a bad masseur. Do try Oki's Bali massage if your work involves heavy labor or prolonged sitting. It might start off a bit painful, but soon you will feel rejuvenated!

Forming a Pact[]

Oki's rarity: SSR

Max Epiphany without Illumination: Level 6

The player can form a pact with Oki by the following methods:

  • Starter Summon
    • Use 28 Heart Stones to add this Gyee to the Starter Summon pool.
  • Limited Summon
    • You can form a pact with Oki by summoning him on his limited-time banner.



Oki skill1

Arcane Flying Dagger
Cost: 25 Focus
Cool Down: None
Flux: Arcana
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Oki tosses the cursed blade, dealing damage equal to [Skill Level] of P.ATK to 1 enemy. If target has Slowness or Delay, then Oki gains 1 stack of Cursed Energy. When the skill strikes critically, he gains 1 additional stack of Concentrate.
  • Slowness: While the effect is active, reduces speed by 30% for 2 rounds. Can be purified.
  • Delay: Becomes the last one to take action, regardless of speed for 2 rounds. Can be purified.
  • Cursed Energy: While the effect is active, each stack reduces damage taken by 8%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until the end of the battle or defeated. Cannot be dispelled.

Skill Level

  1. 82%
  2. 89%
  3. 96%
  4. 103%
  5. 110%
Requires 50 Gyee Insight to unlock
  • Sharpened Edge
    • Increases damage dealt by Arcane Flying Dagger by 30%.

Unlock with Rainbow Skin

  • Quenching Blood
    • In PVE battles, after casting Bloody Shackles, self gains [Blood Gush].
      While dealing damage, each [Cursed Energy] increases damage dealt by 10%. For the first 3 rounds of each battle, reduces self's Hatred caused by DMG and healing effects by 100%. Removes the effect when defeated.
      • [Blood Gush]: While the effect is active, recovers self's HP by 10% before acting. Basic Crit damage increases by 50%. Lasts 2 rounds. Cannot be dispelled.


Oki skill2

Bloody Shackles
Cost: 70 Focus
Cool Down: 2 Rounds
Flux: Arcana
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Oki takes the blade and starts casting, dealing damage equal to [Skill Level] of P.ATK to 1 enemy, and places Slowness on the target. If Oki has less than 4 stacks of Cursed Energy, then he gains 1 Concentration.
  • Slowness: While the effect is active, reduces speed by 30% for 2 rounds. Can be purified.
  • Cursed Energy: While the effect is active, each stack reduces damage taken by 8%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until the end of the battle or defeated. Cannot be dispelled.

Skill Level

  1. 120%
  2. 131%
  3. 142%
  4. 154%
  5. 165%
Requires 150 Gyee Insight each to unlock
  • Enhanced Curse
    • Increases damage dealt by Bloody Shackles by 25%.
  • Stagnation
    • The Slowness from Bloody Shackles is now Delay. When there are 3 or more stacks of Cursed Energy, then restores HP equal to 20% of the damage dealt by Slowing Blade.
      • Delay: Becomes the last one to take action regardless of speed.. Lasts 2 rounds. Can be purified.


Oki skill3

Thousands Blades
Cost: 3 Concentration
Cool Down: None
Flux: Arcana
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Oki summons a large number of cursed blade phantoms, dealing damage equal to [Skill Level] of P.ATK to 1 enemy, removing all the Cursed Energy stacks and placing the same number of Blade Storm stacks on the target. The skill also consumes all Concentration to increase damage dealt.
  • Cursed Energy: While the effect is active, each stack reduces damage taken by 8%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until the end of the battle, removed when defeated. Cannot be dispelled.
  • Blade Storm: While the effect is active, each stack deals damage equal to 45% of P.ATK before taking action each round. This damage ignores shields, invincibility, defense and death immunity. Each stack reduces the character's healing received by 10%. Stacks up to 10 times and lasts 5 rounds. Can be purified.

Skill Level

  1. 440%
  2. 478%
  3. 517%
  4. 556%
  5. 595%
Requires 300 Gyee Insight each to unlock
  • Endless Blades
    • Increases damage dealt by Kris Dagger by 15%.
  • Murderous Blades
    • Blade Storm deals 50% more damage to targets with Delay.
      • Delay: Becomes the last one to take action, regardless of speed. Lasts 2 rounds. Can be purified.
  • Soultaking Blades
    • When casting Kris Dagger with 5 Concentration, the attack is guaranteed to critically strike, and restores HP equal to 25% of the damage dealt by Kris Daggers.


Oki skill4

Owner of the Blade
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
Oki gains the blessing of the cursed blade, increasing his damage dealt by (16.00% + Mastery Bonus).
At the beginning of the battle, Oki gains Mystery Blessing, making him immune to Delay, Sleep and Paralysis. He also takes 20% increased healing.
After taking any kind of healing, Oki places 1 stack of Cursed Energy on himself. If he does not have any stacks of Cursed Energy at the beginning of a round, then he loses 5% of his current HP and gains 1 stack of Cursed Energy, and gains 2 stacks of Cursed Energy when the battle begins.
When not under PvP, he gains a stack of Full Service Advantage for every Full Service Gyee in the battle.
  • Cursed Energy: While the effect is active, each stack reduces damage taken by 8%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until the end of the battle or defeated. Cannot be dispelled.
  • Full Service Advantage: Each stack increases damage dealt by 10%, and grants Oki 1 stack of Curse Energy after casting Kris Dagger. Lasts until the end of the battle. Cannot be dispelled.


Basic Engraving[]

  • Agility Engraving (P.ATK +0.60% per Engraving level)
    • Each engraving level requires I.N. Flux - Arcana x120 and Gold x25,000

Imprint Skill[]

The following Imprint Skill can be equipped on other Gyees and Avatars once unlocked.


To be released
Skill Type:
Class Allowed:
Stage 1
To be released
Stage 2
To be released
Stage 3
To be released


Date Choices[]

Dates will give either 500, 700, or 900 intimacy points depending on the choice selected.

  • Yaen Repelled! - The Genius Witch becomes the subject of a prank. Because…
    • Cue: And I want to... make new friends.
      • Just be yourself!
        900 Intimacy
      • Try some social classes.
        700 Intimacy
      • Then be more proactive and try not to be shy!
        500 Intimacy
  • Work - To many people, work is unbearable. But to Oki... it's not.
    • Cue: Are you a workaholic?
      • I don't want you to die from overworking.
        900 Intimacy
      • I don't understand you at all.
        500 Intimacy
      • Well, it's your decision.
        700 Intimacy
  • Party of One - Finding a quiet corner in a cacophonous city is a luxury sometimes.
    • Cue: I guess it's difficult to find a quiet place, isn't it?
      • Let's join the celebration!
        500 Intimacy
      • Let's go find Rald!
        700 Intimacy
      • I know somewhere you'll like!
        900 Intimacy

Intimacy Blocks[]

To reach Intimacy levels 7 and 11, Oki needs mementos (found in Darkflux Raid), reiki (found in Extreme Fight or Arcana Tracker), and the following block item:

  • Intimacy Level 7
    • S - Oki's Armband
      • The armband that Oki wears on his right arm, with a Full Service logo. It feels wet. Was it just washed?
        Used in Oki's Intimacy Breakthrough. Can be obtained from Extreme Fight.
  • Intimacy Level 11
    • Training Robot
      • A new basic training robot that Lan's dojo recently purchased. Apparently it can withstand hundreds of thousands of impacts.
        Used in Oki's Intimacy Breakthrough. Can be obtained from Extreme Fight.

Basic Drink Preferences[]

Dark Green No bonus

Mingle 25% bonus

Sunlight 50% bonus

Rock Spirit 25% bonus

Note: All blended drinks have a base preference bonus of 25% that can be modified by the drink's attributes.

Gift Preferences[]

50% bonus

Love DonutCocky SausageCoriander Ice CreamHot MilkWhite SocksPatterned StringMusic BoxDragonshard Ring

25% bonus

Love EggCucumber LollipopRainbow CandyBromance CoffeeYogurt PuddingAcademy UniformLace DressWater GunStuffed ToyPriapus's StatueSK-III EssenceTallow SoapJoanna's AutographKJ Shoes

No bonus

Crunchy CucumberDaddy's Beef JerkyCuttie VanillaIced CokeHeather TeaDistant WaterNever Isle Ice TeaLovely Bear SetRed High HeelsTraining TightsCoverallTwo-headed DragonMini DollDestiny CardsVensa Lubricant


Unlock views by leveling the intimacy of other gyees.

  • Yaen: I've been seeing this guy with Big Pipe, and I can feel a power that I've never seen before on him! Just wait...
    Yaen's Intimacy reaches Lv.2 to unlock
  • Kovit: Even though I don't talk to Oki very much, but he's from Morningwood, so he's one of us! And he's my buddy on Never Isle, too!
    Kovit's Intimacy reaches Lv.4 to unlock
  • Rald: When we were in Morningwood, Oki and I were both masseurs at Full Service. But here, Oki treats me like I'm the owner. I hope he can understand that the Never Isle branch of Full Service is also his home.
    Rald's Intimacy reaches Lv.6 to unlock
  • Okan: Sometimes Oki makes it difficult for himself by trying to accommodate me. Even though he's always keeping a straight face, there is tenderness that he doesn't know how to express hiding under it. I sometimes hope he can rely on me a little more.
    Okan's Intimacy reaches Lv.8 to unlock
  • Full Service Customer: Isn't that the new masseur? He's got a hot body and great techniques, but definitely not a talker!
  • Boy: This man looks menacing and scary...
  • White Cape General: This man is the new weapon of war developed by Yellow Eye from Never Isle. He blew through a stronghold near Crossport! The Holy Light will not forgive him!


Consolation Letter[]

Hi, I'm Oki.

I may not be your masseur at Full Service, but your neck and shoulder didn't look right just now. It's nothing serious, but I'd like to help. I've included some salves that you can use to alleviate these issues. But most of all, make sure you get plenty of rest.

I hope this sudden message didn't scare you...

Bath Drama[]

  • This... feels comfortable.
  • You're holding my pants, not a towel.
  • You look like you want a massage.

Fave Hottie Slogan[]

You believe in me? Thank you...


This section contains spoilers for the Branch quest. Please use a desktop browser for the best viewing experience.

The Way Home

-Part 1
Never Isle...
Vundo talks with Rald, Kovit, KACHA and Player in front of the Academy
Player: Huh? Really?
Rald: Principal Vundo...
Rald: You mean Kovit and I can...
Kovit: Go back to Morningwood?
KACHA: Back to Morningwood? Kacha!
Vundo: Yes.
Vundo: The Arcana Academy has detected irregular Flux fluctuations in Luxium.
Vundo: The fluctuations are similar to the ones detected when the two of you arrived.
Vundo: This must be a sign that Morningwood and Luxium are somewhat close in spacetime.
Vundo: In addition, we have finished examining the Shadow portal that summoned you.
Vundo: The Arcana Academy has developed a reverse portal based on the one used by the Shadows.
Kovit: Uh, I don't understand.
Kovit: But it sounds pretty cool!
Vundo: In theory, we should be able to use these fluctuations to send you back home to Morningwood.
Player: In theory?
Vundo: After all, no one in all of Luxium...
Vundo: Has ever tested a portal that can cross spacetime.
Rald: But this has a chance of sending us back to Morningwood, right?
Vundo: Yep.
Kovit: ... (surprised)
KACHA: Kacha! I'm going back!
Vundo: When you all came to Never Isle, I promised I'd help you find a way back.
Vundo: Now...
Vundo: If you want to try it out, you have the Arcana Academy's full cooperation.
Vundo: The Arcana Academy will take all safety measures possible, but it's still pretty risky.
Vundo: It's up to you to decide.
Rald: Kovit, we can go back to Morningwood!
Kovit: ... (sad)
Player: Kovit?
Kovit: Oh!
Kovit: Yes! Rald...
Kovit: We can go back.
Rald: Principal Vundo, can you give us some time to think about it?
Vundo: Of course. Just let me know what you decide by tonight.
Kovit: ... (sad)
A few moments later...
The three go back to the Full Service Spa
Rald: Thank you for your hard work. Let everyone know we'll have a meeting in half an hour.
Rald: All employees need to attend.
Masseur: Oh! Are we going to talk about the one year anniversary celebration?
Kovit: One year anniversary!
Rald: It's a separate matter, but thank you for reminding me.
Masseur: All right, boss. Don't worry!
The masseur goes to deliver Rald's message
Kovit: It's been a year since we came to Never Isle?
Player: Huh? You're not happy?
Kovit: It's not that!
Kovit: I'm excited. After all, I'll get to see Sierra and Tomoki again.
Rald: Yeah.
Kovit: Have you made your decision, Rald?
Rald: Yes!
Rald: I want to go back to Morningwood.
Rald: There's no pressure from my family in Never Isle.
Rald: My Gyee friends are all very friendly and have been a big help.
Rald: In Never Isle, I feel a freedom I've never felt before.
Rald: Actually, I don't want to leave here.
Kovit: !!
Kovit: Then Rald, why are you...
Rald: It's because there's still a lot of stuff in Morningwood that I have to do.
Rald: Never Isle is a paradise, but...
Rald: Morningwood is our home.
Kovit: I know... but...
Kovit: Never Isle is home, too.
Kovit: Player is here and so are our coworkers.
Kovit: And all those customers that love us.
Kovit: But Sierra and Tomoki and Kobayashi are all back in Morningwood.
Kovit: I wonder how they're doing now.
Kovit: Ah! It's so hard to decide!
Player: Kovit...
Choice 1.1 - All good things must come to an end.
Player: At least we've had a great time this past year, right?
Kovit: I understand...
Kovit: But it's time to make a decision.
KACHA: Kacha. No pressure, Kovit.
KACHA: I can do anything, Kacha!
Kovit: ... (happy)
Kovit: Principal Vundo said we need to give him our answer by tonight, right?
Player: Yes.
Kovit: I want to find a good place to think.
Choice 1.2 - Don't be hasty. Think it through before making your decision.
Player: There's no need to rush. There's still time.
Kovit: ...
KACHA: No pressure, Kacha!
KACHA: Anyway, there's no guarantee the portal will work, Kacha!
Player: That's right...
Kovit: Hahahaha.
Kovit: Principal Vundo said we need to give him our answer by tonight, right?
Kovit: I'm going to take a walk on the island.
Kovit: We'll meet up tonight at the Arcana Academy!
Scene continues after choices
The next day, in the forest near Crossport.
Six arcanists concentrate their Flux in a circle as Vundo and two assistants look on
Vundo walks to the side to consult with Rald, Kovit and Player
Vundo: According to the Arcana Academy's analysis...
Vundo: This is the region with the highest portal success rate in all of Luxium.
Vundo: The portal will take some time to prepare. Do what you want until then.
Vundo: But remember, you need to keep a low profile. This is White Capes territory!
Player: Of course!
KACHA: Don't worry, I'll cover you! Kacha!
KACHA: If they get too close, I'll take them out!
Kovit: Yes! Our Kacha is the best!
Vundo: I have to get the portal ready. I'll let you know when it's done.
Rald: Thank you, Principal Vundo.
Vundo goes back to the spacetime portal
Player: It seems you've already made your decision, Kovit!
Kovit: Yes. I've decided to go back.
Kovit: Sierra and Tomoki are probably worried about me.
KACHA: The Morningwood servants miss me, for sure! Kacha!
Kovit: I'm sorry, Player.
Player: Why are you sorry?
Player: Don't forget about us when you go home!
Kovit: Don't worry, we won't!
Rald: I'm planning on writing a book after I've been back for a while. I'll write all about my experiences in Luxium!
Player: Oh? Maybe it will be a best-seller!
Rald: Haha, I have no plans to publish it, it'll just be a record of our memories.
Kovit: Hey Player, let me give you the Full Service treatment!
Player: Huh? Here?
Kovit: Don't worry. I'll make you feel great!
Rald: Me too!
Rald: Give me one last chance to give you the Full Service rubdown!
Player: Wow, I must be the first person in all of Luxium to have two Full Service masseurs give me a massage at the same time!
KACHA: Unfair! I haven't even had the pleasure!
Kovit scopes out the area and calls Rald and Player over
Kovit: I've found the perfect spot!
Kovit: Welcome, Rald and Player!
Player: One more time...
Rald: One more time...
Later at the Spacetime Portal.
Kovit, Rald and KACHA stand in the middle of the circle with Player just outside
Vundo hands Kovit and Rald something
Vundo: Take these Arcana devices. They will follow your position and protect you.
Vundo: The portal is ready to be activated any time, Rald and Kovit.
Vundo steps outside the circle
Rald: I suppose this is farewell, Player.
Player: I didn't want to get emotional bringing you here...
Player: But now I don't want to see you go.
Kovit: Heh, our 'happy ending' won you over, right?
Player: Right...
KACHA: That's a treat I've never enjoyed...Cha!
Kovit: This way, Player won't forget about us!
Player: Careful what you say, I might break the portal!
Kovit: No, no, no!
As the arcanists activate the portal, multi-colored lights start to surround Rald, Kovit and KACHA
Kovit: Let's go!
Rald: Until next time, friends from Never Isle!
KACHA: Don't forget about me! Kacha!
The portal activates and the three disappear
Vundo: Everyone, confirm Rald and Kovit's information!
Vundo: Keep a close eye on their health!
Academy Arcanist A: Principal, the positioning system shows that they're leaving Luxium airspace.
Academy Arcanist B: Everything is normal.
Vundo: The portal worked!
Vundo: Keep watching, everyone!
Vundo: Report any abnormalities to me immediately!
Vundo: Phew.
Player: ...
Vundo: Don't worry, Player. They'll make it back to Morningwood safely.
Player: I'm not worried. You're here, after all!
Player: You must have put a lot of work into this portal.
Vundo: To be honest, I didn't get any sleep last night.
Vundo: Mostly I was worried about the safety of the whole thing. Arcana can be repeated however many times it takes to succeed.
Vundo: People are different.
Player: Congratulations, Principal. The portal was a success.
Vundo: Yes, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief.
Vundo: What's their status, observation crew?
Academy Arcanist B: Life signs are normal.
Academy Arcanist A: They're both about to leave Luxium's air space!
Vundo: The observation crew and I will stay behind. Everyone else can collect data on the portal. Eliminate any trace of Arcana and return to Never Isle...
Vundo: Don't get caught in White Capes territory.
Academy Arcanist A: What's this?
Academy Arcanist A: Principal! Something is interfering with the tracking apparatus!
Vundo: Interfering? What's going on?
Academy Arcanist A: We don't know, but the interference is getting stronger.
Academy Arcanist A: Something is headed toward Rald and Kovit at high speed!
Vundo: What?
Suddenly, the sky is filled with a bright flash of light
Player: In the sky...what is that?
Vundo: !!!
A deafening explosion goes off
Player: Well!!
Vundo: I think I'm going to be deaf.
Vundo: Observation crew!
Academy Arcanist B: Uh...
Academy Arcanist B: ...
Academy Arcanist B: Life signs are weakening, but they're still alive.
Academy Arcanist A: The Flux Detector is broken. We don't have any signal.
Academy Arcanist A: The Locator barely works.
Vundo: Where are they?
Academy Arcanist A: Hey, we have two signals.
Academy Arcanist A: They've split up. They're falling back to Luxium at a rapid pace!
Vundo: Falling back to Luxium?
Vundo: Are you able to pinpoint their position?
Academy Arcanist A: Wait a moment, please...
Academy Arcanist A: One signal seems to be falling toward Red Harbor. The other...
Academy Arcanist A: Is close to Crossport!
Vundo: ...
Vundo: Observation crew, give the info and the data to me.
Vundo: Then contact the Oathblades in Red Harbor and ask them to find someone to help.
Vundo: Everyone else, remove all traces of Arcana and get back to Never Isle as soon as possible!
Vundo: Player, let's go help the people that fell nearby!
Player: I got it!
Scene - Inside a warehouse
Sometime later.
Kovit, KACHA and a mysterious man lay unconscious on the floor of the warehouse, surrounded by burning rubble
???: They've fallen in!
???: Damn. That's...
KACHA: Ka...
KACHA: So many stars... Ka...cha...
Kovit: Ow, ow, ow.
Kovit: Uh...
Kovit gets up
Kovit: Are we back in Morningwood?
KACHA: I smell something familiar. Kacha!
KACHA: It smells like my loyal servant. Cha!
Kovit: I think I'm a little better now.
Kovit: What is this place?
Kovit: Whoa! What a big fire!
Kovit: !!
Kovit: Hey, are you okay?!
???: Uh...
Kovit: He's hurt! Kacha help me!
Kovit gives the injured man a therapeutic massage.
Kovit: Do you feel better?
???: Oh... What happened?
???: Kovit?
Kovit: I remember you...
Kovit: The twin brothers faithfully serving their master.
Kovit: Are you Okan or Oki?
KACHA: There's only one person in the world who can make a face that ugly, Kacha!
???: ?
KACHA: That's Oki! Kacha!
Kovit: Oki? That means...
Kovit: We're back in Morningwood!
Kovit: That's great!
Kovit tries to embrace Oki but Oki dodges
Oki: What are you doing, Kovit?
Kovit: Hey, we haven't seen each other for almost a year. Would it hurt you to show a little excitement?
Oki: What a weird guy.
Kovit: You're so cold...
Oki looks around
Oki: What is this place?
Oki: (Shouting) Okan?
Oki: (Shouting) Master?
Oki: (Shouting) There's a fire! Let's get out of here!
Oki: Where can we go?
Kovit: Okan? Master?
Kovit: Were you together?
Oki: Yeah...
Oki: Okan and I were serving our master when...
Oki: Suddenly there was a bright flash of light.
Oki: I remember rushing toward Okan.
Oki: And then...
Oki: ...
Oki: What is this place?
Kovit: Huh? Are you asking me?
Oki: ...
Kovit: I don't know, either.
Oki: ... (serious)
Oki starts to leave
Kovit: Where do you want to go?
Oki: I want to go find Okan.
Oki leaves
KACHA: Why did I run into this guy the second I got back to Morningwood?
Kovit: ... (embarrassed)
Kovit follows Oki further in the warehouse
Oki: ...
Kovit: This seems like an abandoned warehouse.
Oki: Alas...
KACHA: Seems more like a warehouse that's still under construction, Kacha.
Oki: ...
Oki walks off on his own again
Kovit: Ah, he left without saying a word again.
KACHA: Dammit, Oki. Stop! Kacha!
Kovit goes to follow
Elsewhere in the warehouse...
Oki: What's this?
Oki: ...
KACHA: Oki, you jerk! If you leave me here alone again, I'm going to get angry! Kacha!
Oki: ...
Oki covers his head.
Oki: What happened?
Kovit: What's wrong, Oki?
KACHA: Heh, you're going to ignore me to pay me back, aren't you! Kacha!
Oki: Uh...
Oki: Did you hear that?
Oki pointed at the Kacha next to Kovit.
Kovit: Oh...You mean Kacha...
KACHA: I've been saying it this whole time, but you guys never understood what I meant when I said Kacha!
Kovit: Ever since I've been in Luxium, Kacha...
Kovit: !!
Kovit: If we go back to Morningwood, we won't understand Kacha.
Kovit: What are you saying? We're still in Luxium?!
Oki: Lux...what?
Kovit: Don't be scared. While Rald and I were gone...
Kovit: We went to a whole new world called Luxium!
Oki: ...
Kovit: Let me tell you about it...
Kovit tells Oki about Luxium.
Oki: A new world, Luxium...
Oki: Never Isle...
Oki: Rald could use blades...
Oki: Kacha could talk...
Oki: 'Super' Player...
Kovit: Heh, what do you think? Pretty great, right?
Oki: ...
Oki: Maybe...
Oki: I'm so tired...
Oki: I'm hallucinating.
Oki slaps his face to wake himself up.
Oki: In the evening, I saw Rald and Kovit arrive at Full Service on time.
Oki: They must be servicing customers right now.
Oki: There's no way this is the place.
Kovit: Why?
Oki: (Shouting) Okan! Don't mess around! This place is dangerous!
Oki: (Shouting) If you're caught, master will get angry!
Oki: (Shouting) Okan!
KACHA: Kacha! Hey! Why are you talking to yourself and walking off again? Come back here!
Kovit: Oki thinks I'm a hallucination.
KACHA: Cha. I'm no hallucination.
Kovit: Whatever the case, seeing Oki means we may have returned to Morningwood!
Kovit: Let's take Oki and get out of here!
KACHA: That's the best we can do, Kacha!
KACHA: Once we get out of here, then I'll punish Oki! Kachacha!
A few moments later...
Kovit, Oki and KACHA wander around the warehouse
Oki: Okan must not be here.
Oki inspects a nearby wall
Oki: This is...
Kovit: !!
Kovit: Oh! Oki, you found the way out!
Oki: (Pushing hard)
Oki: Oh... It hasn't budged an inch.
Kovit: Come on, let's push together!
Kovit stands next to Oki
Kovit: Come on, Oki!
Oki: ...
Oki look uncomfortable being so close to Kovit but endures it
Oki: ...
Kovit: Ready...push!
Oki: Ohhhh (Forcefully pushing the door)
Kovit: It moved! Keep going!
Kovit and Oki manage to open the door of the abandoned warehouse and escape to the forest near Crossport
A while later, in a camp near Crossport.
Kovit, Oki and KACHA look over a ravine
Oki: What is this place?
Kovit: This way...
KACHA: Kacha, seems like we're still in Luxium.
Kovit: This may be the forest near Morningwood. After all, forests all look the same.
???: Found them!
The three turn around and see a group of White Capes
KACHA: Kacha! This armor...
Kovit: It belongs to the White Capes!
Kovit: So we're still in Luxium after all...
White Cape Base Captain: This looks like that new weapon developed by the Yellow Eyes.
White Cape Base Captain: The nerve, to infiltrate our camp...
White Cape Base Captain: They also destroyed an underground factory that was under construction.
White Cape Base Captain: We cannot let them get away with this!
White Cape Base Captain: Warriors of the Sword of Light!
Oki: !!
Kovit: Oki! There's no time to explain.
Kovit: I'll hold them off. You find a way to escape!
Oki: ...
Kovit: Oki!
Oki: Uh...
KACHA: Now's not the time to space out! Kacha!
White Cape Base Captain: Get them!
Oki: So you want to capture me again?
Oki: This time, I won't be caught!
Kovit: Capture? What are you talking about?
Kovit: Ah...forget it!
Kovit: Since we're apparently not planning on escaping, we'll just have to deal with these White Capes together!
Oki: Yes.
Oki and Kovit fight the White Capes but aren't making much progress
Oki: Oh, this armor is getting in the way.
Kovit: We can't hurt them with our bare hands.
KACHA: Kovit! Don't be so wasteful! Kacha!
Kovit: There's no choice. The White Capes are wearing armor. My fists are useless.
Kovit: My only Flux ability is healing. If Rald were here...
Kovit: Kacha, don't spray healing water at the enemies anymore!
KACHA: I can't do anything except spray water, Kacha...
Kovit: Well...
White Cape Base Captain: Hahaha, what a joke.
White Cape Base Captain: I thought you'd be a tougher fight.
White Cape Base Captain: But you're just a couple of clowns.
White Cape Base Captain: Capture them and take them to the general!
White Cape: Yes, sir!
Kovit: Damn... Are we done for?
Oki: No...
Oki: Get away...
Oki: Don't touch me!
A bright light bursts out of Oki
White Cape Base Captain: Huh? That Yellow Eyes is glowing?
Suddenly, a floating dagger appears above Oki
Oki: !!
Oki jumps up and grabs the mysterious dagger
White Cape Base Captain: Uh...
White Cape Base Captain: He pulled an extra knife out of thin air, that's all. Don't worry about it!
White Cape Base Captain: Capture them!
White Cape: Yes, sir!
Oki: I will never let you capture me again!
Oki concentrates Flux through the dagger and summons cursed phantom blades to attack the White Capes
White Cape: Whoa!!!
White Cape: Why is he suddenly so strong?!
White Cape Base Captain: Hell...
White Cape Base Captain: Forget bringing them in alive. Kill them!
White Cape Base Captain: Everyone, fight!
Oki: Ahhhhh!
Scene - Elsewhere in the forest near Crossport
A few moments later...
Player follows Vundo further into the forest
Vundo: The signal's getting stronger!
Vundo: One of them's up ahead!
Player: Up ahead? That's where the White Capes camp is!
Player: We'd better pick up the pace!
Vundo: We need to hurry...
Player and Vundo reach the camp but only see fallen White Cape soldiers and flames everywhere
Player: Whoa!
Player: What happened here?
Vundo: Could it be Rald? I remember he's got some pretty impressive Flux attacks.
Player: Rald's light sword wouldn't be enough to do this.
Player: This place seems like it's been attacked by cannons.
???: Let me go! Get away from me! Ahh!
Vundo: !!
Player and Vundo enter the White Cape camp and see Kovit and Oki surrounded by bodies on the ground
Injured White Cape: leg...
Injured White Cape: Mon... Monster...
Vundo: That's Kovit!
Vundo: Great, it seems like he's okay.
Player: But I don't think that's Rald standing next to Kovit...
Player: Judging by his clothes, isn't that the masseur from Full Service?
Kovit: Hey! Player! Over here!
Kovit turns to Oki
Oki: So that's the Player you were just telling me about.
Kovit: Forget about that. Oki, you're incredible!
KACHA: Kovit! You should have Oki teach you how to do that! Kacha!
KACHA: You're truly worthy of being my loyal servant. I'm impressed! Cha!
Oki: ...
KACHA: Whoa, what's up with that face, Ka...
Cursed flames start to emit from Oki
Kovit: Huh? Oki, you...
Oki turns toward Player and Vundo
Kovit: Wah!
Player: Whoa! What's this?
Vundo: This Flux level broke the detector...
Vundo: What happened?
Kovit: I... I don't know...
Oki: I will never...
Oki: Let you capture me again!
Player: He's attacking!
Player and Vundo battle Oki
Oki: Argh!
Oki tosses his dagger at Vundo and Player
Player: So... so strong!!
Vundo: We'll just need to suppress him for now!
Oki's attacks overpower Player and Vundo
Vundo: Uh...
Player: Our attacks are all useless against him.
Oki: Don't even think about...
Oki: Don't even think about stopping me again!
Kovit: Damn, if this keeps up...
Kovit: Kacha! Let's do this!
KACHA: What are you saying? We should get out of here! Kacha!
Kovit: We can't lose Oki and Player!
Kovit grabs Oki from behind...
Oki: Let me go! Let me go!
Kovit: Don't be scared, brother.
Kovit gives Oki a massage and Oki regains his senses.
Player: At last...
Player: Kovit, are you okay?
Oki: Uh...
Oki: Kovit!!
Oki: You...
Kovit: Heh, I'm fine.
Kovit: Oki, are you okay?
Oki: Yeah, I'm fine.
Kovit: That's good...
Kovit collapses to the ground, exhausted
Player: Kovit!!
Vundo examines Kovit
Vundo: Damn!
Vundo: Kovit came into contact with an intense, out-of-control Flux...
Vundo: I need to immediately perform Flux antagonism treatment for him...
Vundo: Can you call over your airship, Player? We need to get him back to the Arcana Academy!
Player: No Problem!
Player leaves
Oki: I...
Oki: I want to help.
Vundo: Right now we can't confirm the status of the Flux in your body.
Vundo: Your Flux may make Kovit's injuries even worse!
Vundo: Stay back!
Oki: !!
Oki steps aside
Oki: Kovit...
Oki: I'm sorry...
That night at the Arcana Academy.
Player: ...
Player: Principal Vundo's been in there for a few hours.
Player: And there's no news from Rald.
Player: !!
Vundo walks up to Player
Player: What's the situation, Principal Vundo!
Vundo: Hoo... Everything's fine.
Vundo: Kovit's condition has stabilized. Kacha is helping, too.
Vundo: He just needs a couple more weeks of Flux antagonism therapy and he'll be fine.
Vundo: As for that man named Oki.
Vundo: The Arcana Academy has given him a full check-up.
Vundo: The Flux in his body... How should I put this? It's different.
Player: His Flux is different?
Vundo: Well, the Flow in Oki's body seems to have been disturbed by a great power.
Vundo: Both the flowing stage and the energy stage are more unstable than normal Flux.
Vundo: The Flux in his body seems to have mutated. Like the kind of mutations you see with Shadow Flux.
Player: Shadow Flux?!
Vundo: It's a similarity, that's all. The specific nature of the mutation needs further analysis.
Vundo: Currently, Oki does not show any signs of Shadow corruption, so there's no need to worry.
Player: Phew. That's good.
Player: Oh, Principal, you just said...
Player: His Flux has mutated because it's been disturbed by a great power.
Player: Could that disturbance be Rald and Kovit?
Player: Before, in the forest, the arcanists in charge of detection said they had encountered something.
Vundo: Hm. It's possible.
Vundo: As for Rald and Kovit, they were not affected by the Arcana protection device.
Vundo: Ah...
Vundo: How should I put this? I may be the reason Oki lost control and ran away.
Player: Don't say that, Principal.
Player: No one could have predicted what would happen.
Vundo: Maybe...
Player: Anyway, what about Rald?
Vundo: Captain Markus found them near Red Harbor.
Vundo: He contacted me earlier and said they were on their way back. They should be here any minute.
???: Oki. Where's Oki?!
Player and Vundo turn towards the mysterious voice
Player: These clothes. Who are you?
Continue to Intimacy Level 4

Intimacy Breakthrough[]

This section contains spoilers for Intimacy Breakthrough scenes.

-Intimacy Level 4
Oki: Huh?
Oki: Is this...
Oki: For me?
Player: Of course!
Oki: Looks expensive.
Player: Don't worry about it! It's all yours. It's for you.
Player: I hope you'll enjoy life in Never Isle.
Oki: ... (surprised)
Oki: ...
Player: What happened?
Oki: Has Kovit really been living here this past year?
Player: Yep.
Oki: I swear I just saw Kovit at the Full Service in Morningwood a few hours ago.
Oki: Are the rules of time different?
Player: I don't have control over that sort of thing.
Player: All we can do is look after ourselves and live our lives.
Oki: I see...
Oki: Thank you for your gift.
Oki: I will cherish it.

-Intimacy Level 5
Player: How have you been lately, Oki?
Oki: I've been all right...
Player: That's it? You can't tell me more?
Oki: You can tell Principal Vundo that Chris Dagger has been calm lately.
Oki: It's shown no signs of losing control. Please tell the Principal not to worry.
Player: Chris Dagger?
Oki gestures to the blade at his waist.
Oki: It looks a lot like the legendary weapons from my homeland.
Oki: That's why I gave it this name.
Player: I see. Chris Dagger...
Player: Oh, there was something else I meant to talk to you about!
Oki: Oh? Then why did you ask me about it?
Player: No reason. You've only been in Luxium a couple of days. I wanted to see how you were doing.
Oki: Oh...
Player: Nevermind. We can talk about something else.
Player: I heard...
Player: That you've become a masseuse at the Full Service in Never Isle?
Oki: Yeah...
Oki: I can't just stay at Rald's for free.
Oki: Massages...
Oki: I've got a talent for them.
Player: I'd like to try one of your massages.
Oki: If you'd like to try one...
Oki: Just pay at the front counter. They'll set you up with a masseur that can meet your needs.
Oki: But there's no guarantee you'll get me.
Player: Oh? I can't directly book a massage with you?
Oki: That's the rules...
Player: There's no way to bend them?
Oki: The front counter will help you with what you need to relax.
Oki: I may not be the masseur you need.
Player: Fine...

-Intimacy Level 6
Rald: Are you feeling better, Oki?
Oki: Oh, I'm fine...
Oki: I'm sorry, Rald.
Rald: You must be tired. You should rest up.
Oki: No... I...
Player: Hey, Oki, Rald. Both of you should rest.
Player: I've got an extra ticket for the Rupor Show.
Player: Who wants to go?
Oki: The Rupor Show?
Rald: You can take Oki, Player.
Rald: Oki's probably never seen the Rupor Show before. It would be a good time to take him, so he can have some fun.
Oki: But Rald, the parlor...
Rald: No worries. You need your rest.
Oki: Oh...
Player: Come on, Oki. Let's go!
Outside the Full Service in Never Isle.
Oki: Player...
Oki: The Rupor Show...
Player: What? You didn't know that?
Oki: I've never heard of it...
Player: How is that possible?
Player: Rupor Show is the most famous and most outstanding show in all of Luxium!
Oki looks at you with a bewildered expression.
Player: Alright...
Player: You'll see.
Player: Oki, go buy some snacks that we can eat during the show.
Player: Can you do it by yourself?
Oki: Where is it?
Player: In the city center. It's the first building on the west side of the main street.
Oki: Well...
Player: You...don't know where the city center is?
Oki: The only place I've been aside from the massage parlor is the garden outside the massage parlor.
Player: Alright...
Player: I see. Then let's go buy some snacks together, then we'll go to the Rupor Show.
A while later, after the Rupor Show has ended.
Outside the studio, Oki has a strange expression on his face.
Oki: Uh...
Player: Are you okay, Oki? You seemed nervous the whole time.
Oki: There were so many people...
Oki: I didn't feel comfortable there.
Player: Then how about I take you for a walk around the island so we can get some air? You can get familiar with the place.
You take Oki for a walk around the island.
Oki: Incredible.
Oki: I had no idea Never Isle was so big.
Player: The port, the market, the Oathblades, the Order of Equality, the Arcana Academy, the Defense Force, Lan's gym, the tree in the middle of the island, the Kaist Church...
Player: There's lots of places on Never Isle that are worth a visit.
Player: You should have another walk around when you get the time, Oki.
Player: Don't just lock yourself up inside the parlor.
Oki: Yes.
Player: Why?
Oki: What happened?
Player: You just smiled.
Player: You look good when you smile.
Oki: ... (surprised)
Oki: You're very kind to me, Player.
Player: Why do you say that?
Oki: I...
Player: ...
Oki: I'm sorry, I need to go back to the parlor. They need me.
With that, Oki leaves.
Player: Oki...

-Intimacy Level 7
Never Isle, harbor...
Bystander A: Someone has been standing on the edge of the connecting bridge for a long time.
Bystander B: He's not going to jump, is he?
Bystander C: I wonder what's troubling him?
Bystander B: Why don't we call the Defense Force?
Bystander A: No! He might actually jump if he sees the Defense Force!
Bystander A: You can't agitate someone who's suicidal.
Player: Suicidal? What?
Player: Uh, that's...
Player sees Oki standing at the edge
Oki: ... (sad)
Player: Oki!
Oki: Player?
Oki: What...
Player: Oki, calm down!
Oki: Is that bad?
Oki: What are you talking about?
Player: You're not going to jump?
Oki: Jump? Into the lake?
Oki: Why?
Player: Oh, never mind. That's good.
Player: Then why are you standing here?
Oki: ... (sad)
Oki: It's because of this...
Oki points to the Chris Dagger on his belt.
Player: Chris Dagger?
Oki: Remember when we watched the Rupor Show for the first time?
Player: I invited you when I saw you and Rald hanging out at the rest area.
Oki: I was there with Rald...
Oki: Because the blade flew out while I was giving a massage.
Oki: I managed to grab the blade and keep it under control.
Oki: But the client was startled..
Oki: Rald thought the blade came out because I was tired.
Oki: So he took me to the rest area.
Player: Oki...
Oki: But I wasn't tired at all that day, so I wasn't sure why the blade came out.
Oki: And it did again last night. Smashed a vase in the lobby.
Player: Hm?
Oki: It's going to hurt someone one of these days.
Oki: So I'm here to see if I can throw it away.
Player: Throw it away?
Oki: Hm...
Player: Well, like Rald's blade and Kovit's healing...
Player: Chris Dagger is a power that belongs to you.
Oki: My power...
Oki: In my hometown, there are a lot of legends about the Chris Dagger.
Oki: That it was cursed, and that it killed its creator...
Oki: It also killed its wielder and many others, then it disappeared.
Player: !!
Player: But this is Luxium. You can start new legends with it.
Oki: But I don't know if I can.
Oki: Arcana Academy taught me how to control the blade.
Oki: I couldn't do it.
Oki: I couldn't keep the blade under control.
Player: Oki...
Oki: It has already hurt Kovit.
Oki: I need to do something about it before it hurts others.
Player: ...
Player: If that's your decision, so be it.
Oki: I was hesitant, Player...
Oki: But not anymore!
Oki looks out over Lake Bliss
Oki: ... (sad)
Oki: ... (serious)
As the blade sinks to the bottom of Lake Bliss...
Oki shudders.
Player: Oki...
Player: Are you alright?
Oki: ... (surprised)
Oki: I'm fine...
The tension seems to have eased up a little.
Oki: It's over! Let's go back!

-Intimacy Level 8
Airship, bridge.
Oki: Excuse me.
Oki: Excuse me, is Player here?
Billy: And you are...
Player: Oh! Oki! I'm here.
Player: You're right on time! The Hottie Bar has a new cocktail recipe. Come try it out!
The Hottie Bar...
Player: Hottie! Come have a drink.
Oki: Uh, I'm okay. I don't want to drink alcohol.
Player: Huh?
Oki: Oh...
Player: What happened?
Oki takes out Chris Dagger.
Player: Huh? This is Chris Dagger?
Player: I thought you...
Oki: Threw it away.
Player: What happened?
Oki shakes his head.
Oki: I don't know.
Oki: Today when I woke up, I found Chris Dagger on my table.
Player: Hmm... Maybe someone's playing a prank on you?
Oki: Not possible. Rald helped me ask around Full Service and also the port's Defense Force.
Player: So you're saying, Chris Dagger came back on its own.
Oki: That's the only possibility.
Player: How is that possible?
Oki: I don't know.
Oki: Player, that day at the port, when Chris Dagger fell into the water...
Oki: I could feel the water.
Oki: It was like...
Oki: I had fallen into the water.
Player: What... what happened?
Oki: I think I know why the cursed blade wouldn't sink into the water, Player.
Player: Why?
Oki: Before I came to Luxium, back in Morningwood...
Oki: How should I put this?
Oki: I was a bad person, Player.
Player: What?
Oki: I'm serious, Player.
Oki: Lots of people got hurt because of me.
Oki: I'm not a good person.
Oki: That's why the cursed blade follows me.
Player: Maybe...
Player: I'm sure if you hurt someone else, you didn't have a choice.
Oki: !!
Oki: Why do you think that?
Player: Because I can't imagine you wanting to hurt somebody!
Player: The whole time you've been at Never Isle, you've been shy, and you haven't talked much, but...
Player: You've helped a lot of people.
Player: You saved Kovit from the White Capes. You've helped Rald by being a masseur.
Player: You brought me medicine.
Player: You tried your best to prevent Chris Dagger from hurting people.
Player: You're very warm and kind. You would never hurt anyone on purpose!
Oki: ... (surprised)
Oki: I really don't deserve your kindness.
Player: Stop putting yourself down.
Player: Have a couple glasses of Light of Light!
Oki: I don't want to drink, Player.
Player: Stop refusing. This is what alcohol is for, isn't it?
Player: Oki!
Player: Maybe we don't have a way to fix the issue with Chris Dagger yet...
Player: But don't despair!
Player: We'll find a way!
Player: Because you're not alone!
Oki: !!
Oki: ... (happy)

-Intimacy Level 9
Nighttime at the Hottie Bar.
Oki: Player...
Player: What are you doing here so late, Oki?
Player: Did something happen?
Oki: No, I just...
Oki: Wanted to see you.
Player: Oh?
Oki: I remember, not too long ago...
Oki: You said you wanted to try one of my massages.
Player: I think remember saying something like that.
Oki: If you go to the parlor, there's no guarantee I'll have the time.
Oki: So...
Oki: I just got off work and have nothing else to do. I have time to give you a massage now.
Player: Oki, you came here so you could give me a massage?
Oki: Yeah. I don't know if you're free, though.
Player: Of course, I'm free.
Player: The past few days, I had to help fight the Darkflux and join some Never Isle operations...
Player: I've been tired and sore every day. It's the perfect time for a massage.
Oki: Great. Looks like I came at the perfect time, then.
Player: Of course!
In the Hottie Bar's communal baths.
Oki: I had no idea the Hottie Bar had this kind of place.
Oki: It's perfect for a massage.
Player: It's usually used for showers and baths...
Player: But as long as it works for you.
Oki: Then let's start the massage.
Oki: Please take off all your clothes, Player, and lie down in front of me.
Player: My clothes? All of them?
Oki: Yeah, you need to take everything off.
You take off your clothes and lie down in front of Oki.
Oki first massages your back. It's very tight...
Player: !!
Player: Ow! Ow, ow!
Oki recoils in surprise.
A few minutes pass, and your back feels much looser.
Oki: Oh, I'm sorry. I was too rough.
Player: No, please keep going. It may hurt, but...
Player: It still feels good.
Oki: Player, your lower back is so tight. You need to rest more.
Player: Well, there's stuff that I have to deal with every day.
Oki: You still need to rest. Your body is more important.
After a while, your body adjusts to Oki's strength.
The pain is gradually replaced by comfort.
Player: How has Chris Dagger been lately, Oki?
Oki: Lately it's been just like an ordinary knife.
Oki: It hasn't shown any signs of losing control.
Player: Awesome!
Oki: It's all thanks to you, Player.
Player: I haven't done anything.
A while later, after the massage has finished.
Steam fills the bathing room.
Player: Oh, it looks like I forgot to turn off the steam system.
Oki: That's okay. This is perfect.
Oki: So um...
Oki: Would you like a 'happy ending,' Player?
Player: A happy ending? Wow! A real Full Service massage...
You turn around and almost bump into Oki's red face.
This is your first time seeing Oki up close. You discover...
Player: You're pretty handsome.
Oki: What?
Player: It's nothing. I just said...all right. I would like a happy ending.
Oki: Then...
In the steam, you can barely make out Oki's lips coming toward you.
Just as you're preparing to let go and enjoy the happy ending...
There's a dark flash behind Oki's waist.
Oki: !!
Oki suddenly jumps up and grabs the dark light with both hands.
With a great amount of effort, he manages to put the dark light back at his waist.
Oki: Sorry...
Player: What's wrong, Oki?
Oki: I'm sorry, Player...
Oki suddenly stands up and hobbles out of the bath.
Player: Oki...
Continue to Trifle - Breaking the Curse

-Intimacy Level 10
Red Harbor, in front of a newly built factory.
Player: Hey, Oki!
Oki: Player! What are you doing here in Red Harbor?
Player: Today I helped out the Oathblades and I also decided to come see you.
Player: How have you been lately, Oki?
Oki: These days, I've been helping the boss with the construction of the new factory.
Player: I see. It seems like the new factory is just about ready to start production.
Oki: Yep. The main structure is more or less built. I'll be finished soon.
Player: You guys are incredible!
Oki: It's not just us. The Oathblades and the Order of Equality have helped out a lot.
Not far away, some workers wave to Oki.
Worker: Oki, do you have the Flux structure blueprints? Let us see them!
Player: You seem busy...
Player: Well, I'll leave you all to your work!
Oki: Hold on, please!
Player: Huh?
Oki: I'll be right back!
Oki takes the blueprints and runs them over to the workers, then rushes back.
Oki: Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Player: If you've got work to do, go ahead and do it. I just came to pay you a visit.
Oki: No!
Oki: Player, there's been something I've wanted to say to you lately.
Oki: I'm glad you're here.
Player: Oh?
Oki: Ever since we said goodbye in Eversun...
Oki: Chris Dagger hasn't lost control.
Oki: It's strange.
Oki: Chris Dagger and I have seemed to become friends.
Oki: Lately, it's been helping me cut steel.
Player: Wow!
Player: Incredible!
Oki: Everything's just the way you said it would be, Player
Oki: I believe in Chris Dagger and have accepted my past.
Oki: My life and everything in it has completely changed!
Oki: Things have never been better.
Oki: I've made friends with the other workers at the factory...
Oki: They've even asked me to teach them how to use a blade.
Oki: Although I don't know anything about using blades...
Player: Haha, congratulations, Oki!
Oki: I wanted to say that without you, Player...
Oki: None of this would have ever happened.
Oki: Thank you. Truly.
Player: ... (smiles)
Player: I didn't do anything.
Player: It's all you. You used Chris Dagger...
Player: And broke your curse all by yourself!
Oki: !!
Oki: ... (shy)
Oki: You give me too much credit...
Player: You're blushing, Oki.
Oki: Well!
Player: All right. I need to go.
Oki: Hold on, please!
Oki: One more thing...
Player: Anything!
Oki: Once the boss's factory is finished, I want to better understand Chris Dagger...
Oki: So I'd like to learn Arcana at the Arcana Academy. Can you put in a good word for me with Principal Vundo, Player?
Player: Sure! That would be great!
Player: Principal Vundo will be happy to have you!

-Intimacy Level 11
Three weeks after the Eversun factory incident...
Oki returns to Never Isle...
After checking in with the guys at Full Service...
Oki proceeds to the Arcana Academy and starts his arcana lesson.
Hottie Bar, Airship.
Player: Rald?
Rald: Hello, Player.
Player: What brings you here today?
Rald: I would like to ask you for a favor, Player...
Player: Please, go on...
Rald takes out a bag with some towels.
They all have the Full Service logo.
Player: What's this?
Rald: Something from Full Service to Oki.
Rald: Will you take it to him, Player?
Player: Why me?
Rald: If we give this to him directly, he might not take it.
Rald: But if it comes from you, Player, I don't think he will turn you away.
Player: I see. No problem!
Rald: Thank you very much. I'll be going back to the shop.
Rald leaves the airship.
Player: Now's as good as ever to find Oki.
Player: Oki should be... at the Arcana Academy!
A few moments later, in front of the Arcana Academy gates...
Player: President Vundo!
Vundo: Player!
Player: Is Oki at the Academy?
Player: Do you know which classroom he's in? I have something for him.
Vundo: Oki... He was just in my Arcana 101.
Vundo: But he left in a hurry as soon as class ended.
Player: Left? Did he go to his next class?
Vundo: I don't think so. Arcana 101 should be his last class of the day.
Player: The last class...
Player: Where did he go?
Vundo: I don't know...
Vundo: Oki works very hard when it comes to arcana. Maybe he's in the Arcana Tower.
Player: The Tower? Thanks!
A few moments later...
Mr. Tony: Oki? Let's see...
Mr. Tony: He didn't book the Arcana Tower today.
Player: Hm?
Mr. Tony: But I saw him running toward the Flower Tree.
Player: The Flower Tree?
Player: Thank you!
A few moments later...
Player looks around the sakura tree in the center of Never Isle
Player: Oki... doesn't seem to be here.
Player: I wonder why he went to the Flower Tree.
Lan walks up to Player
Lan: I feel like having a drink today!
Player: Master Lan!
Lan: Player! Not busy today?
Player: I'm looking for a friend...
Player: Did something good happen?
Lan: Indeed.
Lan: I now have an apprentice who's smart AND can withstand my training.
Player: That sounds great! I wonder what kind of person he is.
Lan: I only met him recently.
Lan: He came to me the other day with an oddly shaped blade, asking me to teach him how to wield it.
Lan: I wasn't planning on teaching him, but he was sincere, so I asked him to come to my dojo.
Lan: And he became the only rookie to make it through basic training at our dojo.
Player: Wait, did you say... an oddly shaped blade?
Player: Where is this person you spoke of?
Lan: He's at the training grounds, about to start today's basic training.
Lan: You know him?
Player: Yes, I think he's the friend I've been looking for!
Player: Thank you, Master Lan!
At the training grounds, Player sees Oki sparing with a robot
Oki: Phew...
Oki Gift II: Sweeping strike, one thousandth time...
Player: One thousand! Great job, Oki!
Oki: !! Player!
Player: Oki, I...
Oki: Sorry, Player, can we talk later?
Oki: I can't be interrupted during basic training.
Player: Alright. I'll wait for you outside.
Oki Gift II: Sweeping strike...
Oki Gift II: Four thousand strikes left...
Player: Four... four thousand?!
At night...
Player waits for Oki under the sakura tree
Player: (Yawn...)
Oki runs to Player
Oki: Sorry, Player... I didn't finish until just now.
Player: You... really hit that robot five thousand times?
Oki: Not just sweeping, but also slashing and piercing.
Player: Wow, you're... good.
Oki: What's up, Player?
Player: Oh, this is for you.
You give the gift from Full Service to Oki.
Player: I was looking for you so I can give you this.
Player: It's from everyone at Full Service.
Oki: Everyone at Full Service...
Oki looks down at his gift...
Oki: Thanks...
Player: What made you go to Master Lan?
Oki: I wanted to learn how to get better...
Oki: At wielding the Chris Dagger.
Player: Is that why you're learning arcana?
Oki: Yes.
Player: Why? Did the blade say something to you?
Oki: No, the blade doesn't speak to me. I made these decisions on my own!
Oki: As for why...
Oki: ... (shy)
Player: (Why is he blushing?)
Oki: Well, I want to...
Suddenly Oki puts his arms around you.
Oki kisses you deeply.
Player: !!
Oki: Protect your safety!
Player: Protect... me?
Oki: Yes. When we were at Eversun...
Oki: You were hurt.
Oki: I don't want you to be hurt anymore.
Oki: I want to... do something.
Player: !!
Player: Thank you, Oki.
Player: But... don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.
Oki: You've been helping me so much, Player...
Oki: I want to help you, too...
Oki: So, Player...
Oki: Please let me protect you!
Player: !!
Player: ... (smiles)
Player: Good!

-Intimacy Level 12
Hottie Bar, Airship.
Billy: Captain, the Full Service in Never Isle has sent us a letter of invitation!
Player: A letter of invitation? What for?
Billy: It's for the Full Service one year anniversary celebration.
Billy: People who receive an invitation letter can get a month's worth of massages at Full Service for free!
Billy: Lately we've been performing maintenance on the airship and my back is killing me!
Billy: I've been planning to get a massage for a while.
Player: Billy, look at this...
Player: 'Invitees are free to bring a plus one.'
Player: We can invite someone else!
Billy: But I don't have anyone to invite...
Billy: Turing doesn't have any time and Kitty has no interest in these kinds of things.
Billy: I guess I'll just have to go alone.
Player: Who should I invite?
You hear some footsteps outside the Hottie Bar.
Oki enters.
Oki: Hey, Player...
Boom! You hear an explosion from next door.
Oki: !!
Oki suddenly rushes in and lifts you up in a big embrace.
Billy: Ah! Did the air pressurizer break again?!
Billy runs out of the Hottie Bar.
Player: Haha, don't worry, Oki. Billy will fix it.
Oki: Well!
Oki puts you down.
Oki: Sorry. When I heard the explosion, I...
Player: It's fine. Actually, I...
Player: Kind of liked the hug.
Oki: Uh...
Player: How can I help you, Oki?
Oki: In fact...
Oki: Full Service's one year anniversary dance party's in a few days, Player...
Oki: I wanted to...
Oki: Invite you to be my dance partner!
Player: !!
Oki: You must have received a letter of invitation too, Player...
Oki: If you've already invited someone else...
Oki: That would be okay.
Player: I just received the news about the dance party. I didn't expect...
Player: That you would invite me so soon, Oki.
Player: Well, based on the principle of first come, first serve...
Player: I'll come as your date!

-Intimacy Level 13
At the Never Isle Full Service one year anniversary celebration dance party.
Oki: There are so many people here.
Player: I had no idea the Full Service in Never Isle was so well-known...
Rald: It's not just Never Isle's. Lots of customers from other cities have come to join the dance party.
Player: Hey! Rald!
Rald: Player, Oki. Welcome to the Full Service one year anniversary dance party.
Rald: We've prepared a sumptuous buffet and lots of aged wine. Help yourself!
Player: Of course!
KACHA: I haven't seen this much delicious food before, Kacha...
KACHA: It's mine! It's all mine! Cha!
A few moments later...
Rald gives a speech commemorating Full Service's anniversary.
Elegant music swells and the dance officially begins.
KACHA: Kacha, what's this colorful water?
KACHA: It's mine! It's all mine! Cha!
Kovit: Hey! Kacha! That's my wine! Give it back!
Player: Oki, let's go dance!
Oki: Huh? D-dance?
Player: Yeah. It's a dance party, so of course we need to dance!
Oki: Okay! I'll do my best!
On the dance floor.
Oki: Uh...
Oki: Hmm...
Oki: Oh...
Player: Don't be so rigid, Oki! Loosen up!
Player: Come here. Take my waist. Listen to the rhythm of the music and slowly...
Oki: Oh... okay!
Player: Isn't this a lot better?
Oki: O... okay.
A few moments later...
Player: I'm hungry, Oki. Let's go get something to eat!
Oki: Okay.
KACHA: Ka...cha...pon!
Dance Party Guest: Ow!!!
KACHA: Kacha! Why are you running away, servant?
Dance Party Guest: Oh no! It's gone crazy!
Kovit: Kacha. Have I had too much to drink?
Kacha begins spraying water, raining all over the dance party.
Afterward, the whole room smells like alcohol.
Player: How much did Kacha drink, exactly?
Suddenly, Kacha notices you and Oki.
KACHA: Player... Oki... My most loyal servants. Cha...
Player: This isn't good!
KACHA: Come and serve me! Kacha!
Kacha begins charging toward the both of you.
Oki takes you by the hand.
Oki: Player, run!
KACHA: Kacha! Stop! Don't run!

-Intimacy Level 14
At the Never Isle Full Service one year anniversary celebration dance party.
Kacha is drunk and is causing a scene.
In order to avoid Kacha's strike, Oki pulls you into a large walk-in wardrobe at the dance hall.
Player: Phew. This should be safe.
Oki: Phew.
Oki: Has Kacha lost his mind?
Player: That was scary...
Oki: I have an idea.
Oki: How about you go talk some sense into Kacha, Player?
Oki: You're the expert at getting things back under control.
Player: What?!
Player: You want me to negotiate with Kacha when he's like this?
Oki: Haha, I'm just joking.
Player: Phew. You scared me.
Player: !!
KACHA: I hear you in there, Kacha!
Player: Uh oh, was I too loud?
Oki hugs you from behind.
Oki: It's fine...
Kacha comes to the room where you're hiding.
KACHA: You can't get away from me! Kacha!
Kacha makes a few rounds around the room then leaves.
Player: Phew. Good thing he didn't look here.
Kacha has left but Oki still isn't letting go.
Player: Oki?
Oki: Let's stay like this for a little longer...
Oki: Is that okay?
Player: Okay...
Oki is holding you so closely.
There are lots of clothes in the closet.
The closet gradually gets warmer.
Oki: I used to be a lot scarier than Kacha when I would lose control, right?
Player: Huh?
Oki: But you never abandoned me.
Oki: You're my everything!
Oki: I love you, Player!
Player: !!
Oki's body temperature and the warm, humid room begin to make you dizzy.
Without knowing when, the clothes on your body disappear.
Player: Oki...
All Choices: Choice 1.1 - "I've been waiting a long time for you to say that..." OR Choice 1.2 - "I love you too..." OR Choice 1.3 - "(Kiss Oki)"
No additional dialog
Scene continues after choices
As for Kacha, who is patrolling nearby...
What time is it? Don't worry about it!


This section contains spoilers for Date scenes.

Yaen Repelled!

In the hall of the Arcana Academy...
Oki is standing next to the Arcana Fountain.
Staring into space...
Player: (Go say hi?)
Player: (Greet Oki)
Scene - Arcana Academy
Player: Oki!
Oki: Player?
Oki: Why are you at the Arcana Academy?
Player: I just asked Sebastian some questions about fire flux.
Oki: Sebastian?
Player: A fire flux expert at the Arcana Academy.
Player: Do you know Sebastian?
Oki: N-No...
Oki: I'm a bit curious...
Oki: I feel like you know everyone on this island, Player...
Oki: Seems like everyone on the island knows who you are.
Player: No way!
Player: But I do know a lot of people on Never Isle.
Player: If you have any questions, just let me know.
Oki: Wow, you're... good.
Player: What's good?
Oki: No...
Oki: No, you don't understand...
Oki: I don't think I can accomplish this for the rest of my life.
Player: Oki...
Player: Did something happen?
Oki: Sigh...
Oki: I think I scared a little girl.
Player: A girl? The Arcana Academy?
Player: Could it be...
Player: (I wonder if it's Yaen. But usually she scares the others first...)
Oki: Yes?
Player: Nothing, please keep talking.
Oki: To control the Chris Dagger...
Oki: I come here every week for flux control training.
Oki: After today's training was over...
Oki: A girl bumped into me.
Oki: The blade flew out, glowing red.
Oki: The girl's hands exploded and she was knocked back.
Oki: Then she fell.
Player: Wow.
Oki: I tried to help her up...
Oki: When she saw me, she looked like...
Oki: She was about to cry.
Oki: Then I ran away.
Oki: I was too nervous...
Oki: I should have apologized.
Player: I think I know who you bumped into.
Player: It's rare for her to fumble something like this.
Player: Don't worry, Oki. She's fine.
Oki: Player...
Oki: Am I... scary?
Oki: From Morningwood to Luxium...
Oki: It's difficult for me to get close to those around me.
Oki: People seem to be afraid of me.
Oki: It's true that I can't handle it when there are a lot of people.
Oki: And I'm not great with words...
Oki: But I never want to hurt anyone.
Oki: And I want to... make new friends.
Player: Hm...

-Just be yourself! - 900 Intimacy
Oki: Just be... myself?
Player: Good!
Player: You do look a little menacing, so it's understandable if strangers want to stay away.
Oki: ...
Player: But that's who you are.
Player: If you suddenly become extremely friendly, and go overboard...
Player: Then you're Kovit, right?
Oki: You have a point...
Player: Menacing on the outside, kind on the inside... That's who you are.
Oki: Kind? What are you talking about?
Player: The hands of the girl that touched you exploded. Most people would dodge first...
Player: But you were concerned about the girl.
Oki: ... (embarrassed)
Player: Don't worry, Oki.
Player: Someone will notice your kindness.
Player: If you see someone like that...
Player: Become friends with them!
Oki: !!
Oki: Okay!

-Try some social classes. - 700 Intimacy
Oki: A social class?
Player: Such as how to talk to strangers...
Player: How to dress and talk during formal occasions...
Player: These can all be trained.
Oki: Trained?
Player: No one is very good at socializing to start with.
Oki: ...
Oki: I see...
Oki: I'll give it a try.

-Then be more proactive and try not to be shy! - 500 Intimacy
Oki: I'm not shy.
Oki: I just... don't know what to do.
Oki: And I don't know what to say.
Player: That's shy!
Oki: ...
Oki: I don't think someone popular like you, Player...
Oki: Would understand...
Player: Hm?
Oki: Excuse me, I have to go...


Never Isle - Port...
Port Worker: You're strong!
Port Worker: Thanks to you, we're getting more efficient at moving things around.
Oki: I'm just doing what I can.
Port Worker: So humble! Anyway, go take a break.
Oki: Oh.
Player: Oki?
Oki: Player!
Player: You work at the port now?
Oki: Hmph.
Player: Hm?
Player: (Ask Oki)
Scene - Never Isle Port
Player: I thought you were a masseur at Full Service on Never Isle.
Player: Why are you a laborer at the port?
Player: Did you get into a fight with Rald and Kovit?
Oki: And...
Oki: It's my day off, so I'm here for my part-time job.
Player: Part-time job?
Player: Are they not paying you enough at Full Service?
Oki: No, the benefits are good there.
Oki: It's just that...
Oki: I want to work more.
Player: But working on your day off...
Player: Don't you want to take a break?
Oki: I'm fine for now, so I don't really need to rest.
Oki: Oh, here.
Oki hands you a card.
Oki: Might come in handy later.
Player: This is...
Player: Workaholic Private Security?
Player: Customized one-on-one private security solutions?
Oki: This is my other job.
Oki: My boss is asking us to promote the company.
Oki: So, Player, if you have any security needs, you can contact them.
Player: Security? You're also a bodyguard?
Oki: I didn't think I'd pass their screening...
Player: Wow, you're... good.
Player: But why are you doing so much?
Oki: I... I don't want to be indebted to Rald.
Player: Indebted?
Oki: Rald is being very nice to let me work at his shop.
Player: Hm?
Player: You give massages and Full Service gets the money...
Player: And Rald pays you for your work. You're equal, aren't you?
Player: Why do you say that you're indebted to Rald?
Oki: You're right, but...
Oki: It's a long story...
Oki: ... (embarrassed)
Oki: Anyway, I need to make money so I can feed myself.
Oki: Player, you might not understand, but...
Oki: I enjoy the feeling of focusing on work.
Oki: That way I don't have time to think about anything else.
Player: Are you a workaholic?

-I don't want you to die from overworking. - 900 Intimacy
Oki: ... (happy)
Player: Don't laugh, I'm serious.
Oki: When I was at Morningwood...
Oki: My friends said the same thing.
Oki: And he's a workaholic, too.
Oki: I wonder how he's doing.
Player: Is he a close friend?
Oki: How did you know?
Player: The look on your face was different when you talked about him.
Oki: It's that obvious?
Oki: I see...
Oki: Alright, I'll take your advice.
Oki: And make sure to rest from time to time.

-I don't understand you at all. - 500 Intimacy
Player: As for me, if I can take a day off...
Player: I'll spend the entire day sleeping!
Oki: ...
Port Worker: Another shipment is here. Oki, get to work!
Oki: Sorry, Player, I gotta go!

-Well, it's your decision. - 700 Intimacy
Player: I can take care of myself, so I don't think I'll need security.
Player: But maybe some of my friends do.
Player: I'll let them know about this company.
Oki: Really?
Oki: Thank you so much.
Player: Don't mention it.

Party of One

Elysiann, at night...
After finishing the request from the Order of Equality, you proceed to the port...
To take the airship back to Never Isle.
You notice Oki standing in a corner.
Player: Oki? Why is he at Elysiann?
Player: (Greet Oki)
Scene - Elysiann
Oki: Player!
Oki: I didn't think I'd see you here.
Player: Why are you in Elysiann?
Oki: We're having a team building event in Elysiann.
Player: Team building, huh?
Player: Rald sounds like a good boss.
Oki: Hm...
Player: But why are you here by yourself?
Player: Where's Rald and others?
Oki: Rald reserved an entire hotel nearby.
Oki: He's there with the other masseurs.
Player: Hm?
Player: Why aren't you there?
Oki: I...
Oki: They're having a huge party.
Oki: I can't handle it.
Player: Can't handle it?
Oki: Yeah.
Oki: I have trouble talking when there are a lot of people around.
Oki: And the loud environment gives me a headache.
Player: So you're the quiet type.
Oki: Hm...
Oki: And it's quiet here, so...
Before Oki finishes talking...
Fireworks explode in the sky.
Then the entire city bursts into celebration.
Player: Well...
Player: Oh, there's a celebration here today in Elysiann.
Player: I guess it's difficult to find a quiet place, isn't it?
Oki: Right...
Player: In that case...

-Let's join the celebration! - 500 Intimacy
Oki: Try to enjoy it?
Oki: I don't really know what's going on.
Player: Just ask a local.
Oki: R-right.
Oki: I'll give that a try.

-Let's go find Rald! - 700 Intimacy
Oki: I suppose I can do that.
Oki: Player, do you want to come with me?
Player: What? Me?
Oki: Yes. You know Rald and Kovit, right?
Oki: I think they'll be happy to see you.
Player: Sure!

-I know somewhere you'll like! - 900 Intimacy
Oki: A good place?
Player: Yes, a place where you can truly be alone!
Oki: ?
Player: The deck of my airship!
Player: Leave the noises of the city and watch the stars of Luxium from the quiet sky!
Player: Well?
Oki: Yes!
Oki: But if Rald and others notice that I'm not in Elysiann...
Player: I'll take you back after we go around once.
Player: They won't be worried.
Oki: In that case...
Oki: Thanks, Player!


This section contains spoilers for the Trifle. Please use a desktop browser for the best viewing experience.

Breaking the Curse

Only the cursed may dispel the curse.

-Part 1
Never Isle...
???: Ughhhh!
???: Defense Force Leader, please let me take the reins...
Player heads towards the commotion and finds himself in front of the Full Service Spa
Mira and Izumi examines a nobleman laying on the ground while Oki, Kovit, KACHA and Rald look on
Many Defense Force soldiers keep the gathering crowd at a distance
Player: !!
Player: This is one of Full Service's establishments. What's the Defense Force doing here?
Fallen Nobleman: Urgh...
Oki: ... (sad)
Mira: What has happened here?
Fallen Nobleman: Sir...
Fallen Nobleman: They're going to kill me...
Fallen Nobleman: It's a good thing you're here, otherwise I'd be dead!
Fallen Nobleman: Ahhh!
Izumi: Stop the yelling. You're all fixed up.
Izumi: It might break open again if you keep yelling.
Fallen Nobleman: Urgh...
Mira: So...
Mira: What happened?
Player: What's going on here?
Bystander A: I heard that a masseur in this massage parlor used a knife to stab a customer...
Bystander B: A masseur stabbed a customer? How terrifying...
Bystander A: Yeah, there's no way I'm coming back here again.
Bystander B: Eh, I come here all the time. They give the best massages in all Never Isle.
Bystander B: What a pity. But my life is more important.
Player: A masseur...stabbed a customer?
Player: How is that possible?
Oki: I told you, it's all my fault!
Player: !!
Kovit: Oki, don't talk nonsense.
Oki: Take me away!
Oki: I am willing to accept the punishment!
Rald: Oki!
Defense Force Member: Mira, according to our investigation...
Defense Force Member: The blade that injured the victim does indeed belong to Oki.
Mira: Is it possible anyone else used this blade?
Defense Force Member: It's not possible. Our investigation shows that only Oki can use this blade.
Defense Force Member: It's said this blade is cursed.
Mira: Cursed? Do you have any proof of that?
Defense Force Member: No, it's just a rumor.
Mira: Do not be distracted by unverifiable information!
Defense Force Member: Hmm... Roger!
Mira: The murder weapon is in your possession. You're the only one who knows how to use it. The proof is conclusive.
Mira: Mr. Oki. You have been arrested on the charge of assault. Please come with us!
Oki: ...
The Defense Force soldiers take Oki away
KACHA: Take your hands off my servant!
Kovit: Oki...
Mira approaches Kovit and Rald
Kovit: Commander, this is not Oki's fault. This blade went flying on its own.
Mira: The blade went flying on its own?
Mira: ...
Mira: Don't worry. The Defense Force does not treat anyone unjustly.
Mira: We will contact you later to take your statements.
Mira: Please remain at the massage parlor for today.
Rald: Rest assured, Full Service's Never Isle branch will fully cooperate with the Defense Force's investigation.
Mira: Thanks.
After the Defense Force leaves, Player talks with Kovit and Rald
Player: I saw Oki get taken away by some members of the Defense Force...
Player: What happened?
Rald: That's right, Kovit. What happened?
Kovit: It wasn't Oki... It really wasn't.
Kovit: It was Oki's blade...
Player: Chris Dagger?
Kovit: Yeah, that's the name!
Kovit: The knife flew out on its own and stabbed the customer!
Player: Chris Dagger went out of control...
Player: Anyway, if Chris Dagger went out of control, there must be a reason...
Player: What happened when Oki was giving the customer a massage?
Full Service Front Desk Secretary: The customer had been sitting down for too long and his back muscles were a complete mess...
Full Service Front Desk Secretary: So I assigned him to Oki, who is rather strong.
Kovit: At the time, I was in the room next to Oki's taking a rest...
Kovit: So I could hear what happened in Oki's room quite clearly...
Kovit: Everything was fine at first. The customer was quite happy with Oki's service.
Kovit: But the customer suddenly offered to give Oki a large sum of money...
Kovit: On the condition that Oki leave Full Service and exclusively service him.
KACHA: I couldn't believe it - they were trying to steal someone right out from under the boss's nose! Kacha!
Player: But this alone shouldn't have been enough to cause Chris Dagger to lose control.
Kovit: Right. But I didn't hear anything else.
Kovit: Oki probably refused the customer's request, so the customer started nitpicking on Oki's service.
Kovit: Just as the massage was about to finish, the customer brought it up again.
Kovit: He also said that if Oki didn't agree to his demands, he could use his power to put Full Service out of business...
Kovit: So Oki got a little angry, told the customer that the session was over, and asked him to leave.
Kovit: But he couldn't let it go. He even said:
Kovit: 'Who do you think you are? You should be honored to serve me...'
Kovit: 'How ungrateful. You're not even fit to chew on my socks!'
Kovit: 'When I ruin this crappy little business, you'll come begging to be my slaves!'
Rald: What nerve!
Kovit: I was so angry when I heard it that I rushed into the next room to try to reason with the customer...
Kovit: But that's when the blade came flying out from behind Oki toward the customer...
KACHA: Beautiful! Kacha!
Kovit: Kacha, stop messing around!
Kovit: Oki and I did our best and finally suppressed the blade...
Kovit: But it still injured the customer.
Player: So that's why...
Kovit: Oki is innocent!
Rald: Calm down, Kovit.
Rald: Let's stay in the inn for now. I'll think of something to do about Oki's situation...
Player: Is there any way I can help?
Rald: I recall that you have a pretty good relationship with the Defense Force, Player.
Player: Yeah, I'm close with Commander Mira and Captain Izumi.
Player: But Mira's always kept her work life separate from her private life. I'm afraid that my relationship with her might not help...
Rald: I understand. I'd like to ask you to go to the Defense Force and meet Oki.
Player: Well, meeting him shouldn't be a problem.
Rald: Thank you, Player. When you see Oki...
Rald: Try to calm him down. We will think of a way to help him.
Player: Of course!
In the Never Isle Defense Force's underground prison...
A guard takes Oki to visit with Player
Oki: Player!
Defense Force Warrior: You have twenty minutes.
Player: All right. Thank you very much.
The guard stands back
Player: Oki.
Oki: What are you doing here, Player?
Player: I originally went to see you at Full Service. Instead, I saw the Defense Force taking you away...
Oki: ... (sad)
Player: How are you doing, Oki? You haven't been hurt, have you?
Oki: I'm fine. Don't worry.
Oki: The customer who was hurt by Chris Dagger, he...
Player: He's being treated at the church. His injuries aren't too serious and he just needs to rest.
Oki: Oh, that's good...
Oki: You shouldn't get too close to me, Player...
Oki: I'm dangerous.
Player: Dangerous?
Oki: The Cursed Blade...
Player: It's not your fault that Chris Dagger went out of control.
Oki: It isn't my fault...
Oki: Rald, Kovit, Principal Vundo... You've all said the same thing.
Oki: But the truth is, I've hurt all of you.
Oki: This time, I've even affected Rald's business, Full Service.
Player: Listen to me, Oki...
Oki: No, you listen to me!
Oki: I'm a bad person...
Player: Oki...
Oki: Let me finish.
Oki: When the customer said that he wanted to make me a slave...
Oki begins to tremble.
Oki: I really... I really wanted to kill him.
Oki: I wanted to use Chris Dagger to kill him!
Player: ...
Oki: Chris Dagger acts on my will...
Oki: I'm a terrible person.
Oki: You've been too good to me. I don't deserve it.
Oki continues to tremble.
Player: Oki...
Choice 1.1 - (Hug Oki...)
Player hugs Oki
Player: Oki, that wasn't you.
Oki: ... (surprised)
Oki: No!
Oki gets out of Player's embrace and stands back
Oki: You'd better get out of here soon, Player.
Oki: I'm dangerous...
Choice 1.2 - (Console Oki...)
Player: You're thinking too much, Oki.
Player: Maybe this was just an accident.
Oki: No!
Oki: It wasn't an accident.
Oki: You'd better get out of here soon, Player.
Oki: I'm dangerous...
Oki stands back
Conversation continues after choices
Player: Oki!
Defense Force Warrior: Your time's up!
Defense Force Warrior: Please leave, Player!
Player: Oki, Rald wanted me to tell you something:
Player: Don't worry. We will find a way to get you out!
Oki: ... (sad)
As Player leaves the underground prison, he runs into Vundo
Player: Principal Vundo?
Vundo: Player?
Player: What are you doing at the Defense Force's underground prison, Principal Vundo?
Vundo: The Defense Force said there was an emergency and called me over so I came.
Player: What is it?
Vundo: It seems to have something to do with an artifact, but I'm not clear on the specifics yet.
Defense Force Warrior: Principal Vundo, Commander Mira is waiting for you.
Vundo: I'm going in...
Player: Okay.
Vundo continues inside
Player: The Defense Force called...Principal Vundo?
One week later...
Before the Defense Force...
Player meets Oki, Kovit and KACHA outside of the Defense Force headquarters
Player: Oki was released today?
Kovit: Yep! The injured customer dropped the charges against him.
Kovit: He even thanked Oki, saying that Oki saved his life!
Player: Huh? Why did he change his story so suddenly?
Kovit: It's all thanks to Rald!
Player: Rald?
Player: Don't tell me you treated that customer to some 'tea'?
Rald: Actually, I went to the church and treated him to a cup of tea.
Rald: And I took the opportunity to give him a kind reminder.
Player: A reminder?
Rald: That a domineering businessman like him must have skeletons in his closet.
Kovit: Rald had his friends in the Order of Equality investigate the businessman.
Kovit: We learned all kinds of nasty things about him. Any one of those things could sink him!
Rald: After we got enough information, we had the capital to negotiate.
Rald: Naturally, he couldn't refuse my suggestion.
Player: I see. Wow!
Player: !!
Player: Oki's out!
Oki walks out of the Defense Force HQ
Oki: !!
Rald: Welcome home, Oki!
Kovit: Yes. Full Service has been short-handed lately. We've missed you!
Oki: Everyone...
Player: Welcome back, Oki...
Oki: ... (sad)
Oki: Alas...
Player: Are you okay, Oki?
Oki: I'm sorry. I'm just a little tired.
Oki: I want to go back.
Rald: Yes! Oki needs to rest. We shouldn't bother him any longer.
Oki: Thanks...
Oki leaves
Player: Oki...
The next morning...
You received an urgent message from Kovit to visit Full Service on Never Isle as soon as possible.
In front of the Never Isle Full Service...
Player meets with Rald, Kovit and KACHA
Player: What's wrong? Why the sudden call, Kovit?
Kovit: ... (sad)
Rald: Player, yesterday after we went our separate ways...
Rald: Did Oki reach out to you?
Player: Oki? No.
Rald: I see...
Player: What happened?
Kovit: Oki is missing.
Player: What?!
Rald: This morning, Oki didn't report to the front desk.
Rald: We've searched the whole island for him but no dice.
Kovit: He left a letter behind...
Kovit hands the letter to you.
Player: ...
Oki's Letter: I don't want to burden you all any longer.
Oki's Letter: So I'm leaving Never Isle.
Oki's Letter: Please don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.
Oki's Letter: For your own safety and for me...
Oki's Letter: Don't come find me.
Player: ...
Player: At this point, no merchant or passenger ships have left Never Isle Port.
Player: Oki must have written this and left last night.
Kovit: ...
Kovit: If only I'd accompanied him back to his room...
Rald: Kovit, Oki said he wanted to be alone last night.
Rald: Even if you'd gone with him, he probably wouldn't have let you in the room.
Kovit: But...
Player: Rald is right.
Player: Right now the most important thing is to find Oki!
Player: I'll ask around at the port about the merchant and passenger ships that left yesterday!
A bit later, at the port...
Ship Dispatcher: Here's all the information about the ships at the port yesterday, Player.
Player: Thanks a lot!
Player: Hmm, yesterday evening...
Player: Eversun, Elysiann, Westhold, Kaigon, Red Harbor...
Player: Well...
Player: Without knowing which ship he got on, there's no way to find him.
Player: I should meet up with Rald and the others first. Maybe they've found something.
Player: Thank you for your help.
Back at Full Service, Rald and the others haven't found a single clue.
Oki seems to have disappeared out of thin air and no one knows where he went.
The search has come to a dead end.
In order to find Oki...
You make copies of information about Oki and send them to your friends all over Luxium.
You hope someone will know something.
Three days later...
A certain machine assembly plant in Eversun.
Player: According to the clue Santos gave us, Oki should be working here.
Player approaches one of the workers in the plant
Player: Excuse me, sorry...
Player: Do you know a worker by the name of Oki?
Worker: Oki? Never heard of him.
Player: Huh? Are you sure?
Player: He's a strong guy with a great figure who carries a knife at his waist.
Player: He has white cloths wrapped around his head, left arm, and waist.
Player: Hold on, he might've changed outfits when he got here.
Player: Anyway, it's a guy who usually has a sour look on his face.
Worker: He's built, has a knife, and a sour face?
Worker: Such an individual would certainly leave an impression on me.
Worker: I also know everyone who works here. We don't have anyone like that here.
Player: All right. Maybe I've found the wrong place.
Player: Sorry for disturbing you.
Worker: Wait!
Player: Huh?
Worker: I only know the workers on the day shift. I think the boss has hired some guys for the night shift lately.
Worker: Maybe your friend is on the night shift and only comes in the evenings.
Player: The night shift?
Player: This is important info. Thanks a million!
Player leaves
Secretly behind a corner, a man in armor was spying on Player
He speaks to someone in his communicator crystal
???: I just saw Player. He's here too...
???: Yes, along with that man...
???: Let's withdraw for the time being and await orders.
At dusk...
Scene - Inside the assembly plant
Two workers talk to each other in front of a large machine
Day Worker A: (Yawn...)
Day Worker B: Work's done. It's quittin' time!
Day Worker A: Yeah! The rest is up to the night shift.
Day Worker B: I heard a rumor about the night shift. Did you hear?
Day Worker A: A rumor?
Day Worker B: The rumor about the haunted sword.
Day Worker A: Oh yeah. Apparently late at night, a haunted sword occasionally shows up and starts flying around.
Day Worker A: But of course, it's just a rumor. Those kinds of things don't exist.
Day Worker B: Who knows? Anyway, I'm just happy I'm not on the night shift.
The two workers leave
A few moments later...
Oki walks up to the machine alone
Oki: ...
Oki expertly inspects the machine.
Player sneaks up behind Oki
Oki: ... (surprised)
Oki turns around
Oki: ...
Oki: Player...
Player: Hey! Oki.
Player: How have you been?
Oki: I've been all right...
Player: Uh...
Oki: Player, I said not to come find me.
Oki: No matter what you say...
Oki: I'm not going back.
Oki continues to inspect the machine
Oki: Please leave.
Oki: I'm working now.
Player: Oki...
Player: I'm not here to persuade you to come back.
Player: I just wanted to make sure you're safe.
Oki: !!
Oki: Rald didn't send you to convince me to come back?
Player: Of course not. I wanted to see you on my own. Rald had nothing to do with it.
Player: We're friends, aren't we?
Oki: ... (surprised)
Eversun's bell strikes nine, announcing night's arrival.
Oki: !!
Oki: Sorry, Player. I need to get to work.
Oki: Will you still be in Eversun tomorrow afternoon? Can I come find you then?
Oki: I've got a lot of things to do right now.
Player: All right. Just so long as I know you're safe.
Player turns to leave
Oki: Player! I...
Player: What?
Oki: Nothing...
Oki: See you tomorrow!
Player: ...
Player: Of course!
The next day, in the forest near Eversun.
Player meets with Oki in a secluded part of the forest
Oki: I thought you'd never find me.
Player: I had the help of some friends.
Oki: I want to apologize for yesterday.
Oki: It's just that...
Oki: There's been a lot of work lately.
Oki: I didn't mean to blow you off.
Player: There's no need to apologize. Work is more important.
Player: That said, I had no idea you were such a hard workaholic.
Oki: Haha, a workaholic?
Player: I also had no idea you understood machines.
Player: No wonder Rald and the others couldn't find you, despite searching every massage parlor in Luxium.
Oki: Yeah...
Oki: Luxium's mechanical knowledge is similar to Morningwood's.
Oki: Back in Morningwood, I was a mechanic.
Oki: Working on machines helps me relax.
Player: You do seem to be cut out for it.
Oki: I don't know if I'm cut out for it, but at least...
Oki: I'm happy when I'm on the job, more so than I was at Full Service...
Player: You don't like giving massages, Oki?
Oki: ...
Oki: Not really...
Oki: Rald and Kovit are good guys.
Oki: I... You understand...
Oki: When there's too many people, I...
Oki: I just can't deal with it.
Oki: In the factory, I work on the night shift when there aren't many people.
Player: Haha, you've always been shy in crowds.
Player: But I've always felt like you, Rald, and the others have some back story.
Oki: ... (surprised)
Oki: ... (sad)
Player: It seems like I've touched on something.
Oki: Alas...
Oki: That's all in the past.
Player: I can tell that the past puts a lot of pressure on you.
Player: I feel like you could use a listening ear...
Oki: ...
Oki: ... (sad)
Oki: You're right.
Oki: At least, I shouldn't have hidden anything from you.
Oki: There is a back story...
Oki: But it has nothing to do with Rald or Kovit.
Oki: It has to do with Full Service.
Player: Full service?
Oki: Where should I begin?
Oki: Oh...
Oki: I told you once before, Player...
Oki: I'm not a good person.
Player: What happened in Morningwood?
Oki: ... (sad)
Oki: In Morningwood, both Okan and I served our 'master.'
Player: Oh, I think I heard Kovit mention him before. It's the mysterious boss behind Full Service, right?
Oki: To Kovit and the others, he is indeed a boss.
Oki: But to me and Okan...
Oki: He's our 'master.'
Player: When you say it like that, you make it sound like he owns you.
Oki: ... (serious)
Oki: Yeah...
Player: Why?
Oki: Master, he...bought us from a slave owner.
Player: A slave owner?!
Player: How... How is that possible?
Oki: ... (serious)
It sounds hard to believe.
But you could tell that Oki was not joking.
Oki: Our master bought us and then made us be his bodyguards.
Oki: We had to stay by his side and...attend to him.
Oki: Not only that. He...
Oki: He was also a slave owner.
Oki: We helped him.
Oki: We helped him cheat, hurt, imprison, and traffic people.
Oki: You understand now, right?
Oki: I'm a terrible person.
Player: ...
Player: For sure this 'master' threatened you somehow?
Oki: If we didn't obey his orders, he would sell us back to the slave market.
Player: I see. I knew you wouldn't do anything like that willingly.
Oki: I truly regret the things I did at Morningwood. I don't want to hurt anyone ever again.
Oki: Sounds good, right? But...
Oki: But I'm still an accessory to sin.
Oki: ... (sad)
Oki: So I didn't want to stay at Full Service.
Player: ...
Player: Do Rald and Kovit know about all this?
Oki shakes his head.
Oki: I told them before that Morningwood is dangerous.
Player: Indeed...
Oki: ... (sad)
Player: Oki, about those things that happened at Morningwood - you're a victim. It wasn't...
Oki: It wasn't my fault?
Player: Exactly!
Oki: ... (sad)
Oki: Then what about what happened in Luxium?
Player: Oki...
Oki: You don't need to hide anything from me, Player.
Oki: I already know.
Player: What do you know?
Oki: About Chris Dagger. Everything about me.
Player: What...
Oki: Chris Dagger. It came from me.
Oki: It's...part of me.
Player: !!
Player: So that's why you felt like you were falling into water when you threw away Chris Dagger.
Player: Chris Dagger will come back to you. Could it be because...
Oki: Not just that.
Oki: Back at Full Service when Chris Dagger lost control and tried to kill the customer...
Oki: It was because...
Oki: When the customer said he was going to ruin Rald's business and make us into his slaves...
Oki: It was I who wanted to kill him!
Player: ...
Player: Don't think too much about it, Oki.
Oki: I'm not thinking too much!
Oki: You still don't understand, Player?
Oki: The Cursed Blade itself didn't lose control.
Oki: I'm the cursed one!
Oki: I'm the source of the curse!
Player: !!
Oki: Now, everything that's happened...
Oki: Including the stuff that happened in Morningwood...
Oki: It all makes sense now.
Player: Huh?
Player: What makes sense?
Player: You said 'Chris Dagger is part of you'... Where did you hear this?
Oki: Principal Vundo.
Player: What?
Oki: When I was in the Defense Force's prison, Principal Vundo was called in to explain the truth about Chris Dagger.
Oki: Principal Vundo and Commander Mira were in the room next to my cell, and the soundproofing wasn't very good.
Oki: I heard it all very clearly.
Oki: Even though they left and went somewhere else afterward, I heard everything I needed to hear.
Player: Calm down, Oki.
Player: There must be some misunderstanding!
Oki: Player...
Oki: You're too kind to me.
Oki: But I'm nothing but trash.
Oki: In Morningwood, I fell victim to the slave owner's trap and became a slave.
Oki: I helped master hurt people.
Oki: In Luxium, I hurt Kovit.
Oki: I couldn't control myself and I hurt somebody. I almost destroyed Rald's business.
Oki: Facing all this...
Oki: In addition to feeling regret, there just isn't anything I can do.
Oki: I'm not deserving of your kindness.
Player: What?
Oki: Can you promise me something, Player?
Player: What?
Oki: Could you stay away from me?
Player: Why?
Oki: Also, people don't tell Rald or Kovit any of this.
Player: ...
Player: Why.
Oki: It'd be better if you stayed away from me. I'm cursed.
Player: What about you?
Oki: I like my current work.
Oki: Fiddling with machines is calming to me.
Oki: Chris Dagger is calm now, too.
Oki: I'm doing well here.
Player: ...
Player: If you're really doing that well here, of course I can make that promise.
Player: But I heard a rumor from the workers on the day shift.
Player: A rumor about a haunted blade.
Oki: !!
Player: It's Chris Dagger, isn't it?
Oki: ... (sad)
Player: It would seem that the calmness fiddling with machines brings you isn't enough to bring Chris Dagger under control.
Oki: ... (sad)
Oki: Then I'll leave this place, too!
Player: I'll leave behind my work again, run away from my friends...
Player: And you won't regret it?
Oki: I'm a threat to them.
Oki: There's nothing I can do about my regrets.
Player: Then don't do things you'll regret!
Player: Running away won't solve anything!
Oki: Uh...
Oki: This is a curse, Player.
Oki: What can I do?!
Oki: I can't control it!
Oki: I can't suppress it!
Oki: I can't destroy it!
Oki: The more I fear it will escape my control, the more easily it does!
Oki: What can I do?!
Player: Then you should try to accept it.
Oki: Accept it...
Oki: How can I accept it?
Player: Since you can't beat it, you might as well make it your friend.
Oki: Are you joking?!
Oki: Oh! (Places right hand on the handle of the blade...)
Player: ...
All Choices: Choice 2.1 - "(Help Oki suppress Chris Dagger)" OR Choice 2.2 - "(Clasp Oki's right hand)"
No additional dialog
Scene continues after choices
Player: Relax, Oki!
Player: ... (Clasps Oki's right hand)
Oki: !!
Player: Don't worry. I'm right here.
Oki: Don't get close to me! I'm dangerous!
Player: Since Chris Dagger is part of you...
Player: It's not dangerous at all!
Oki: !!
Oki pulls himself away from Player
Player: What happened?
Oki: I'm fine.
Player: See? Chris Dagger isn't so dangerous, right?
Oki: Well...
Oki: This is just a fluke. Next time I lose control of the blade, you need to get away!
Player: This isn't just a fluke.
Player: Now I understand what Principal Vundo meant.
Player: Just like how Rald's light sword and Kovit's healing power are part of who they are...
Player: Chris Dagger is part of your power!
Oki: I'd rather not...
Player: Don't be hesitant.
Player: Think about it, a person would not want to put up with your bad attitude.
Player: Chris Dagger is the same way.
Player: It is clearly a part of you, but being rejected by you so harshly is clearly too much for it to handle.
Oki: ... (surprised)
Oki: Indeed...
Oki: But my curse...
Player: I don't think you're cursed.
Player: Even though you hurt people in Morningwood and Luxium in the past...
Player: I can see how kind you really are.
Player: And it's not just me. Rald and Kovit can also see how kind you are.
Player: That's why they're your friends. That's why they care about you. Isn't that right?
Oki: Friends...
Oki: And I...
Player: Remember Kovit?
Player: He suffered a lot when you first came to Luxium.
Oki: That was all my fault.
Player: But did Kovit mind?
Oki: !!
Player: Kovit doesn't care about your past. I don't care about your past, either.
Player: So please, let go of your past.
Player: You're not the only one tortured by your fear, confusion, and torment by the past.
Oki: There's also...
Oki: Chris Dagger?
Player: I think that's the real reason Chris Dagger has been going out of control.
Oki: !!
Player: Oki, you need to believe in Chris Dagger.
Player: You need to believe.
Player: You need to believe in yourself!
Oki: !!
Oki: I...
Oki: Player, I...
Oki: I don't know...
Oki: I...
Oki: You're right, Player.
Oki: But I need some time alone to think.
Player: Alas...
Player: Remember, no matter what happens:
Player: I'll always be there for you!
Oki: Okay...
Scene - Inside the assembly plant
Player prepares to enter the plant
Player: I didn't expect to get a request for help from the Order of Equality.
Player: It's about time for Oki to start work.
Player: I'd better say good-bye to Oki before I go.
A well-dressed man walks up to Player
Factory Boss: Hi!
Player: Oh, hello.
Factory Boss: I don't think you work here. Is there something I can help you with?
Player: Oh, yes. Sorry for bothering you. I'm here to see Oki.
Factory Boss: Oki... The guy on the night shift who just started working here.
Factory Boss: He's scheduled to work today. He should be here soon.
Factory Boss: It's a little crowded over here at the gate. Why don't you come wait for him in the factory's break room?
Player: Oh, thank you.
A few moments later...
The boss leads Player to the break room
Factory Boss: Are you Oki's friend?
Player: Yes.
Factory Boss: That makes sense.
Factory Boss: Oki's a good guy. He's diligent and hard-working, but he's a little quiet.
Player: Haha, that's him, all right.
???: We've spotted Target B. Get ready to move out!
Player hears a strange noise turns around
Player: !!
Factory Boss: What happened?
Player: Watch out!!
Player gets hit with a projectile that stuns him
Player: Uh...
???: Mission Target B has lost the ability to move!
???: All teams, report in!
A large company of White Capes enter the plant
Factory Boss: What happened? What are you doing?
Player: The White Capes... They suddenly...
White Capes Officer: Your factory is suspected of hiring Gyee, sheltering criminals, and helping Yellow Eyes make siege weapons.
White Capes Officer: In the name of the Holy Light, we are going to inspect your factory!
White Capes Officer: You and all of your workers will be judged by the Holy Light!
Factory Boss: What? Do you have any proof?
The officer points to a group of gyee workers captured by White Cape mages
White Capes Officer: Hmph! Here's your proof...
Gyee Worker: Boss!
Factory Boss: Rats, I've been busted.
White Capes Officer: Notify all teams to close the net and bring all the criminals here!
The White Capes round up all of the workers to the break area
White Cape Captain: Captain, we haven't found mission target A!
White Capes Officer: Damn, they escaped?
Player: Who was their real target?
Player: ...
Player: Could it be Oki?!
White Capes Officer: Notify our forces in the city and have them search everywhere. Target A must be in Eversun!
Player: !!
Player notices Oki enter the break area
Oki: !!
It seems that White Capes Officer haven't noticed Oki yet...
Oki: What's going on...
Player: (Makes a shushing gesture)
Player: (Makes exaggerated mouth movements without making a sound) (Run, Oki!)
Oki: !!
White Capes Officer: Huh?
The White Cape Officer grasps Player's collar
White Capes Officer: (Slaps roughly)
Player: Ow!
Oki: (Almost shouting) Player!
White Capes Officer: Stop making faces!
White Capes Officer: Oki, where is he?!
Player: Ow... (So they are looking for Oki?)
Oki: !!
Player: I don't know anybody named Oki!
White Capes Officer: The Never Isle experimental weapon, Oki... Where is he?!
Player: Experimental weapon? What the hell are you talking about?!
White Capes Officer: (Another slap)
Player: Ahhh!
White Capes Officer: Don't play stupid! You blew up our camp remotely!
White Capes Officer: Don't think we've forgotten!
Player: What... Ow!
Player: (Could it be that when Oki first came to Never Isle...)
Player: (He was mistaken for an experimental weapon?)
White Capes Officer: Anyway, it doesn't matter.
White Capes Officer: Your brain would be worth more than that weapon's.
Oki: !!
Oki: Player!
Oki runs to Player's aid
Player: !!
Player: Run, Oki!
Oki: No!
White Capes Officer: Haha! Well that saves me the trouble of going to look for you!
White Capes Officer: Mission Target A has turned himself in. All teams, close in on my position!
Oki: I won't let you hurt Player!
White Capes Officer: Warriors of the Sword of light!
White Capes Officer: Eliminate the enemies of the light!
Oki: Chris Dagger, please! Help me!
Oki clutches Chris Dagger...
Oki: I don't want...
Oki: Any more regrets!
Oki: Ah!!
Oki fights and defeats the White Capes
Oki: Huff, puff...
White Capes Officer: No, this isn't possible!
White Capes Officer: The Holy Light...
The officer falls to the ground
Workers: Oki! Oki saved us!
Workers: Oki's our hero!
Workers: He's a hero!
Oki: ... (serious)
Workers: Hero! Hero!
Oki: !!
Oki: Player!
Oki turns to check on Player
Oki: Player!
Oki: You aren't hurt, are you, Player?
Player: (Shaking head) I'm fine.
Player: That was incredible, Oki!
Factory Boss: You saved us all.
Workers: Hero! Hero! Hero!
Player: You're a true hero!
Oki: !!
Oki quickly turns away
Oki: ... (embarrassed)
Player: What happened?
Oki: So many people...
Oki: They're all looking at me...
Player: Relax, relax.
Player: They're all happy to see you!
Oki: Happy to see me?
Oki: This feels...
Oki: Good...
A few moments later...
Player: Even though we've defeated the White Capes, I'm afraid that Eversun isn't safe anymore.
Factory Boss: You're right, it's not safe to stay here.
Factory Boss: It's not a big deal. I was planning on moving the business to Red Harbor anyway.
Factory Boss: I've already explained the situation to the workers.
Factory Boss: Most of them are still willing to work for me. A few of them are from Eversun. I've paid them a severance compensation and they're going to find other work.
Oki: I'm sorry, boss. This is all my fault.
Factory Boss: There's no need to apologize. The White Capes found out I've been hiring Gyee...
Factory Boss: But it was only a matter of time before they showed up.
Factory Boss: Thank you for being here, Oki. Everyone in our factory owes you a great debt.
Player: There's something I've been curious about. You're not a Gyee.
Player: So why are you willing to risk hiring them?
Factory Boss: Gyee workers are very diligent. Why wouldn't I hire them?
Player: But, you know, the White Capes...
Factory Boss: Yes, in their eyes, the Gyee are the same as the Shadows.
Factory Boss: They've been abandoned by the Holy Light and are cursed.
Factory Boss: But I've seen many Gyee over the years and I don't see any difference between them and normal people.
Factory Boss: I believe my own experience over White Capes propaganda.
Factory Boss: To be frank, isn't it kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy to believe in a curse?
Factory Boss: If you don't believe in it, it's just nonsense, right?
Oki: !!
Oki: If you don't believe in a curse, then the curse isn't real...
Player: Exactly right!
Player: I just notified the Order of Equality and the Oathblades. They're sending some people to help the factory move its equipment and protect you as you leave Eversun.
Player: I'll ask Never Isle if they can send some more support.
Factory Boss: Wow! Thank you!
Player: Do you have any plans, Oki?
Oki: I...
Oki: The boss has been kind to me. I think I'm going to stay with him first and help him set up his factory at Red Harbor.
Oki: Then I'll try to figure out what to do.
Player: I see. Then I'll be heading back to Never Isle.
Oki: Huh? I thought you were going to try to persuade me to go back to Never Isle.
Player: This is a free world, Oki.
Player: You've already thrown off your shackles. No one can imprison you ever again!
Continue to Intimacy Level 10



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Front/Default Back
Oki Default Front
Oki Back
Right Left
Oki Right
Oki Left

Epiphany Skin
Reach Epiphany Level 4 to unlock

Front/Default Back
OkiEphi Default Front
OkiEphi Back
Right Left
OkiEphi Right
OkiEphi Left

Rainbow Skin
Unlock with Oki's Rainbow Ticket x100

Front/Default Back
OkiRain Front
OkiRain Back
Right Left
OkiRain Right
OkiRain Left

Cool Skin
Unlock with Cool Skin Coupon x100

Front/Default Back
OkiC Default Front
OkiC Back
Right Left
OkiC Right
OkiC Left


Oki Normal
Oki NormalG

Oki Surprised
Oki SurprisedG

Oki Happy
Oki HappyG

Oki Embarras
Oki EmbarrasG

Oki Shy
Oki ShyG

Oki Sad
Oki SadG

Oki Serious
Oki SeriousG


Title: Sauna Encounter
Unlock requirements: Oki's Intimacy reaches Lv.6 to unlock

Title: Rainbow Skin
Unlock requirements: Obtain Oki's Rainbow Skin to unlock
Oki pro


Note: Skins will use the audio from the basic skin unless indicated otherwise.

Oki's Basic Skin[]

Oki's Rainbow Skin[]

