- Achievements
- Adonis
- Alcander
- Alcander-Starflame
- Amdera
- Antonio
- Arcana Tower
- Arcanist - Fire
- Arcanist - Frost
- Arcanist - Lightning
- Avatar Training Guide
- Batur
- BeeNic
- Bernard
- Bidziil
- Billy
- Billy-Lightflow
- Branch - The Last Commission of the Year
- Brian
- Caius
- Candy Festival (2022)
- Cannye Treasure
- Carter
- Catherine
- Chang
- Chapter 0: Zero to One
- Chapter 10: True Desire I
- Chapter 11: True Desire II
- Chapter 12: True Desire III
- Chapter 13: Metal Nexus I
- Chapter 14: Metal Nexus II
- Chapter 15: Scale Soul Crystal
- Chapter 16: The Traitor
- Chapter 17: Blood Trail
- Chapter 18: Naga, the Serpent King
- Chapter 19: Shadows Abound
- Chapter 1: Boy that Fell Through Time
- Chapter 20: Water Nexus
- Chapter 21: Six-Year Promise
- Chapter 22: Battle of the Cathedral
- Chapter 23 - Wood Nexus I
- Chapter 24 - Wood Nexus II
- Chapter 25 - Wood Nexus III
- Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest
- Chapter 3: We the Gyees
- Chapter 4: A New Journey
- Chapter 5: Never Isle I
- Chapter 6: Never Isle II
- Chapter 7: Wheel of Fate
- Chapter 8: Brothers
- Chapter 9: Shadow Rising
- Chi Guo
- Choji
- Creed
- Daily Quiz
- Daily Sign In
- Daley
- Darkflux Raid
- De La Fère
- Dragonshard Mine
- Duran
- Eddie
- Eddie-Enraged Hawk
- Elbrand
- Event and Story Quizzes
- Exorcist - Discipline
- Exorcist - Holy
- Exorcist - Soul
- Extreme Fight
- Felix
- Furniture
- Gaar
- Gany
- Grancy
- Guilds
- Gyee Wiki
- Hachi
- Haku
- Hart
- Holograms
- Hottie Bar
- Hou
- Izumi
- Izumi - Guardian Bear
- Jack
- Jonas
- Kamui
- Kitty
- Kong
- Kovit
- Lan
- Lee
- Legendary Artisoul Coupons
- Likulau
- Lin Hu
- List of Gyee
- Lukka & Hank
- Main Story
- Markus
- Markus-Furious Lion
- Martin
- Mercy
- Mike
- Miles
- Miles-Blood Wolf
- Mira
- Mizuki Koichi
- Moon
- Morgan
- Musso
- Nemesio
- Niko
- Oathblades Ambush
- Okan
- Oki
- Osiris
- Osmond
- Peter
- Priapus
- Queerix
- Radian
- Raikoh
- Rald
- Rand
- Ranmaru
- Rehoboam
- Relic Scramble
- Rita
- Rom
- Rudolf
- Rupor
- Rupor Show
- Samael
- Santos
- Sebastian
- Shadow Stalker - Shadow Strike
- Shadow Stalker - Spell Break
- Shadow Stalker - Toxic Blade
- Shawn
- Shirou
- Sig
- Soulmates
- Stats
- Status Effects
- Su
- Sven
- Swordsman - Berserk
- Swordsman - Defense
- Swordsman - Strategy
- Takashi
- Taneleer
- Titles
- Triton
- Turing
- Voh
- Vundo
- Will
- Yaen
- Yan
- Yan Shu-Chi
- Yang