Gyee Wiki

Kamui - Forest tribe youth

Ambitious migrant worker living in Red Harbor

Protected by the spirits of the forest; Wield the power of the wind in his palms.


Red Harbor is a machine that never sleeps, and the Metal Capital of Luxium. In addition to the fuel of capitalism, what drives this behemoth are the people that function as its gears. Every year, countless young dreamers come to Red Harbor to find their future, but there is one that stands out from the rest...

He wears a unique robe and a finely-crafted handmade necklace, while an old-fashioned blade hangs at his waist. A dark blue patterned turban sits atop his head and floats in the wind. Upon his face, the man wears a pure and simple smile. As if to feel the life of this behemoth beneath his feet, he walks the streets of Red Harbor shoeless.

'A moving lump of iron! A box that can run on water! Amazing! We don't have these where I come from!'

His name is Kamui, and he first came to Red Harbor to find work. However, many of the Red Harbor locals have ulterior motives, and they use surreptitious methods to make money off migrant workers such as Kamui. With their imposing figures and scary countenances, they often succeed. However, Kamui is an exception. Although Kamui is short in stature, he possesses frightening strength. He also wields a kind of arcana that can summon the power of the wind in battle.

Those who recognize Kamui's attire say he comes from a forest tribe near Yggdrasil in the northern part of Luxium, but what has motivated this man to cross the continent and come to Red Harbor is anybody's guess. It must be a powerful motivation, indeed...

Forming a Pact[]

Kamui's rarity: SSR

Max Epiphany without Illumination: Level 6

The player can form a pact with Kamui by the following methods:

  • Starter Summon
    • Use 28 Heart Stones to add this Gyee to the Starter Summon pool.
  • Limited Summon
    • You can form a pact with Kamui by summoning him on his limited-time banner.



Kamui skill1

Flux Punch
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Flux: Non-elemental
Type: Melee
Skill Description
Kamui punches with two fists, dealing P.ATK *[Skill Level] P.DMG to 1 enemy. After attacking, purifies all debuffs from self.

Skill Level

  1. 85%
  2. 92%
  3. 100%
  4. 107%
  5. 115%
Requires 50 Gyee Insight to unlock
  • Pure Flux
    • Purifies own Disease, Plague, and Curse effects.


Kamui skill2

Alterland Séance
Cost: None
Cool Down: 3 Rounds
Flux: Wood
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Punches forward, dealing P.ATK *[Skill Level] P.DMG to 1 enemy. Inflicts target with Séance Binding for 2 rounds.
  • Séance Binding: reduces target's damage by 30% for 2 rounds. This effect can be purified.

Skill Level

  1. 141%
  2. 155%
  3. 168%
  4. 182%
  5. 196%
Requires 150 Gyee Insight each to unlock
  • Séance of Strength
    • Increases Alterland Séance's damage by 20%.
  • Séance of Victory
    • With Limuthule's Protection, Alterland Séance is guaranteed to deal Crits.


Kamui skill3

Limuthule's Fury
Cost: 45 Rage
Cool Down: None
Flux: Wood
Type: Melee
Skill Description
Condenses and then unleashes energy, dealing P.ATK *[Skill Level] P.DMG to 1 enemy. This skill consumes all current Rage and increases damage dealt.
  • Kamui gets Limuthule's Protection effect, which immediately clears the cooldown of Alterland Séance and reduces all damage taken by 10%. This effect lasts 2 rounds and cannot be dispelled.
  • Kamui gets Forest Wind effect. This effect lasts for 2 rounds and can be dispelled.
    • Forest Wind: Attack First effect. Target with this effect will get to move first in the turn. This effect lasts 2 rounds and can be dispelled.

Skill Level

  1. 428%
  2. 466%
  3. 504%
  4. 542%
  5. 580%
Requires 300 Gyee Insight each to unlock
  • Concentrated Blast
    • Increases the damage of Limuthule's Fury by 25%.
  • Spirit Strength
    • When Kamui has Limuthule's Protection effect, casting Flux Punch/Alterland Séance restores an extra 5/10 Rage.
  • Wind of Agility
    • With Forest Wind, character is immune to Delay effects.


Kamui skill4

Alterland Warrior
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
Kamui is a master of the Alterland fighting style. When battle begins, he gets Alterland Fighting Style, Force of Wind, and Tailwind.
  • Alterland Fighting Style: Grants immunity to Oppressed and increases all damage dealt by (18.00% + Mastery Bonus). This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
  • Force of Wind: After battle begins, Kamui gets Force of Wind effect. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle. This effect has a 1 round cooldown.
  • Force of Wind: After Kamui deals damage, if damage is greater than or equal to 30% HP, the target will suffer Stun. Stun lasts 1 round and can be purified.
  • Ancestral Aegis: While in combat, if Kamui's HP falls below 20%, he will immediately get God effect and recover 40% Max HP. This effect has a 3-round cooldown. This effect is removed on death, but cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
  • Realized Potential: Starting from the 3rd round of battle, every 3 rounds, Kamui will get one Realized Potential effect. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
  • Realized Potential: While the effect is active, increases damage dealt by an extra 30% for 2 rounds. Can be dispelled. If Kamui does not defeat an enemy within 2 rounds or if the effect is dispelled, then at the end of the 2 rounds, he will suffer Stun for 1 round. This Stun effect cannot be purified.
  • Tailwind: After battle begins, every 1 round refreshes, Kamui will get 1 stack of Penetration effect. This is stackable up to 5 times. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
  • Penetration: Ignores 20% of the target's DEF. Stackable up to 5 times. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.
  • God: While the effect is active, gets immunity to any effect that renders character uncontrollable, as well as debuffs. Lasts 1 round.

If Kamui is revived after dying, he gets Aegis Limit effect. This effect cannot be dispelled, and lasts until the end of battle.

  • Aegis Limit: Kamui's DEF falls by 100%. This effect is not removed on death, cannot be dispelled and lasts until the end of battle.


Basic Engraving[]

  • Valor Engraving (MaxHP +1.92% per Engraving level)
    • Each engraving level requires I.N. Flux - Wood x120 and Gold x25,000

Imprint Skill[]

The following Imprint Skill can be equipped on other Gyees and Avatars once unlocked.


Alterland Fighting Style
Skill Type: Passive
Class Allowed: Warrior
Banned: Kamui
Stage 1
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 2
Increases self's DMG Dealt by 3%, if the wearer is a [Woods] Flux Avatar or Gyee, additionally increases the damage by 7%.
Stage 2
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 4
Reduces self's DMG taken from avatars or Gyees by 8%, and additionally reduces self's DMG taken from [Earth] flux avatars or Gyees by 16%.
Stage 3
Unlocked at Epiphany Lv. 6
When battle begins, gets the Warming Up effect.
Before taking action in the 1st and 12th rounds, gets Energy Gathering.
  • Warming Up lasts 22 rounds. This effect cannot be dispelled, and cannot be stacked up. Removed when defeated
    • Starting from Round 3, increases self damage dealt by 10%
    • Every 1 round afterward, this damage boost increases by an extra 5%, with a maximum damage increase of 30%.
  • Energy Gathering lasts until battle ends, cannot be dispelled, and cannot be stacked up.
    • When uses a normal attack, all enemy targets are inflicted with Defense Down.
  • Defense Down lasts 2 rounds, can be purified, and cannot be stacked up.
    • P.DEF is reduced by 50%.


Date Choices[]

Dates will give either 500, 700, or 900 intimacy points depending on the choice selected.

  • Kindness - Kindness is a life philosophy, not a weapon that others can use to attack us.
    • Cue: Kamui wanted to help out, because Kamui wants to work with them.
      • Are you an idiot, Kamui?
        500 Intimacy
      • You think they're your friends, but they think you're a slave!
        700 Intimacy
      • Don't let them take advantage of your kindness!
        900 Intimacy
  • Purpose - Kamui has just been paid and has come looking for you…
    • Cue: (Kamui is really excited today. It would be difficult to talk him out of this...)
      • (I want to eat Kamui's home-made barbecued boar...)
        900 Intimacy
      • (Pick an affordable yet tasty restaurant)
        700 Intimacy
      • (Let Kamui choose)
        700 Intimacy
  • Curiosity - One day, you receive an emergency message from Hottie in the Hottie Bar...
    • Cue: What's wrong, Hottie? What happened?
      • (Accept the payment)
        500 Intimacy
      • (Refuse the payment)
        500 Intimacy
      • (Punish Kamui by making him help Billy repair Hottie)
        900 Intimacy

Intimacy Blocks[]

To reach Intimacy levels 7 and 11, Kamui needs mementos (found in Darkflux Raid), reiki (found in Extreme Fight or Arcana Tracker), and the following block item:

  • Intimacy Level 7
    • S - Freshly Roasted Boar
      • The wild boars that inhabit the forest near Red harbor have the best fat-to-lean ratio, which also means they taste the best.
        Used to break through Kamui's Intimacy. Obtained from the Extreme Fight.
  • Intimacy Level 11
    • Julian Collaboration
      • The medium-term plan for the project that the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop are working on together. According to this plan, it's no surprise that the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop will eventually reach an agreement worth tens of billions of gold coins.
        Used to break through Kamui's Intimacy. Obtained from the Extreme Fight.

Basic Drink Preferences[]

Dark Green 25% bonus

Mingle 50% bonus

Sunlight No bonus

Rock Spirit 25% bonus

Note: All blended drinks have a base preference bonus of 25% that can be modified by the drink's attributes.

Gift Preferences[]

50% bonus

Crunchy CucumberLove EggCucumber LollipopCocky SausageDaddy's Beef JerkyIced CokeHeather TeaNever Isle Ice Tea

25% bonus

Distant WaterYogurt PuddingHot MilkAcademy UniformLovely Bear SetLace DressTwo-headed DragonWater GunMini DollStuffed ToyDestiny CardsPatterned StringMusic BoxPriapus's Statue

No bonus

Love DonutCoriander Ice CreamRainbow CandyCuttie VanillaBromance CoffeeRed High HeelsWhite SocksTraining TightsCoverallVensa LubricantSK-III EssenceTallow SoapJoanna's AutographKJ ShoesDragonshard Ring


Unlock views by leveling the intimacy of other gyees.

  • Haku: This outfit, I've seen it before. He's from Alterland. He is part of the circle of life in the forest, like me...
    Haku's Intimacy reaches Lv.2 to unlock
  • Bidziil: This man, oh... How strong!
    Bidziil's Intimacy reaches Lv.4 to unlock
  • Billy: Kamui's really interested in machines. He's got a late start, he works hard, and is practical and intelligent. It won't take much time at all for him to become an outstanding technician!
    Billy's Intimacy reaches Lv.6 to unlock
  • Batur: The ancestors forbade Alterlans from visiting the outside world. But Kamui is my younger brother and the only relative I've got. I just hope that he can live safely and happily.
    Batur's Intimacy reaches Lv.8 to unlock
  • Shadowhunter Warrior: The men of the forest tribes are all courageous and they're all skilled fighters. It's a pity they're so old-fashioned and closed off from the rest of the world, otherwise we'd invite them to join us...
  • Red Harbor Worker: This guy's my coworker. He's a good guy, and he's kind-hearted and strong. However, he's honest to a fault, and is always being lied to...
  • Elysiann Merchant: Whoa, that's - Nope. He's too young. Sorry, I thought he was someone else.


Consolation Letter[]

Hi, uh... This is Kamui. Sorry for bothering you.

I got your address from the Oathblades. That day at the bar, you paid me for the part I gave you. Since it was apparently a counterfeit part, I cannot accept your money for it, and I must return it to you. You can find it under the cushions of the sofa where I convalesced.

You were so kind to me, and yet your airship broke on account of the parts that I sold. Kamui's so sorry. Once I get out of jail, I will definitely compensate you for the trouble!

Bath Drama[]

  • Wow, this thing channels hot water all on its own. Incredible!
  • Want a back rub? Kamui can help with that!
  • Who left this bottle here? The stuff inside is all... slippery.

Fave Hottie Slogan[]

Ohhh! Getting this proves I'm really great, right? Oh! Thank you so much! I will keep up the hard work!


This section contains spoilers for the Branch quest. Please use a desktop browser for the best viewing experience.

Counterfeit Goods

-Part 1
Red Harbor...
Billy, Kitty and Player approach Red Harbor on the airship when...
Billy: Did this break again?!
Kitty: Ahh! I can't take it anymore!
Player: Hold on. Just hold on a little bit longer. We're almost there...
A few moments later...
The three talk to a Red Harbor businessman after getting their airship towed to Red Harbor
Crafty Businessman: Great! Everything's here in one piece. Time to pay up!
Crafty Businessman: That comes to 60,000 gold~
Kitty: 60,000?
Kitty: Over my cold, dead body!
Kitty: How many times has our airship broken because of you?!
Billy: It's broken nine times!
Billy: And every time, I'm the one who's fixed it!
Player: Besides, they've only been transported from the nearby forest to Red Harbor, then given to the Oathblades.
Player: Why so expensive?
Crafty Businessman: Yes. My vehicle is run-down...
Crafty Businessman: It ain't cheap, that's for sure...
Crafty Businessman: But it's not my fault you landed your airship in this forest!
Crafty Businessman: And it's not my fault that I'm the only person around here with the vehicles required to move large machinery and equipment!
Crafty Businessman: Do you guys have any idea...
Crafty Businessman: How much business I've lost out on, moving your crappy airship around?
Kitty: This is the run-down, old vehicle you use to do business?
Billy: Yeah! It's a miracle it even works!
Crafty Businessman: So what if it's run-down? It got your airship here, didn't it?
Billy: ...
Billy: (serious)
Crafty Businessman: I said...
Crafty Businessman: We had an agreement. I deliver the airship...
Crafty Businessman: You guys pay enough to compensate me for delaying my business.
Crafty Businessman: You want to go back on the agreement? I'll sue you in the Red Harbor Commercial Courts!
Kitty: You'll sue us? I'll sue you! The Red Harbor Oathb...
Player: Kitty!
Player: It's just 60,000 gold, isn't it? We'll mark it down as a loss.
Player: (Takes out money)
Crafty Businessman: (Takes money) Heh heh, thank you for using the Red Harbor Gordon Delivery Service!
Crafty Businessman: Come back anytime!
Kitty: We're never going to do business with you again!
Kitty: Get the hell out of here!
Crafty Businessman: Heh heh...
The businessman leaves
Billy: ...
Kitty: Why did you give him the money, Player?!
Kitty: We know the Oathblades. We know the commander!
Player: The Oathblades haven't been in Red Harbor for very long.
Player: And our relationship with the local organization isn't that strong.
Player: We shouldn't bother the Oathblades or the commander over such a small issue.
Kitty: All right...
Kitty: How much dried fish could 60,000 gold buy, anyway?
Player: Once the airship is fixed, I'll take you back to Never Isle and buy you some.
Kitty: Okay! It's a deal!
Billy: ...
Player: What's wrong, Billy?
Player: You're suddenly so quiet, and you look so serious...
Billy: ...
Billy: I'm thinking...
Billy: The airship was fine. Why did it suddenly lose power and crash?
Billy: After the crash, the entire propulsion system caught fire.
Billy: The propulsion system should be made of flame retardant materials. There should also be some failsafe devices.
Billy: Whatever the case, such a catastrophic accident shouldn't be possible!
Kitty: It's gotta be your fault. You're careless and forgot to check the airship before takeoff!
Billy: Nonsense! How could I make such a basic mistake as that?!
Player: I don't think Billy would forget to check the airship.
Kitty: Well it's not a problem with the pliers, and it's definitely not because of me or Player.
Kitty: We don't know anything about airships!
Player: All right, stop bickering!
Player: We've already given the airship to the Oathblades.
Player: It won't be long before we find out what the problem is!
Billy: Hmm...
A few moments later...
A warrior and technician from the Oathblades approach Player
Oathblades Warrior: Mr. Player!
Oathblades Warrior: We've finished the airship's crash investigation...
Billy: So what happened?
Oathblades Technician: I think the reason the airship crashed was because there was a fuel leakage that resulted in insufficient flight propulsion.
Oathblades Technician: The leaked fuel got into the propulsion system and caught fire when hit in the fall.
Billy: Fuel leakage? And it got into the propulsion system?
Billy: That's not possible. There are safeguards between the Flux system and the propulsion system.
Oathblades Technician: The fuel manifold in the propulsion system that's responsible for distributing fuel was broken.
Kitty: The fuel manifold?
Billy: Are you...
Player: Kitty, do you know what this fuel...thing is?
Kitty: Uh, No? How would I know?
Oathblades Technician: You're the technician responsible for this airship, am I correct?
Billy: That's right, I am...
Oathblades Technician: Fuel manifolds in normal machines cannot withstand the corrosion of the airship's high-energy fuel.
Oathblades Technician: It would be an absolute miracle if it didn't crash!
Oathblades Technician: You have no idea what you're doing, do you?
Billy: Uh...
Player: Billy...
Player turns to the technician
Player: Thank you for helping us identify the problem. Then how can we repair the airship?
Oathblades Technician: The airship's exterior can be easily repaired. But the entire propulsion system is ruined. It's useless...
Billy: What? The propulsion system is ruined?
Oathblades Technician: Yeah.
Player: Well we've been flying it for so long, it's about time to switch it out, anyway.
Oathblades Technician: A whole new propulsion system...
Oathblades Technician: That'll run you about three million gold.
Player: W-what?!
Oathblades Technician: Two or three million. A good one'll cost you six!
Player: S-six million gold?
Player: Uh...
Kitty: Player!!
Player: Urgh...
Oathblades Technician: The commander ordered us to help you repair the airship. The Oathblades will take care of the repair site and our workers will take care of the repairs.
Oathblades Technician: All you guys need to do is buy a new propulsion system. Leave the rest to us!
Player: Please extend my thanks to the commander...
A few moments later...
Player: Looks like we're going to be in Red Harbor for a while.
Kitty: Oh, it's almost time for dinner. Should I go look for a place nearby?
Billy: I'll go with Kitty...
Player: Hold on!
Kitty: ...
Billy: ...
Player: It's still six hours till dinner time!
Player: Is there something you two are keeping from me?
Kitty: No...
Player: Something related to the airship, maybe?!
Billy: Uh...
Billy: I'm sorry, Captain!
Kitty: Billy!
Player: What's going on here?
Billy: The fuel manifold was replaced last week.
Player: It was replaced last week? So why did it break?
Billy: I don't know. Kitty was the one who bought it!
Kitty: Billy, why you...
Player: Kitty?
Kitty: Don't blame me, Player. I bought it in Red Harbor, just like Billy told me to!
Kitty: You also checked out the component too, Billy. The one made out of cerulean...something or other.
Billy: Not cerulean, Julian! Made by Julian's workshop!
Billy: You bought it from their official store, right?
Kitty: No. It was too expensive there. I bought it somewhere else.
Billy: What?
Kitty: I bought it straight from a factory. Same thing, but much cheaper!
Billy: Cheaper? Then where's the extra money you saved?
Kitty: I...I used it to buy food.
Kitty: Hey, don't put it all on me. You looked at the component when I brought it back. You didn't see anything wrong with it either!
Billy: You bought a Counterfeit Good!
Kitty: How could I have known?
Player: Hold on...
Player: Billy, why did you make Kitty go buy the airship component?
Billy: Uh... That day...
Billy: Tickets for the special Rupor Show event were going on sale in Red Harbor...
Billy: Because you have to show up in person to get a ticket, I...
Billy: Got in line to buy one myself.
Player: Billy...
Billy: I'm sorry, Captain...
Kitty: What good does an apology do us? Let's find the liar who scammed us and make him pay!
Kitty: Dang liar, cheating us and then making me take the blame!
Player: Calm down, Kitty. Red Harbor's a big place. How are you going to find him?
Kitty: I remember what he looks like. He's about the same age as Billy. Dresses kinda sketchy.
Kitty: He's got a huge mole on his left eyebrow!
Player: A mole on his left eyebrow...
Player: Features like that should be easy enough to spot.
Player: This jackass has cost me millions of gold. We can't let him get away!
Player: Let's split up and look for him! If you see him, don't do anything. Just use the arcana crystal to contact the rest of us.
Player: A cheater in a place like Red Harbor might have people backing him up.
Billy: Understood, Captain!
The three split up
A while later, at the Red Harbor market.
Player looks around for the man with a mole on his left eyebrow
Merchant: Hey there, wanna take a look at our goods?
Player: Uh, no. I'm looking for someone.
Merchant: Looking for someone?
Player: Have you seen a young guy, dresses fancy, has a mole on his left eyebrow, sells fake machine components?
Merchant: Young, has a mole on his left eyebrow...
Merchant: I haven't seen anyone like that.
Player: All right, thanks.
Player walks away
Merchant: You don't want to take a look at my goods, sir?
Player continues to search the market
Fish Monger: Hey, you! Come buy a couple fish, caught this morning! They're fresh!
Fish Monger: Our fish are rich in collagen. The more you eat, the better you look!
Player: Thanks, but I don't really need that right now. I wanted to ask you if you've seen...
Player: A young guy, dresses fancy, has a mole on his left eyebrow, sells fake machine components?
Fish Monger: I know just about everyone in this market.
Fish Monger: There's no one like that here.
Player: All right. Sorry for bothering you.
Fish Monger: Huh? Why don't you buy a couple of fish before you go?
Player: Maybe next time!
A few moments later...
Player: Seems like nobody's seen a merchant with a mole on his eyebrow.
Suddenly, two Oathblades warriors run past Player
Player: Huh? The Oathblades?
Player: Oh! That's...
Player looks at the direction they're running and sees them meeting up with Bidziil
Bidziil: You two take a squad to the southern part of the market. You two take a squad to the north.
Bidziil: Go door to door!
Bidziil: We must find the suspect!
Oathblades Warrior: Yes, sir!
Player: The Oathblades seem like they're looking for someone.
Player runs to Bidziil
Bidziil: What are you doing here, Player?
Player: My airship has a problem...
Player: It's being repaired in Red Harbor right now.
Player: Just now, it looked like you guys are looking for someone.
Bidziil: We're looking for a merchant who has been selling counterfeit components.
Player: A merchant selling counterfeit components?
Player: A young guy, dresses fancy, has a mole on his left eyebrow?
Bidziil: You know him, Player?
Player: My airship is broken thanks to him.
Player: I'm looking for him, too!
Bidziil: Is that so...
Bidziil: If you find him, stay away from him!
Bidziil: Contact me and wait for me to get there.
Player: Where does this merchant come from?
Bidziil: He's not operating alone. He's got a skilled bodyguard with him.
Player: A skilled bodyguard...
Bidziil: I'm going to go search the market. Excuse me.
Player: Bidziil, I just came from the Red Harbor market.
Player: I asked lots of merchants there. They all said they hadn't seen him.
Player: Is there another market in Red Harbor?
Bidziil: Hmm, I see.
Bidziil: Then he may be at the Red Harbor black market.
Player: The Red Harbor black market?
Bidziil: In the area where Red Harbor's sewer system overlaps with BlackFlame's.
Bidziil: It's trouble.
Player: Trouble?
Bidziil: The Red Harbor black market is located at the boundary between Red Harbor's sewers and BlackFlame's.
Bidziil: The boundary is trouble.
Bidziil: The commander and BlackFlame have an agreement. The Oathblades are not permitted to search in BlackFlame without evidence!
Player: Evidence...
Player: You mean, if you have proof the counterfeit merchant is there, then the Oathblades are allowed to send someone there to arrest him?
Bidziil: That's right. But without sending someone, how can we prove the suspect is in the black market?
Player: Easy! I'm not an Oathblade. I'll go to the Red Harbor black market to investigate!
Player: If I find him, I'll let you know!
Bidziil: Player, that would be...
Player: I've been to BlackFlame many times.
Bidziil: Back then...
Bidziil: You and Miles...
Player: Don't worry!
Bidziil: In that case, thank you, Player!
A black market thug spies on Player and Bidziil from a distance before sneaking away
A few moments later in the Red Harbor black market.
Player looks around the black market
Crafty Businessman: A fresh face...
Player: You talking to me?
Crafty Businessman: Take a look at the latest home defense robots. The quality of BlackFlame's manufacturing is guaranteed!
Crafty Businessman: It's equipped with 60mm mini-cluster rockets, two 9mm sentry cannons, and a large-caliber hidden arcana laser blaster!
Player: That's...overkill...
Crafty Businessman: Buy two and get a 2% discount as well as two-year 'Care Guard' maintenance service!
Crafty Businessman: I can tell you're a discerning customer who knows his stuff. I'll personally give you a 1% discount on top of that. Call it the friend discount~
Player: Uh, No. Actually...
Crafty Businessman: Fine! 4% off!
Player: I'm not here to buy anything!
Player: I'm looking for someone! Do you know anyone around here who's selling counterfeit fuel manifolds?
Crafty Businessman: You're not buying? Then what are you doing here?
Crafty Businessman: You're wasting my time. Get out of here!
Player: You called me over...
Crafty Businessman: You aren't leaving? If you don't get out of here now, you're gonna eat lead!
Player: Jerk!
Player: (I still need to find the merchant. I shouldn't cause a scene and scare him off!)
Player: Humph!
A few moments later...
Player: I should've expected this much from the border zone between Red Harbor and BlackFlame.
Player: The merchants aren't only deceitful, they're also bloodthirsty.
Player: It's going to be hard to get any information out of them.
A strangely dressed youth approaches Player from behind
Strangely Dressed Youth: Hello there~
Player: Another one...
Player: Uh, I'm not...
Strangely Dressed Youth: Kamui knows exactly what you're looking for.
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: That's Kamui's name!
Player: (What a strange guy...)
Kamui: Kamui heard you talking to the robot merchant.
Kamui: You were cheated by the counterfeit fuel manifold merchant, right?
Player: !
Player: How did you...
Kamui places a huge box on the ground
Kamui: Kamui bought a bunch of genuine components from Julian's workshop a little while ago.
Kamui: Kamui's prices are more affordable than a brand store!
Player: Julian!
Player: (Could this be the scammer?!)
Player: (No, he doesn't look anything like the description...)
Player: (He's probably just promoting his goods...)
Player: (I should think of a way to get rid of him without drawing attention...)
Player: Well...
Player: Since you brought it up...
Player: I'm just here to take a look at the goods on my boss's behalf. I didn't bring any money with me.
Player: I need to report the market situation back to my boss.
Suddenly the young man looks as though he's spotted treasure, and he takes your hand.
Kamui: Oh!!!
Player: What... What are you doing?
Kamui: You've got a boss, too?
The young merchant pulls out a fuel manifold from a box and hands it to you.
Kamui: Your boss wouldn't be too happy if you went back empty-handed now, would he?
Kamui: This sample's free. You don't need to pay Kamui a cent!
Player: Wow!
Player: I can't guarantee we'll actually buy anything from you...
Kamui: You don't need to buy anything. This is just one worker helping out another worker.
Player: ...
???: That's him!
Player: !!
Player and Kamui are surrounded by many thugs
Thug: That's the guy who's going around asking about counterfeit components!
Thug: After he met with the Oathblades, he came straight here!
Player: (How long had they been watching me?)
Thug Leader: Hey, you! Who are you?
Player: Who are you guys?
Thug Leader: Somebody you don't wanna mess with!
Thug Leader: You're asking about our boss's business.
Player: Your boss's business?
Thug Leader: Today, I'm gonna teach you a lesson!
Frightened Customer: Whoa! Fight!
Old Street Merchant: This your first time coming here? Don't worry. This happens all the time. Just stand by and watch!
Player: (Never thought the counterfeit goods merchant would offer himself up like this...)
Player: (So this is how it's going to be...)
Kamui suddenly pulls you by the hand and steps in front of you to protect you.
Kamui: You must be mistaken!
Player: Kamui?!
Kamui: This customer's just a normal worker helping his boss check out some goods.
Thug Leader: You're Frank's helper?
Kamui: That's right. Name's Kamui!
Thug Leader: You and Frank are always hanging out here at the black market.
Thug Leader: Out of the way! This has nothing to do with you. Otherwise...
Thug Leader: We'll beat you up, too!
Kamui: Uh oh, this isn't good.
Kamui: This is Kamui's number one customer. Kamui's not moving.
Thug Leader: What did you say?
Kamui: Kamui will not get out of the way!
Thug Leader: Go! Beat them both up!
Kamui attacks two of the thugs and stuns them
Thug: Uh...
Thug Leader: What?
Kamui turns to Player
Kamui: Run away!
Player: !!
Kamui: Come on...
Kamui yanks your hand.
Player: Whoa! Hold on!
Kamui and Player run away
Thug Leader: Dammit...
Thug Leader: Let's go after him!!
A few moments later...
Kamui: We've run far enough. Kamui doubts they'll catch up to us now.
Player: (I just lost my only clue...)
Player: (This guy isn't big but he's strong. I can't wrest myself free...)
Kamui: Sir?
Player: Huh? Are they still chasing us?
Kamui: They won't catch us, but you look...
Kamui: Scared?
Kamui: The first time Kamui came here, Kamui was scared, too.
Kamui: Luckily, Kamui can run fast!
Player: Well... Actually...
Player: (Forget it, he seems like a nice guy. I just hope he can give me some info about those guys.)
Player: Those guys just now seemed to know you.
Kamui: Yeah! They work for a factory owner in BlackFlame who specializes in the production of counterfeit mechanical components.
Kamui: They probably made the fake fuel manifold you bought.
Player: (So that's what happened!)
Kamui: Follow this road and turn left at the first intersection. You can get back to Red Harbor that way.
Player: Uh...
Player: (Maybe I should pretend to leave first then come back and investigate.)
Player: (But Kamui just put himself at risk to help me...)
Player: You helped me escape and even hurt some of their guys. Are they going to come after you?
Player: What are you going to do?
Kamui: Hmm...
Kamui: Kamui doesn't know what to do.
Player: ...
Kamui: As long as you're okay, Kamui'll be fine.
Kamui: Kamui's boss always says, so long as-
Thug: Found them!
Player: !!
Thug Leader: Huff... Puff... You...
Thug Leader: You two...
Thug Leader: Are dead!
Kamui: His stamina's much better than it was last week...
Player: Last week?
Kamui: We've got no choice. We'll just have to...
Kamui takes you by the arm again.
Kamui: Keep running!
More thugs block their escape route
Player: We're surrounded!
Player: In that case...
Kamui: We've got no choice!
Kamui protects you.
Kamui: Stay close to Kamui, sir!
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui's boss always says...
Kamui: It doesn't matter what it takes...
Kamui: You always have to help a customer!
Kamui: As long as Kamui's here, they can't hurt you!
Kamui uses his Flux to summon a swirling gust of wind that surrounds him
Player: The wind's picking up?
Player: Kamui, your eyes...
Player: You are...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Kalum, Nalea, Limuthule!
Within the underground sewers, a gale forms...
Thug: Whoa, this guy can use arcana!
Thug Leader: Damn!
Kamui and Player battle the thugs
Thug Leader: It's just a little wind, that's all.
Thug Leader: He's nothing but a wimp.
Thug Leader: Get them! Cut them up!
Thug: Arghhhhh!
Player: Let me help you, Kamui!
Kamui: No! Sir, it's very dangerous! Stay behind Kamui!
Kamui: They...
Kamui: They can't beat Kamui!
Player: !!
Kamui defeats the thugs
Thug: Ow...
Thug Leader: This guy...
Kamui: Phew.
The wind gradually stops.
Player: !!
Kamui: Sir!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Are you okay?
Player: I... I'm fine...
Player: I had no idea you...
Player looks around at all of the fallen thugs
Player: Were so powerful...
Kamui: Kamui's boss always says...
Kamui: Ugh...
Suddenly, Kamui grips his side
Player: (Holding him up) Kamui!
Kamui: S-sir!
Player: !!
Kamui has a serious cut on his lower left side. It's bleeding pretty badly.
Kamui: Ugh. It's been so long since Kamui did that. How embarrassing.
Kamui: Don't worry, Kamui's okay! You get out of here. They still might...
Kamui: Ugh...
Player: You're hurt! Stop talking!
Player: (We have to stop his bleeding but we didn't bring all of the medical supplies from the airship.)
Player: (My undershirt today is made of good material. I could use it as gauze if I fold it enough!)
Player undresses to take off his undershirt
Kamui: S-sir!
You press your folded shirt on Kamui's wound.
Player: Kamui! Stop the bleeding!
Kamui: !!
Player: Hurry!
Kamui: (Pressing hard) Ow...
A moment later...
Player: Well? Do you feel better?
Kamui: Yeah...
Player: I had to improvise your emergency treatment with what I had on me.
Player: You need to go to a church for treatment!
Kamui: N-no!
Player: Listen to me, Kamui...
Player: The wound is deep. If you ignore it, it could kill you!
Kamui: Churches are expensive. Kamui...
Kamui: Besides, Kamui...
Player: Don't worry about the money!
Kamui: No, Kamui can't take your money...
Player: It doesn't matter. I don't care.
Kamui: No way! Kamui would rather die here!
Player: Argh! Why are you so stubborn?!
Kamui: ...
Player: Fine. Where do you usually go when you get hurt?
Kamui: There's a bar in Red Harbor. The address is...
Player: I'll take you there!
Kamui: All right...
A few moments later...
At a certain bar in Red Harbor.
Player: Doesn't look like there's anyone here.
Player: Are you sure this is the place, Kamui?
Kamui: Yeah. The bar owner used to be a Kaist priest. He's easy to get along with...
Player: Hello? Anyone here?
Bar Owner: A customer? How many?
Bar Owner: Kamui?! You...
Player: He was stabbed. Do you have anything here that can help him?
Bar Owner: What?! You're hurt again?!
Bar Owner: Didn't I tell you not to come here for help the next time you got hurt? I'm not...
Player: Boss! He needs help, badly!
Bar Owner: Argh...
Bar Owner: Fine! Put him in this chair.
A few moments later...
Kamui: Ahhh! It hurts!!!
Bar Owner: Stop moving! I'm applying medicine!
Kamui: Urgh...
Bar Owner: I'm putting your medical bills in with your rent, so don't even think about running away!
Kamui: When has Kamui ever run away?
Bar Owner: You went running off after that guy. What a joke!
Kamui: You've got him all wrong. He's not a bad guy.
Bar Owner: You must be a complete fool to think that.
Bar Owner: This is the last time I'm going to tell you: he's going to get you killed! Get away from him!
Kamui: Heh...
Bar Owner: Sigh...
A sound comes from the door of the bar.
Customer: Hey, Keep! Give me a Sunlight!
Bar Owner: Damn, Kamui! You just cost me a customer!
Bar Owner: That money's going on your rent, too!
Kamui: Hoo... Fine...
Kamui: (Whispers) Kamui won't be able to afford food this month...
Player: Uh, excuse me...
Bar Owner: Huh?
Player: A customer's here. You go help him.
Player: I'll take care of Kamui and apply the medicine.
Bar Owner: Oh! Great! He's all yours!
Bar Owner: Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting!
Player attends to Kamui's wounds
Kamui: Sir!
Player: Stop calling me 'sir!' My name is Player.
Kamui: Player...
Player: The bar owner is the guy you think is 'easy to get along with?'
Kamui: Yep. He provides accommodations and if Kamui gets hurt, he treats Kamui.
Player: But you need to pay him, right?
Kamui: Yep! And when Kamui's not busy, Kamui helps him with chores.
Player: Humph. Cheap labor.
Player: I think you misunderstand what 'easy to get along with' means.
Kamui: But it's thanks to his accommodations that Kamui and the boss were able to stay in Red Harbor. It's only natural that we should pay rent.
Kamui: Besides, it's no problem helping him out with chores.
Player: All right, as long as you're not being taken advantage of.
Player: Let me apply the medicine!
Kamui: What? Hold on!
Kamui tries to sit up but the pain from the wound stops him.
Kamui: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Player: What's wrong?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: You know, Player...
Player: Know what?
Kamui: Kamui's an Alamu...
Player: What?
Kamui: Kamui's a Gyee.
Player: Oh. Of course I know!
Kamui: ...
Player: Only a Gyee, and one who is proficient in Flux at that, can create a gale in a sewer.
Kamui: Kamui sees... Then, why?
Player: I don't know what you're asking.
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Lots of people chase Kamui away as soon as they find out Kamui's a Gyee.
Kamui: They say that Kamui's a monster, that Kamui's cursed, that Kamui's a Shadow...
Player: !!
Player: What you just said is a contradiction.
Player: A cursed Shadow monster would not risk his own life to rescue someone it just met.
Kamui: !!
Kamui: That...was just an instinctual reaction.
Kamui: Careful of touching Kamui's blood. You might become a Gyee.
Player: Your blood and my blood are both red. What's the difference?
Kamui: Kamui...hadn't ever thought about it like that.
Player: I don't care whether you're a Gyee or not!
Player: You saved my life, so I'm going to keep applying the medicine.
Player: That's only proper, isn't it?
Player: (Picks up gauze and medicine.)
Player: Take off the clothes around your waist.
Kamui: W-What are you doing?
Player: You could get an infection if clothes touch that wound. Take them off!
Kamui: Uh huh...
Player: Does it hurt?
Player: I'll be gentler.
Kamui: (blushes)
Kamui: Yeah...
A few moments later...
Player: The thug's blade didn't nick your intestines.
Player: There's no metal in the wound.
Player: I cleaned out the wound, applied the medicine, and dressed it up.
Player: All that's left is rest!
Kamui: Okay!
Kamui grabs the chair and gets ready to stand up.
Player: Did you not hear what I just said? Don't move, you need to rest!
Kamui: But Kamui's goods! Kamui left them all at the black market...
Player: Your goods? I'll go get them and bring them back to you.
Kamui: But, sir...
Player: I already told you! Don't call me sir, call me by my name!
Player: We've exchanged names already, and that makes us friends. Helping a friend with a small favor is no big deal!
Kamui: But, those thugs...
Player: Don't worry, I'll be careful.
A few moments later...
Player returns to the bar with Kamui's goods
Player: Does this put your mind at ease?
Kamui: Great, Kamui didn't lose anything.
Kamui: Kamui can't just take this favor without repaying you, Player!
Player: We've already talked about this. You saved me...
Kamui: No! You've done Kamui two favors!
Kamui: If there's anything you need, just come find Kamui! Kamui will do whatever Kamui can to help you!
Kamui: And if Kamui doesn't know how to help you, Player, Kamui will learn how!
Player: All right. You rest up for now, and I'll come find you when I need you, how about that?
Kamui: Deal!
Player: (Now then, Kamui is fine here. Time to go find those thugs...)
Player: (Kamui ought to know more about them.)
Player: Kamui, can you tell me more about those thugs?
Kamui: They're from the smelting factory in BlackFlame.
Player: Smelting factory? The one producing fake mechanical parts, right?
Kamui: Yep! Kamui heard that they steal blueprints from merchants.
Kamui: That's what they use to make the cheap knock-offs.
Kamui: Did their products inflict serious losses on your boss's business, Player?
Player: (Kamui still thinks I'm a fellow worker.)
Player: Actually, Kamui.
Suddenly, your arcana crystal makes a noise.
Player: Oh, sorry!
Player: (Takes out communicator crystal.)
Player: Kitty?
Kitty's Message: Player, I've found the guy with the mole on his left eyebrow!
Player: Huh? Watch him! Do not confront him! Give his location to Bidziil!
Player: I'm on my way!
Kamui: Was that your boss, Player?
Player: No, it was my friend!
Player: I've got to go, Kamui. You make sure and rest, otherwise your wound might open again!
Kamui: Of course!
Player: (Hands sack of gold to Kamui)
Kamui: Player?
Player: Take this as payment for the component.
Kamui: Player!!
Kamui: Thank you for taking care of Kamui!
Player: (smiles)
As Player leaves the bar, he runs into the bar owner
Bar Owner: Come again any - Huh? You're my friend now.
Bar Owner: Could I trouble you for...
Player: ...
Player: (Gives a sack of gold to the boss)
Bar Owner: Huh? This is...
Player: Kamui's treatment fees. Don't ask him for any more money!
Bar Owner: Oh! Sure!
Player leaves
Bar Owner: I had no idea that dolt Kamui had such rich friends...
A few moments later...
Kamui: His name is Player...
Kamui: ♪~
Bar Owner: Kamui!
Kamui: Sir...
Kamui: Kamui's injured and can't help out today. Player wants Kamui to rest.
Bar Owner: It's not about that. It's that guy!
Bar Owner: The Oathblades are arresting that guy!
Kamui: The Oathblades? Arresting who?
Bar Owner: That guy who owes me rent! The one you're always with!
Kamui: Frank?!
Kamui: ...
Kamui attempts to get up but struggles
Kamui: Uh...
Bar Owner: You're not better yet!
Kamui: Kamui...
Kamui: Kamui needs to go save him!
A while later on Red Harbor's main street...
An Oathblade warrior shouts in the distance
Oathblades: Stop right there, you!
Player finds Bidziil, Kitty and Billy
Player: Kitty! Billy! Bidziil!
Player: Did you find him?
Bidziil: Hello again, Player.
Bidziil: Kitty saw the suspect in a bar.
Bidziil: The suspect was trying to sell some fake components to a driver.
Bidziil: Thanks to Kitty, the Oathblades have a chance to arrest him!
Kitty: Hehehe...
Kitty: But he spotted me, otherwise we would've caught him!
Bidziil: The Oathblades have deployed a blockade and have dispatched a squad of people to catch him. He can't escape!
Player: That makes sense.
Player: How can we help?
Bidziil: The only gap in our blockade is here...
Bidziil: We think he might...
A well-dressed man runs into the group
Kitty: Ah, you're!
???: Ah, damn.
The man quickly runs away
Kitty: Player, it's him!
Bidziil: He's carrying some fake components! Oathblades, close in on my position!
Player: Let's go!
The four chase after the man
Bidziil and the group corresponds with two Oathblades warriors in the center of the market
Oathblades Warrior: Captain, the target is fleeing north.
Oathblades Warrior: Someone else has appeared, as well. He's running east with the fake components!
Player: Someone else has appeared?
Bidziil: A partner in crime?
Oathblades Warrior: Captain, we don't have the manpower to pursue two suspects at the same time.
Player: The guy fleeing west must be a diversion.
Player: We can't fall for their trick!
Bidziil: But without the goods, we can't arrest him.
Player: ...
Player: I see. Billy, Kitty, you guys go east after the accomplice.
Player: Kitty's agility coupled with Billy's protection - you'll do just fine!
Player: We'll go after the swindler!
Bidziil: ...
Bidziil: What should we do?
The two groups split up
A few moments later...
Player: Hey! Don't run!
Swindler: Don't run? And get caught by you guys?
The well-dressed swindler runs into Kitty and Billy
Kitty: You swindler! Pay us back for our airship!
Swindler: Huh? It's...
Player, Bidziil and the Oathblades warriors catch up to surround the swindler
Swindler: Uh...
Bidziil: Frank! You're under arrest for selling counterfeit parts!
Frank: Ahem! There must be some mistake!
Frank: I've never heard of these 'counterfeit parts' you speak of!
Bidziil: (angry)
Bidziil: Do you consent to a search, Frank?
Frank: A search is fine, but if you don't find anything...
Frank: I'm going to lodge a complaint with the Red Harbor government!
Bidziil: Search!
The moment the Oathblades begin to search Frank...
You feel like someone's watching you.
Oathblades Warrior: Captain...
Oathblades Warrior: We didn't find anything.
Bidziil: Uh...
Frank: Oathblades, you've chased away the White Capes and for that, Red Harbor thanks you.
Frank: But! You are needlessly harassing ordinary people. Forgive me, I must exercise my right as a citizen of Red Harbor.
Player: Billy! Kitty! Show him the evidence!
Kitty: Uh, Player...
Billy: I'm sorry, Captain. We lost him...
Player: What?
Frank: (Smiling) You...
Frank: Where is this evidence you speak of?
Player: ...
Kitty: Admit it! You were the one who sold me the counterfeit parts two weeks ago after our airship crashed.
Frank: Forgive me, Miss...
Kitty: I'm a boy!
Frank: Whatever. Did you not read the instructions that came with the components? It says very clearly that the part is not to come in contact with any high-energy fuel in airships or other special machines.
Billy: It says nothing of the sort in manuals for authentic machine parts from Julian's workshop!
Frank: You must have missed it. That's your problem. You have nobody to blame but yourselves!
Bidziil: So you admit that you made a transaction with Kitty?
Frank: !!
Bidziil: Kitty has reported you for selling counterfeit parts. Please come with us and cooperate with our investigation!
Frank: Yikes. Me and my big mouth.
Bidziil: Come with us!
???: Let him go!
Kamui rushes at Bidziil and attacks him
Bidziil: Well!
Player: Kamui?!
Kamui: Run, Frank!
Frank: Oh. They're all yours!
Frank gets away
Kamui: You've got to deal with Kamui now!
Kamui uses his Flux to summon wind around himself
Kitty: Where's that wind coming from?
Bidziil: Careful, this guy's strong! Let me take care of him!
Player: No, Bidziil! You take the Oathblades to go get Frank!
Bidziil: This isn't your fight, Player!
Player: Trust me! Billy, Kitty! You guys go with Bidziil!
Kamui: Who wants to take a shot at Kamui?!
Player: Go after Frank!
Bidziil: ...
Bidziil: Let's go!
Bidziil and the rest go after Frank, leaving Kamui and Player alone
Kamui: They...really left...
Kamui: Uh...
Kamui struggles with his injuries
Player: I told you that you needed to get some rest.
Kamui: How did you know Kamui was bluffing, Player?
Player: You're hurt, but you were still able to escape Billy and Kitty's pursuit.
Player: It's a miracle you're even standing?
Player: Why? Why are you helping Frank?
Kamui: Frank is Kamui's boss.
Kamui: Kamui can't just let him hang out to dry!
Player: Frank is a liar and a cheat!
Player: It's because of his components that my airship crashed in Red Harbor!
Kamui: What?
Kamui: But Frank told Kamui those were authentic parts that he got through special channels!
Kamui: Kamui trusted him...
Kamui collapses
Player: Kamui!
A few moments later...
Kamui confronts Frank after they are captured by the Oathblades
Frank: You idiot. What are you doing with the parts I gave you?
Kamui: Kamui treasures everything you give Kamui. Of course Kamui's going to keep them by Kamui's side!
Frank: Oh no, I'm done for.
Kamui: Frank, aren't we selling authentic parts? Just tell the Oathblades and everything will be okay.
Frank: Are you playing dumb or are you actually this dumb?
Frank: What would I be running for if they were authentic parts?!
Kamui: !!
Frank: I'm so screwed...
Kamui: You're telling Kamui that Player's airship is broken because...
Kamui turns to look at where Player is
A short distance away, Bidziil talks to Player's group
Bidziil: Player, Kitty, Billy. It's all thanks to you guys...
Bidziil: The Oathblades finally caught that guy and his partner.
Kitty: I couldn't catch the partner, but Frank was easy enough.
Billy: You came out of thin air and knocked Frank down with your Cat Claw!
Billy: Looks like it really hurt!
Kitty: Haha, we'll see if anyone messes with me like that in the future!
Player: How is Kamui doing, Bidziil?
Bidziil: Kamui?
Player: The guy with the strong body. Short in stature... Has a wound on his belly.
Bidziil: You mean the guy who attacked me just now?
Bidziil: An Oathblades doctor and arcanist took a look at him. He'll be fine.
Player: Good...
Bidziil: I'm curious, Player...
Bidziil: Just now, you could tell that he was bluffing us.
Bidziil: Do you know him, Player?
Player: He's...
Player: My friend...
Kamui: !!
Oathblades Warrior: What are you looking at? Get moving!
Kamui: Sorry...
The Oathblades take Kamui and Frank away
Somewhere in Red Harbor.
A well-dressed man with a cane stands looking over a pier
A worker approaches the man and delivers a message
The man thinks to himself...
???: The swindler was caught?
???: Seems like the Oathblades are rather effective, after all.
???: Huh? The swindler's accomplice held his own against the Oathblades captain?
???: For real?
???: Hmm...
???: Instead of letting someone with that much talent rot in prison...
???: What if...
Continue to Intimacy Level 4

Intimacy Breakthrough[]

This section contains spoilers for Intimacy Breakthrough scenes.

-Intimacy Level 4
The airship has been in Red Harbor receiving repairs for three days now.
Red Harbor...
Oathblades Warrior: Do you have time this afternoon, Player?
Player: And you are...
Oathblades Warrior: I'm one of Oathblade Captain Bidziil's subordinates.
Oathblades Warrior: Regarding the case against Frank, something's happened.
Oathblades Warrior: As the primary victim in the case, Player, we need you to go to the tribunal this afternoon.
Player: Something happened?
Player: Can't you be more specific?
Oathblades Warrior: I'm sorry, I don't know the specifics.
Player: All right. I'll go.
A few hours later, that afternoon.
At the Red Harbor Tribunal.
Kitty: What? You're not bringing a case against those two guys?
Player: Huh?
Bidziil: We haven't made a final decision.
Kitty: Why? Our airship crashed because of their parts!
Billy: Could it be that the main victims in the case decided not to press charges?
Player: The main victims?
Kitty: Aren't we the main victims?
Player: Three days ago, before we found that swindler, the Oathblades had already started an investigation into him.
Player: Someone probably already sought the Oathblades' help.
Kitty: What? Is there no law in Red Harbor?
Billy: 'Red Harbor is a machine that never stops. Every person in Red Harbor is a cog that helps drive it forward.'
???: Haha! That's right!
A man dressed like a businessman walks over.
The precious metal of the businessman's cane collided with the ground and made a crisp sound.
The sun's light was reflected orange-red by the huge gem on the top of the cane.
???: Two weeks ago, one of my component retailers received a shipment of defective parts.
???: After investigating, I found that the parts were all knockoffs and were getting three times the profits from them. We immediately reported the case to the Oathblades.
Player: Components... Are you from Julian's workshop?
Julian: How rude of me, I failed to introduce myself. I am Julian, the owner of Julian's workshop!
Billy: The owner of Julian's workshop?!
Player: Mr. Julian, I'm Player. This is Billy and this is Kitty. They're my travel buddies.
Julian: Player. Seeing is believing.
Kitty: Hey! Those two guys scammed you. You're just gonna let them off the hook like that?
Julian: I could let those two rot in jail.
Julian: But instead of letting him rot, why not turn them into cogs that drive Julian's workshop?
Player: You want to...hire them?
Julian: Using only his own eloquence, Frank had our elite after-sales service team fooled.
Julian: This has proven his ability. He's more capable than most of the useless guys on my payroll currently.
Julian: As for Kamui, even if his boss used him as a diversion to get away, he still showed up and saved his boss.
Julian: Someone that loyal is one in a million, especially in Red Harbor!
Julian: Also, Kamui's skills...
Julian: No offense, but he's on par with a captain in the Oathblades.
Julian: You don't come across someone like that every day.
Bidziil: ...
Julian: Besides, they only cheated me out of two million gold. There's no need to make mountains out of molehills.
Player: ...
Kitty: Maybe you didn't hear, but their components crashed our airship!
Bidziil: The matter still hasn't been settled, according to Red Harbor law.
Bidziil: If you want to press charges, Player, they will still receive a judgment.
Julian: Do you know why Red Harbor's court is called a 'Tribunal', Player?
Julian: It's because they weren't established to punish criminals.
Julian: They were established to show mercy to criminals and give them a chance to serve the city again.
Player: ...
Julian: You seem like an intelligent person.
Julian: There is no point in being punished in prison. Everyone is a cog that drives Red Harbor forward.
Julian: Putting them to work somewhere they belong is the right thing to do.
Billy: But Captain, their parts broke our airship! We built that airship together.
Kitty: We need to make them pay, Player!
Player: ...
Choice 1.1 - (Press charges against Kamui and Frank)
Player: (Frank doesn't seem like a good guy, but Kamui...)
Player: (He's just a nice young boy who came to Red Harbor for work.)
Player: (Besides, he was also scammed by Frank...)
Player: (Kamui shouldn't go to prison!)
Choice 1.1.1 - (Press charges against Kamui and Frank; make them pay!)
Go to Choice 1.1
Choice 1.1.2 - (Don't press charges against Kamui or Frank...)
Go to Choice 1.2
Choice 1.1.3 - (Let's see Kamui first)
Continue with the conversation
Choice 1.2 - (Don't press charges against Kamui or Frank...)
Player: (No, Billy and Kitty would have something to say about this.)
Player: (Although Billy and Kitty bear some responsibility for the airship's crash, ultimately it was because of counterfeit parts!)
Choice 1.2.1 - (Press charges against Kamui and Frank; make them pay!)
Go to Choice 1.1
Choice 1.2.2 - (Don't press charges against Kamui or Frank...)
Go to Choice 1.2
Choice 1.2.3 - (Let's see Kamui first)
Continue with the conversation
Conversation continues after choices
Player: If Mr. Julian can come to terms with them, then so can I!
Player: Let me see them!
Bidziil: Bring Kamui and Frank over here!
A few moments later...
Kamui appears in the tribunal, surrounded by Oathblade Warriors.
The swindler Frank hides behind Kamui.
Kamui: Player!

-Intimacy Level 5
Red Harbor, the tribunal.
Frank: Didn't I promise I'd work for you? Why haven't you let us go yet?
Kitty: That nasty cane man wants to let you go. We're not gonna!
Julian: Cane man?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the tribunal...
Player: How are your wounds, Kamui?
Kamui: Almost good as new!
Kamui: The Oathblades doctors are a lot more skilled than the bar owner!
Player: Haha, but of course.
Kamui: Oh! Player, Kamui can't give your boss the parts he needs...
Kamui: Because Kamui's goods are all fake...
Player: About that, Kamui - there's something I need to confess...
Player: Actually, I'm not a worker, and I don't have a boss. That was just the cover for my investigation into the counterfeit parts.
Kamui: !!
Kamui: (Stares at you)
Player: (Kamui isn't angry, is he?)
Kamui: Wow! Kamui had no idea!
Player: Haha, oh yeah?
Player: We don't have a lot of time, so let's get down to business.
Player: Kamui, I've heard that the boss of Julian's workshop wants to hire you two. Is this true?
Kamui: Yeah, Julian said that as long as we promised to work with him, we wouldn't have to go to jail!
Player: And there aren't any other conditions?
Kamui: Nope. That's it!
Player: Great! Julian's workshop is a well-known company in Red Harbor. When you get out, you can work with Julian!
Kamui: But, Kamui's part broke your airship, Player.
Player: Well, I do owe you for saving my life down in the sewers.
Player: Consider us even!
Kamui: But...
Player: Kamui, you didn't come to Red Harbor just to go to jail!
Player: Use this opportunity and work hard to build your own business!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Yeah!
A few moments later...
Kitty: What? You too, Player?
Player: When in Red Harbor, do as the people of Red Harbor do.
Player: Julian is right about one thing: someone sitting in a jail cell is of no use to anyone.
Player: Besides, I owed Kamui this much.
Billy: Then what are we going to do about our airship? It's going to cost six million gold to get a new propulsion system.
Player: Gold...
Julian: You could put Frank in jail for the rest of his life, and it wouldn't get you six million gold. But...
Julian: I have a suggestion, not sure if you guys would be interested in it.
Player: Mr. Julian?
Julian: Frank cheated me out of two million gold, but I have no intention of getting it back.
Julian: Since you all are so worried about money, just have Frank pay you the two million.
Julian: How about it?
Billy: Then what about the other four million?
Julian: I'll sell you Julian's workshop's latest airship propulsion system for the convenient sum of two million gold.
Billy: The latest Julian propulsion system costs at least eight million on the market!
Player: What's the catch, Mr. Julian?
Julian: You live up to your reputation, Player of Never Isle...
Julian: Put in a good word for me with the Order of Equality, and I'll sell you the new propulsion system at 25% the original price.
Player: ...
Julian: This is win-win!
Kitty: I don't think cane man is a very good guy, Player!
Billy: I don't think we have any other choice, Captain.
Player: Then it's a deal, Mr. Julian.
Julian: A wise decision!
The tribunal informs Kamui and Frank of Player's demands.
Frank tells them he needs ten days to pull together ten million gold.
The tribunal accepts Frank's request and releases both Frank and Kamui that day.

-Intimacy Level 6
Ten days after Kamui's release.
At the Red Harbor Tribunal.
Kamui: Player!
Kitty: Liar!
Kamui: Kamui's sorry, Kamui didn't know at the time...
Billy: Kitty, Kamui is a friend of the captain. He's not a liar.
Kitty: Humph!
Player: Don't worry about Kitty. Everything will be fine once he gets to know you a bit better.
Player: How's your new job, Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui doesn't know!
Player: You don't know?
Kamui: Kamui signed a bunch of documents Kamui didn't understand.
Kamui: The only thing Kamui did understand was the starting monthly salary.
Kamui: But Kamui doesn't know how much they're going to deduct out of that.
Kamui: Insurance...stuff like that.
Player: Insurance is a good thing.
Player: With insurance, you can see an actual doctor at the church!
Kamui: An actual doctor at the church? Sounds expensive...
Player: But with insurance, you only have to pay one tenth of the price!
Kamui: You mean, if the bill is 100 gold, then Kamui only has to pay 10?
Player: That's right!
Kamui: Wow, insurance sounds great!
Player: This is one of the many benefits of a legit job.
Kamui: Uh huh...
Billy: Today's the day Frank's supposed to pay his compensation, Kamui. Where is he?
Kamui: Kamui doesn't know...
Kamui: Kamui hasn't seen him yet today.
Player: Huh?
Kamui: Kamui went to his usual spots, but Kamui couldn't find him.
Kamui: Kamui thought he'd come here first, but Kamui was the only one here.
Player: ...
Player: Billy and Kitty - notify the Oathblades. Frank's on the lam.
Billy: Got it!
Kamui: On the lam? Why?
Player: Frank said that he needed ten days to 'get the money together.'
Player: Two million gold is enough for someone to live a life of luxury, for a few years, at least.
Kamui: But he promised Player and Kamui that he would give the money to you guys.
Kamui: He promised...
Player: Kamui...
Player: He's a liar.
Kamui: But why would Frank lie to Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui was a Gyee in Eversun. Frank was the only person who would take Kamui in.
Kamui: Frank gave Kamui a job and we came to Red Harbor together.
Kamui: We ate together, we lived together, we did business together, and we ran for our lives together...
Kamui: We're friends!
Player: ...
Player: Maybe he got lost somewhere? The Oathblades are already out looking for him. Let's wait...
Kamui: Okay! Let's wait. Kamui trusts him!
At night...
Oathblades Warrior: Player, we found some clues about Frank.
Oathblades Warrior: Frank escaped Red Harbor in the middle of the night last night with a bag over his shoulder. He went north. This was relayed to us by a night shift worker.
Kamui: !!
Kamui: ...
Oathblades Warrior: The Defense Force in Red Harbor has dispatched people to go look for him. But once he leaves the Red Harbor area...
Player: There's no way they can chase him down. I understand. Thank you!
Kamui: Kamui's sorry, Kamui had no idea, Player...
Player: It's not your fault. There's no need to apologize.
Player: Frank ran away in the middle of the night, leaving you to clean up his mess.
Player: Forget about the two million. Just focus on your work tomorrow.
Kamui: Player!
Kamui: No!
Kamui: Kamui's healthy and Kamui's got a new job. It might take a while, but Kamui...
Kamui: Kamui's gonna pay you back!
Player: That won't be necessary, Kamui. I've got two million gold...
Kamui: No, Player...
Kamui: Kamui may not be the smartest person in the world.
Kamui: But at least Kamui knows that when Kamui's made a mistake, Kamui's responsible for fixing it!
Kamui: If Kamui takes advantage of your kindness and don't take responsibility, Player...
Kamui: Then what's the difference between Kamui and Frank?
Kamui: What would've been the point of Kamui coming all the way to the big city?!
Player: !!
Player: ...
Player: Then I'll just wait for you to pay me back!
Kamui: Of course!

-Intimacy Level 7
As agreed, Julian provided the latest airship propulsion system.
But it would take time to install and debug the propulsion system.
With nothing better to do, you decide to go for a walk in the forest near Red Harbor.
Player: I wonder when the airship will be fixed.
Player: I want to go to the Hottie Bar for a drink and a bath...
Player: Ah...
You realize you aren't too familiar with the forest.
Player: I don't think I've ever been here before.
Player: Where am I?
Player: Am I...
Player: Lost?
You calm yourself down then hear some movement in the forest nearby.
Player: Is someone there?
You slowly walk into the bushes...
Suddenly, a powerful force knocks you down.
You want to yell out but you find something is covering your mouth.
Kamui: (Whispers) Player! It's Kamui!
Player: Mmmph! (Kamui?)
Kamui puts his finger in front of his mouth to shush you.
Player: ...
Just then, a wild boar comes charging out of the bushes.
Kamui: Yes!
You sense Kamui is using Flux...
In the next instant, Kamui charges the boar and slaps its face.
The boar falls to the ground, wiggles a bit, then stops moving entirely.
Kamui kneels beside the dead boar and pulls out a knife.
He effortlessly skins the boar and cuts off a few pieces of plump meat.
A while later, he sets up a grill and a pan.
It's clear to you that Kamui knows exactly what he's doing.
Kamui: Seems like it's going to be a good day!
Player: ...
Kamui puts the pan on the grill then throws the boar meat, vegetables, and spices in.
A scintillating aroma begins to waft out of the pan.
Player: Wow... Amazing!
Player: Are you a hunter, Kamui?
Kamui: A hunter?
Kamui: No!
Kamui: These are just hunting techniques every person from Alterland knows.
Player: ...Alterland?
Kamui: Kamui's tribe!
Kamui lifts his jaw and his words betray his anticipation.
It's clear that he feels a strong sense of pride whenever the name Alterland is mentioned.
Player: I haven't heard of it. Is it a tribe in the Northern Desert?
Kamui: It's not in the Northern Desert. It's in the east.
Kamui: Alterland is a forest tribe near Yggdrasil.
Kamui: It's the biggest tribe near Yggdrasil!
Player: Yggdrasil? That's far away...
Kamui: We Alterlans are not just good at hunting, we're also good at fighting!
Kamui: Every Alterland is an outstanding warrior!
Kamui: Of course, Kamui's one of them...
Player: You're the most powerful warrior in your tribe, aren't you, Kamui?
Kamui: You think Kamui's powerful, Player?
Player: You knocked Bidziil off balance with a single punch. That makes you the strongest!
Kamui: Kamui's happy you feel that way, Player.
Kamui: But Kamui's not the most powerful member of Kamui's tribe.
Player: There's someone more powerful than you?!
Kamui: Of course. He's our tribe's savior, the hero of humanity...
Kamui: The most powerful Alterland warrior in history!
Kamui: He's Kamui's older brother...
Kamui's confident expression suddenly freezes.
Kamui: ...
Player: That powerful warrior is your older brother?
Kamui: No. He's nothing but a stubborn old bastard!
Player: !!
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: Player, Kamui's sorry...
Kamui: Can we change the subject? Kamui...
Kamui: Kamui doesn't want to talk about Kamui's home.
Player: Uh huh...
Player: (I've been in Luxium for a while now and this is the first I'm hearing of Yggdrasil tribes.)
Player: (It's clear that these tribes don't like to interact with the outside world.)
Player: (Kamui traveled to the southwestern part of Luxium all alone.)
Player: (Something bad must have happened to him.)
Player: (Kamui doesn't want to talk about it. I'd better leave it alone.)
Suddenly, a natural smell fills your nostrils.
Player: There's something I'm confused about, Kamui.
Kamui: Huh? What is it?
Kamui: Ah! Kamui's soup!
A few moments later...
Player: Oh! It tastes great! Your barbecue is so good!
Kamui: Really? Kamui thought the soup was a little mushy.
Player: That doesn't affect the taste it all! Try it if you don't believe me!
Kamui: (Drinks a mouthful of soup)
Kamui: Man, what a waste of good boar meat...
Player: You don't think It tastes good?
Kamui: It's all right, but Kamui can do better.
Player: I mean, how good could it possibly be?
Player: Don't tell me that making food and ingredients are also an Alterland skill?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Sort of...
Player: (I'd better not mention the name 'Alterland' again.)
Player: Speaking of which, why are you hunting this forest today, Kamui?
Kamui: !
Kamui: Huh? Oh, Kamui just wanted to eat some boar meat.
Player: What a mischievous look...
Kamui: Player can read minds!
Player: I can't read minds. It's all written on your face!
Kamui: Fine. Actually, Kamui doesn't have any money...
Player: You don't have any money? But you gave me some just a few days ago.
Kamui: That was pretty much Kamui's entire salary for the month.
Player: Huh? I thought your salary was four times that much?
Kamui: Well... There was a little accident at work and some of it was taken away.
Player: What?
Player: Why didn't you say so sooner?
Player: (Gets ready to take out some money...)
Kamui: Kamui knows you're probably going to give Kamui some money.
Kamui: But even without money, Kamui can take care of himself.
Kamui: Kamui may not be tall, but Kamui is an adult.
Kamui: And Kamui'll be responsible like one!
Kamui: Kamui left Kamui's home to come to Red Harbor.
Kamui: Kamui did it so that Kamui could prove that Kamui can depend on himself!
Kamui: Kamui can depend on himself and work for himself!
Kamui: You always take Kamui for a child, Player.
Kamui: It's like...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: So Kamui can't accept this kindness, Player!
Player: ...
Kamui: Hmph. Kamui shouldn't have shared so much with you.
Player: What I take you for, Kamui, is a friend!
Player: I can respect your wishes. I won't give you money anymore!
Player: But a friend in need is a friend indeed!
Player: Have you been having any trouble at work? Maybe I could help you out.
Kamui: Kamui mixed up some components and broke the company's production line...
Player: Julian put you on the production line? Without any training?
Kamui: The boss arranged for Robbie to tutor Kamui.
Kamui: Robbie is one of the oldest employees in the company. He's gotten lots of awards. He's really something!
Kamui: Kamui's just dumb.
Player: Maybe Robbie's just not a good tutor!
Player: Don't be discouraged, Kamui. You just started working there. It's normal to make mistakes.
Kamui: Are you taking Kamui for a child again, Player?
Player: Huh? I'm just...
Kamui: Kamui's not discouraged!
Kamui: Even though Kamui made a mistake, Kamui's still learned lots of new things.
Kamui: Kamui's getting ready to sell the boar meat and skin that Kamui just hunted and buy a couple of books!
Kamui: Kamui's going to study!
Kamui: Mechanical knowledge can't be any harder to learn that Alterland Fighting Style, right?
Player: Seeing you so self-confident puts my mind at ease.
Player: Thanks for the soup. I look forward to your good news!
Kamui: Of course!
Player leaves but then comes back
Kamui: Did you forget something, Player?
Player: Uh, actually... I'm lost...
Player: Can you take me back to Red Harbor, Kamui?
Kamui: (smiles)
Kamui: You can count on Kamui!

-Intimacy Level 8
Red Harbor, the Oathblades airship platform.
Kamui: Ahh...
Kamui: Ahhhh...
Kamui: Ahhh!!!
Player: Are you okay, Kamui?
Kamui: This is...really something, isn't it?!
Kamui: Something so big can fly in the sky?
Player: Of course!
Player: It's taken over a month's worth of repairs...
Player: But she's finally ready to take flight again!
Kamui: Incredible!
Player: Let's go for a ride, Kamui!
Kamui: Huh? Kamui...
Kamui: But it's Kamui's fault that...
Player: Come on, don't blame yourself for the mistakes of others!
Player: Besides, she's fixed, and that's thanks in part to you!
Kamui: ...
Player: Come on!
A while later, in the Hottie Bar.
Kamui: Hmmm!!!
Kamui: Kamui had no idea the airship had such a big pool!
Kamui: Incredible!
Player: It's a swimming pool. It's a good place to relax with friends.
Player: You can also drink at the Hottie Bar next door. Our Light of Light is the best in all of Luxium!
Kamui: Wow... Amazing!
Billy walks in...
Billy: Captain, all systems good to go.
Billy: Let's take off!
Kamui: (Holding onto the bar)
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: Hold on to something, Player! We're taking off, it's dangerous!
Billy: Hahaha, don't worry! The airship is safe!
Soon the airship reached its predetermined flight altitude.
Kamui: Really? It'
Billy: Haha, that's right!
Kamui: Kamui can't think of any other way to put's amazing!
Kamui: Player...
Kamui: Kamui wants to learn about airship technology from you, Billy!
Player: Oh?
Kamui: If Kamui could learn it, then Alterland...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Please, Player!
Player: I'm fine. But your job at Julian's workshop...
Kamui: Haha, it's okay, Kamui's settled in there!
Kamui: Kamui can deal with the scale of the production line.
Kamui: Kamui even upgraded the connections in the production line and increased efficiency by 5%!
Player: That's great! But you couldn't tell apart mechanical parts until recently?
Kamui: Kamui sold some boars and then bought some books.
Kamui: It took Kamui two whole weeks, but Kamui thinks Kamui got it!
Billy: Two weeks? For most people, it'd take at least a few months...
Player: Are you a genius, Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui's no genius. Kamui just stayed up late and memorized it all.
Player: Hey Billy, would you be willing to tutor Kamui?
Billy: Sure thing! I feel bored fixing up the airship on my own.
Kamui: Mr. Billy!
Player: Since Billy agreed to help...
Player: You should take him to see the Rupor Show a few times!
Kamui: Okay!

-Intimacy Level 9
Note: All of Kamui's Date scenes take place before this script
After the airship is fixed, life continues as normal.
One day, you receive a commission from the Order of Equality.
Never Isle...
Player: Me and Billy?
Billy: Business consultants?
Player: You must be joking. I don't know anything when it comes to business.
Eddie: I'm not joking, Player.
Eddie: The Order of Equality is preparing to build some military airships. We're bidding for parts suppliers throughout Luxium.
Eddie: Since most of the airships the Order of Equality uses are merchant ships designed to carry heavy cargo...
Eddie: We don't have much experience when it comes to the construction of assault airships for military purposes or siege weapons...
Eddie: We need the help of some experts.
Eddie: Player, you and Billy have experienced all sorts of dangers on your airship and are familiar with airborne dangers and how to deal with them.
Eddie: Player and're the best candidates we've got!
Billy: I haven't participated in any business meetings, Eddie.
Billy: I have no idea what to say and what not to say...
Player: Same here! Me neither!
Eddie: Don't worry about that. It's not about what to say and what not to say...
Eddie: When something seems wrong, just point it out and leave it to us to negotiate!
Billy: You only want us to point out problems?
Player: If that's all, then it shouldn't be a problem! We accept!
The next day on Never Isle.
At the Order of Equality bid meeting.
Billy: These suppliers are too unreliable. The samples they provided are better suited for passenger and merchant ships.
Billy: But they're nowhere near good enough for military ships.
Player: Yep. They take the Order of Equality for a bunch of fools.
Eddie: Presently, the military airships of Luxium are mainly used by Shadowhunters, and they make and use all the mechanical parts themselves.
Eddie: Many of the suppliers themselves don't know whether they're qualified for military ships.
Eddie: So Player, you and Billy are incredibly important to this process.
Eddie: We've still got a dozen or so suppliers left. Keep up the good work.
Player: All right! We'll do our best.
Eddie: Next up, is Julian's workshop...
Player: (Julian? The place where Kamui works?)
???: Finally, it's our turn!
???: Listen to me. Just go in, and focus on the components. Leave the negotiations to me!
???: Got it!
Kamui walks into the meeting room along with a well-dressed man.
Billy: Kamui!
Kamui: Bi-
Kamui was about to speak, but the man beside him coughs lightly to interrupt him.
Kamui: (Smiles...)
Robbie: Greetings to everyone from the Order of Equality. I'm Robbie, and I represent Julian's workshop. Here with me is our mechanical engineer, Kamui.
Kamui: (Smiles...)
Robbie: We at Julian's workshop have always been known in Luxium for our high quality.
Robbie: On behalf of Julian's workshop, I hope to forge a partnership with the Oath of Equality for the armor plate on their airships, the propulsion systems, and energy cores.
Eddie: Armor plate, propulsion systems, and energy cores... This is a big deal worth 100 billion gold.
Eddie: Did you bring samples?
Kamui: (Nods vigorously)
Robbie: Of course! Kamui, bring out the samples!
Kamui happily runs out the door then comes back in with a piece of armor plate.
Kamui: (Smiles...)
Robbie: First off, this is our armor plate! Armor plate is our specialty.
Billy: Let me see if it's good or not!
Billy picks up a pair of large pliers, walks up to the armor plate, and swings them hard.
Kamui: !!
The pliers break a big hole in the armor plate.
Player: ...
Billy: ...
Eddie: This is what you call, 'high quality'?
Kamui: (Shakes head.)
Robbie: I'm sorry, gentlemen... There's been a misunderstanding.
Robbie: As we all know, airship armor plates need to be installed in layers of five. Because of the volume and space they take up, the samples we brought only consist of one layer.
Kamui: (Shakes head vigorously)
Eddie: It looks like your partner has something he wants to say.
Robbie: No he doesn't.
Billy: Five layers? You must be joking.
Billy: A standard assault ship needs 400 armor plates. With five layers, that would total 2,000 armor plates. Do you have any idea how much 2,000 armor plates weigh?
Robbie: Uh...Two tons?
Billy: Uh...he has no idea what he's talking about.
Kamui: !!
Kamui: 200 tons! Heavier than an assault ship by 4 times!
Robbie: I told you to stay quiet.
Kamui: Kamui knows, Robbie, but Kamui can't stay quiet any longer.
Kamui: Kamui's the mechanical engineer responsible for this deal. Kamui can't watch you ruin this opportunity!
Robbie: !!
Eddie: It seems that you do have experts on your team after all.
Eddie: Mr. Kamui, the armor plate you brought in today seems rather...fragile.
Kamui: Billy, Player... This is light armor plate used on assault ships. It can't withstand blunt strikes!
Kamui: A conventional assault ship's speed can help deflect projectiles entirely. The true threat to assault ships are arcana projectiles!
Billy: (Whispers) He is my student, after all...
Player: ...
Kamui: And our light armor plate has a special Flux coating that Kamui developed himself, which can fully withstand light and medium-sized arcana bomb attacks!
Robbie: Flux coating? I've never heard of such a thing. Stop spouting nonsense, Kamui!
Kamui: Kamui's always wanted to enhance our products' effectiveness. Just for today's meeting...
Kamui: Kamui applied a layer of Flux coating to our armor plate last night.
Kamui: Kamui told you yesterday, Robbie. Remember?
Robbie: Tch! (I completely disregarded that)
Eddie: Did you prepare any other samples, Kamui? We need to perform our own tests.
Kamui: Of course! This time, Kamui personally guarantee that this armor plate won't suffer any damage at all!
Several of the Arcana Academy's arcanists use explosions on the armor, and it doesn't even suffer a scratch.
Eddie: What do you think, Billy and Player?
Billy: Seems A-OK to me!
Player: Seems pretty reliable.
Kamui: Hehe!

-Intimacy Level 10
At the bidding meeting.
Kamui's earned the recognition of the Order of Equality for his knowledge on airships and the quality of his samples.
Julian's workshop passes the Order of Equality's first round of bidding meetings.
After the meeting, Eddie finds out that you and Kamui are friends.
He immediately decides to invite the three of you to dinner.
Player: I haven't seen you for a few days, Kamui, and you've already become a mechanical engineer at Julian's workshop!
Billy: And now you're representing Julian's workshop on such a big project. Congratulations!
Kamui: Kamui really hasn't done much. Kamui was just lucky enough to beat out a couple of senior engineers for the job.
Player: Don't be so modest! You're Billy's student!
Kamui stands up and bows deeply to Billy.
Billy: What are you doing, Kamui? We're all friends here!
Player: You don't need to be so formal with us.
Player: Come here, let me introduce you. This is Eddie from the Order of Equality. He's the person in charge of the bidding.
Kamui: You're the boss from the Order of Equality!
Eddie: You can just call me Eddie...
Eddie: Billy, Player, and I are all friends.
Eddie: So let's dispense with the formalities.
Kamui: Understood, Mr. Eddie. Kamui means...Eddie!
Player: Hahaha!
Player: This is your first time on Never Isle, right, Kamui?
Kamui: Yep! Never Isle is pretty great! It's even more exciting than Red Harbor.
Kamui: There's lots of Gyee just like Kamui on Never Isle!
Eddie: This is the Land of the Gyee...
Eddie: There's no prejudice here. Every Gyee can be themselves.
Eddie: The Order of Equality is committed to making all of Luxium respect and accept Gyee, just like Never Isle!
Kamui: Ohhh!
Billy: Haha, well said, Eddie.
Kamui: Sounds pretty great!
Eddie: It doesn't just sound pretty great, the Order is pretty great.
Afterwards, Eddie gushes about the Order's great achievements.
Kamui listens with rapt attention.
Kamui: Kamui didn't realize that by representing Julian's workshop, Kamui was doing business with such a great organization.
Kamui: Eddie!
Kamui: Kamui didn't do too well in the meeting.
Kamui: Julian's products are much better than that. Really!
Eddie: Don't worry. The first round of bidding has ended.
Eddie: Next, the Order of Equality will send someone to inspect your factory.
Kamui: Kamui'll do Kamui's best!
After dinner, Kamui wants to take a walk with you alone.
On the streets of Never Isle.
Player: What do you want from me?
Kamui: Player, Player!
Kamui: Isn't it amazing signing a contract with an organization as great as the Order of Equality?
Player: It's not great...
Player: It's super, exceedingly great!
Kamui: (smiles)
A light flashes across Kamui's eyes.
Like a child fulfilling his dreams.
Kamui takes your hand and holds it high.
Kamui: Limuthule, please protect your child!
You feel a gentle breeze blowing through your fingertips and through your thoughts.
Player: !!
Player: What's 'Limuthule?'
Kamui: It's a god that we Alterlans believe in!
Kamui: The great Limuthule protects all the children of Alterland, and all its friends.
Kamui: You're Kamui's friend, Player - Kamui's best friend!
Player: Ahh... It feels nice to be enveloped by the gods. It feels so safe.
Kamui: Kamui promises you, Player...
Kamui: In order to gain Kamui's freedom and work for Julian...
Kamui: For you, Player, who forgave Kamui and has stood by Kamui's side...
Kamui: And...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: For Kamui!
Kamui: Kamui will make sure the Order of Equality project is a resounding success!

-Intimacy Level 11
Thanks to the hard work of Kamui and the workers at Julian's workshop...
The tour of the factory and subsequent work went off without a hitch.
On the contract between the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop...
Only a small amount of time remained.
Before the price negotiation meeting between the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop...
Billy: In terms of both quality and price, the quality of the products at Julian's workshop are in a league of their own.
Player: Especially their armor plate. It's the only company on the market whose armor can resist mid-sized flux cannons.
Eddie: Yes. So long as they negotiate a price, the long-term supply agreement can be signed.
A few moments later...
A representative of Julian's workshop comes to the meeting room.
However, except for Robbie, who was dressed in an official outfit, one happy young man in particular is missing.
Player: !!
Billy: Where's Kamui?
Eddie: Did Julian's workshop change managers, Robbie?
Robbie: I've always been the manager at Julian's workshop.
Robbie: However, due to changes in the company's business, engineer Kamui is responsible for...
Robbie: Other projects.
Robbie: This will allow both of us to work better together.
Player: Something's happened. Something's happened, for sure.
Eddie also thinks that the sudden change in Kamui's situation was fishy.
As a result, Eddie deliberately slows down the negotiations and the price is not finalized at the end.
The two parties will discuss the price further in two weeks.
You and Billy hurriedly try to contact Kamui, but you can't reach him.
After hours of searching, you finally find Kamui in Red Harbor's port.
The moon and stars light the night sky as Kamui prays to his god
Kamui: Limuthule, please...
Kamui: Protect your children...
Kamui: (Closes eyes)
Kamui: ...
Player: Kamui!
Kamui: Player...
Player: You had us so worried! You weren't at the meeting with the Order of Equality...
Player: We used the arcana crystal to try to contact you, but we couldn't reach you. Do you have any idea how worried we were?
Kamui droops his head without saying a word.
Player: It's all right, so long as you're okay.
Player: Did something happen?
Kamui: Kamui...
Kamui: Kamui screwed up.
Kamui: Julian fired Kamui!
Player: What? How can that be?!
Kamui: Robbie and the other people in the department...
Kamui: They framed Kamui!
Player: What?!
Kamui: Kamui went out to eat with the people from the Order of Equality yesterday.
Kamui: When Kamui got back, the boss and Robbie blamed Kamui for being a traitor.
Kamui: And they had other employees back them up.
Kamui: But Robbie was the one who told Kamui to go eat with them...
Kamui: Nobody believed Kamui, so Kamui was fired!
Player: The Order of Equality didn't arrange a dinner with Julian yesterday.
Kamui: The people who Kamui ate with were workers from the smelting factory in BlackFlame.
Player: The factory that produces all those knock-off components?!
Player: Robbie is trying to ruin you!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Why, Player?
Kamui: Why? First Frank abandoned Kamui...
Kamui: And now Robbie and Julian...
Player: Kamui...
Player: Come here, Kamui.
Player: (Opens both arms for a hug)
Kamui: ...
Suddenly, Kamui pulls away from you.
Kamui: Some day... You're going to betray Kamui too, Player. Aren't you?
Kamui: Kamui just knows it's going to happen. The people close to Kamui always abandon Kamui.
Kamui: Isn't that right?!
Player: !!
Player: (angry)
You hold Kamui tightly, no matter how hard he struggles.
You hold him tightly.
Kamui: The people closest to Kamui, Kamui's best friends, they all stab Kamui in the back...
Player: (Stab him in the back?)
Player: (Just what has Kamui gone through?)
Player: (Anyway, now's not the time to ask these kinds of questions. Just quietly spend time with him and let him vent.)
Kamui: Let Kamui go, Player! Let Kamui...
Kamui: Let Kamui go...
Kamui: (He speaks in a low voice full of heartache.)
Kamui suddenly stops resisting and returns the hug.
Then he begins to loudly weep in your arms.
Kamui: Player...
Kamui: Kamui feels a little better now...
Kamui: Thanks...
Player: My arms are always open to you.
Kamui: (surprised)
Kamui: Kamui said some mean things just now, Player.
Kamui: Sorry...
Player: Don't worry about it! Friends should talk openly and honestly with each other.
Kamui: You don't need to always be so nice to Kamui, Player...
Kamui: Just tell Kamui what Kamui did wrong. Scold Kamui. You can even hit Kamui!
Player: You haven't done anything wrong.
Kamui: If Kamui hasn't done anything wrong, then why...
Kamui: Do other people always hate Kamui?
Kamui: Frank, Julian, Robbie, Kamui's coworkers...
Player: You didn't do anything wrong, Kamui.
Player: The world did you wrong.
Player: During the last bid meeting, even though you did your best to get the product's bids through...
Player: It made Robbie lose face, didn't it?
Kamui: Robbie...
Player: I think when Julian was selecting a representative from the company, you made a lot of enemies.
Kamui: E-enemies?
Kamui: Wasn't it supposed to be a fair contest? Why would Kamui has enemies?
Player: Another thing you may not have realized...
Player: Your progress has been really fast.
Player: In just one year, you've reached heights some people will never reach in their whole lives.
Kamui: What...
Kamui: How is that possible? Kamui's dumb...
Kamui: There's lots of stuff Kamui doesn't understand and there's also a lot for Kamui to memorize...
Player: Are there any engineers your age at Julian's workshop?
Kamui: Kamui doesn't think so...
Player: Your growth has been very fast and it's put pressure on your coworkers. They even feel threatened by you.
Player: That's why...
Kamui: But Kamui's just an employee. Kamui's supposed to work hard for the boss.
Kamui: Every employee at Julian's workshop is like a cog...
Kamui: Shouldn't all the cogs work together for the benefit of Julian's workshop?
Player: Don't forget, those cogs are people.
Player: When you become the cog that drives your company so quickly...
Player: The old cogs are in danger of being abandoned.
Kamui: !!
Kamui: Kamui...
Kamui: Kamui doesn't know what to do...
Player: Just be yourself, but at same time, change.
Kamui: Be himself but at the same time... change?
Player: Kamui, you need to understand: even if you don't want to hurt others, others may still hurt you.
Player: Therefore, you need to protect yourself against others!
Kamui: Protect himself... against others...
Player: When something happens that isn't your fault...
Player: However, we do need to survive in the world, after all.
Player: That's why we also need to change!
Kamui: Change...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Kamui understands.
Kamui: (Hugs you tightly)
Kamui: Player...
Kamui: Thank you. Kamui needs to go back now.
Player: Why don't you stay on my airship tonight, Kamui?
Kamui: ...
Kamui turns around. In his look there's something you've never seen before, a kind of...
Kamui: (Shakes head) No thanks.
Kamui: Kamui still needs to go to work.
Kamui: Kamui needs to make a living!
Kamui leaves
That look...
You must have imagined it.
Continue to Trifle - Change

-Intimacy Level 12
A week after the Order of Equality contract situation...
In the forest near Red Harbor.
Kamui: Player...
Kamui: What should Kamui do?
Player: What's wrong, Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui might not ever...
Kamui: Be the same again!
Player: Why do you say that?
Kamui: Do you remember the first time Kamui went to Never Isle, Player?
Player: I remember. Julian's workshop passed the first round of bidding negotiations, and we had dinner with Billy and Eddie.
Kamui: That night, Kamui held your hand, Player.
Kamui: And said a prayer to Limuthule. Remember?
Player: A prayer to Limuthule...
Player: When we did that, I felt a gentle and comfortable breeze!
Kamui: That was Limuthule talking to us!
Kamui: But no matter what Kamui does now, Kamui can't get Limuthule to respond again!
Player: Maybe you aren't doing the prayer right?
Kamui: That isn't possible. Kamui's been doing that prayer ever since Kamui was little. Kamui knows it like the back of Kamui's hand.
Kamui: Kamui's been living in the forest ever since Kamui quitted Kamui's job at the smelting factory.
Kamui: But Limuthule hasn't been responding to Kamui.
Player: The tribes that live in the forest near Yggdrasil don't like interacting with outsiders.
Player: There's hardly any information on the forest tribes in books.
Player: Not to mention the beliefs of the Alterlands.
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Perhaps this is Limuthule's way of punishing Kamui for betraying him.
Kamui: Without Limuthule's protection, the only thing Kamui has left waiting for Kamui is...
Kamui: Death...
Player: Don't talk like that, you're scaring me.
Player: After all, you don't know what Limuthule is trying to tell you.
Player: Let me think...
Player: I've got it!
Player: Why not find another Alterlan and ask them?
Kamui: Find another Alterlan? But they're all...
Kamui: You're saying Kamui should go home?
Kamui: No, no, no! No way!
Kamui: Absolutely not!
Kamui: Kamui's willing to do anything...
Kamui: Except go home!
Player: !!
Player: Why?
Kamui: Because Kamui doesn't have any family there. They're just a bunch of stubborn old fools!
Player: Huh? You don't have any family?
Player: I remember you saying something about an older brother...
Kamui: Kamui doesn't have an older brother!
Player: Oh!
Kamui: ...
Player: But the people of your tribe are the only ones who can answer your question.
Kamui: Then Kamui'll just die!
Player: (He's acting like a child...)
Kamui: ...
Player: All right. Well I at least need to know what happened between you and your tribe, between you and your brother!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Kamui doesn't want to talk about it.
Player: If they actually did something bad to you, then I would support your decision not to go home!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Alright...
Kamui: According to our ancestors, the Alterlans are not allowed to marry members of tribes outside Yggdrasil.
Kamui: Let alone leave the land protected by Limuthule, where the Alterlans have lived for generations.
Player: So that's why I never heard of the Alterland tribe before meeting you.
Player: But Kamui, why did you leave the tribe?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Kamui's mother is from another tribe!
Kamui: Kamui's mother told Kamui that she was from Elysiann.
Player: Elysiann?!
Kamui: Kamui's mother was originally the daughter of a foreign caravan captain. They encountered some bandits in the forest...
Kamui: Kamui's father was the leader of Alterland at the time.
Kamui: Kamui's father and some warriors from the tribe came across them while on a hunt and rescued them.
Kamui: Many of the members of the caravan were injured, and Kamui's father let them stay in the tribe temporarily to let them heal.
Kamui: During this period, Kamui's mother and father began a relationship, then Kamui's mother stayed in Alterland.
Player: But Alterlans aren't allowed to marry members from outside the tribe, and your father was the leader...
Kamui: Yes. During this time, Kamui's father hid Kamui's mother's identity. He said she was a woman from an extremely reclusive Yggdrasil tribe.
Kamui: The only people who knew Kamui's mother was a foreigner were Kamui's father, Kamui's brother, and Kamui.
Kamui: The Alterland tribe has a stupid saying:
Kamui: 'The world outside Yggdrasil is a place beyond redemption!'
Kamui: But for as long as Kamui can remember, Kamui's mother was telling Kamui about the outside world.
Kamui: She told Kamui of a car that can run on its own without animals, a large pool of water called the 'ocean' that stretches as far as the eye can see, a boat bigger than a house that can travel on this ocean...
Kamui: Kamui always wanted to see the outside world!
Player: Since she was in the tribe, your mother probably helped you, right?
Kamui: Kamui's mother, she...died when Kamui was 7 years old.
Player: Oh! I'm sorry...
Kamui: When Kamui was 9, the tribe was attacked by Shadows and Kamui's father died.
Kamui: Kamui's brother led the tribe's warriors in an all-or-nothing defense.
Kamui: Kamui's brother was the only family Kamui had. Kamui gave up Kamui's dream and helped Kamui's brother rebuild Alterland.
Kamui: When Kamui was 17, Kamui's brother became the leader of the tribe, and things returned to the way they had been before.
Kamui: Kamui wanted to see go out and see the other tribes, but Kamui's brother wanted Kamui to stay and help him, so Kamui promised Kamui would.
Kamui: A year ago, an organization called the Sword of Light appeared. They wanted to spread the doctrine of the Kaist Church, and they arrested the Alamu in the tribe.
Kamui: They called them, 'Yellow Eyes.'
Player: The White Capes!
Kamui: Kamui's brother drove them off, but Kamui was worried they'd regroup and come back.
Kamui: The last time a foreign tribe invaded, Alterland was nearly destroyed. The power of Alterland alone could not stop a foreign invasion.
Kamui: So Kamui offered that Kamui could leave the tribe, learn the knowledge of the outside world, so that we could better resist invasions!
Player: You're right. The White Capes are powerful. You couldn't have fought them off on your own!
Kamui: However, Kamui's brother and the clan elders disagreed, saying that the outside world was a place 'beyond redemption.'
Kamui: But the outside world isn't beyond redemption. Kamui's mother is proof of that!
Kamui: Kamui told the elders about Kamui's mother's identity, but Kamui's brother said that Kamui was lying.
Kamui: Kamui protested, but Kamui's brother said that Kamui insulted Kamui's mother and told Kamui to kneel before Kamui's father's grave for an entire day as punishment...
Kamui: The elders didn't care. Kamui's own brother wouldn't even defend Kamui! Kamui had enough!
Kamui: Huff, puff...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: In front of Kamui's brother and the clan elders, Kamui cut off Kamui's relationship with Kamui's brother and with Alterland.
Kamui: Kamui left Alterland...
Player: !!
Kamui: You understand, don't you? Player?
Kamui: Kamui doesn't have any family left in Alterland.
Kamui: They're just a bunch of stubborn old fools!
Player: (angry)
Player: Kamui, I don't think you should blame your brother.
Kamui: ...
Kamui: W...why? He knew the truth about our mother! He betrayed Kamui!
Player: Alterland prohibits marrying outsiders. Which is to say, Alterland wants to ensure the purity of its bloodlines.
Player: Once the clan elders learned of your identity, not only would they stop you from leaving, but they'd become your enemies...
Player: Because you're the descendant of an outsider!
Kamui: ...
Player: I don't think even the clan's leader can escape the judgment of its elders.
Player: That's why he didn't stand beside you, and said you lied and then punished you.
Player: Your brother was protecting you!
Kamui: ...
Player: Kamui, let's go visit Alterland!
Kamui: No!
Player: You're a smart guy, Kamui. You probably already knew everything I just told you!
Kamui: Hmmm!!!
Kamui: Kamui...didn't.
Player: Hmm...
Kamui: Kamui had no idea you'd think this way too, Player.
Player: Go back to Alterland, Kamui.
Player: If not to regain Limuthule's protection, then for yourself!
Kamui: (surprised)

-Intimacy Level 13
Deep in the forest near Red Harbor.
Kamui talks about his past and the reason why he left Alterland to work in Red Harbor.
Player: Kamui, let's go visit Alterland!
Player: If not to regain Limuthule's protection, then for yourself!
Kamui: (surprised)
Kamui: ...
Kamui shudders.
Kamui: No, no. If Kamui goes back, Kamui...
Kamui: Kamui'll be killed!
Player: What?
Kamui: Kamui did a lot of dumb things and Kamui disowned Kamui's older brother. He will kill Kamui for sure.
Kamui: You have no idea how scary Kamui's older brother can be.
Player: Scary? Kamui, you can melt armor plate.
Player: Talk about scary...
Kamui: No, no, no. You don't understand what Kamui means.
Kamui: Kamui's brother is Alterland's most powerful warrior.
Kamui: Kamui wouldn't be able to land a single hit on him!
Player: Huh? How can that be?
Player: It isn't like you to be so soft.
Kamui: The point is, Kamui can't go back!
Player: ...
Player: When you put it like that, it makes me want to meet your brother!
Player: Don't worry, Kamui! I'll go back with you! If your brother attacks you, I'll protect you!
Kamui: Even if you wanted to commit suicide, Player, Kamui would advise against such a painful method.
Player: Is he a monster, or something?
Player: All right... Is there another way you can get back Limuthule's protection?
Kamui: Uh...
Kamui: Kamui's got it!
Kamui: There's an ancient book at the altar of Alterland, which records all of Limuthule's sacrificial rituals and every séance...
Kamui: If we can sneak into the altar and take a look at the book...
Kamui: Then Kamui can try to regain Limuthule's protection!
Player: But it's an altar - are you sure it'll be easy to get in?
Kamui: It's better than being caught by Kamui's brother and being hanged upside down from the bottom branch of Yggdrasil!
Player: All right...
The next day, you land your airship on the edges of the Yggdrasil Forest.
Having packed food for the journey, you and Kamui make the trek to Alterland.
Two days later...
Player: Huff, puff...
Player: I'm starting to wonder, how did the Shadows find your tribe back then?
Kamui: This is a small path into Alterland which avoids patrols and saves about a day's worth of traveling time compared to the main road.
Kamui: Besides, only Kamui's brother and Kamui know about this path!
After a while, the forest becomes denser, with bushes and vines all over the place.
You walk through a gap barely wide enough for one person.
At the end of the gap, you see a cave.
After walking through the cave for a while, Kamui suddenly stops.
Player: Why are you stopping, Kamui?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Alterland is just ahead.
Kamui: Kamui... Kamui...
Player: I understand. I'll take the lead. You follow me!
Kamui: T-thanks!
The cave narrows. You come to a large boulder blocking the path.
Player: This looks like a stone door. You didn't say anything about a door.
Player: Kamui, the exit's blocked by a stone door!
Kamui: A stone door? What stone door?
Kamui: Oh! That's not a stone door!
Kamui: Run, Player!
Player: Run?
Suddenly, the stone door moves and rises up.
Rather, it seems it is being lifted up.
A powerful sound rings out.
???: I think I heard a voice.
After the stone door is lifted, sunlight shines into the cave.
But a large object is blocking most of the sunlight.
Kamui: Uh oh, we're done for.
Kamui curls up behind you, his trembling hands clutching your waist.
The large object begins to speak.
???: Are you lost, outsider?
A man dressed similarly to Kamui is standing in front of you.
This cave is too small for the man, and he has to bend over to get in.
The words 'strong' and 'burly' do not do the man justice.
The stone door lies on its side. Upon closer inspection, you notice it is not a door, but a shield.
Does the shield belong to this man?
He looks down at you.
Behind you, he sees Kamui's trembling figure.
???: K-Kamui!!!
Kamui: Tch!
Kamui: B-Batur...
Kamui: Brother...

-Intimacy Level 14
The entrance to Alterland is blocked by a man as strong as a mountain.
The man looks down at you...
Behind you, he sees Kamui's trembling figure.
???: K-Kamui!!!
Kamui: Ack!
Kamui: B-Batur...
Kamui: Brother...
Player: Huh? This is your brother?
You look at the man in front of you, then back at Kamui, who is still crouching behind you.
Player: Are you guys really brothers?
Batur: Please get out of the way, outsider. I want to speak with my brother.
Although the man phrases his words like a request...
There is an overwhelming tone to his voice.
You want to move aside, but Kamui tugs at your clothes weakly.
Player: I'm sorry, the cave is too small. I can't move aside.
Player: If you have something to say, you'll just have to say it like this!
Batur: !!
The man frowns, and Kamui begins to tremble even more.
The awkward silence and the man's oppressive stature makes it hard to breathe.
The man takes the initiative to break the silence.
Batur: You're right. This is not a good place to talk. Follow me.
The man gestures to the side with his hand, picks up the stone shield like it's a plastic bottle, then turns and leaves the cave.
As the man leaves, the sun shines in, and Kamui is relieved.
Kamui: The jig is up, Player! Let's run!
Player: Your brother asked us to follow him...
Player: Even though I think your brother is scary...
Player: I don't think he's an unreasonable man.
Player: Let's follow him!
Player: Besides, he's already found you. If you run away now...
Player: He might tear apart this mountain chasing you down.
Kamui: Well!!
Kamui swallows.
Kamui: Maybe...
When you exit the cave, you see a small altar at the edge of the cave.
There's a beautiful bouquet of white flowers on the altar. They seem to have been recently placed there.
Outside the cave, there are many working people wearing the same clothes as Kamui. There are also a bunch of wooden houses nearby.
The chirping of forest birds is accompanied by the low growling of livestock.
There are mountains behind the long-stretching forest, and the dense canopies of the tower trees fill the sky.
You had no idea there were such villages in the forest.
Some people noticed Kamui and excited called out to him.
But Kamui only smiled with embarrassment and nervously followed his brother.
A few moments later, Kamui's brother brought the two of you into a large wooden hut.
Batur: ...
Kamui: ...
Player: (Another awkward silence?)
Batur: Kamui, it really is you!
Kamui: Yeah...
Batur lets out a long sigh.
Then he walks up to you.
It looks like he wants you to step aside.
Player: Why are you standing so close to me, Mr. Batur?
Kamui: Move aside, Player. Kamui's a man, too!
Kamui: Kamui won't run away!
Player: (Steps to the side)
Batur: ...
Kamui: Punish Kamui however you like, but Player is Kamui's friend, brother.
Kamui: Do not hurt him!
Batur: ...
Batur swings his giant hammer.
He stops the swing right in front of Kamui's face.
Then he lightly bonks him on the head.
Batur: Why did it take you so long to come home?!
Batur hugs Kamui roughly.
Batur: ...
Maybe it was because Batur was hurting him, or because of sudden relief of tension...
But Kamui hugged his brother and began to cry.
Kamui: You're mean, brother! You really scared Kamui...
Player: Phew.
Player: (Seems like everything's okay)
A few moments later...
Kamui: Let Kamui introduce you, brother. This is Player, Kamui's best friend.
Kamui: Player, this is Kamui's older brother, Batur. He's Alterland's leader, and the most powerful warrior in Alterland's history (continues to praise Batur till he turns blue in the face)
Batur: (Looks at Kamui and smiles)
Batur then bows deeply toward you.
Player: That's not necessary, Mr. Batur...
Batur: Kamui must have given you a lot of trouble, making you take the time to come all the way out here.
Batur: On behalf of my younger brother, I would like to express my apologies and also my gratitude.
Player: You are too kind, sir. Kamui saved my life; we're friends, so it was the least I could do.
Kamui tells Batur about what happened in Red Harbor.
Kamui: Since then, Limuthule hasn't answered Kamui's prayers.
Kamui: Will Kamui ever be able to pray to Limuthule again, brother?
Batur rubs Kamui's head.
Batur: We're all just people, Kamui, and people make mistakes.
Batur: Every Alterlan is a child of Limuthule. We've all made many mistakes. Many serious mistakes.
Batur: But Limuthule forgives, so of course he will forgive you, too.
Kamui: So why didn't Limuthule answer Kamui's prayers?
Batur: The person praying to Limuthule must be pure of heart.
Batur: Feelings of resentment and fear can break our connection with Limuthule.
Kamui: Fear! Kamui was afraid that Limuthule wouldn't answer Kamui's prayers, and that's why Kamui didn't get a response!
Batur: (Nods)
Kamui: Which means...
Kamui sits cross-legged on the ground and closes his eyes.
After a moment, your body feels a gentle wind blowing.
Kamui: It worked! Kamui did it!
Batur: (Smiles happily)
Player: What did you pray for just now, Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui asked Limuthule to look after you, to protect our tribe, to protect...
Kamui: Player!
Having regained Limuthule's protection, Kamui is very happy.
He excitedly greets the other tribesmen and told them what he saw in the outside world.
Not far away...
Player: (smiles)
Batur: Player, do you have time?
Player: Of course, Mr. Batur...
Batur: There's no need to be so formal. Just call me Batur.
Player: Okay...
Batur: Now then, I'll get straight to the point.
Player: Please, go on...
Batur: Kamui likes you!
Player: Huh? (What's this all of a sudden?)
Batur: Kamui seems to have changed a lot from before.
Batur: He even had the courage to take responsibility for his action.
Batur: And to protect you from me!
Batur: My little brother has become a man!
Batur: At the same time, he also trusts you, and you make him feel safe.
Batur: When I found you guys, I told you to move out of the way, but you didn't. You stayed right in front of him.
Batur: I don't think I'll ever forget how he hid behind you...
Batur: In the past, I was the one Kamui would hide behind. I'm afraid I'm a little jealous!
Batur: I was hoping you and Kamui could be partners for life!
Player: !!
Batur: Of course, that is up to you.
Player: But Batur, I'm an outside. According to Alterland's rules, people from the tribe can't be with outsiders.
Player: Wouldn't the elders of Alterland object?
A look of helplessness flits across Batur's face.
Batur: A year ago when Kamui left the tribe, I thought I'd never see him again.
Batur: Today was a miracle from Limuthule himself. He brought Kamui home safely.
Batur: It was Limuthule's love that brought you and Kamui together.
Batur: Even though I'm the leader, I cannot show him the world outside. But you can...
Player: But maybe Kamui won't want to leave.
Batur: Hahaha! I know him - he won't stay.
Batur: Kamui is my younger brother. He's all the family I've got.
Batur: I don't want to have any regrets!
Batur: I'll deal with the tribal elders.
Batur: It's up to you, Player!
Player: !!
Batur: There's no need to give me your reply this instant. Take some time to think it over.
Player: ...
That evening, Batur asks someone to arrange a place for you to sleep.
While in bed, you think about what Batur said.
Kamui: Whoa, is this your room, Player?
Player: Kamui?! What are you doing in here? I locked the door...
Kamui: Kamui came in through the window! There's nowhere in Alterland Kamui can't go!
Player: All right...
Player: Do you need something?
Kamui: Nope. Kamui just wanted to thank you, Player
Kamui: Thanks to you, Kamui's learned a lot about the world.
Kamui: And Kamui was able to come back and reconcile with Kamui's brother!
Kamui: Also, Kamui's brother has agreed to let Kamui leave the tribe and keep traveling the world!
Player: Really? That's great!
Kamui suddenly sneezes.
Kamui: It's pretty cold in Alterland at night.
Player: Don't catch a cold! Come get under the blanket!
Kamui: Okay~
Kamui jumps into bed with you.
Kamui: (Hugging you...)
Kamui: You're so warm, Player...
Suddenly, you sense a reaction near Kamui's waist.
Kamui begins to rub against your body.
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui's sorry. Kamui doesn't know what's wrong?
Kamui: Kamui feels feverish all over. Kamui just wants to hug you, Player...
Player: Kamui...
Kamui: If you don't want Kamui to, Kamui can leave, Player!
Player: No!
Player: Don't go against your heart. Go with it...
Kamui: !!
Kamui: Okay...
A while later.
Kamui: Wow, that was great! You're great, Player!
Player: You're great, too, Kamui!
Kamui: Really?
Player: Really!
Kamui: Player...
Kamui: Kamui wants to be with you again!
Kamui: Would that be okay?
Player: Of course it would be okay!
Kamui: Uh...
Kamui: Kamui wants to do this every night from now on...
Kamui: And sleep by your side...
Kamui: Does ... it work?
Player: (smiles)
Player: Okay~


This section contains spoilers for Date scenes.


Kamui: Hey! Player!
Kamui: Kamui's finished all Kamui's work for the day. Kamui doesn't have anything to do this afternoon.
Kamui: Let's hang out together!
Player: Okay!
In the afternoon at the appointed time, Kamui still hasn't shown up.
After using the arcana crystal, you learn...
That the Kamui's bosses at work gave him some work to do.
Scene - Red Harbor
Late at night...
Kamui: (Yawn...)
Kamui: Kamui's so sorry, Player.
Kamui: Kamui had no idea Kamui'd be working so late.
Player: You don't need to worry about me. I wasn't busy this afternoon.
Player: You're the one who worked so late. I finished work several hours ago.
Player: It looks like you can barely keep your eyes open.
Kamui: Kamui knows we made plans, Player.
Kamui: But we'll have to do it some other day.
Player: That's fine!
Player: Let me buy you a warm drink. We'll drink together!
Kamui: Oh!
Kamui: You're the best, Player!
Kamui takes the hot drink, takes the top off, and begins to gulp it down.
Player: Whoa! Slowly! Drink it slowly! You don't want it to go down the wrong pipe!
Kamui: Gulp, gulp, gulp...
Kamui: Wow! That hit the spot!
Player: Seems like must've been thirsty all day long!
Kamui: Not all day long. Probably just half.
Player: Even when you're busy at work, you can't forget to drink water.
Kamui: What can Kamui do about it? The bosses give Kamui a lot of work to do.
Kamui: Kamui doesn't have time to drink water.
Player: The bosses?
Kamui: Yeah! Kamui used to take afternoon naps.
Kamui: When Kamui was about to leave, a boss asked Kamui to keep working.
Kamui: Kamui's bosses always ask Kamui to help them out!
Player: Did you guys all do overtime together?
Kamui: Nope. They left early.
Player: Huh? They left early?
Kamui: Yeah, they said they had something important to do and they needed Kamui to help out.
Kamui: It sounds like the bosses are pretty busy. They have these kinds of urgent tasks four days a week and Kamui helps them out.
Kamui: Doesn't seem too busy on the days when only the bosses are there, though...
Player: Four days...every week?
Player: (These guys are taking advantage of Kamui...)
Player: Kamui, your bosses are taking advantage of you! Don't let them do that anymore!
Kamui: They're...taking advantage of Kamui?
Kamui: Why?
Player: Because they know you just started working there so they think they can push you around.
Player: You didn't realize it? You just believed whatever they said?
Kamui: Kamui had Kamui's suspicions...
Kamui: But...
Kamui: (Yawn...)
Kamui: They're Kamui's coworkers, but they've all been there longer than Kamui has.
Kamui: Kamui wanted to help out, because Kamui wants to work with them.
Kamui: Besides...what if they really do have something important to do?
Player: Uh...

-Are you an idiot, Kamui? - 500 Intimacy
Kamui: !!
Kamui: You think Kamui's an idiot, Player?
Player: Yep. And so do your bosses, that's why they take advantage of you!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: That's not very nice...
Player: All right, all right. Don't look so down.
Player: Just don't be so gullible and help them out.
Kamui: All right. Kamui won't anymore!
Kamui: Kamui's tired, Player. Kamui's going to go home and sleep.
Player: All right, sleep tight!

-You think they're your friends, but they think you're a slave! - 700 Intimacy
Kamui: A slave?
Player: When someone tells someone else to do something without pay, isn't that a slave?
Player: You stayed so late while they left early to go have fun. Doesn't that kind of make them slave masters?
Kamui: Kamui treats them so well and they go and do something like this...
Kamui: That's so mean!
Kamui: (Clenches fists)
Player: What are you going to do?
Kamui: Kamui's going to go teach them a lesson!

-Don't let them take advantage of your kindness! - 900 Intimacy
Kamui: They're taking advantage of Kamui's kindness?
Player: Right...
Player: You are kind and honest. You treat your coworkers and superiors as companions.
Player: You even take their responsibilities as your own.
Kamui: But do they treat you the same way?
Player: And kindness is a good thing!
Player: But there are too many people out there who take advantage of it.
Player: Many people who take advantage of others not only are ungrateful, they will also take a mile if they get an inch.
Kamui: !!
Kamui: Kamui's bosses are taking advantage of Kamui!
Kamui: They're so mean! Kamui's going to teach them a lesson!
Player: Don't!
Player: If you hurt them, you'll need to pay them damages.
Kamui: Uh...
Kamui: What should Kamui do?
Player: You were right about one thing just now.
Player: You guys are coworkers. They're your superiors and you need to work together.
Player: There needs to be a clear understanding between coworkers.
Player: When you're working, if you've got some spare time, you can help others.
Player: But you need to make sure you have time for your own life when you get off work!
Player: When the time comes, if your so-called 'bosses' come find you and ask you to do more work...
Player: You firmly refuse them then use your arcana to scare them!
Player: Show them that you may be kind, but they can't push you around!
Player: The world is so big. Work is only a tiny part of it.
Player: Didn't you come all the way to Red Harbor so that you could see the world!
Kamui: So that's why...
Kamui: Kamui understands!
Kamui: Thank you, Player!


Kamui: (smiles)
Kamui: Are you free, Player?
Kamui: Want to have lunch together?
Player: Sure! I'll come get you!
Red Harbor...
Kamui: Player~
Player: Hey, Kamui.
Player: You seem to be in a good mood.
Kamui: Hehehe...
Kamui: (Kamui pulls out a bulging wallet) Check it out!
Kamui: Kamui got paid today.
Kamui: Kamui never thought Kamui'd get paid more in one month than Kamui got the entire time Kamui worked with Frank.
Player: It is honest work, after all.
Kamui gives you the wallet.
Player: Huh?
Kamui: Kamui told you Kamui'd give you your share, Player.
Player: But they just paid you this money...
Kamui: It is important to pay off your debts.
He forces the wallet into your hand.
Then he pulls a slightly smaller wallet out from behind him.
Kamui: Even after Kamui's given you what Kamui owes you, Player...
Kamui: Kamui's still got a bunch left over! Just take it!
Player: All right, I'll take it.
Kamui: Yeah!
Kamui: Now then. (Holding up the other wallet) We've got some spending to do!
Player: Huh?
Player: Kamui...
Player: You need to make sure you're spending wisely.
Kamui: You're always taking such good care of Kamui, Player.
Kamui: Now that Kamui's got money, Kamui wants to repay you, Player.
Kamui: What's so wrong about that?
Player: There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that...
Kamui: Then it's settled!
Kamui: Where do you want to eat lunch, Player? It's Kamui's treat!
Player: (Kamui is really excited today. It would be difficult to talk him out of this...)
Player: (Besides, this is Kamui's own hard-earned money...)

-(I want to eat Kamui's home-made barbecued boar...) - 900 Intimacy
Player: All right...
Player: Hmm...
Player: I've thought about it and there's one delicious taste in particular...
Player: One that exceeds everything that Red Harbor has to offer.
Kamui: What is it? It sounds pretty great!
Player: It's your barbecued boar...
Kamui: Huh? My...
Kamui: Kamui makes that himself. It's not THAT delicious...
Kamui: But if you want to eat barbecued boar, all Kamui needs to do is hunt some...
Kamui: Kamui wants to treat you to something real nice, Player!
Player: But to me, your barbecued boar is the best!
Player: One taste and you never forget it!
Kamui: !!
Kamui: (smiles)
Kamui: Kamui supposes it's true. Kamui's barbecued boar tastes a lot better than normal food.
Kamui: Since that's what you want, Player...
Kamui: Kamui will go hunt a boar just for you!

-(Pick an affordable yet tasty restaurant) - 700 Intimacy
Player: Then I know just the place!
Player: I know a great restaurant in Red Harbor.
Player: Let's go there!
Kamui: Lead the way, Player!

-(Let Kamui choose) - 700 Intimacy
Player: Hmm...
Player: Hmm......
Player: I'm not too familiar with Red Harbor, Kamui.
Player: You've been here a while. You choose!
Kamui: Me?
Kamui: But Kamui's treating you, Player...
Player: And as such, it's your responsibility to pay. Doesn't mean it's my responsibility to choose.
Player: Besides, you're more familiar with Red Harbor than I am. If you choose, we're more likely to end up eating something delicious, no?
Kamui: But Kamui doesn't know what's good in Red Harbor...
Player: Eh?
Kamui: Kamui usually just eats in the company cafeteria and sometimes Kamui'll eat out with coworkers. Kamui's only been to a few restaurants...
Kamui: None of them were particularly good.
Player: I thought you were always seeking out good food, Kamui?
Kamui: Sometimes Kamui tries to learn a thing or two...
Player: ...
Player: Okay. I know a restaurant that's pretty decent...
Player: Let's just go there!
Kamui: If you like it, Player, it must be great!
Kamui: Let's go!


Never Isle...
Player: Well!
Player: An SOS?
Player: The sender is...
Player: My robot, Hottie?!
Player: ...
Player: (Go help Hottie Bar immediately)
A while later, in the Hottie Bar.
Kamui stands in front of an unmoving Hottie
Kamui: What should Kamui do? What should Kamui do?!
Kamui: Kamui doesn't like robots!!!
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: Whoa! Player!
Kamui: H-how about this weather, huh?
Player: What's wrong, Hottie? What happened?
Kamui: There's not a lot of space at the bar.
Kamui: Seems like it wanted a breath of fresh air, too!
Player: Really?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Ah! Sorry, Player!
Kamui: Kamui's broken Hottie!
Player: Calm down! Don't worry!
Player: What happened, Kamui?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Kamui's never seen such a...
Kamui: Free-wheeling, autonomous... Machine.
Kamui: Kamui just wanted to see what Hottie was like on the inside.
Kamui: Kamui thought there must be a dwarf or someone like that hiding inside.
Kamui: You and Billy weren't here today, Player...
Kamui: So, Kamui...
Player: Opened up Hottie?
Player: If there were a dwarf locked up in the Hottie Bar, Kamui's afraid I'd be arrested for kidnapping...
Kamui: Look! Kamui's just about fixed him!
Kamui: Except for the fact that he can't move, he's almost good as new!
Kamui: Right?
Player: ...
Player: Ah... Why does it have to be Hottie?
Player: You must have had quite a bit to drink...
Kamui: Don't be angry, Player...
Kamui: Kamui'll repay you!
Player: ...

-(Accept the payment) - 500 Intimacy
Player: Well, the Hottie Bar can't function without Hottie. I have no choice...
Player: Okay...
Kamui: Kamui'll buy you a new barbot!

-(Refuse the payment) - 500 Intimacy
Player: Don't worry about it. I don't want your money.
Player: I'll have Billy repair the robot and that should be good enough.
Player: But in the future, don't take apart things that don't belong to you!
Kamui: Kamui won't do it again!

-(Punish Kamui by making him help Billy repair Hottie) - 900 Intimacy
Player: Don't worry about it. Billy will repair the robot. I don't need your money.
Kamui: Then is there anything Kamui can do?
Kamui: It was Kamui's mistake, Kamui should suffer the punishment!
Player: Since you put it that way...
Player: Why don't you help Billy repair Hottie!
Kamui: Help Billy?
Player: Sure. Aren't you interested in robots?
Player: Take this as an opportunity to learn more about how robots are put together.
Player: If you have any questions, you can ask Billy.
Player: He knows all there is to know!
Kamui: !!
Kamui: Thank you, Player!
Kamui: Kamui'll do Kamui's best!


This section contains spoilers for the Trifle. Please use a desktop browser for the best viewing experience.


The world will not change for us, we have to adapt to the world. But... if we adapt to the world, are we still ourselves?

-Part 1
Hottie Bar...
Player sits at the bar
Player: Give me a drink, Hottie.
Hottie: What would you like?
Player: You pick.
Player: ...
Hottie: My system has detected that you are not in a good mood.
Hottie: I have finished. Here is your Twilight.
Player: Thank you...
Player: (Takes a drink)
Player: Sigh. It's already been two days...
Player: Even though Kamui said he was all right when I talked to him over the crystal...
Player: But...
Player: (Takes another drink)
Player: I'd still better go see him and confirm he's all right face-to-face.
???: Do you miss Kamui, Player?
Player: !!
Kamui: Good afternoon!
Player: When did you get here, Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui came to see you this morning but you weren't there.
Kamui: Kamui took a bath in the communal baths.
Kamui: As soon as Kamui came out of the room, Kamui saw you, Player.
Player: (Kamui seems to be doing well)
Player: Just now you said you wanted to see me about something?
Kamui: Yeah!
Kamui: First thing...
Kamui gives you a wallet.
Kamui: This is what Kamui owes you this month.
Player: You don't need to return it to me this month, Kamui.
Kamui: Kamui knew you'd do this, Player...
Kamui: But...
Kamui: Kamui's found a job already!
Player: Really?
Player: That's great!
Player: Is it in Red Harbor? Which company?
Kamui: Julian's workshop.
Player: You're going back, Kamui?
Kamui: Yeah...
Kamui: Yesterday, Julian sent someone to come find Kamui.
Kamui: Because Kamui invented the new Flux coating on the airship's armor plates.
Kamui: The boss wants Kamui to come back.
Player: Just what is Julian trying to pull?
Player: Are you sure you want to go back, Kamui?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Yeah! Kamui's already decided!
Kamui: Now, Kamui's just in charge of research for production. Kamui won't...
Kamui: Have to deal with Robbie.
Player: But... Why?
Player: With your abilities, you could go to any machinery company you wanted!
Player: Or I could even talk to Eddie and get you something at the Order of Equality factory.
Kamui: Why? That's the next thing Kamui wanted to talk to you about, Player.
Kamui: Kamui wants...
Kamui: ...
Player: Are you telling me...
Player: This is a major project between the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop.
Player: Even though Robbie framed you, Julian only fired you because he listened to the wrong people.
Player: This means that it's something happening internally at Julian's company. The Order of Equality was not involved in any way.
Player: What's more, even if the Order of Equality said they wanted to stop the project, it would seriously affect the Order of Equality's reputation.
Kamui: No, no. Kamui doesn't want to end the project.
Kamui: Kamui secretly wants to help...
Kamui: Complete the Order of Equality and Julian's project!
Player: What?!
Kamui: Although Robbie framed Kamui and got Kamui kicked off the project...
Kamui: It was the first project Kamui's worked on.
Kamui: Even though completing the project won't benefit Kamui in any way...
Kamui: Kamui still wants it done right!
Player: ...
Player: Indeed. Without your hard work, the project that the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop are working on together...
Player: Wouldn't have lasted this long.
Player: I can understand that.
Player: But, Kamui...
Player: Did you forget what you told me two days ago?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Kamui remembers everything you say with extreme clarity, Player.
Player: Good!
Player: So what do you need me to do?
Kamui: ...
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui wants to sit in secretly on all future meetings between the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop...
Kamui: Kamui wants to find out what the Order of Equality thinks about our products and fix any deficiencies as soon as Kamui can.
Kamui: Kamui wants to find out where the main conflict between the Order of Equality and Julian is, and see if Kamui can think of a way to fix it.
Player: You want to listen in on the meetings. I understand.
Player: I'll go ask Eddie. After all, you're still working with Julian. Eddie will probably agree.
Kamui: Thanks...
Player: You're welcome. Of course I'll help you finish your project!
Player: Let's go find Eddie!
Kamui: Kamui doesn't think Kamui should go. After all, Kamui doesn't have anything to do with the project anymore.
Kamui: Kamui doesn't want to have any direct contact with the Order of Equality's leaders.
Player: That makes sense. Then wait for me here!
Kamui: Okay!
Player leaves
Kamui: (Watches you leave)
Kamui: Oh, no...
Kamui: Kamui hates lying...
Hottie: The system has detected that your body temperature is rising.
Hottie: The Hottie Bar is currently set to a cool temperature. Do you need me to set the temperature to freezing?
Kamui: !!
Kamui wipes sweat from his forehead.
Kamui: No, that's not necessary.
Kamui: ...
Several days later, the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop hold their second round of price negotiations.
On one side of a large table sit Eddie with Billy and Player
On the other side is Robbie and some other representatives from Julian's workshop
Eddie: For the airship armor plate, the price is only 15% lower than the listed price. The Order of Equality cannot accept this!
Eddie: We're not just buying one or two pieces.
Eddie: We're buying 100,000!
Robbie: Then what is your suggested price, Mr. Eddie?
Eddie: The same as the propulsion system and the energy core! 30% below listed price!
Robbie: Uh, Mr. Eddie...
Robbie: You understand, this type of airship armor plate is one of Julian workshop's new products...
Robbie: You can't even get it on the market yet. We're willing to provide some to the Order of Equality...
Eddie: But this armor plate's listed price is already two times more expensive than other armor plate currently on the market.
Eddie: It is precisely because the Order of Equality appreciates your company's products that we accepted this outrageous price.
Eddie: But the Order of Equality's money doesn't grow from trees.
Eddie: The total price of the armor plate alone is almost 10 billion gold.
Eddie: Don't you find that excessive?
Robbie: Mr. Eddie, no one's money grows on trees...
Robbie: In order to develop this armor plate, the company invested several years and a large amount of research funds...
Billy: Nonsense! Everyone knows this technology is Kam-
Player: Billy!
Robbie: Were you about to say that this technology was researched by one person and one person alone?
Robbie: Well since the Order of Equality has the most manpower, material resources, and financial resources in all of Luxium...
Robbie: Maybe they don't need our business!
Billy: Uh...
Eddie: Complete self-sufficiency has always been our goal. When that day comes, then Julian's workshop will have no reason to exist.
Robbie: !!
Eddie: But that is a matter for another day. Sorry...
Robbie: Uh...
Robbie: We understand what the Order of Equality is getting at.
Robbie: Please forgive me. An additional 15%, I can't do it...
Eddie: Of course...
Eddie: We look forward to our next meeting, gentlemen.
Robbie: ...
A few moments later...
Order of Equality Member: Eddie, the representative from Julian's workshop has already boarded his airship and is preparing to leave the island.
Eddie: Understood. You go on back.
Eddie: I've got something to talk about with these two advisors.
Order of Equality Member: Okay!
Eddie turns towards Player and Billy
Player: I had no idea their price would be so outrageous.
Billy: And they're using the technology that Kamui developed...
Eddie: They've got a monopoly on this armor plate technology, so it makes sense that they'd ask a high price. The Order of Equality understands this.
Eddie: But we cannot let them dictate the true value of this technology.
Player: Then we should ask our third advisor!
Kamui enters
Kamui: ...
Player: What do you think about the price Julian's workshop is asking for, Kamui?
Kamui: ...
Eddie: You don't need to answer, if this involves company secrets.
Kamui: Huh?
Kamui: No, it's not that. It's not that Kamui can't talk about the products in our agreement.
Kamui: Kamui's sorry, Kamui was just spacing out.
Player: Something's been up with you the past couple of days, Kamui.
Kamui: Huh? Is Kamui acting strangely?
Billy: On the one hand, he's got his own work. And on the other, he's got to help with the Order of Equality project. Kamui must be tired.
Kamui: Haha, it's true. Kamui is a little tired.
Kamui: But Kamui's fine! Let's talk business.
Kamui: About the price question Eddie just asked...
Kamui: The price is a little high. But on the other hand, Julian's armor plate is the only armor on the market that can withstand mid-sized flux cannon attacks.
Eddie: Right...
Kamui: That said, Julian's workshop really values its partnership with the Order of Equality.
Kamui: If the Order of Equality were very clear that they could not accept this price...
Kamui: Kamui doesn't think it's the hill that Julian would want to die on.
Eddie: But it won't be easy getting them down to a price level that we can accept, will it?
Kamui: That's right.
Kamui: Hmm...
Kamui: What if Kamui could find a way to further improve the Flux resistance afforded by the armor?
Billy: It can already withstand mid-sized flux cannons. There's still room for improvement?!
Kamui: Combining the Alterland Flux technique with armor plate was an idea Kamui improvised.
Kamui: So Kamui'll put some more thought into it.
Kamui: Kamui can definitely bring the Flux resistance up to the next level!
Eddie: If the armor was made stronger...
Eddie: I'll talk to the leaders of the Order. I'm sure they will agree!
Eddie leaves
Kamui: ...
Player: So long as the final price is pinned down...
Player: The project between the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop will be a success!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Yeah!
Two weeks later, Kamui develops a stronger armor coating and gave Eddie the sample.
A week after that, the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop reach an agreement to reduce the price of the armor plate to 80% of the asking price.
The representatives of the two organizations chose a good day to sign the final supply contract.
The night before the signing of the contract.
Red Harbor, in a certain bar.
Several empty bottles of wine roll around next to Kamui.
Kamui: ...
Kamui: (Drinks a large glass of wine in one gulp)
Bar Owner: Hey, you had drunk too much!
Kamui: Kamui's...unhappy...
Kamui: When Kamui drinks... Kamui can forget Kamui's unhappy...
Bar Owner: All right, I think you've had enough!
Kamui: Please, don't stop Kamui...
Kamui gives a sack of money to the Bar Owner.
Kamui: Kamui's got lots of money now!
Kamui: Wine...
Kamui: Kamui can drink however much Kamui wants!
Player enters the bar
Player: Kamui? Kamui?
Bar Owner: You're finally here, Player! He's over here!
Player: !!
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: Player!
Kamui: Why are you here?
Kamui: Let's drink together!
Player: Why are you drinking so much?
Kamui: Heh heh... Let's drink!
Player asks the bar owner a question
Player: What happened?
Bar Owner: I don't know, either.
Bar Owner: Kamui suddenly showed up tonight without a word, gave me a sack of money and said he wanted to drink.
Bar Owner: I wanted to stop him, but I couldn't.
Player: I'll handle this now. Thanks for calling me.
Bar Owner: Alright...
The bar owner leaves Kamui and Player alone
Player: What happened, Kamui?
Kamui: Nothing. Kamui just feels like drinking...
Kamui lifts up a bottle of wine and pours himself another drink.
After filling the glass, he raises it to his lips...
Player: Stop drinking!
You take the glass of wine out of his hands.
Kamui is both hopelessly drunk and surprisingly strong.
You couldn't wrest the glass of wine from him, so you watched him drink it instead.
Player: (angry)
Kamui reaches out for the wine bottle again but you reach out and take it.
Kamui: What the hell? Give Kamui the wine!
Kamui: Kamui bought this wine himself.
Player: Why don't you tell me what's wrong? Otherwise, I won't let you drink any more!
Kamui: Kamui's... Kamui's not happy.
Player: Why aren't you happy?
Kamui: Kamui's unhappy. Kamui wants to drink.
Player: Seems like I'm not getting through to you.
Kamui: Give Kamui back the wine bottle!
Player: You can't drink any more!
Kamui: Well...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Kamui'll just come get it himself!
Player: !!
Player: Fine, I understand! You don't need to come get it. Here you go.
Kamui takes the wine...
Kamui: (smiles)
Player: (angry)
Player: Hey, waiter! Give me some of your best wine!
Bar Owner: Huh? Player?
Player: Yeah, yeah. Just bring us some wine!
Bar Owner: Okay...
Kamui: Are you unhappy, too, Player?
Player: Yeah.
Player sits down at the bar
Kamui pours you a glass of wine and gives it to you, his hand shaking.
Kamui: Cheers...
Player: (Raises glass)
Player: (Drinks whole glass in one gulp)
Kamui: Pretty good, Player!
Kamui immediately finishes his glass as well.
After a while, you've accumulated your own collection of empty bottles.
By now, Kamui has stopped drinking.
Kamui: (Watches you blankly)
Player: (Drinks whole glass in one gulp)
Player: ...
Player: (Pours another glass)
Kamui: Stop, Player...
Player: (Looks at Kamui)
Player: (Drinks another glass)
Kamui: Stop, Player!
Kamui: Don't drink too much!
Player: Humph!
Player: (Grabs bottle and pours another glass)
When you pick up your wine glass...
Kamui takes it away from you.
Kamui: Stop drinking!
Kamui: You're going to drink yourself to death!
Player: Oh, so now you know that someone can drink themselves to death!
Kamui: Of course Kamui knows that!
Player: Then why are you drinking so much?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: So what if Kamui wants to drink himself to death? It's none of your business, Player!
Player: How could it be none of my business?
Kamui: Kamui's life is Kamui's life! It's got nothing to do with you!
Player: ...
Player: Boss! Bring me another ten bottles!
Kamui: What do you think you're doing, Player?
Player: If you're going to drink yourself to death...
Player: Then as your best friend, I'm going to drink myself to death right alongside you!
Kamui: Stop kidding around, Player!
Player: Do I look like I'm kidding with you?
The bar owner places the wine next to you.
Bar Owner: T-take it easy...
Bar Owner: Ah, forget it. What's the use?
Player: (Picks up a bottle)
Kamui: No!
Kamui hugs you tightly.
Kamui: Kamui doesn't want you to die, Player...
As he hugs you, he begins to cry.
Kamui: Kamui'll stop drinking...
Kamui: But you need to stop too, Player.
Kamui: Okay?
Player: ...
Player: Okay!
A few moments later...
Player and Kamui start to leave the bar
Player: Where do you live, Kamui? I'll take you home!
Kamui: Burp...
Player: We've had too much to drink. I'd better take you back to the airship instead.
Kamui: Kamui did something bad...
Kamui: Something really, really bad.
Player: Huh? What?
Kamui: Kamui...
Kamui: Kamui's terrible.
Kamui: You're going to hate Kamui for this, Player...
Player: What are you talking about?
Kamui: You will hate Kamui...
Player: How could I hate you?
Kamui: You won't want to be Kamui's friend anymore, Player...
Kamui: But Kamui needs to survive. Kamui had no choice...
Player: You're talking nonsense. I'd better take you home now.
Player: You need to sign that contract tomorrow at noon.
Player: I'll always want to be your friend, Kamui!
Player: Let's go!
The next day at noon.
Eddie talks to Player and Billy at the Order of Equality headquarters
Eddie: There's only an hour left before we sign the official contract with Julian's workshop.
Eddie: Thank you for all your hard work recently, Player and Billy.
Billy: I didn't do anything. There's no need to thank me.
Player: (smiles)
Eddie: I've heard Kamui isn't feeling too well, Player...
Player: Hmm... yeah...
Player: He tried to drink himself to death at the bar last night.
Eddie: What? What happened?
Player: I don't know...
Player: When I found him, he was already out of his mind.
Player: I didn't get the chance to ask him anything.
Eddie: Then where is he now?
Player: He's resting up in the airship.
Player: I already had a doctor look at him. He'll be fine once he sobers up.
Billy: I...
Billy: He spent so much time working hard on this project...
Billy: And the day it's finally done, he's nowhere to be seen.
Billy: Even if Kamui says he doesn't care...
Billy: But this...
Billy: It'd eat away at anybody.
Player: Alas...
Eddie: I want to see him once the contract is signed.
Player: Of course!
A few moments later...
Robbie and other representatives from Julian's workshop meet with Eddie and the Order of Equality representatives for the contract signing
Robbie: The top part is the key part of the supply contract for the military airship project.
Robbie: Mr. Eddie, if you're sure there's nothing else to discuss...
Robbie: Then I think we're ready to sign.
Eddie: We're good to go. You can sign.
Robbie: Then, Mr. Eddie...
Robbie: Be my guest!
Eddie: ...
Suddenly, someone flings open the door to the meeting room
Eddie: !!
Player: Kamui!
Robbie: You traitor! What are you doing here?!
Kamui: You know who the real traitor is!
Robbie: What are you talking about?
Player: Are you okay, Kamui?
Kamui: Nope. Kamui's just getting started!
Player: !!
Kamui: Mr. Eddie. This contract is the biggest joke in all of Luxium!
Robbie: What are you going on about? Someone get in here! Take him away!
The mercenaries that Robbie brought prepare to attack Kamui
Kamui: ...
In one blow, Kamui stuns the mercenaries
Julian Mercenary: Oof, he's strong...
Eddie: Why do you say the contract is a joke, Kamui?
Kamui throws a stack of pictures on the table.
Kamui: These pictures show the representative of Julian's workshop, Robbie, and the representative of the Order of Equality...
Kamui: Conducting illegal money transactions in private!
Robbie: !!
Eddie: !!
Eddie looks at the photos on the table.
It only takes one look for him to recognize one of his subordinates.
Eddie turns around
Eddie: You?
Order of Equality Representative: On what basis do you claim we're conducting illegal transactions?!
Kamui: (Picks up another photo)
Kamui: In this picture, Robbie is giving you a large sack of money.
Kamui: This sack's got 100,000 gold in it!
Order of Equality Representative: !!
Order of Equality Representative: That's...that's just money that Robbie owes me!
Robbie: Yeah! Yeah, that's right! I owed him!
Kamui takes out a crystal
Kamui: This is a sound wave recording crystal.
The crystal plays some garbled noise, and then...
Robbie's Voice: This money is for helping us deal with our opponent during the last round of bidding.
Order of Equality Representative's Voice: You're too kind, Robbie! Everything I did, I did for the Order of Equality!
Robbie's Voice: Once the contract between the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop is signed, there will be ten times as much in it for you.
Robbie's Voice: Please remain careful for now.
Eddie: !!
Robbie: Uh, Kamui...
Robbie: Do you think this will ruin our deal?
Kamui: (smiles)
Kamui: Robbie...
Kamui: Kamui's not done yet.
Robbie: What is it you're trying to accomplish here?!
Kamui: Mr. Eddie, the armor plate that Julian is going to provide the Order of Equality are all defective!
Eddie: Defective?!
Robbie: Poppycock! Julian's armor plate can withstand mid-sized flux cannons!
Kamui hands a document to Eddie.
Kamui: Kamui promised to make a more powerful coating.
Kamui: Eddie, this is the basic production method of the special coating. Kamui wrote it himself.
Eddie: Kamui...
Kamui: The coating that resists Flux blasts contains the Flux techniques from Kamui's homeland.
Kamui: You framed Kamui and kicked Kamui out...
Kamui: So where could you get the Flux-resistant coating?
Robbie: You fool...
Robbie: You think that time just stops without you?
Robbie: After we got rid of you, traitor, Julian invested a lot of funds...
Robbie: We developed an armor coating that resists high-intensity Flux!
Robbie: It's several times stronger than the garbage you made...
Kamui: Robbie!
Kamui: Then pull some out. Let's test it.
Robbie: It would be my pleasure!
Robbie: Bring out the product!
A moment later, Robbie presents a large robot in front of Kamui
Robbie: This self-propelled artillery bot uses our latest armor technology. It was originally intended to be a thank-you gift for the Order of Equality once we signed the contract.
Eddie: We don't mind.
Eddie: It would be to both parties' benefit to prove the durability of the armor in-person.
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Phew.
Kamui: Hahhh!!
You see the air around Kamui begin to howl.
There is a bright flash...
Then the robot is melted and turned into a puddle of molten iron.
Robbie: What! How is this possible?
Eddie: Care to explain this, Robbie?
Robbie: Uh...
Eddie: Was Julian's workshop really planning on selling this hunk of metal to the Order of Equality?
Robbie: N-no, Mr. Eddie...
Robbie: We would never... We'd never do a thing like that!
Eddie: So are you telling me that Kamui's strike had the power of a heavy Flux blast?
Robbie: Uh... Judging by the looks of things, it's very possible!
Robbie: Kamui must have used some kind of trick to melt our robot like that!
Eddie: That would still be unacceptable!
Eddie: The Order of Equality can't do business with an underhanded company like yours!
Eddie: This conversation is over. We're going!
Robbie: No!
Robbie: Mr. Eddie, please let me explain. Our armor plate has been tested countless times. There's no way...
Eddie: Guards! Show them out.
Robbie: Uh...
Kamui: ...
Robbie: Kamui...
Suddenly, Robbie pulls out a dagger.
Robbie: Go to hell!
Kamui: !!
As Robbie attacks Kamui, Player gets between them
Player: (Unsheathes blade)
Player: What are you doing?!
Billy: You make me sick!
Billy smashes Robbie with his Robot Plier
Robbie: Uh...
Robbie falls to the ground
Julian Employee: What are you doing?
Eddie: Nobody move, unless you've got a death wish!
Billy: (angry)
Player: (angry)
The members of Julian's workshop put down their weapons.
Eddie: Hand Robbie over to the Defense Force!
Order of Equality Member: Yes, sir!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: ...
Kamui: (surprised)
Kamui runs out of the room after realizing something
Player: Kamui!
A short time later, that evening.
Billy looks over the airship console on the bridge
Player: Billy, have you found Kamui?
Billy: Not yet, Captain.
Player: Where could he have gone?
Billy: Captain, do you think he might've gone to Red Harbor to seek revenge against Julian?
Player: I'm more worried that he might try to hurt himself somehow!
Player: I'll go look some more.
Player: !!
Kamui: Don't bother, Kamui's here.
You give Kamui a tight hug.
Player: You scared me, Kamui...
Player: I'm glad you're okay...
Billy: What's going on, Kamui?
Kamui: It's a long story.
Billy: Well now that the partnership between the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop has concluded, the captain and I have nothing better to do...
Billy: We've got lots of time.
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Is Robbie all right?
Billy: ...
Billy: He's fine. He came to his senses shortly after arriving at the Defense Force.
Billy: After he paid his bail, he returned to Red Harbor.
Kamui seems to sigh.
Kamui: Uh huh...
Kamui rubs his head...
Kamui: Uh, Player...
Player: What's this?
Player: A certificate for two million gold?!
Kamui: Kamui thinks that settles Kamui's debt, Player.
Player: Where did you get this certificate, Kamui?
Kamui: Kamui made a withdrawal at Red Harbor.
Player: That's not what I mean. I mean, how did you come across this much money?
Kamui: Kamui got a reward.
Player: A reward?
Billy: Captain, look here! This company is the chief competitor of Julian's workshop!
Billy points to the signature on the certificate.
Player: BlackFlame Smelting Factory?!
Kamui: Julian's workshop found Kamui and wanted Kamui to work for them again.
Kamui: But Kamui refused.
Kamui: Someone from the BlackFlame Smelting Factory found Kamui. Using their resources...
Kamui: Kamui planned all of this.
Player: !!
Kamui: ...
Kamui: You said Kamui needed to change, Player.
Kamui: To adapt to this world.
Kamui: did Kamui do?
Player: !!
Player: Adapt...
Player: You did well.
Kamui: Really?
Kamui: Kamui changed. Kamui adapted...
Kamui: The smelting factory gave Kamui a lot of money.
Kamui: Kamui thinks Kamui can make it in this world now.
Kamui turns to leave
Player: Where are you going?
Kamui: Kamui's going back to Red Harbor. Kamui needs to work tomorrow.
Player: I'll take you back in the airship!
Kamui: There's no need. Kamui'll take a public airship.
Player: Billy, set our destination for Red Harbor. Let's lift off ASAP!
Billy: Got it!
Kamui: Player?
Player: You're on my airship. I'm in charge here!
Player: And I'm taking you back!
A few moments later...
Late night, Red Harbor's main street.
Kamui: Kamui lives a long way from the airship dock, Player.
Kamui: Kamui can take it from here.
Player: I told you I was going to take you home, and I intend to do just that!
Kamui: Why?
Kamui: Kamui lied to you, Player. Kamui lied to Eddie...
Kamui: Kamui ruined the partnership between the Order of Equality and Julian's workshop.
Player: Yeah, that was unexpected!
Kamui: Besides, Kamui's taken care of Kamui's debt...
Kamui: You don't need to worry about Kamui anymore, Player.
Player: Kamui...
Player: I don't know if you remember what happened last night...
Player: When I brought you back to the airship, I promised you...
Player: That I would never hate you and I would never abandon you!
Kamui: !!
Player: Let's go! I haven't seen where you live yet.
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Alas...
Kamui and Player continue walking but encounter a drunk man
Player: Uh...
Player: (He smells like booze... How much has this guy had to drink?)
Drunk Man: Hey! Outta my way!
Player: This voice...
Kamui: Robbie?
Robbie: Ka...mui...
Robbie: Why can't I...just get away from you...?
Robbie: Look at what you've done to still can't let me go?
Kamui: How much have you had to drink?
Robbie: That's none of your business!
Robbie: Thanks to you, Kamui... My reputation is ruined.
Robbie: Julian fired me. Nobody in Red Harbor will hire me now...
Robbie: No work... No money to pay off my loans...
Robbie: My wife...left with my children...
Kamui: !!
Robbie: Now my wife and children are gone and I have nothing...
Robbie: I'm not your enemy, Kamui.
Robbie: You won. It was a complete victory.
Robbie: Are you happy now?!
Player: Robbie, you should've considered this sooner!
Player: If you hadn't planned to frame Kamui...
Player: Then you wouldn't be in this situation!
Robbie: Planned? Frame?
Robbie: I'm not Kamui, Player...
Robbie: You have no idea how terrifying this guy is, do you?
Player: Terrifying?
Robbie: Kamui is...he's such a fast learner...
Robbie: Even though he knew nothing about machines, in just two weeks he gained a complete understanding of the basics.
Robbie: In another two weeks, he knew enough to do it for a living!
Robbie: When I asked him how he did it, he kept it a secret, and played dumb...
Kamui: Kamui didn't keep anything a secret!
Robbie: I've had enough! You've already won. Now you still want to taunt me?
Robbie: Not just can also do arcana.
Robbie: If I had one tenth of your ability, or...if you held yourself back...
Robbie: Would I go so far as to frame you?
Player: This is the first time I've ever heard anyone try to defend their jealousy like this!
Robbie: You think I like this?
Robbie: I've still got a loan on my house...
Robbie: I have to pay the tuition for my son's private school...
Robbie: I've got to take care of my parents.
Robbie: And the project with the Order of Equality was the only chance I had!
Robbie: Kamui took all the credit at the bidding negotiations.
Robbie: If I didn't do something, then I was gonna...
Kamui: Robbie... Kamui had no idea...
Robbie: I used my own savings to build a relationship with the people from the Order of Equality...
Robbie: I gave everything for this project!
Robbie: I'm its greatest asset!
Player: Shut up!
Robbie: !!
Player: You know, Robbie...
Player: You...
All Choices - Choice 1.1: "You're utter scum!" OR Choice 1.2: "You're nothing but a selfish jerk!" OR Choice 1.3: "That's what you get for being incompetent!"
No additional dialog
Conversation continues after choices
Player: Did you ever stop to think that the project with the Order of Equality was important to Kamui, too?
Player: If Kamui hadn't been there at the bidding negotiations, then Julian's workshop...
Player: Wouldn't have a prayer!
Robbie: All right... I'm trash, I got what I deserve...
Robbie: You guys think you're so noble?
Robbie: Julian's workshop invested a lot of funds into the project with the Order of Equality.
Robbie: And thanks to the trouble you caused, Kamui, Julian's workshop is ruined.
Robbie: In order for the company to survive, half of its employees need to be laid off!
Kamui: !!
Robbie: They lost their jobs and their homes, all thanks to you, Kamui!
Robbie: They... And I...
Robbie: Will haunt you for as long as you live!
Robbie: Ha-ha!
Robbie staggers away, yelling
Robbie: We will haunt you for as long as you live!!!
Robbie: Hahahahaha!
Player: He's lost his mind.
Player: Don't worry about him, Kamui. Let's go.
Kamui: ...
Player: Kamui?
Kamui: ...
Kamui: Kamui's not a bad person, Player...
Player: Robbie has only himself to blame. Don't punish yourself for his mistakes!
Kamui: Kamui knows, but...
Kamui: When Kamui first came to Julian's workshop, Kamui learned a lot from Robbie.
Kamui: And the people who were laid off because of Kamui, they were innocent...
Player: Kamui...
Player: Legally speaking, you haven't violated any of Red Harbor's or Never Isle's laws...
Player: Morally speaking, you exposed Julian's subterfuge and saved the Order of Equality a lot of money.
Kamui: Kamui knows, but... Kamui feels bad.
Player: That's because you're so kind.
Player: But...
Choice 2.1 - Sometimes you have to get your hands a little dirty to win.
Player: Kamui...
Player: If you want to make your own way in Red Harbor and really achieve something...
Player: This is only the beginning.
Kamui: ...
Player: New winners...
Player: Are born from the corpses of the old winners!
Player: That's just the way it is!
Choice 2.2 - This is just part of doing business.
Player: Kamui...
Player: This kind of thing happens all the time in Red Harbor and in Luxium.
Player: As we speak, there are companies laying off their employees, merging, even going bankrupt.
Kamui: That's just the way it is.
Player: It's a dog-eat-dog world.
Player: If you want to be predator and not prey, this is how it's got to be!
Conversation continues after choices
Kamui: Even if Kamui had a reason to stay in Red Harbor...
Kamui: Was this really the right thing to do?
Kamui: ...
Kamui slaps his own face.
Kamui: Forget it! What's done is done!
Kamui: This is where Kamui lives, Player.
A few moments later...
Kamui: This is Kamui's home.
???: I'm sorry...
Two workers approach Kamui
Young Worker A: I'm sorry, guys...
Young Worker A: My buddy and I just came to Red Harbor and we don't know our way around.
Young Worker A: Do you know where we can find a cheap inn?
Young Worker B: The cheaper, the better. We don't have much money...
Kamui: Yeah. Go straight ahead and then turn left into the small alley.
Kamui: There's a cheap inn there. It's 200 gold per night, but the accommodations aren't all that great.
Young Worker A: 200...
The two workers exchange glances.
Young Worker B: you know where we can find an unoccupied shelter?
Player: An unoccupied shelter?
Kamui: You don't have enough money?
Young Worker B: Yeah, we came here from the Red Desert to work.
Young Worker B: We only have ten or so gold on us right now.
Player: Well...
Kamui: If you guys don't mind, you can stay in Kamui's place.
Young Worker A: Really?
Kamui: Of course!
Kamui: However, the two of you will have to squeeze into Kamui's living room for the night.
The two young workers smiled like children tasting honey for the first time.
Young Worker B: That would be great! The past couple days, we've slept under enough stars to last us a lifetime.
Young Worker A: We're not freeloaders, sir. Once we've earned some money from working, we'll pay you back!
Kamui: !!
Kamui: That won't be necessary. Kamui's a worker as well. Kamui's just looking after Kamui's fellow man.
Young Worker B: Then we'll help you with your chores! We're hard workers!
Kamui: It's really not necessary. You guys go in and get some rest. You must be tired after your long journey.
The two workers enter Kamui's house
Young Worker A: Whoa! Look at this chair! It's so comfortable!
Young Worker B: When you press this thing, water comes out. No wonder we couldn't find any wells.
Young Worker B: I'm gonna get my family one of these once I've got the money!
Young Worker A: Me too! I want to learn all about the things city people use!
Player: ...
Player: Now that you're home, Kamui, I'm going to head back.
Player: !!
Kamui trembles.
Tears start to stream down his face and fall to the ground.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Kamui: Kamui's become a bad person.
Player: Kamui...
Kamui: Player...
Kamui: Limuthule is the Alterland god of the forest.
Kamui: Every Alterland person needs to obey the teachings of Limuthule.
Kamui: Limuthule requires us to be honest with others and not to use lies or deceit to achieve our own selfish interests.
Kamui: You're supposed to be kind to others, to refrain from framing others or conspiring against them. Even if they're your enemy...
Kamui: You need to be diligent and sincere. You cannot be opportunistic. You need to be humble.
Kamui: Kamui violated every single one of Limuthule's teachings.
Kamui: Kamui's become the kind of person Kamui hates the most!
Player: But if you want to survive in Red Harbor, you need a reason for staying here, right?
Kamui: Right!
Kamui: However!
Kamui: Kamui did not come to Red Harbor...
Kamui: Just to become a 'winner!'
Kamui: Kamui originally came to Red Harbor...
Kamui: To see and learn about the outside world, just like those guys. To help other Alterlands. To help...
Kamui: Kamui's brother...
Kamui: Player, Kamui...
Kamui: Kamui wants to go back to being the person Kamui used to be!
Continue to Intimacy Level 12



Default Skin

Kamui Default
Front Back
Kamui Front
Kamui Back
Right Left
Kamui Right
Kamui Left

Epiphany Skin
Reach Epiphany Level 4 to unlock

KamuiEphi Default
Front Back
KamuiEphi Front
KamuiEphi Back
Right Left
KamuiEphi Right
KamuiEphi Left

Cool Skin
Unlock with Cool Skin Coupon x100

Front/Default Back
KamuiC Front Default
KamuiC Back
Right Left
KamuiC Right
KamuiC Left


Kamui Normal1
Kamui Normal2
KamuiG Normal1
KamuiG Normal2

Kamui Happy1
Kamui Happy2
KamuiG Happy1
KamuiG Happy2

Kamui Shy1
Kamui Shy2
KamuiG Shy1
KamuiG Shy2

Kamui Angry
KamuiG Angry

Kamui Surprised
KamuiG Surprised

Kamui Sad
KamuiG Sad

Kamui Embarras
KamuiG Embarras

Kamui Serious
KamuiG Serious


Title: Forest Hunt
Artist: Mentaiko Itto
Unlock requirements: Kamui's Intimacy reaches Lv.7 to unlock

Title: Flowing Creek
Artist: Mentaiko Itto
Unlock requirements: Kamui's Epiphany reaches 2-Star and Intimacy reaches Lv.8 to unlock

Title: No Trick
Artist: Mentaiko Itto
Unlock requirements: Kamui's Epiphany reaches 3-Star and Intimacy reaches Lv.10 to unlock
Note: Wiki photo modified compared to in-game photo to comply with Fandom Community Guidelines

Title: 2023 Winter
Artist: Mentaiko Itto
Unlock requirements: Kamui's Intimacy reaches Lv.1 to unlock
Kamui SEAvote4


Note: Skins will use the audio from the basic skin unless indicated otherwise.

Kamui's Basic Skin[]

