Special thanks to Cal Ryder for letting me use his Guide to Holograms
What are Holograms[]
Holograms will be available to you once you reach level 25. They can be used in PvE and PvP battles. When the conditions for the Hologram skill are reached, the skill will be triggered passively and only takes effect once. After the skill is cast, the Hologram disappears. The Hologram’s effect may vary based on if it’s used in PvE or PvP. In PvP, the action order is determined by Speed when the skills of both sides are triggered simultaneously. Only one Hologram can be deployed during the battle.
Each Hologram carries a Bonus which will be effective once the Hologram is purchased. These Bonuses are cumulative and will add up, so the more Holograms you own, the more Bonuses to your character will you get (same mechanic as with bonuses from titles).
Types of Holograms[]
There are four types of Holograms: (from top left clockwise) Machine, Human, Animal and Elemental.
In PvP each Hologram type suppresses and is suppressed by a different type of Hologram.
As in diagram shown:
- Machine suppresses Human
- Human suppresses Anima
- Animal suppresses Elemental
- Elemental suppresses Machine
If both opponents use the same type of Hologram or they use Holograms that don’t affect each other (Human-Elemental and Machine-Animal) then neither gets suppressed. If a hologram gets suppressed some of their skills will affect less enemy units and/or won’t get activated at all.
How to deploy a Hologram[]
After you successfully purchase a Hologram you are able to deploy the hologram either in Team Set (Cube Menu → Gyee → Team Set) or directly on battlefield by clicking the now unlocked space behind your team.
Cost of Holograms[]
After the unlocking conditions are reached, you can spend Gold to buy Holograms. The more Holograms you own, the more expensive will the purchase of the next hologram be, with base beginning at 200 000 Gold and going up.
Groups of Holograms based on unlocking conditions[]
Free Group[]
This group does not require the purchase of additional items to unlock the ability to purchase any given hologram. But you need to fulfill the requirements given to be able to purchase them.
Blackflame Bloodshed group[]
This group of holograms requires the purchase of hologram “seals” to unlock the purchase of a given hologram. The “seals” can be found in BlackFlame Shop (Cube menu → Supply → Arena Shop → BlackFlame Shop). Every hologram “seal” costs 10,000 BlackFlame Tokens which can be obtained by buying BlackFlame Vouchers (from Arena Supply or BlackFlame Shop) and using them to bet in Blackflame Bloodshed. If a bet is won, you gain 150 tokens so there are 67 won bets needed (10,050 Tokens) in order to be able to purchase a hologram from this group.
Blessings group[]
This group also requires a “seal” that unlocks the ability to purchase a given hologram. For this you will need to purchase 3000 White Dragonshards in a given season of Blessings. Per one season of Blessings you’re able to obtain one Gift - Hologram/Gyee, Redeem Material. This can be redeemed to get a desired Hologram “seal” to unlock the purchase of a Hologram.
Start off strong[]
These Holograms trigger at the start of the battle, before anyone takes a turn.
When to use: Use these Holograms to start the battle off with a strong effect that gives you an advantage.
Void Charge[]
Unlocks: with Void Charge (Blessings)
Class: Animal
Bonus: HP +100
Clarified description:
Removes Tanks and Supports from combat for 1 round. If neither is present, removes all Warriors instead.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Removes 1 random enemy regardless of class.
In-game description:
When battle begins, if in PvE, deals physical damage equal to Hologram’s ATK*1000% to all the non-Boss monsters (this damage is up to target’s max HP*50%); if in PvP, knocks away Tank and Support characters in enemy team. If there is no Tank or Support characters in the enemy team, knocks away all the Warrior characters. The knocked-away unit is inflicted with Free Fall effect.
Free Fall: the character is in Out of Battlefield state and takes physical damage equal to self’s max HP*50% when back.
Removes before the character acts in the next round. Lasts 1 round. can't be purified.
Weakening effect when suppressed: skill now targets 1 random enemy unit and disable the damage from Free Fall.
Nightmare Echo[]
Unlocks: with Nightmare Echo (Blessings)
Class: Elemental
Bonus: M.ATK +8
Clarified description:
Applies Freeze to all enemies for 2 rounds, disabling their Melee Skills. If hit with a physical attack, they take 30% max HP damage.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Only applies Freeze for 2 random enemies instead.
In-game description:
When battle begins, inflicts Ultralow Temperature to all the enemies. Ineffective to the Boss unit.
Ultralow Temperature: this is a Frozen effect. The character can cast no melee skills. When attacked by single-targeted physical skill, takes damage equal to max HP*30% and then removes this effect. This damage ignores shield, death immunity, and any damage reduction effect (including Invincible). Lasts 2 rounds. Can’t be purified.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: skill no longer targets all enemies, instead targeting 2 random enemies.
On the clock[]
There Holograms trigger on specific rounds, regardless of what else is going on.
When to Use: Use there Holograms for an effect you can rely on happening, as it only needs time to trigger, so you can play around it reliably.
Corrosive Eye[]
Unlocks: Kill the Laser Robot Cyclop in Chapter 10
Class: Machine
Bonus: P.ATK +13
Clarified description:
On round 3, damage all enemies who have a DOT on the, scaling with each unique DOT effect on enemy (up to 6).
Weakening effect when suppressed: Damage only with different DOT types (up to 3).
In-game description:
Before each enemy takes action, if they have a damage over time effect (poison, burn, bleed), then they gain 1 stack of Deteriorate. If Target has more than 1 type of effects, gains 1 stack of Deteriorate for each type. At the the beginning of the 3rd full round, deals damage on enemies based on the number of Deteriorate stacks.
Deteriorate: Each stack deals magical damage equal to 300% of the caster’s ATK. Stacks up to 6 times, can't be purified, lasts until battle ends.
Weakening Effect when suppressed:
Before enemy target act, inflicts 1 stack of Deteriorate to the enemy target with damage over time (poison, burn, bleed).
Enemies with multiple different types of damage over time effect will not get additional stacks of Deteriorate.
Void Claw[]
Unlocks: upon reaching level 25
Class: Animal
Bonus: HP +100
Clarified description:
On round 2, applies a vulnerability debuff on all enemies that scales with every hit. Increases the Damate they take up to 32%. Lasts 3 rounds
Weakening Effect when suppressed: Only scales up to +16%.
In-game description:
When the second full round starts, places Void Tear on all enemies.
Void Tear: Increases the target’s damage taken by 4%. Gains 1 stack after taking damage from an active skill, stacking up to 8 times. Lasts 3 rounds, can't be purified.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: Reduces the max stacks of Void Tear to 4 stacks.
Void Bear[]
Unlocks: Use Void Bear to unlock (BlackFlame Shop)
Class: Animal
Bonus: HP +100
Clarified description:
On round 2, deals magic damage to all enemies and applies bomb to all enemies that deonates if the enemy uses a Skill (other than basic).
Weakening Effect when suppressed: Only damages and debuffs 2 random enemies.
In-game description:
When the second full round begins, deals M. DMG equal to ATK *300% to all the enemies and inflicts Shock Source effect on them.
Shock Source: when self casts active skill, Defense or Normal Attack not included, deals 5000 fixed damage to other allies.
Lasts 2 rounds, can't be purified.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: skill no longer targets all enemies, instead targeting 2 random units.
Corrosive Horn[]
Unlocks: use Corrosive Horn to unlock (Blessings)
Class: Machine
Bonus: SPD +5
Clarified description:
Applies stacking bombs on enemies, scaling with each enemy killed. On round 3, detonate all the bombs. Adds a DOT with enough stacks.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Applies fewer extra bombs on enemy kills, and doesn’t apply a DOT.
In-game description:
Before ally avatars take action, places 3 stacks of Unbalanced Load on a random enemy. When an enemy dies, places 2 stacks of Unbalanced Load on a random enemy.
During the 3rd full round, damage is dealt based on the total number of Unbalanced Load stacks on the enemies. The more stacks there are, the higher the damage is. If a target has 3 or more stacks, then the target also gains Paralysis and Electronic Turbulence.
Unbalanced Load: When calculating the damage, each stack deals damage equal to 250% of the Hologram’s ATK. Stacks up to 6 times, can't be purified, lasts until battle ends.
Paralysis: While the effect is active, loses control of the character and can't receive any healing effects. Lasts 2 rounds, can't be purified.
Electronic Turbulence: Before the target takes action, deals True Damage equal to 350% of the caster’s ATK. Does not stack, can't be purified, lasts until battle ends.
Weakening effect when suppressed:
Extra stacks of Unbalanced Load are reduced to 1 stack after killing an enemy, and Electronic Turbulence is no longer added after the effect has been settled.
Press the Advance[]
These Holograms trigger when you kill an enemy, or drop an enemy below a certain HP".
When to use: Use these Holograms if you know yo can secure an early kill or at least get close as they further ensure your odds of winning by weakening your enemy.
Spirit Blade[]
Unlocks: Kill Sergant Gru in Nightmare 101-3
Class: Human
Bonus: P.ATK +13
Clarified description:
Upon an enemy dropping below 30% HP, deals massive damage to them and all other enemies below 30% HP. Heals allies with every kill.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Only attacks 1 enemy, and healing is halved.
In-game description:
After an ally takes action, if there are enemies whose current HP is lower than 30% of their max HP, then deals True Damage equal to 1, 200% of ATK to every enemy that fulfills Killing requirements and restores HP equal to 1,200% of ATK to the ally with the lowest HP. Enemies that fulfill Killing requirements gain Adorable Lamb.
Adorable Lamb: target fulfills Killing requirements.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: can't slash continuously and HP recovery is halved.
Spirit Dance[]
Unlocks: Kill the Lab Motherooze in Nightmare 105-6
Class: Human
Bonus: SPD +5
Clarified description:
Upon a killing, tandomly applies Paralysis, Delay, Scar or Raw Damage to each remaining enemy. Debuffs last 2 rounds. Paralysis lasts 1 round.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Only randomly applies Paralysis or Delay.
In-game description:
After an ally takes action, if at least 1 enemy dies, then places Darkflux Paralysis, Darkflux Delay, Darkflux Plague and Darkflux Corrosion on a random enemy, and deals magical damage equal to 400% of the Hologram’s ATK to the enemy with the lowest HP, or 800% of the Hologram’s ATK if the enemy has one of the four debuffs.
Darkflux Paralysis: While the effect is active, loses control of the character and can't receive healing effects. Lasts 1 round, can be purified.
Darkflux Delay: Ignores the action order and acts as the last unit. Lasts 2 rounds, can't be purified.
Darkflux Plague: While the effect is active, the target takes 15,000 static damage before taking action. After taking action, spreads Darkflux Plague to random adjacent units. Stacks up to 2 times, lasts 2 rounds, can be purified.
Darkflux Corrosion: While the effect is active, targets takes 20% more damage. Lasts 2 rounds, can't be purified.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: skill will not add Darkflux Plague or Darkflux Corrosion.
Rusty Shell[]
Unlocks: with Rusty Shell (BlackFlame Shop)
Class: Machine
Bonus: P.ATK +13
Clarified description:
Upon an enemy dropping below 50% HP, applies a bomb on all enemies. If an enemy dies, they explode and damage all other enemies.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Only targets the two lowest HP units.
In-game description:
After any ally acts, if any enemy’s HP is lower than 50%, deals physical damage equal to Hologram’s ATK*300% to all the enemies and inflicts Infective Abscess
Infective Abscess: the character explodes upon death, dealing M.DMG equal to the caster’s ATK*500% to all allies. Lasts until the battle ends. can't be Purified.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: Skill no longer targets all enemies, instead targeting the 2 enemy units with the lowest HP.
Ghost Treasure[]
Unlocks: Use Ghost Treasure to unlock (Blessings)
Class: Human
Bonus: SPD +5
Clarified description:
Upon a kill, applies a Deform to all enemies for 1 round, drains Mana/Rage/Focus and restores allies Mana/Rage/Focus.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Only applies Deform to 2 random enemies.
In-game description:
After any ally acts, if any enemy is defeated, inflicts Bid Debt to all the enemies and inflicts Big Fortune to all the allies.
Big Debt: deforms the character into a Cannye before acting. The Cannye can only cast skill Pay Debt. In PvE deals M.DMG equal to character’s ATK*600% to self; in PvP, cost self 30 Mana/1 Concentration/20 Focus/15 Rage. Lasts 1 round, can't be purified.
Big Fortune: recovers self 30 Mana/1 Concentration/20 Focus/25 Rage before acting. Lasts 1 round. can't be dispelled.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: skill no longer targets all enemies, instead targeting 2 random enemy units.
Bounce Back[]
These Holograms trigger when an ally dies, or an ally drops below a certain HP%.
When to use: Use these Holograms to even the playing field if you're put at a disadvantage with a downed ally, of if losing an ally would compromise your team comp too much.
Nightmare Mud[]
Unlocks: Kill the Motherooze in Chapter 11
Class: Elemental
Bonus: M.ATK +8
Clarified description:
Upon ally death, all enemies deal 50% less damage and have their resistance reduced by 100% for 2 rounds.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Only reduces enemy damage by 50%
In-game description:
After an ally dies, places Disarm and Dissolve on all enemies.
Disarm: Reduces enemy ATK by 50%. Lasts 2 rounds, can't be purified.
Dissolve: Reduces both of the target’s resistances by 100%. Lasts 2 rounds, can't be purified.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: skill will not add Dissolve.
Nightmare Statue[]
Unlocks: use Nightmare Statue (BlackFlame Shop)
Class: Elemental
Bonus: M.ATK +8
Clarified description:
Upon ally death, surviving allies gain a shield for 2 rounds. Enemies that hit the shield will single-target attack are Stunned for 2 rounds.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Only applies the shield without stun effect.
In-game description:
After an ally dies, all allies gain Ancient Protection.
Ancient Protection: Gains a shield equal to 800% of the Hologram’s ATK and increases both resistances by 30%. When taking a single attack, stuns the attacker. Lasts 2 rounds, can't be dispelled.
Stun: While this effect is active, loses control of the character. Lasts 2 rounds, can be purified. Note: If the damage breaks the shield, then the attacker will not be stunned.
Weakening effect when suppressed: The Stun effect of Ancient Protection is disabled.
Phantom Shield[]
Unlocks: with Phantom Shield (BlackFlame Shop)
Class: Human
Bonus: SPD +5
Clarified description:
Upon ally death, surviving allies have a 65% chance to dodge attacks for 2 rounds.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Dodge chance is reduced to 30%
In-game description:
When the round changes, if there is any defeated ally, inflicts Ghost’s Shade to all allies.
Ghost’s Shade: when the character is attacked, they have a chance of 65% to dodge. Lasts 2 rounds. can't be dispelled.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: The dodge chance of Haunting Discharge is reduced from 65% to 30%.
Wine of Corrosion[]
Unlocks: Use Wine of Corrosion (BlackFlame Shop)
Class: Machine
Bonus: P.ATK +13
Clarified description:
Upon an ally dropping below 50% HP, all allies gain a delayed massive heal after 2 rounds, or they will get REZ if they die before the 2 rounds.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Only applies effect to 1 ally who has the lowest % HP
In-game description:
After any enemy’s round, if any ally’s HP is lower than half of his max HP (defeated allies not included), inflicts Full Wine to all allies.
Full Wine: resurrects at once upon defeat and recovers self half of max HP. If this effect is not triggered and removed normally, recovers full HP. Lasts 2 rounds, can't be dispelled.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: Skill no longer targets all allies, instead targeting the 1 ally with the lowest HP.
Void Chela[]
Unlocks: Use Void Chela to unlock (Blessings)
Class: Animal
Bonus: HP +100
Clarified description:
Upon ally dropping below 30%, applies [Stun] to all enemies for 1 round. Hitting an enemy affected by this [Stun] deals bonus magical damage.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: Only stuns 2 random enemies.
In-game description:
When an ally takes damage, if their HP is lower than 30% of their max HP or they die, then Void Constraint is placed on all enemies.
Void Constraint: Target is unable to move for 1 round.This effect can't be purified.
When removed, deals magical countercharge damage equal to 300% ATK on target. For every 1 death on the target’s side, deals additional magical countercharge damage equal to 300% ATK.Note: Damage dealt by countercharge is based on stats of the tarchet with Void Constraint.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: skill no longer targets all enemies, instead targeting 2 random enemy units.
Nightmare Spirit[]
Unlocks: Use Nightmare Spirit (Blessings)
Class: Elemental
Bonus: M.ATK +8
Clarified description:
Upon ally death, applies Chaos to 2 adjacent enemies, forcing them to attack each other for 2 rounds. Enemies with Chaos will counterattack.
Weakening effect when suppressed: Enemies won’t counterattack each other.
In-game description:
After an ally dies, attaches Nightmare Realm to 1 random enemy output unit and 1 random adjacent enemy unit.
Nightmare Realm: When self is bound by Nightmare Spirit’s skill effect, both sides will get Nightmare for 2 rounds. This effect can’t be purified.
Nightmare: This is a Taunt-type effect. While the effect is active, character goes out of control and automatically launches a normal attack against another character with Nightmare Realm. Upon suffering an attack from another character with Nightmare Realm, automatically counterattacks dealing ATK*500% True Damage. Lasts 2 rounds can’t be purified.
Weakening Effect when suppressed: Character with Nightmare will no longer automatically counterattack when attacked by the character with Nightmare Realm.