Lightning Arcanists can manipulate Metal Flux. They can summon lightning to strike enemies, absorb energy from lightning, and cast lethal spells.
The Lightning Arcanist is one of the three Avatar classes that the player can unlock at the start of the game.
He starts with the following skills unlocked:
- Basic Skill
- Infused Bolt
- Advanced Skill
- Electric Shock
- Ultimate Skill
- Lightning Barrage
- Mastery
- Flux Envoy
- Flux Combo
- Defense
Leveling the Lightning Arcanist with Metal Flux crystals will randomly upgrade his existing skills and unlock others.
Basic Skill[]
Infused Bolt Cost: 10 Mana Cool Down: None Flux: Non-elemental Type: Ranged | |
Skill Description | |
Arcanist releases lightning flux, dealing M.DMG equal to M.ATK*[Skill Level] to 1 enemy and granting 1 [Static Charge].
Skill Level
| |
Passives | |
Requires 55 Avatar Insight each to unlock
Advanced Skills[]
The Lightning Arcanist can equip one of the following advanced skills:
Electric Shock Cost: 45 Mana Cool Down: 2 Rounds Flux: Metal Type: Ranged | |
Skill Description | |
Arcanist releases massive lightning flux, dealing M.DMG equal to M.ATK*[Skill Level] to 1 enemy, has a great chance to add [Paralysis] and granting 1 stack of [Static Charge].
Skill Level
| |
Passives | |
Requires 160 Avatar Insight each to unlock
Spell Bite Cost: 45 Mana Cool Down: 2 Rounds Flux: Metal Type: Ranged Unlocked at Spec Level 10 | |
Skill Description | |
Arcanist tries to steal 1 Blessing or Cure buff (Note: steals the targets' all Blessing and Cure buffs in PVP modes) from 1 enemy and deals true damage equal to the target's current HP*[Skill Level] (up to Arcanist's M.ATK *270%). Grants 1 stack of [Static Charge]. If the target does not have any magic buffs, grants 1 extra stack of [Static Charge].
Skill Level
| |
Passives | |
Requires 160 Avatar Insight each to unlock
Power Grid Cost: 45 Mana Cool Down: 3 Rounds Flux: Metal Type: Ranged Purchase from the Inner Nexus shop for 10,920 points | |
Skill Description | |
Arcanist fires a thunderbolt barrage, dealing M.DMG equal to M.ATK *240% to 1 enemy, inflicting 1 stack of [Electricity] and gaining 1 stack of [Static Charge].
| |
Passives | |
Requires 160 Avatar Insight each to unlock
Ultimate Skills[]
The Lightning Arcanist can equip one of the following ultimate skills:
Lightning Barrage Cost: 70 Mana Cool Down: None Flux: Metal Type: Ranged | |
Skill Description | |
Arcanist gathers lightning flux on the artifact to cast a Lightning Barrage to 1, dealing M.DMG equal to M.ATK*[Skill Level]. Consumes all [Static Charge]. Each stack of [Static Charge] cost increases the damage of Lightning Barrage by 19%.
Skill Level
| |
Passives | |
Requires 320 Avatar Insight each to unlock
Static Field Cost: 70 Mana Cool Down: None Flux: Metal Type: Ranged Unlocked at Spec Level 15 | |
Skill Description | |
After 1 round of chanting (Skips chanting if the Arcanist is the only mage in the party), Arcanist calls forth lightning flux to cover the whole battlefield, dealing magical damage equal to M.ATK*[Skill Level] to 1 enemy and 50% damage to enemies nearby the target. Consumes all [Static Charge]. Each 1 stack of [Static Charge] cost increases the damage of Static Field by 8%.
Skill Level
| |
Passives | |
Requires 320 Avatar Insight each to unlock
The Lightning Arcanist always has these skills available or active once they're unlocked:
Flux Envoy Cost: None Cool Down: None | |
Skill Description | |
At the start of the battle, grants 1 stack of [Static Charge]. Arcana energy flows through the body when the battle starts. Increases Arcanist's damage by (8.50% + Mastery Bonus), decreases the Area P.DMG and grants 4 stacks of [Flux Envoy]. After that, each 1 round reduces 1 stack of [Flux Envoy], forming a 4-round loop. When the character starts a round being controlled, grants 1 stack of [Static Charge].
Flux Combo Cost: None Cool Down: None | |
Skill Description | |
Ignores the target's shield effects, reduces massive HP of all the enemies. The reduction value is related to the team's level and energy. |
Defense Cost: None Cool Down: None | |
Skill Description | |
While in the defense status, damage received decreases by 10% for 1 round. |
Hide Cost: None Cool Down: None Unlocked at Spec Level 18 | |
Skill Description | |
When you receive a fatal damage, has a chance to enter the [Hide] status. |
Basic Engraving[]
- Wisdom Engraving (M.ATK +0.44% per Engraving level)
- Each engraving level requires I.N. Flux - Metal x120 and Gold x25,000
Imprint Skill[]
The following Imprint Skill can be equipped on other Gyees and Avatars once unlocked.
Thunderbolt Skill Type: Passive Class Allowed: Mage Banned: Arcanist - Lightning | |
Stage 1 | |
Unlocked at Spec Level 10 Increases self's DMG Dealt by 3%, if the wearer is a [Metal] Flux Avatar or Gyee, additionally increases the damage by 7%. | |
Stage 2 | |
Unlocked at Spec Level 15 Reduces self's DMG taken from avatars or Gyees by 8%, and additionally reduces self's DMG taken from [Woods] flux avatars or Gyees by 16%. | |
Stage 3 | |
Unlocked at Spec Level 20 When battle begins, gains 3 stacks of [Thunderfall], 3 stacks of [Thunder Burst] and 3 stacks of [Thunder Release]
Default Skin Arcanist Avatar's Soul - Unlock with Arcanist Avatar's Soul x1 |
Model Default | |
Default | |
Front | Back |
Right | Left |
Model Soul | |
Default | |
Front | Back |
Right | Left |
Divine Envoy Unlock with Avatar Divine Envoy Skin Ticket x100 (exchange for Arcanist Divine Envoy Skin x100) |
Model | |
Default | |
Front | Back |
Right | Left |
Full Dress Unlock with Arcanist Full Dress Ticket x100 |
Model | |
Default | |
Front | Back |
Right | Left |
Normal | |
Surprised | |
Embarras | |
Unlucky | |
Happy | |
Sad | |
Note: Skins will use the audio from the basic skin unless indicated otherwise.
Arcanist's Basic Skin[]
- Arrival: The flux pass through me.
ENG CN JP - Display Voice 1: Hey! *grunts*
ENG CN JP - Hit: Dwhag!