Gyee Wiki

Honed through years spent in the frigid cold, Frost Arcanists have grasped the secret of the Water Flux. They can summon cold air to freeze enemies or Ice Spikes to penetrate them.

Frost Arcanist class icon

Frost Arcanist class icon


The Frost Arcanist is a secondary Spec that the player can unlock if they have access to the Lightning Arcanist.

The player needs the following resources to unlock the Frost Arcanist:

  • Water Flux Crystal x120
  • Gold x100,000

He starts with the following skills unlocked:

  • Basic Skill
    • Ice Arrow
  • Advanced Skill
    • Cold Land
  • Ultimate Skill
    • Glacier Spike
  • Mastery
    • Ice Messenger
    • Flux Combo
    • Defense

Leveling the Frost Arcanist with Water Flux crystals will randomly upgrade his existing skills and unlock others.


Basic Skill[]

Arcanist Frost skill 1

Ice Arrow
Cost: 10 Mana
Cool Down: None
Flux: Non-elemental
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Arcanist fires out a frost arrow to 1 enemy, dealing magical damage equal to M.ATK*[Skill Level] and slowing it by 10%. Grants 1 stack of [Icicle].
  • [Icicle]: While the effect is active, improves the target's Effect Hit Rate by 5%, grants 1 stack of [Icicle], stacking up to 5 times. Can be dispelled.

Skill Level

  1. 71%
  2. 79%
  3. 87%
  4. 95%
  5. 103%
Requires 55 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Cold Breath
    • Ice Arrow damage increases by 20%.
  • Icicle
    • Ice Arrow has a low chance to grant 1 stack of [Icicle].
      • [Icicle]: While the effect is active, increases the target's Effect Hit Rate by 5%, and gains 1 stack of [Icicle] before self acts. Stacking up to 5 times. Lasts until battle ends. Can be dispelled.

Advanced Skills[]

The Frost Arcanist can equip one of the following advanced skills:

Arcanist Frost skill 2.1

Cold Land
Cost: 45 Mana
Cool Down: 2 Rounds
Flux: Water
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Arcanist summons a frost enchantment under the enemy, dealing magical damage equal to M.ATK*[Skill Level] to 4 enemies with a high chance to [Freeze] the enemies for 2 rounds.
  • [Freeze]: While the effect is active, stops the target from casting any melee skills for 2 rounds.

Skill Level

  1. 117%
  2. 125%
  3. 133%
  4. 141%
  5. 149%
Requires 160 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Force of Frost
    • Cold Land damage increases by 15%.
  • Ice Bloodline
    • [Freeze] ignores the target's 50% resistance.
Arcanist Frost skill 2.2

Ice Spear
Cost: 45 Mana
Cool Down: 1 Round
Flux: Water
Type: Ranged
Unlocked at Spec Level 10
Skill Description
Arcanist throws 1 ice spear toward 1 enemy, dealing magical damage equal to M.ATK*[Skill Level]. Ice Spear deals damage x1.2 to targets affected by [Freeze].

Skill Level

  1. 204%
  2. 216%
  3. 228%
  4. 240%
  5. 252%
Requires 160 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Ever Ice
    • Increases Ice Spear's base damage by 50%.
  • Ever Ice Blade
    • Increases Ice Spear's extra damage dealt to [Freeze] targets to x1.7 (x1.2 when the passive skill is still locked).
Arcanist Frost skill 2.3

Frost Form
Cost: 45 Mana
Cool Down: 4 Rounds
Flux: Water
Type: Self
Purchase from the Inner Nexus shop for 10,920 points
Skill Description
Arcanist summons an ice shield, removes all controls and cleanses all curses, while gaining [Frost Form].
  • [Frost Form]: While the effect is active, the character becomes immune to all DMG and controls, but can only cast normal attacks and defend. Casting Normal Attacks will remove [Frost Form] and deal M.DMG equal to M.ATK*204% to all enemies, inflicting upon the main target [Freeze] (ignores Resistance; increases DMG to 3 times higher if the main target is not affected by Freeze; this effect cannot be inflicted on secondary targets), which lasts 2 rounds, with a high chance to inflict upon the remaining secondary targets [Freeze]. When Normal Attack is not cast, [Frost Form] can last up to 3 rounds.
Requires 160 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Frost Dominator
    • In the presence of [Frost Form], increases the damage of Normal Attacks by 20%.
  • Son of Northland
    • In the presence of [Frost Form], recovers health by 20% of Max HP before taking action each round.

Ultimate Skills[]

The Frost Arcanist can equip one of the following ultimate skills:

Arcanist Frost skill 3.1

Glacier Spike
Cost: 70 Mana
Cool Down: None
Flux: Water
Type: Ranged
Skill Description
Arcanist summons a huge ice thorn to pierce 1 enemy, dealing damage equal to M.ATK*[Skill Level] and releasing all [Icicles]. Each icicle deals magical damage equal to M.ATK *50%. Meanwhile, [Freezes] the enemy. The more the target is slowed, the higher the chance of [Freezing] it will be.
  • [Freeze]: While the effect is active, the target hit cannot cast any melee skills for 2 rounds.

Skill Level

  1. 353%
  2. 389%
  3. 425%
  4. 461%
  5. 527%
Requires 320 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Infinite Ice
    • Recovers 10 Mana if Glacier Spike hits targets affected by [Freeze].
  • Biting Frost
    • Glacier Spike damage increases by 10%.
  • Bitter Cold
    • When [Glacier Spike] hits targets affected by [Freeze], the damage dealt ignores their M.DEF.
Arcanist Frost skill 3.2

Polar Storm
Cost: 75 Mana
Cool Down: None
Flux: Water
Type: Ranged
Unlocked at Spec Level 15
Skill Description
Arcanist channels for 2 rounds, dealing magical damage equal to M.ATK *[Skill Level] to all enemies. Has a very high chance to inflict [Freeze II] on the primary target and an intermediate chance to inflict [Freeze I] on other targets. Removes self's [Icicle] when the channeling is done.
  • [Freeze I]: While the effect is active, targets affected cannot release any melee skills for 1 round.
  • [Freeze II]: While the effect is active, targets affected cannot release any melee skills for 2 rounds.

Skill Level

  1. 260%
  2. 271%
  3. 282%
  4. 293%
  5. 304%
Requires 320 Avatar Insight each to unlock
  • Break of Icicle
    • Polar Storm won't be interrupted while [Icicle] exists.
  • Freezing Embrace
    • For each target affected by [Freeze], increases 15% chance of [Freeze] triggered by Polar Storm; and increases damage by 8%.
  • Everlasting Winter
    • If Polar Storm [Freeze] all the enemies, the channeling will extend by 1 round. Each time casting Polar Storm triggers no more than 1 extra round.


The Frost Arcanist always has these skills available or active once they're unlocked:

Arcanist Frost skill 4

Ice Messenger
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
At the start of battle, Arcanist gains [Ice Messenger]. At the first round and at rounds that can be divided by 4, you gain [Frost Shield].
  • [Ice Messenger]:When the effect is active, Arcanist's damage increases by (31.50% + Mastery Bonus).
  • [Frost Shield]:When the effect is active, reduces PDMG reduced and applies [Slow] to the attacker when taking melee P.DMG.
  • [Slow]:When the effect is active, slows down the character's attack speed by 10%. Lasts 2 rounds.
Skill Flux Combo

Flux Combo
Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
Ignores the target's shield effects, reduces massive HP of all the enemies. The reduction value is related to the team's level and energy.
Skill Defense

Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Skill Description
While in the defense status, damage received decreases by 10% for 1 round.
Skill Hide

Cost: None
Cool Down: None
Unlocked at Spec Level 18
Skill Description
When you receive a fatal damage, has a chance to enter the [Hide] status.


Basic Engraving[]

  • Wisdom Engraving (M.ATK +0.44% per Engraving level)
    • Each engraving level requires I.N. Flux - Water x120 and Gold x25,000

Imprint Skill[]

The following Imprint Skill can be equipped on other Gyees and Avatars once unlocked.

Arcanist Frost class

Snow Lord
Skill Type: Passive
Class Allowed: DPS
Banned: Arcanist - Frost
Stage 1
Unlocked at Spec Level 10
Increases self's DMG Dealt by 3%, if the wearer is a [Water] Flux Avatar or Gyee, additionally increases the damage by 7%.
Stage 2
Unlocked at Spec Level 15
Reduces self's DMG taken from avatars or Gyees by 8%, and additionally reduces self's DMG taken from [Fire] flux avatars or Gyees by 16%.
Stage 3
Unlocked at Spec Level 20
When battle begins, gains [Snow Lord].
  • [Snow Lord], lasts 22 rounds, cannot be dispelled, removed upon defeat, and cannot be stacked up.
    • Reduces self's P.DMG taken by 35%
    • When attacked by a single-target physical attack, inflicts 1 stack of [Chill Wind] on the attacker.
  • [Chill Wind]: lasts 2 rounds, can be purified, removed upon defeat, and can stack up to 3 times.
    • Each stack reduces the carrier's Attack Speed by 15%.



Default Skin
Arcanist Avatar's Soul - Unlock with Arcanist Avatar's Soul x1
Arcanist full

Model Default
Arcanist Default
Front Back
Arcanist Front
Arcanist Back
Right Left
Arcanist Right
Arcanist Left

Model Soul
ArcanistSoul Default
Front Back
ArcanistSoul Front
ArcanistSoul Back
Right Left
ArcanistSoul Right
ArcanistSoul Left

Divine Envoy
Unlock with Avatar Divine Envoy Skin Ticket x100 (exchange for Arcanist Divine Envoy Skin x100)

ArcanistDiv Default
Front Back
ArcanistDiv Front
ArcanistDiv Back
Right Left
ArcanistDiv Right
ArcanistDiv Left

Full Dress
Unlock with Arcanist Full Dress Ticket x100

ArcanistDress Default
Front Back
ArcanistDress Front
ArcanistDress Back
Right Left
ArcanistDress Right
ArcanistDress Left


Arcanist Normal
Arcanist NormalG

Arcanist Surprised
Arcanist SurprisedG

Arcanist Embarras
Arcanist EmbarrasG

Arcanist Unlucky
Arcanist UnluckyG

Arcanist Happy
Arcanist HappyG

Arcanist Sad
Arcanist SadG


Note: Skins will use the audio from the basic skin unless indicated otherwise.

Arcanist's Basic Skin[]
